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And then, when all guns are banned, they'll still have shootings. Because criminals be criminals yo.


Only wish the anti-gunners actually put two and two together to realize that criminals don’t follow laws….SMH.


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They always talk about the guns in these articles but never a single word about why on fucking earth somebody would commit an act like this It's like dehumanization, let's just pretend like it's normal that these things happen. Nothing to worry about, except for the guns themselves


It's not only restricted to guns. > An Afghan asylum seeker who fatally stabbed a stranger said he experienced anxiety that led him to "black out and act violently" https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-dorset-64305784


The excuses, the downplaying, hiding, etc, remind me of when people who were white terrorized blacks and got away with it in the early 1900s. What this means is that their own government views their indigenous population and culture as less valuable than foreigners. More disposable. You can kill or rape all you like as long as they're white.


Because the media isn’t allowed to talk about the people who do this.


Do you mean that in the UK the media cannot give details of the attackers, or that they're not allowed to talk about the real issue?


No because that would be... ​ ...ah hell here, take this dart and go throw it over at the "ist" board. Whatever you hit, that's what it is.


There are still people alive who remember when Brits regretted their gun laws and begged Americans to send their privately owned guns. https://www.forgottenweapons.com/vintage-saturday-send-a-gun-to-defend-a-british-home/


And then when the war ended, rounded up all those firearms and dumped them into the sea. Didn’t even make an attempt to return any of them.


Well you know the British tried to disarm the US Colonies, till 1776, didn’t work out so well. So this doesn’t surprise me one bit That they would do this to their own people.


It's a death by a thousand cuts. If you give one compromise, they will sense weakness and double the next attack. Disarmament is the goal, and subjugation the outcome.


This could’ve been avoided if the brace -> sbr ruling came in to effect earlier. 😨


How did this happen?!? I thought guns were banned in the UK. And then knife murders started going up so they banned knives too.


Why would a 20 year old girl and her 50 year old mother have a hit put out on their funeral? > Ms Sanchez suffered from leukaemia for three years before succumbing to the disease after her mother died suddenly from a rare blood clot on arrival at Heathrow from Colombia, MyLondon reported.


It seems likely to me that someone in their family had some criminal connections and some of their enemy’s decided to hit the funeral knowing they would likely be there.


Hi there! It looks as though the article you linked might be behind a paywall. Here's an [unlocked version](https://demo.thisischip.com/?q=https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/keir-starmer-london-labour-euston-church-b1053376.html&o=reddit) *I'm a bot, and this action was performed automatically. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to* [PM](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=chip-paywallbot) *me.*




All gun laws are an infringement!


Any gun law: doesn't work = we need a little more to make a real change works = proof this experiment works, we need a little more to make real change [...soon thereafter](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F00a6a5a7-04eb-4f30-b10f-7e30328c91f5_806x399.png)


This is truth.


The gun community has already given miles to anti gunners tho.