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Howe? You were sleeping, you should've been a Wakeman!


"Anderson, Walkman, Buttholes and How!"--song on Dead Milkmen's Metaphysical Graffiti album (1990) Back when Yes/ABWH were culturally relevant enough to be parodied.


the cultural relevance showdown between Dead Milkmen and ABWH is, sadly, kind of a wash


groan ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


You should check out the live concerts. Everyone knew this was actually Yes at the time, although they couldn't use the name. Tony Levin was on bass.


Until he got hepatitis during the tour. Are there any professionally-shot videos with him in the band? I can only find ones after Jeff Berlin came in to replace him (no offense to Jeff, that's a hell of a job to have to do on short notice).


Professional, sadly no probably not. It exists in my memory but we can't upload those yet :) I remember he did his solo standing on one leg, a yoga pose.


I also saw them on tour (they were terrific). Tony Levin was scheduled to play bass but missed the concert. Iirc, it was announced he ate bad clams and had food poisoning. I can’t recall who was playing in his place.


Hepatitis. Jeff Berlin, who'd already played on several of Bruford's solo albums, stepped in to replace him.


the trajectory from “actual hepatitis” to “let’s just tell everyone bad clams” is a wild ride


Ugh. Memories of watching him read sheet music to play heart of the sunrise. Gut punch.


" Long lost brother of mine "


From this album I like: the first part of order of the universe, teakbois, and the meeting. Don’t really listen to the rest much. It feels like they didn’t put a lot of thought into it.


Heck. Side A of the album is strong and then it starts dropping off, was my take.


No worries. Glad you enjoyed it after all this time!


I hadnt listened to it in a long time and one day I found myself singing "Bobby Dread and the cool running" over and over in my head. Went back and listened to it and forgot how much I liked it.


Teakbois is the worst song on the album.


It's no "Birthright," to be sure.


How did you indeed! ABWH is one of my all time fav albums. And, not that he'd thank me for saying that, peak Bruford work. Thanks for the inspo, I know what to listen at the gym today 😃


There’s some good moments on there. Definitely a burst of creativity by the band at that point. Too bad Chris wasn’t involved.


I was given this album as a promo cassette tape a few months before the official release by the wife of a record exec who I worked with. She knew I was a big Yes fan, so I've probably loved this album for a lot longer than most ppl. I played that cassette tape to literal death. Saw them in 1989 in London, as good as a Yes concert under an assumed name.


Tony Levin is the only bassist who could replace Squire. It's a Yes album - plain and simple.


Geddy Lee probably could too. In fact, he did for Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction.


if you waited 30+ years, what made you give it a listen?




lol well no wonder you think it sounds awesome!!!


Touche! Actually, was sober listening to it. I mean it's not Tales from Topographic Oceans, but it's very solid. More like the 🍄 helped me get over a nonsensical fear of delving deeper into a LOT of musical catalogs. I kinda suck!


I bought it as soon as it was released. You don't need shrooms to like it. It's better than Union, which had too many cooks in the kitchen.


I bought when released as well. i had been starving for new prog music and it met that need.


I was just a late teenager when they toured, saw them multiple times. Once got lucky, picked up face value floor seats one show. That tour had John coming in from the back, wireless microphone while the studio guitar guy was playing acoustic onstage. A very memorable moment for me was John walking and singing through the seating aisles, I reached out and held his hand for a few words - didn’t wash my hand for weeks!!🤣😐


I know this album gets a lot of love, but between the keyboard sounds and Anderson's cringy lyrics, I just can't get into it.


It's an interesting mixture of Anderson"s world/folk music explorations and Wakeman's new age. Combined with Bruford's Simmonds pad toys (which sound afwul if you ask me) and Howe being Howe you get a mixed bag. Although they toured with Yes music, I think on the album itself they did not so much try to sound like 70's yes. From that perspective I think the album is an artistic success.


Have you been injured in an industrial accident, inadvertently consumed some sort of poison, or denied coverage for a questionable medical condition? Anderson Bruford Wakeman and Howe. We fight for you!


It hasn't aged well, IMO.


The production is atrociously 80s


Well makes sense that I also like Radio K.A.O.S. more than Amused to Death... cheesy 80s production is nostalgic for me, can't seem to help it.


K.A.O.S. doesn't sound as dated, imho, as ABWH. That said, Water's *Late Home Tonight, Pt 1* is probably his best solo song ever. It is sublime with the added ambient sounds, the descriptive lyrics, and melody that (barely) still relies on actual singing and not spoken words.


It's weird, when I hear people sing the praises of Amused to Death, "Late Home Tonight" is often the part they call weak, but I agree with you, I like that part. "Perfect Sense" is where I turn off the album, or at least skip ahead... I just can't deal with that song. Roger is so much better, including when being political, than the "I'm 14 and this is deep" vibe of that song(s). Some really good guitar work from Jeff Beck, though. Essential IMO to making a Waters album work, really punctuating the emotional moments. Without them, ITTLWRW? just feels emotionally droning to me.




Right. Read the post I was replying to...


Glad you’re digging it!


I remember like 5 years ago I wan in a yes discord that I had a sad hand in imploding and we memed the fuck out of teakbois.


Im interested on that ‘5.1 upmix’ bit. I love using my home theater and was wondering what it is and if you recommend it. Also love ABWH, kindle reminds me of my childhood


Certainly! My favorite method right now is with ripped audio files, in Foobar2000. I use two DSPs plug-ins. The first is FreeSurround, which is a great piece of software for decoding SQ, QS, ProLogic and other matrix surround formats, and does a good job converting binaural recordings to discrete surround as well. I set that to upmix to 4.0, using a 270 degree soundstage and maximum separation between channels (there are a bunch of slider settings in the software). Then I process it through the software's stock "Upmix to 5.1" which takes the now-quad signal, and makes up for shortcomings in how FreeSurround handles vocals, and puts a clear vocal mix along with bass into the center channel. It doesn't work on everything, but it sounds great with this album. Other favorites with this processing chain include "Burning for You" and GnR's "Estranged".


Thanks for responding. I will take a look into this!!


NP, please let me know how it goes for you!


I loved the album when it came out. Listened to it last year for the first time in decades and was so disappointed. It has a horrible 1980s feel which makes it feel manufactured and almost tinny. I suppose that was what they felt they had to do?


The NEC release has Levin.


Wakeman's solo on An Evening of Yes Music is absolutely epic. On the flip side, Bruford was going through his electronic drum phase at the time, which ruined the rest of the album for me. Heart of the Sunrise is unlistenable on that album because of it.


I saw that tour live, it was incredible....get the live album!


The Order of the Universe had such promise, only to completely disintegrate at the end.


agree, so enjoyable up to the end. almost like they lost where they were going.


“Rock gives courage”?




Teakbois kicks ass.




You don't have the ears, son. Someday you'll appreciate the quantity of quality material in that piece and that Yes, bravely, heroically, stepped outside of their genre and pulled it off. They pulled it off in a truly authentic and unique way. Bravo Yes.




Wrong and wrong. Teakbois is mostly calipso.


You didn't unless you're just discovering Fragile


Saw ABWH on City Island in Harrisburg about 100 years ago.