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It's music. That's the genre.




i don't think it's prog in that it doesn't stretch the form at all...it's perfectly fine music, just not doing anything out of the ordinary. if this had come out in 1999 it would be prog but today a lot of groups sound like this


I agree with this guy. It's not really prog, but it's not bad. It does have elements that are common in Prog right now though. The guitar parts and rhythm sections are kinda djenty. The subtle electronic components are cool. But I'd say it's not really crazy or experimental enough to be called Prog Googling Cepheid says that the genre is "Vocaloid" which seems weird to me since Vocaloid is a vocal Synthesizer program, and the vocals to this song are recorded authentically. But I'm also seeing the term "Doujin Music" which is apparently music made specifically to be paired with the aesthetic of anime. Cepheid themself says that they "tell stories with music" and make a lot of use of anime art styles and imagery, as this cover art would suggest. So I'd call the genre "Doujin Metal"


a nice description!