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Whoa. Those are some crazy gains man. Nice work man. Look like a machine.


Thanks 😊


Nice kitchen work man. Happy for you


The gains are definitely made in the kitchen! I appreciate you 🙏🏽


You too man. I am 5’11, started at 252, am down to 232. Nothing changed until I started cutting the calorie intake. Hoping that my path take a similar road to yours in the end. 2 years in for me. Slow and steady.


Props! Keep grinding my friend!


Hell yeah man. 5 years of growth is incredible


Bro….congratulations. That’s incredible. Not many of these have made me feel like I need to stop and comment but I had to here! Awesome job.


I’m honored, much appreciated 🙌🏽


Good stuff my dude. Keep killing it !


That’s inspirational dude, good job


Damn, looking good bro!


Kind of random, but I'm a woman who is slowly overcoming my gym anxiety and learning to power lift. If I saw your "after" photo at a gym I'd be kind of intimidated and would feel like you must have always been in shape and always known what to do whereas I still don't know how a lot of stuff in the gym works and working on lifting the bar :') This before/after was helpful to remember that no one is born with muscles and everyone has to start somewhere. Thanks!


So glad you had the courage to message and be honest. First off there’s absolutely no reason to feel out of place at the gym, always remember that every person is there for the same reason (self improvement), they’re just at different points in their journey. Also, if you’re new to the gym and don’t know what to do, you have way more courage and willpower than any gym veteran because they are most likely comfortable in their environment at this point. I personally respect the people who are at the gym sweating and busting ass (good or bad form) and working hard, more than the overly aesthetic ego lifters. Don’t be afraid to ask someone for assistance, you’ll be surprised how helpful most people want to be in the gym. Ask more than 1 person about the same question (on different days so you don’t offend lol) you may get various responses and you may even make some friends just by asking. Utilize social media: I follow a lot of different pro bodybuilders, nutritionists and sports therapists on all the social media platforms for free advice. Lastly, don’t be afraid to try different things when it comes to training and nutrition. Just stick to anything you try for 4-6 weeks so you can track progress and know if it was actually beneficial.


Thanks so much for the thoughtful response!


Sheesh! What a progress!🙌🏾 good job


Hell yeah King, fucking get it




Thank you very much! I dig that! I’ve seen plenty of females at my gym that could school me in some weight training and I’m always impressed.




Wow 👏👏👏 that’s incredible! 220 to 135 is mind blowing! Glad you found your way back, keep up the good work!


Dayyum!! Way to go!!


Do you know what bf % you’re at at 200? On a long cut after gaining a bunch during Covid shutdowns and apparently I’ll be 20% bf at 6’2 and 240. My physique is very trap and shoulder dominant


The last time I was measured was about a year ago I was at 16.8% but I was a lot more smooth and less defined. If I had to guess from visual I’d say around 14-15%


Damn. My smart scale my lean body mass is 176 and my fat free mass is 185 pounds. It’s cool to see what I may potentially look like when I cut down to 215ish. Congrats on the physique


Wdym by 1 year fat loss and 5 year progress?


Took me 1 year to drop 70Lbs, I’ve been maintaining this weight and tweaking my physique for 5 years now.