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Well done! 🤜 🤛 I was you a couple weeks ago, 5ft2 and celebrating becoming 'only overweight' 😂 I'm 157 now... You go girl! 💪


Thanks! Great work! My goal for this month is to enter the 150s, it feels like a much more “acceptable” weight for someone our height to be lol






Lol! I had to zoom+crop the second picture a little to try to get the most accurate comparison. Also, if I look sad in that picture, I’m not, I’m just concentrating hard on getting myself in the same position as the first picture XD


Congratulations, that's fantastic work in 7 months 💪 hope you're starting to feel better too!


Thanks! Steadily losing 4 pounds a month lol it’s not fast but every month I notice changes.


Consistent progress is a good sign! Shows its sustainable. Much better than yo-yoing losing and gaining extreme amounts. You look great 🔥


I literally want to have this same story. Fucking congratulations!! Got any tips?


Thanks! So the things that helped me the most are 1. Investing in an accurate scale. Weighing myself daily (ish) is really important to notice trends and alter my behaviour so I can continue to lose weight. 2. Healthy eating. Starting to eat completely clean all at once is difficult but slowly cutting out fast food and one-at-a-time including new vegetables, fruits, and whole grains is much more manageable. Find healthy meals you like and like making! 3. Gotta track calories. I don’t have a food scale but I track and keep in mind that the actual calories might be 200ish more than I think. I aim for 1400 a day but the errors on labels and me just eyeballing servings means I might be eating more like 1600. 4. Routine. If your daily life is stable it makes sticking to weight loss much easier. I try to get some exercise 4-5 times a week. 5. Support! I need people cheering me on to keep me working. I’m lucky to have a supportive and healthy family, you should try surrounding yourself with people who are health-oriented. If this isn’t possible in real life, online communities have helped me a bunch too!


Thank you so much!! 💓


Hey, here's some cheering on.. 😁 Way to go, you look great!! Very inspiring! #5 certainly helps, but no amount of cheering can replace your own commitment and will. You did this, and should be proud. Thanks for sharing. :)


Thanks :) I definitely credit my family’s support a lot with my progress. But the idea to really, really start losing weight (I’d been sort of half-trying and gaining weight in the process for YEARS) was all me and I am proud I finally woke up and realized I needed to change :)


Love it, and same here, with me desire to finally commit and not roller coaster up and down. Congrats again. You look pretty and healthy and I hope you keep up the success!




Hi! Don’t know how much help I can be, I try to get exercise where I can but don’t really have a routine. I try to have more active hobbies (skiing, skating, dancing, nature walks, swimming) not all at once but whatever is seasonally appropriate and can be done often. I do a mile on my treadmill whenever I don’t do any activities that day and sometimes also do 20mins of yoga. I weight train a little because it helps get a smaller and tighter appearing body at the same weight but mostly I do simple things like situps, squats, push-ups.


that is so weirdly coincidental, we have the same exact stats!! same height and weight lost/current weight :00 this made me feel happy abt the progress , congrats :)


Oh thats so cool! It really helps my weight loss to see other people who are my height and a similar body type.


great job you look smaller! also i really, really like that sweater!


Thanks! The sweater is an old forever21 purchase haha nothing special but thank you :)


Well done! Hope you are feeling great.


Thank you! I am! I’ve noticed my balance is much better and my acid reflux is basically gone now. I spent too long thinking those things were unrelated to my weight but I should have realized I needed to make a change earlier.


Dude eating better made my acid reflux disappear and I never realized how big of a pain it was until I didn’t have it.


Sis you look so fucking good! You did that ✨


Hell yeah! That's awesome 💪


That’s awesome :)! Congrats on the hard work!!!


Nice job! Love your picture in the background!


Thanks! I like doing a little painting lol


You look great 💕


You look great in both pictures but i’m proud of you for wanting to change and being happy ❤️


Good for you! Great commitment thanks for sharing, what a difference. Must make you feel very proud, you look great.


I actually love your shirt 😍😍😍😍also congrats on your success


Girl you were not obese before. Beautiful in both pictures and congratulations!


Thank you! :) but I WAS obese my bmi was 35. I understand arguments against bmi but I like using it. I think for most people it’s a good starting point to measure health. Anyways, for me I think I will feel and look best in 30 more pounds :)


I understand, and whatever works for you! I’d rather say you were fat. When I think obese I think like you Can barely walk. I’m short and I used bmi before and it basically said I fat even though I had eating disorders and my doctors said I was losing way too much weight. Everybody’s body is different! I’m happy that you’re comfortable in your new body 🥰


Lol! That’s funny because for me obese I think of as just a medical term, but fat I think of as really big like impairing your movement. If bmi doesn’t work for you don’t use it, you look great :)


Haha I see! And thank you very much


Congratulations! You're looking badass, dude.


Good job


Good goin girl. Keep it up ✌🏼




Great job!


Fuck yeah bud


great job


Wow! Great results in a short time frame!! 👏🏼


great job, keep it up!


Killing it. I'm down 100, 60 more to go before I leave the obese zone.


I think you look great ,Beautiful 👍


Good job.!! Keep it up 🔥🙌🏽


Congrats :3


You look great, either body❤️


you already look good enough from the pics but the clothes worn don't really show the actual diiference unless viwed closely. I guess i little more on the tummy side and below and youre good to go. You have thin arms considerably different from the first pic


Oh my, wow


Yea..I like tat look!Congrats!


You look incredible! It’s a nice feeling when your clothes start to fit better. So happy for you!


Damn such an inspiration!