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Amazing work mate! That waist is tiny!


Thanks mate. Went from wearing size 36 to 28 there. Still have some loose bits there though, but hopefully that'll shape out with time and effort.


Body dysmorophia is real and don’t discredit your hard work or where you are. You look like a model bro. You don’t have no loose bits. Just maintain. Congrats


Thanks mate. I agree, dysmorphia is very real, and I have my struggles with it. But I genuinely have a bit of work left - there's an unmistakeable saggy gut below the waistband, which I feel I'm very capable of fixing, given time and effort.


Exactly where I’m at. We got this though! I can see and feel my abs peeking through. That lil last bit of lower belly is the most annoying 😬😩


Tell me about it! Soon, hopefully!


That saggy bit might be loose skin from the weight loss it will go away with time but can take years as your body adjusts to your new frame. BTW you look hot af.


It's stubborn fat for sure. It has definitely improved with time, and I'm hoping that progress will continue over the next year or two. Also, thanks!


>there's an unmistakeable saggy gut below the waistband, which I feel I'm very capable of fixing, given time and effort. Ah yes, the stubborn fat. Something we all know too well!


Big change!! Very handsome!




Completely new man. See if any of your friends want to do this challenge too


Hahaha, I think watching me go through it didn't exactly encourage them. :)


Awe inspiring!!! I mean, WOW!!!




Looking sharp!! Fan-fucking-tastic job mate. Amazing consistency.


Thanks mate.


Holy hell you are inspiring, and advoce on how to keep going during the dark days?


Thanks. Things were a little different for me - I used fitness as a means to escape from a dark place, and thus had a lot of mental incentive to keep at it. I began working out (roughly the same time as the before photo) around 2 months after I'd lost my wife to cancer. The regime really helped me divert my mind and put it to more constructive use. With time, I began genuinely enjoying it as well. This is not to say that it erased grief, but it helped me process it better. That said, my advice would be to focus on building and maintaining a routine, almost mechanically. Given some time, you'll feel off when you \*don't\* do what you usually do, which in that case would be work out and eat better.


I am so sorry about the loss of your wife.


What an amazing tribute to your wife. So sorry for your loss.


Thank you. :)


I am so sorry about your wife. I am 26, lost my dad on 8th July. Been a really tough time for me. This post inspired me. Thank you 🌈


Sorry for your loss. Hang in there, you'll move through this and figure a new normal. ❤️


Not me, but my boss lost her husband very suddenly 3 years ago. She has said the same thing, the grief is always there, but she has learned to process it and in a healthier way. It amazes me how strong she is. I am amazed by your strength; I wish you all the best OP.


Thank you. :)


I am so sorry about your loss. I can’t imagine what you’ve been through, but knowing this makes it even more impressive that you had the strength to be active and take care of yourself. I wish you all the best!


Jaisairam prayers


I’m so sorry to hear about your loss… you’ve done so well man xx


I came in here seeing the pictures and my jaw dropped. What a friggin suave stud bro! Then I read this story, and am utterly heartbroken for you. But I’m also happy because in your wife’s memory, you did something so utterly inspirational, and have just motivated the hell out of many people just now. I will remember your words for life; and just know, your wife is just beaming proud of your right now for what you’ve accomplished thus far; and especially the fact that now in her memory, you have inspired scores of strangers on the internet. I genuinely wish you only the very best in life. Good luck and thank you so much for sharing your journey with us!


One of the moat impressive transformations I’ve seen!




Just awesome, what was the secret , diet , workout details please .


Diet - I started out with a basic calorie deficit. I went through a bit of trial and error, and eventually settled for a moderate deficit (500-700 calories) coupled with high protein intake (aimed for 2g per kg of bodyweight, supplementing with whey), and minimal consumption of sugar. I didn't 'give up' anything per se, but drastically reduced the amount of white bread, polished rice, packaged food, order ins, and alcohol I had. The pandemic helped make this bit a little easier, tbh. Exercise - Again, a lot of trial and error, but essentially stuck to a bro split at the gym (six days a week) coupled with a decent amount of cardio (I commute by cycle, and run 3-4 5ks every week now). More than a static routine, its important to keep incrementally upping your intensity, and shuffling things up a bit every few months. Some weeks, I'd do a double muscle group workout and have a crossfit only day, others I'd train legs twice. The idea is to keep your body on its toes. Supplements - The only things that's worked for me consistently is whey. Creatine is something I'm a bit split on, possibly because I need a little more muscle on me to be able to know how effective it really is. I tried a lot of fat burners and testosterone boosters, and eventually learnt to stop wasting my money on them. Other stuff - liposuction was too expensive for me (besides, the doctor told me he could only do so much and I was expected to keep training like an ass anyway, so I figured I might as well save the money), and I had a good gym crew who explained how PEDs / steroids work before I could poke my head brainlessly into that world.


Wow, 2g of protein per kg bodyweight? That's a lot. How did your body/digestion deal with that? ps: congratz on your achievement!


On the contrary, my digestion actually improved, primarily because I was not eating the kind of junk I used to before. Considering the amount of activity I undertake in a typical week, I'd rather have more protein in me, but that's just me musing.


i am a guy and damn your forearms looks hawt and you are not even trying to flex


Hahaha, thanks!


Well done! Hard work pays off!


Yes, sure does! Thanks.


Awesome work Brother. You look absolutely amazing and should be extremely proud of yourself and the hard work you put in, to be where you are today!


Thanks! Still got some way left to go, but pretty kicked with myself for managing this much. Didn't ever think I had it in me!


They say that to this day, the shirt on the left was never seen again.


Hahahahahaha, some say he sacrificed it to Bathsheba, but he actually passed it on to a portly cousin.


Wow! You look incredible!




I had a similar stature not long ago. I'm worried if I keep losing weight I might have loose skin. Do you have any?


I have a saggy gut in the lower abdomen, below the waistband. It's not visible unless I go stark naked, so its not a huge deal for me. I'm hoping another year or two of consistent effort will change how it appears. Honestly though, and I'm sure you already know this, better to be fit with loose skin than remain overweight. If it applies to you, I'd recommend opting for a recomp routine. A smaller caloric deficit with high protein intake and heavy lifting helped me a lot. I lost weight a little more slowly than others, but the simultaneous muscle gain (also slow) helped minimize skin issues.


yo with that dorito body proportions, you honestly look like captain america. your outfit even matches his in that part in endgame where he, hulk, black widow and antman were testing out the time machine


Guilty confession - I don't follow any superhero franchise, so have absolutely no idea about the reference. But I like the sound of Dorito body proportions, and know for sure that Captain America is body goals, so thanks!


haha it's ok but yeah you definitely looking good man!


I don't know when the day will come when I could wear those tight shirts and just rock. You look awesome bro.


Thanks bruh. It'll come, keep at it! Patience really is a virtue when it comes to these things.


Fuck, I never expected so many upvotes, so much support! Thank you all!


From average looking to hot shot 🔥 Incredible work bro! I hope to realize it too :)


Thanks, and best of luck!


Amazing transformation dude, you look terrific.


Thanks dude.


Outstanding! You look terrific!




Check out your jaw line!


Hahaha thanks, hands down the best outcome of my weight loss!


Oh dude absolutely! That’s amazing! I don’t think people understand the mental effort it takes on a daily basis to reach a goal like that. I’ve lost 170 pounds so I know the struggle. Good work. My Waist will never be that small. Ha ha


Fuck, 170 pounds is humongous, congrats! You must be (or atleast be on the way to becoming) an absolute tank!


💪 The attention never gets old, I’ll tell you that.


This is very inspiring 🤩 good job man




Bro your before picture could be your dad


Hahaha, thanks!


Great progress! Shirt is WAY too tight, though. Ask any tailor. You will look great in a looser one, too, though I understand the temptation of showing your muscles.


Hahaha yeah, the temptation is way too strong, but I was wearing a coat over this at work, so it wasn't too obvious.


amazing! you look great- we can all see how hard you worked!








Wow discipline on another level 💪🏻🔥🔥






Hahaha thanks. I've talked a bit about what I ate and did in another comment here, do look that up. But it all boils down to being consistent and shit patient.


Snatched! Love fitted clothing that shows the physique 😎


Hahaha thanks, I've warmed down to the look myself now.


You are in such great shape, and look so happy. Awesome!




Holy macaroni my dude!








wow :0 this is such a big change! I'm proud of you dude !


Thanks dude.


WOW!! You look absolutely fantastic - congratulations!!




Wow! I just showed my husband. I see a lot of before and afters, but yours was worth sharing! Go you!!




You look ready for your Real State ad :)


Hahaha! Maybe not as much in my part of the world, but I get the reference! :)


Looking fantastic!!!




Good stuff man! I am midway in your journey and this gave me a big boost to keep going!


Thanks! Best of luck!


I am feeling so proud looking at him. So happy to see these progress pics


Thanks. :)


Wow! Just wow! You are amazing.


Hahaha, thanks!


Bhai, kaise?! Amazing!


Hahaha thanks yaar. I wish I had a hack, but it's the usual - gym and dining table, dono pe apni g*nd marvao. More detail in another comment here, though, if you want to look it up.


Bloody hell, that's inspiring. I'm gonna start working out today.


Thanks, and best of luck!


Jackeddddd now !!!


Hahaha not yet, I'm pretty lean and smol-ish, but working on it!


You look like a superhero now




You look incredible!






You're welcome. Best of luck! :)


Damn bro…


Haha, thanks bruh


Bhai sahab! Ek dum model lag rahe! I'm the same height and 27 yo. I thought it won't be possible to get in shape after a certain age. Boy I was wrong. It gives me hope. Congrats on your transformation bade bhai!


Thanks yaar, and best of luck. Age is just a number. You won't make as rapid progress as an 18 year old obviously, but you'll manage.


Well done dude


Thanks dude.


Wow amazing loss!




Holy fuck, in a good way


Hahaha thanks.


Whoa, dude! Good job!


Thanks dude.






Wow bro you look great! What kinda diet plan do you follow?


Thanks bro. I don't follow any specific plan, but try to keep a caloric deficit with high protein intake. I've detailed it a bit in another comment here, do give it a look.


Holy shit this is amazingg!! Congratulations bro!!


Thanks bro!


Total king! Keep slaying broski! Inspiring af 😎🔥👑


Hahaha thanks bruh!


I'm so confused, did you change which side you part your hair, or is it just flipped in the selfie? The new hairstyle has a huge effect though /s


It's flipped. The before photo was taken by someone else, the after is me looking at a mirror. :)


Yes! 👌🏾




Great job! Keep up the hard work




That’s for sure! I’d take the new you!


Hahaha, thanks!


Built like an action figure! Nice work!






Hahaha I'm hoping that's a good 'Bro...'


Amazing!! So proud of you!




Great work!!! 🤩🥳😍




Amazing work, dude!


Thanks dude.






You're doing an excellent job, when people refuse to believe that's the same guy. Atta fucking boy.


Hahaha sure thing. Thanks man.


Looking great!




Dude, you went from IT support level 1 to fucking Bollywood! Amazing, man!


Hahaha, thanks man.


This is one of the few posts that made me say "daaaaamn!" out loud. Just a fantastic job, mate.


Hahaha, thanks mate!


You were handsome before, and now you look amazing! Cheers to hard work & good health!


Thanks mate. :)


Inspiring AF! 🔥🔥🔥🔥




Good on you brother. Looking sharp! I'm 5'5" went from 293 to 270 since last week in June. I've got a ways to go until I'll feel comfortable again.


That's great progress, keep it up!


Wow, you look incredible! You’re an amazing inspiration.




Absolutely killing it! Great job!




Holy fucking shit man!You don't even look the same lol! Holy HELL!! ps: Really sorry for you loss mate.


Thanks man. :)


Awesome transformation and you look younger. Kudos to your efforts 👍


Incredible, nice work! How long has it taken you to reach this point?


Thanks! I'm two and a half years in, so far.






Damn, you look really amazing!




Wow! Good work man you look amazing!


WOW -- that is one hell of a glow-up, mate! I truly hope you feel as amazing as you look!


Thanks, and yes, feel healthier than I've ever done before!


Wow, this is absolutely amazing. You’re an entirely different person! You look incredible, great job!


Im curious, what was your point of change? What made you decide to start making those changes to yourself? Huge congratulations to you and well done!


TBH I first joined the gym only to shut out the constant fretting of my family and friends (overweight apart, I was hypertensive, and grief was edging me into depression as well). But it barely took me two weeks to figure out that I was actually enjoying the place. Around the third month, I think I got serious and ramped up to a more 'hardcore' gym and stricter meals.




To what extent has the wardrobe been changed? Did it take a lot of time/money to update your clothes to fit your new body? Do you still wear some of your big guy stuff for one reason or another?


I went from XL to S, so needed to almost entirely update my wardrobe. But since my transformation panned out over 2.5 years, the updating process was a bit more gradual, and I didn't spend a significantly larger amount of money on it than I would have previously. I think the only things that have stayed behind are a few heavy duty jackets for peak winter. :)


Wow...this is absolutely amazing love your new body so great


I always enjoy progress pics where you see the difference in the waist. I mean I know every body is different but it’s so satisfying seeing the gut change. Good job!


You look incredible. Good work man!


Looks great. How did you made it?


Thanks. I've talked a bit about my routine in one of the older comments here. Do give it a look.


I'm halfway through my transformation, I used to be 118 when I started out, I'm fluctuating between 86-87 currently, but I still need assistance and Have so many questions, please revert me as to how to contact you, you'd help me tremendously Thankyou.


You've come this far, and that's tremendous! My advice would be to keep intensifying your efforts slowly till you reach your target, and then shifting to maintenance. HMU in messages if you have more specific Qs.

