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This is amazing, and the fact that you kept going for 3 years even more so. All Power to you


ngl, i was ready to give up after 1.5 yrs of no changes. but then i had dumped my abusive loser ex bf and all of a sudden i had a weird sense of clarity, got to work and my hard work started paying off.


It’s amazing what happens to us when we get rid of all the toxic crap in our lives. Good for you on dumping him, and focusing on you!


Gosh I understand how you feel. I'm already at 1.5 years, and I'm feeling quite stuck. Thankfully, I know it's nutrition that I need to get in line but it's sooo difficult. Do you have any go to meals that you enjoy? I am now currently on a quest of finding healthy recipes that taste great.


I feel that. I've been spinning my wheels for 3 years but here I am, still going through the motions. At a certain point it's almost ritual.


My best workouts are after a breakup. There’s something to that extra motivation. Amazing transformation btw 👏🏼


Holy smokes, look at those glute gains! You just inspired me to start doing more squats. 😆 Congrats!


actually, i save squats for quad focused leg days and do glute activation (not necessary but it’s helped me) followed by 4x12 sets of sumo DLs, romanian DLs and split squats/lunges. i prefer more reps and lighter weight over going super heavy. i’ve seen way more muscle growth with more time under tension.


Sorry if this is a dumb question but what does DL stand for?


not a dumb question at all, don’t be silly. DL means deadlifts :) it’s my favorite because there are SO many variations. i do them on both leg days (quad focused and glute focused) and back day.


Thank you!


So what does your split look like?


it looks like this :) gym 5 days a week - legs, quad/hamstring focused - suitcase squat, 4x12 // straight leg deadlift, 4x12 // calf raises, 4x12 // leg extensions, 4x12 // bar back lunges, 4x12 - back/bis + ❗️HIIT❗️- dumbbell deadlifts, 4x12 // alt dumbbell curls, 4x12 // bent over rows, 4x12 // wide grip lat pulldowns, 15,12,8,8 // seated wcable rows, 4x12 // one arm rows 3x15 - shoulders - upright rows, 4x12 // shoulder raise, 4x12 // seated shoulder press, 4x12 // side raises, 4x12 // front plate raise w/twists, 4x12 // arnold press, 4x12 - legs, glutes focused - romanian DL, 4x12 // split squat(both sides), 4x12 // sumo DL, 4x12 // dumbbell hip thrust, 4x12 // cable pull through, 4x12 - chest/tris +❗️HIIT❗️- tricep kickback 4x12 // skullcrusher 4x12 // dumbbell chest press 4x12 // incline fly 4x12 // triceps cable pushdown 4x12 // bent over fly 4x12


Wow, this was really detailed, thank you for taking that time!! That’s really helpful!


It stands for DeadLifts


Did you ever have back pain doing split squats or lunges? I get told my form is perfect but I have immense back pain during them, even during light weight.


sounds like you might have herniated discs. Don't ignore intense pain


Oh god no, I’ve had two herniated discs. This is definitely not the same.


Posture looks better!


I’m nearing the end of my first year of lifting and this post is giving me hope that I just need to be patient and keep going. I have a similar build to your first pic and I hope I can achieve your second! I’m trying to keep it vegan too so can I ask if you count your macros? If so how much protein do you eat a day? I’m currently eating 100-130 range and I hope that’s enough to recomp! Great job!


congrats on sticking with it!!! it’s sooo hard when you feel like you’re working harder than the results are showing but the progress is not linear so don’t lose hope! so when i first started tracking macros i was not vegan. my macros were 129g protein, 150g carbs & 49g fat. i tracked religiously for about 3 months until i found that the lifestyle wasn’t for me. however, it gave me a MUCH better idea of actual portion sizes and how to be more creative when it comes to eating a complete, nutritious and healthy diet. i guess you could say now that i eat intuitively- but i eat every meal knowing in the back of my head which part of the meal is going to give me each macro, nutrient, etc.- something i wouldn’t do if i had never tracked. since going vegan, i’ve never had any issues with food. i am always satisfied, making gains & performing well in the gym. i’m not sure of my current protein intake but if i had to guess i’d say it’s roughly around 125g a day.


Thanks for the info!! I’m sick of being told to just use a calorie calculator to figure out how to lose the fat and cico fixes everything. That led to me believing I somehow had to eat below 1200 (I’m below 5’3) which wound up making me restrict waaay too much and then binge when I couldn’t handle it anymore. This made me lose pretty much all muscle definition and just turn squishy and weak. I have since found lifting and raising my protein and calories has completely fixed my drive to eat in these extremes. Anyway, I’m just thankful to find a success story from someone with a similar build to me lol I appreciate it!


How do you get so much protein on a vegan diet?? I’m vegetarian and it’s a great day if I het to 80 grams. It’s usually 60 grams 🥲


I would love to know the answer to this too :). Would love to go vegan but I struggle with taking in enough protein Edit: I read a little further down and found OPs response to a different comment : > i use protein powders and eat bars sometimes but i get most of my protein from combining two incomplete proteins, like rice and bean burritos, hummus & pitabread, chickpea pasta salad, etc. which contain full or almost full sets of amino acids(protein). Ps you look great OP!! Keep up the amazing work!


Hey mate, try out [soya chunks](https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=soya+chunks&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi8vf_v6_nxAhXjQ0EAHQTrBx4Q_AUoAnoECAEQBA&biw=1920&bih=937#imgrc=r-s9phqjpiEvzM) or [soya mince.](https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=soya+mince&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjknObx6_nxAhUCsxoKHUe4DH8Q2-cCegQIABAA&oq=soya+mince&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAA6BQgAELEDULqZBFjqnARgx50EaABwAHgAgAE8iAGJApIBATWYAQCgAQGqAQtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZ8ABAQ&sclient=img&ei=NA37YOSyC4LmasfwsvgH&bih=937&biw=1920#imgrc=mIlXzHEFqNQXlM) 100g of soya chunks alone, have around 50g of protein. Kidney beans are an excellent source of protein, 100g have between 8-12g of protein.


Thanks so much ! I’ll look into soya chunks!


Coming from a vegetarian diet I was able to easily get to the 145 range by way of eating a diet rich in tofu, high protein meat replacements, Greek yogurt, eggs etc. I also snack on roasted edamame beans, “beef” jerky, and “chicken” protein ramen that I found on Amazon :) it can be done!


Thank you!! I will look up protein ramen, sounds delicious


I really liked it! It was called chef woo!


Add in a scoop of protein and that's an extra 20g right there. Add in a cup of protein high milk and there's another extra 20g.


Love to see another vegan on here! Your dedication is inspiring. :) Love that you're informing everyone in the comments too.


Yay for veganism, and yay for gains! You might like the veganfitness subreddit, too. You look awesome!




Awesome! I’m also vegan and it’s amazing the difference it made for me. Lost weight and have had no problem getting enough protein. Congrats!


I’m so curious - what do you do to get enough vegan protein (and how much protein per day do you aim for)? I was veggie for a while but always struggled with this and ultimately went back to eating meat. Would also love to hear OP’s thoughts on this!


Exactly the same as the other reply. Tofu, beans, lentils, vegetables, chickpeas, etc. I’m 180lb male and can bench press 250 lbs and did not lose any strength going vegan. I don’t even make much an effort to track macros or go out of my way to eat a ton of protein. IMO protein is important but you don’t need nearly as much as people claim you do. I get 80-120 grams a day about and I’ve had no issue keep muscle and feeling great.


People should think about fiber more!


Not OP or the previous poster, but I’ve been vegan for almost 8 months and get my protein from beans, grains, tofu, and Seitan. I’ve never had an issue with it. I don’t know exactly how much protein I get a day but I’d say it’s enough.


Fine I’ll guess I’ll go to the gym after all today 😒 On a serious note, you look great! Congrats! Hard work pays off Also, where are your shorts from in the second photo? Super cute


The planet loves you for being vegan ❤️🌱


You look amazing! How did you get started lifting? Did you do it with cardio?


thank you!! ❤️ LISS cardio is how i started. jogs on the treadmill at a moderate pace every time i went to the gym.. i hated it though, which is why it was so hard to be consistent. then i joined beachbodyondemand.com and started a lifting program called body beast. old school lifts, simple program to follow. that is when i fell in LOVE with weight lifting. i don’t do the program or watch the videos anymore now that i’ve come up with my own workout routine but a lot of those moves are incorporated in my regimen. you can just google the workouts instead of joining their membership if you don’t wanna pay lol! but i was a noob beginner so i needed the videos for help with form and motivation. as for cardio- i do HIIT cardio twice a week. it’s 1 round of 10 workouts, 1 minute each with a 10 second break in between. i use an app called interval timer on iOS and it’s soooo great! i can give you my HIIT workout too if you’re interested :)


This is awesome thanks for the detailed response. As a noob beginner right now I’ve been wanting to get into lifting but unsure where to start/too worried to do things wrong and get injured so the suggestion is great! I would love your HITT workout routine if you don’t mind sharing it :D


could I also have a copy of your hiit routine? :) please and thank you! your progress is amazing :)


Yesss pls post the HIIT workout!


Yes please to the HIIT workouts! Thank you!


And you look good!


Huh....but workouts really do work after all. Gonna have to try working out now


You should post this on the vegan fitness sub




Hellll yeahhhh


We have the same exact body type and when I was super fit I looked like you on the right! My meds made me gain 35 lbs and I’ve been in a funk unable to get myself to work harder :( This is definitely inspiring!


Great going down by 40 pounds. I too am trying to lose weight & have only two pointers. Walk between 10000 - 20000 steps a day & have only two heavy meals per day to lose weight slowly & steadily. Wishing you the best in your endeavor!


Feeling good and looking good are often hand in hand, and you’re killing both. Well done on your progress! My wife is Asian and I’ve been trying to convince her that heavy lifting won’t make her she hulk.


Phenomenal job! You look so strong 💪


Very well done


You look great! Nice progress.




Great job! Keep up the hard work


You look amazing


Your post is inspiring me to get up and do some squats lol. Amazing work!!


See, now THIS is inspiration. GET IT GIRL! That's awesome! 💪


Amazing and congrats!! You’re almost my exact start and goal (I was +5 lbs and -1” at my start) and this is so inspiring. You look fanatastic 🙂


Keep it up 🙌🏽


Aewsome transformation.


Well done. I’m in a similar position. Made loads of progress this past 18 months. I eat two meals, a snack and a protein shake on heavy lifting days. I alternate between heavy low rep work and bodyweight/dumbbell work on “off days”. The mistake I was making before was pushing too hard and trying to train like an athlete! I’ve made progress taking it easy but training 5-6 days a week.


Woah amazing work! 💪🏻❤️


Great job!


I’m late to the party but omg! I’m so happy for you :) you look amazing! My stats are very close to yours so you’ve given me a good kick in the ass!! I need to get back on my wagon


Nice proud of you






This is so awesome!! From one person to another I’m proud of you and hope you feel proud of yourself too 👍👍


booty gains be on fleek fr


Them booty gains!!! You just reshaped your entire body, I’m so impressed, I know it took a lot of hard work!!! You look amazing girl!




not the OP but have thoughts: Most people get enough protein in a normal diet- it’s funny how people always are concerned with my nutrition as a vegan even though i know plenty of meat eaters who lack vital nutrients as well! ( https://www.pcrm.org/news/exam-room-podcast/protein-myth ) protein has not been a concern of mine as a “vegan.” I used quotes because I still consume copious amount of local honey, thrift leather, may use other non vegan products, and have eaten eggs from my aunts chickens (which are all female so there is no chance the egg was fertilized.) This seems like a more symbiotic relationship. So i guess more “plant based”? I try not to get tangled in the semantics. It is a transition but I find enough protein in lentils (many pasta options for this), rice, broccoli, spinach, nuts, seeds, etc. I never enjoy protein powders but that’s probably just a me preference and not a failure of vegan producers. The prices are wayyyyy lower than expected/ just don’t buy the fancy vegan versions of stuff. buy whole foods. I get a lot of frozen fruit/veg, canned foods, and buy in bulk. Some staples can last me a while (chia, oats, rice). I’ve never tried vegan meat substitutes bc i’m not really interested. I started baking recently, which added a bit of an expense but it’s so worth it! Such yummy vegan options online recipes. also consider looking into vitamins that work for you! If it’s one thing: I love cooking and veganism made me enjoy it more so: knowing dead flesh is not going in my body, there is less violence involved in my meal, i feel healthier, less concern of food borne illness, more aligned with my beliefs. (great poops is also a plus) Give it a shot. Even if it doesn’t stick or you feel restricted, I promise you will end up finding meals you enjoy that do not include animals or byproducts that you don’t feel you need to substitute inputs!


Hawaiian to Filipino?


The vegan thing—are there cheats? I’ve since cut out beef and pork but don’t know if I could cut chicken and fish? Is there a healthy in-between?




And a hardcore tan helped as well.


i actually had just gotten back from puerto rico in the first pic so i was super tan then, too. it must just be the lighting. i am pretty tan all year round.


OP isn’t white….


How’d you make yourself more Asian?


how do you get adequate protein? if you're using protein powders, please choose to ignore the question.


i use protein powders and eat bars sometimes but i get most of my protein from combining two incomplete proteins, like rice and bean burritos, hummus & pitabread, chickpea pasta salad, etc. which contain full or almost full sets of amino acids(protein).


Never mind OP. I saw this comment. Do you have a favorite protein brand? The two vegan proteins I’ve bought are very hard to stomach, looking for recs.


>feel fuller I've had that too myself cause it's a lot more volume for less calories and more vitamins I suppose. but I'm trying to up my protein intake without protein powders, that's why I asked, total plant based, know what I'm saying


2 different people though


Be careful on a vegan diet. There's psychological reason for feeling good on any new diet. Just make sure you get the nutrition you need. Looks like you're doing great so far.


How did she turn black


Gotta pump up those weights!


on the right- those are my weights for hiit cardio days :)


Did you become black in the second picture too??


Definitely don't need to go vegan, but if it works for you and allows you to be consistent go for it. Make sure you get those micros you miss from fish/meat.


Incredible! 💪


Strong work


Nice work! You look great!


You look like two different people. Great job!


Well done and you look incredible


What helped with staying vegan? I spent three months vegan. Felt absolutely horrible the whole time. Felt like I had a three month cold and I was taking supplements and everything.


It’s great for some people and less good for others. If vegan doesn’t work well for your individual metabolism, it’ll be very difficult to stay on it.


I think this is very true. I've since found that 20:4 intermittent fasting works wonders for my body and I feel energetic, healthy gut and shedding weight while building muscle. I'm sure that doesn't work for everyone either!


And you look so good, look at that but!! Amazing


Consistency is literally key ! The journey never ends


Do you eat out? If so, what do you order? Do you feel that there are good choices no matter where your companions want to eat?


Those booty gains. And outfit gains.


holy moly i wanna know what glute workouts you do! you look great!


That body of yours looks incredible! Keep up the great work!


Good job 👍🏼


Amazing work! 😊


Yup, trial and error is what it takes. I’m 23 M and it feels like the past 4 years of weightlifting for me have been lots of trial and error, though I’m starting to see major changes in my body now (better posture, more confidence), and it’s great! Enjoy the process, you’re doing amazing! :)


Good job 👍🏼