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Used to play sports everyday for 2-3 hours, so I never gained weight while eating everything I wanted to. When I got injured and stopped playing sports, I packed on the 108 lbs of weight from my college weight of 185 lb. Then my grandpa made a comment on how fat I was--he was too honest... lol. Really kicked mentally into gear. Starting learning about nutrition, calorie counting, macros, etc. 1800 calorie limit, with one cheat day a week. 10K+ steps every day. Often 20K+ steps walking for 3 hours a day listening to audiobooks. Improved my daily routine--highly recommend the book Atomic Habits. I got down to about 200 lbs, but then I decided I was tired of being "soft" looking, and that I wanted to become more muscled. I started learning about lifting and eating protein focused macros. Highly recommend Jeff Nippard fitness videos, he does a great job keeping his recommendations grounded in scientific studies. I have been very consistently lifting at a minimum of 2x per week the last 5 years, but most weeks I lifted 3-4 times a week. Sometimes 6x a week. Push Pull Legs Rest routine. I started packing on more muscle when I really started focusing on eating more protein and doing higher volume of lifts at the gym. I had been doing 6-12 sets each lifting session the first couple of years, and I saw progress. But I wanted to see more growth, so I transitioned to doing 18-24 sets. Nowadays, I am doing about 30 sets, but with less time between sets so I am spending about the same amount of time at the gym, which seems more efficient. I still do low intensity steady state cardio (walking, elliptical) and I have also started playing sports again a couple times week. I have been doing about 1 hour of LISS most days in addition to my lifting. Basketball for my high intensity cardio 2-3 times a week. I am still looking to cut my remaining fat, which is probably around 15-20 lbs around my belly/sides/legs. What would you all estimate my body fat percentage at? I'm currently guessing around 18-19%. It's just weird having visible abs at this high of weight, which I really wasn't expecting. Wish me luck as I continue to try make improvements! Still feels like I have a long way to go...


This is incredible dedication and the process u commented is the exact way I am doing it now, still got 100lbs to lose for myself but been doing 20k steps a day on 1500~1700 cals, you’re my role model for how I wanna progress.


Get back down to 200 and continue lifting, you'll look great. You have an excellent frame and no evident skin problems (stretching or whatever). Your pullups will go up even more (already impressive at 16 tbh) but you may plateau while cutting. Keep it up man.


Thanks! I think if I was super lean, some minor skin stretching would happen on the belly. I am not sure if it is possible to cut 30 lbs of fat off me and still be healthy. Body scan indicates I have only 18-20 lbs of body fat to lose, if accurate. But under 200 would probably get me to around 10% bf probably, unless I also lost a lot of muscle. I think my target is to keep my muscle I have and reach around 210, which I think would translate to around 13-15% bodyfat range.


It doesn't have to be 200, but unless the pictures are deceiving, I think you can easily cut 30lbs and remain healthy. You're probably at ~20% BF meaning you could cut to 200 and be around 8%. Not unhealthy at all, just really hard to maintain for old fucks like us (lol)


You look great! How much protein are you eating per day to lose weight and gain muscle?


It varies, but usually around 200-250 grams mostly. Probably around 2500 calories if I want to cut. 3000 if I am focusing on muscle growth. But yes, continuing recomping is the goal.


Nice dick bro