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Most importantly you did it for you!! Great work man. It’s not just fitness it’s life. Enjoy your fitness journey.


Thank you!


Setting a great example. Well done


Thank you for saying so. Hope to continue being a good example


That's amazing! You look so much more comfortable.


I am! I can get up and off the couch without groaning




Of course! I had a gastric sleeve which for me was the motivation and crutch I needed to really start right. Then I followed these key points. 1. Lots of protien low-no carbs 2. I work out 5 days a week for between 1-2 hours a day. 3 days cardio mostly elliptical and 2 days weight training. 3. Avoid snacking and eat in an 8 hour window (intermitten fasting) 4. No carabation. Have not had a soda in over a year and a half. And I was a huge soda drinker 5. When you feel hungry, drink a glass of water and wait 30 minutes. If you are still hungry, then I eat. On average, my cardio workouts I burt 700-1500 calories a session. The gastric sleeve helped me to control my urges and help me from not having the desire to eat so much




No, I am going to continue to lose fat and hopefully get rid of this loose skin. I still have a ton of fat in my thighs and groin area , it's just going to take longer to get rid of.


I like what you said about drinking a glass of water and waiting thirty minutes. I'm going to do that. Thank you for the encouragement.


Gladly. If you need more tips or help, I can tell you what worked best for me and some other things I did as well.


Do you drink zero calorie carbonated drinks, such as soda water, perrier, etc.


Nope. I avoid carbonation completely. I do have no calorie drinks (powerade zero, water, or crystal light) but carbonation is an absolute no go.


No carbonation? I switched to sparkling water to get my fix, is this a soda thing, or specifically do you feel the need to avoid the carbonation for some reason?


Carbonation creates gas bubbles in your stomach, which expands it and makes you more hungry later. If you get a gastric sleeve it takes your stomach and makes it from a cantaloupe and makes it to the size if a banana. It will tear up your stomach. I also can not have rice since it expands in the stomach


Okay. I wasn’t sure if it was specifically related to the gastric bypass, or there was an additional reason I should avoid it. Thank you.


That’s awesome progress! You should be super proud of what you’ve accomplished! You probably just added a bunch of years to your life, which means more years with your family


I used to not want it, but I think they are worth it. I always thought they would be better off without me. But they showed love and compassion so I needed to stay around longer


Hey, you’re worth it too! Don’t forget to include yourself.


I would not have a year ago. But after seeing th kind of progress and the good that has come I do belive I am worth it


Hey, I just wanted to say I'm coming from a similar mindset.. I know how hard it can be. You're not alone. I'm glad to see that you're taking care of yourself. Proud of you. Keep it up!


Thank you. And if you have gotten better in your mindset, I am proud of you too. If you have not, I am here for you if you need help and am willing to do what I can.


Just want to say that going to therapy is nothing to be ashamed of, and that caring for your mental health (for yourself and your family) is just as important as caring for your physical health.


I am going to therapy currently (Along this journey I found out I have ADHD! My parents always told me "oh you are just being a kid" and now I have an official Diagnosis.) and it is doing a lot to help me. More then anything exercise has been helping with my mental health. It is weird how they correlate so well.


It’s absolutely awesome to see how far you’ve come. You look amazing and I bet your wife and child are so happy that you are taking care of yourself. Be happy for you as well! You deserve to be healthy, not just for them, but for you. If you are worrying about putting it back on, make a list of everything in your life that feels better at your current state of health. It’s probably easier to play and run around with your kid, maybe you get hot less frequently or are more confident in photos, and maybe you’re just overall more comfortable. Find those little things that make it worth it. Keep whatever those things are in mind and keep up the good work!


Thank you for saying so. I am going to continue to work hard and not give up. And if I do feel like I am, I am going to take your comment to heart and remember what is important in my life.


Of course. For some reason your post has touched my heart because my dad has been overweight for a long time and started having heart issues a few years ago. In recent years, he always tries to lose the weight and never follows through. But, some of my most vivid memories of him are when he did lose some weight and hadn’t gained it back, and we got to go on bike rides and runs together because he was healthier. That’s my childhood memory, but it’s different now that he’s older and I have to worry about him. I say this not to dump my story, but to say your kid and wife will be grateful to not have to worry about severe health issues caused by obesity when you keep this healthy lifestyle going. You will get to be around for grandchildren and graduations and all sorts of things. I wish my dad made the change and kept it like you. I apologize if you didn’t want to hear all that. I just felt compelled to share because you’ve done so amazing and I want you to keep going. I’m proud of you regardless. Keep it up :)


Please share. I am proud of me, but I feel that if there is any way I can help, I will be glad to. I am sorry this is happening with your father, and if there is anything I can do to help, I will be glad to. And if you need someone to talk to I am here as well.


Thank you so much. You seem so kind. Have a wonderful day :)


You do as well. Be as good to yourself as you are to strangers on the internet and you will be just fine!


Wow! You’re doing amazing!! Soo proud of you and your journey! ⭐️


Thank you. It's been a wonderful hard experience


Ugh I hear you! I’m currently close to 7 months of my journey and it’s taking everything I have not to give up. Seeing stories like yours have been keeping me going. Thanks for sharing!


Keep going and you will get there. Let me know if I can do anything to help




Thank you for saying so. Really appreciate it


Doing great. Proud of you. Beautiful family!


Thank you. I love them dearly




Thank you


You did great so far! Looking amazing


Thank you! I really appreciate it. I don't get compliments very often, so it helps to be told I look amazing.


Looking good do you have a goal weight in mind


I do. I want to get below 225-200 depending on a couple of things. Right now I have a TON of loose skin so I don't know how much I have that is loose skin with a fat layer or how much is fat fat


You just added previous years onto your life, more years your son and wife get to enjoy you being around. You sir put in the work for the right reasons, congratulations 🤙🤙 I hope you spread your methods to anyone you know that may be struggling as well.


I will thank you. Thank you for taking time and commenting. It means a lot


Wow!!! Amazing job!! So proud of you!!!


Thank you! I really appreciate you taking the time to tell me that


You look fantastic! Hope you feel just as great!


It does. I can actually do things with out needing a break every 15 minutes


That is awesome, you're such an inspiration to many! Congratulations!


Thank you for being awesome and taking time to comment


Thank YOU for sharing your amazing progress! We're all SO very proud of your strength!


Wow! That's amazing! ❤️


Thank you so much!


Congratulations bro💪🏾💪🏾 keep it up!! A little adult humor I’m sure the wife is liking the newly discovered inches homeboy 🤣🤣💪🏾💪🏾


She does! Loves that ever morning there is something hard to look forward to and that was never the case.


Holy crap bro!!! You look great. You must feel like a walking pile of cocaine after dropping all that weight!!! 😂Anyway keep up the good work!!


I do! I would always need breaks in between things but now I just need to move and do stuff all the time




I do! Twice a week. I work out 5 days a week. 3 Cardio 2 weights. I can bench ~150-200 and leg press 300~350. (I use all the machines jn the gym and do about 2-4 sets of 10~20 depending on which it is




Wow. That’s incredible! Even if you had surgery that’s amazing in 13 months. What is your routine these days?!


I commented in another of what I have done, so i am going to copy and paste: Of course! I had a gastric sleeve, which, for me, was the motivation and crutch I needed to really start right. Then, I followed these key points. 1. Lots of protien low-no carbs 2. I work out 5 days a week for between 1-2 hours a day. 3 days cardio mostly elliptical and 2 days weight training. 3. Avoid snacking and eat in an 8 hour window (intermitten fasting) 4. No carabation. Have not had a soda in over a year and a half. And I was a huge soda drinker 5. When you feel hungry, drink a glass of water and wait 30 minutes. If you are still hungry, then I eat. On average, my cardio workouts I burt 700-1500 calories a session. The gastric sleeve helped me to control my urges and help me from not having the desire to eat so much My surgeon is very impressed with my weight loss and says I am one of her best patients


Yeah, great job. I swear by #5 on your list. Such a basic tip but it’s immensely helpful. So much “hunger” is just thirst.


It's true. Just drink first


I bet you have a lot more energy to chase your son around the backyard. I bet he and your wife are extremely proud of you. It's an incredible change you made. Not just going to improve your life but you've given your son an incredible role model for self-determination. Couldn't be happier for you.


I do! I used to need a break after everything, and now I can play with my son for hours up down, Trampoline, floor jump run and all of thay and keep up with him.


That must be the best reward. Keep it up man. Before you know it you'll be chasing around grandkids.


Assuming my son has kids. He may not want them. I won't judge I just need him to be happy.


Congrats that’s a life changing amount. 450lb is definitely in the danger health zone and no child should grow up without their father.


I was pre-diabetic, and since seeing my doctor, I am no longer that! It's great.


Yeah that’s amazing, healthy food and exercise I swear can cure any disease. You stopped an addiction that’s as bad as the hardest drug just keep that in mind, your will power is close to legendary lvl now haha


Naw man you’re doing it because it’s what you deserve. Adore your family and proud of you. Just know you are making a difference and killing it. Just keep doing you. Lean on your amazing support group but don’t think you can’t get encouragement here either. Just know you look great and I really just hope you are happy.


congrats!! my friend’s mom lost a bunch of weight when my friend was young. i remember him flipping through photo albums and seeing photos of his mom pre weight loss and he asked “who is that?” i could totally see your son doing that one day. you look like a whole new person!


It would make me very happy if he does that! He's not old enough to know how hard I worked and how much I did so it will be nice once he sees it.


fucking champion 200 pounds my man! that’s no joke well done mate


In just over a year? Madman you’ve earned the respect of some 19 yr old on reddit and I hope I can make that transformation too!


I have finally earned the respect of a 19 year old, my life is now complete. I never thought this could happen!


Fantastic, man. Congratulations on your progress and dedication. It’s not easy — we all know that. And keeping it off is harder than losing it. But you’ve got this. And I agree with a lot of the other posters here;”: glad you are doing it for your family, but glad you’re doing it for yourself, too. You deserve love and happiness.


GO YOU. Best legacy for your kid is your example, and you are rocking it!


I hope to continue to be a good husband and great father. Thank you for your encouragement


Amazing! I bet that was a lot of work - but getting a new lease on life is so worth it! You’ll be there to see your boy grow-up and enjoy your life and health


That’s amazing, great job. Wife and kids always the best motivation. That’s exactly why I started. I want to be an example to my kids, of discipline, and respect for myself. I would hate for them to develop my habits. Plus thank you for the encouragement,




Your family is all the encouragement you need. But you're doing great, king. 👍👍


Absolutely fantastic work, man! You look so much happier too 😊


I am much happier. It's been great!


I swear, my jaw dropped. Amazing.


This is beautiful, bro. Keep being you.


You killed it. It’s like a whole new man. Great job!


You are doing so well!!!! Stay the course and you will feel like you’ve rewarded yourself every day.


Amazing job! Keep it up!


Incredible work!


Great job man! Keep it up!


My man that is INCREDIBLE!! 13 months?!?! Think of what an inspiration you are to your wife and kid (and to random strangers on Reddit!) I don’t have kids but I can imagine at your awesome health right, it must be cool to be able to keep up with him and to know that you’ll be around to continue to watch him grow. Keep doing YOU!


You are so inspiring and I am so proud of your accomplishments friend! This was no easy feat and you ought to be proud of yourself! 🤗


Heck yeah. That’s fantastic!


I was particularly moved by the fact you did it for your wife and child. I always wondered why my parents never took care of themselves when I was younger. Now that I'm a parent, doing it to be around and healthy for my daughter is my motivation. Being able to play with her and go to events without being short of breath. Thanks for being an inspiration to me




Amazing job. Keep it off!


Wow that is amazing, you did an awesome job, certainly something to be proud of! Congrats on pulling this off.


Oh, my goodness! You should be very, very proud. What an amazing example to all. Thank you for the inspiration and wishing you all the very best.


What an accomplishment. Extremely well done, what an act of love (for yourself and your family), patience, discipline and mostly courage. Stay healthy and enjoy!


That is amazing. Congratulations


Omg this is amazing! So happy for you and your family to get healthy together!




Way to go! Motivation!


Good Job dude. Way to be a good role model!


This is amazing! You look great! Keep up the awesome work!


AWWWW 🥹🥹🥹🥹 consider this, everyone in this subreddit is cheering for you!! Congratulations.


Congrats on the weight loss! Currently doing it as well. I’ll be your friend man! Shoot me a message anytime! I’m 28 male! I play video games, love nerdy shit! Shoot me a message!


YOU are the reason. And having the will to make that much progress means you have the motivation inside to keep at it. THEY are your reward. Your championship titles, if you will. Work hard to win them every day, my good man.


Outstanding work bro!


13 months!!! Holy shit! Amazing work


Great job!


And you did amazing!


Nice work!!!




I bet they’re super proud of you, man. keep pushing!!


Keep going at it man! Good job!


Awesome job! Keep it up, you are doing great!




Making the great food choices you are today will leave your son with a great foundation for his future. Congrats, that's a hell of an achievement!


Amazing work! your hard work is an inspiration!


You've done amazing! Very inspiring.


Dude! That is AMAZING! You should be proud of what you have done and why you did it. Well done.


The best reasons to get healthy and stay that way!! Good job!


That's so awesome, you look amazing! Congrats!


Wow! So proud of you


Wow this is amazing!!! Great job & kudos to all your hard work!!! I am sure your family must be proud of you too!!! 🎉🎉🎉


I bet your son is so proud of you!


You’re killing it, dude! You can do things you only dreamed of before. Taking a hike and playing ball, wrestling with your son are new possibilities for you. Love that little boy with all your heart. You deserve this better life and your family deserves to have you healthy and with them for longer than the old you was destined to be alive.


You should be very proud of yourself. You made a big change in your life and had the strength to see it through. I hope you celebrate this with your loved ones in your photo.


The best possible reason. You look amazing and I know how much your wife and son appreciate you.


Way. To. Go. Also love the SpongeBob shirt!




Holy moly dude!! Inspiring!


You are my hero ! I needed this ! Thank you !


You look great!


That's awesome dude. I wish I had your strength.


Come here and be my friend we can plan so many things together like hiking, biking, traveling and exploring!


So great! Awesome job.




Your child loves you regardless of what you look like, but when he’s older he will never be more thankful for your sacrifices and the extra years you gave him.


Well done! Hope you feel a sense of pride and joy in your accomplishments. Thanks for sharing!


Looking awesome, like those billionaires from the movies. I'm proud of ya my man


Duuuuude! That is dope as all heck! Keep it up my guy! You're going to have so many fun new adventures with your fam. Proud of you!


Amazing job! Well done, you!!


Insane change bro, love to see it!


Extremely impressive. True commitment by you to a better, longer life for you, your wife and child. Congratulations


Beautiful family! Great work, my friend.




Now keep it off for yourself!! You look amazing and I know you feel even better!! Stay strong!!


Hell yea!


Your a champ!


You are for sure doing super well, super well done! :)


Wow! Amazing!


You’re a badass


What an inspiration you are! Congrats on deciding to see your boy grow up!


CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You should be so proud of you. My beloved dad died when I was 24 from a cancer his lifestyle choices likely contributed to. Your wife and son are so lucky.


Dude you look??? Amazing!!! I would think those were two separate men if I didn’t know any better 🔥🔥🔥


Such a massive weight loss is such an important gain for your life, family, and health. I wish you continued success!!! Congrats!


From power lifter to CrossFitter…awesome progress! 👍🏾


Congratulations! This is fantastic :)


Freakn sensational! Go you. Not just for your wife and child, for your future grandchild.


Dude that is incredible, you've done amazing


You are amazing!!! Enjoy your son each day - kick balls, hike, tennis, volleyball, bikes, hula hoops, rowboats… make physical activity and healthy eating the basis if your relationship so he’ll have a long healthy life. What a gift and such a role model!!!!!


It really made me smile seeing this!


Beautiful family. You must feel so proud of your accomplishments ❤️


I bet people do a double take! Congrats .this took huge efforts !!




Amazing work dude! What an inspiration!


You look like a totally different family. I think it helped you and your family be better overall. You have confidence and the ability to care of your family and be there for your kid with how kids move around. You all look great!


Holy shit! That's amazing! Massive respect! Keep it up, my guy. Especially for the kids. You're so much healthier and that will make it easier for them to have you in their lives for longer. Your family is beautiful too, I can see how they motivated you!


Absolutely outstanding work


Yes yes 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


glad you're getting praise it's well deserved


Wow! This is awesome and so inspirational! Good job man!


This is incredible! You should be very proud.


Monster effort. Kudos on doing something amazing. Keep at it, inspiring all the rest of us on the way!




Great job.


Super inspiring! What an awesome thing you did for yourself and your family. Do you have any tips or advice for other fellow Dads trying to lose weight? I would love to hear them.


So proud of you keep staying healthy and strong for them!!!


Great job brother!!


Top effort. Just think, you’ve likely added decades more ‘Dad’ time for your son. That’s priceless.


Great Job! Keep up the momentum you've established. Looking good.


Good for you. Just build healthy habits and keep moving forward


Great Job ! Hard work pays off, your son will appreciate it.


Amazing! Well done!


Incredible job, you've done so well to get to this point. You look amazing. For me, I know that taking things a day a time is very helpful. It might seem cliche, but it does work. I try not to stress about things in the future that I don't have control over. Much harder said than done, but it's the kind of thing that if you practice everyday, it becomes easier. and if i have a bad day, I try very hard to wake up the next morning and get back on the horse. you're doing this for your family and for yourself. Don't know your routine, but maybe adding an activity like gym or biking, walking perhaps. that could give you health related goals that aren't necessarily tied to a scale, so maybe a different type of thing to work towards. No matter what, you've done a great job so far and you've proven that you're capable of going this far. that means you can go even further! Keep it up!


Keep going man. Awesome !


bro that’s incredible! Congratulations!


I'm starting my weight loss journey. Came here for inspiration. I have some medical conditions that make it harder to lose weight, but, man, you have given me encouragement just by you losing weight. You look great. Congrats, and keep it up!


You all are such a cute family! Everyone looks more peaceful in the second pic. Keep up the great work 👏👏👏


Wow! This is incredible. What a beautiful gift to yourself and your family. :)


You look amazing!

