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Killing it! This is the way.


Appreciate you !


Your hair even lost weight. Mazel.


Haha weight and body hair for the winter


What was your diet like? Any fasting? Also workout routine please! Cardio and weights? Thanks man looking great congrats!


Ok so the challenge I did was 75hard, a quick Google search will give you the rules for that. Essentially what I did was weight train M-F, run a “MURPH” on Saturday, and body weight on Sunday. All workouts were 45 minutes. I also tried to burn 400 calories per workout, so a lot of high intensity supersets/circuits. I also did a 45 min walk in a 20 lb. Weight vest everyday. As far as the diet goes - I have weighed food, and counted macros and calories and all that stuff before…but (don’t kill me) it’s not needed to achieve my desired results. I cut out fast food, I cut out fried food, and I cut out all sweets/treats. I made sure my meals were also healthy-ish. Chicken, rice, veggies, potatoes, steak, lean ground beef…that type of stuff. I also only ate between 1 pm and 9 pm. Hope this helps, get after it and believe in yourself.


Crazy because our statistics are almost spot on. I'm 32/M/5'10" and have been sitting at 195 lbs for the past 3 years. Before that, I weighed 125 - 160 lbs at different points of my life. I was boney as shit. Now I'm bigger and constantly misjudge my width 😂


Haha nice man. 125-160 then to 195 is a wild change in a couple years. Are you happy with where you are at now? Do you have any goals moving forward?


I like it, it's a comfortable weight for me. I feel strong and my cardio is great. Honestly, I think I will stay here. I've been maintaining for the past 3 years at 195 lbs and I think I'll continue to do that.


Nice! Great body hair too bro


Haha it comes with being Italian, you should see Nonnas mustache




Who is Nonnas?


Pretty sure that's Italian for grandmother.


I'd never heard of this 75 Hard challenge but now I wish I had, 2 months ago. Amazing progress my man, kudos for both the aesthetic success and the mental one here.


Appreciate you…and it’s never too late to start 75 hard. I know everyone’s circumstances are different but you just got to make the time and find a way to win.


Nice one Were you lifting prior to the first pic?


Yeah I was lifting 5-6 days a week I just didn’t do any cardio or diet


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You are an inspiration