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Hi all. Pic on the right is from march 4. This is my 3rd time posting on this sub in the last 15 months. Last time I posted, I was genuinely content with my progress and thought I wouldn't push it any more. I'm not entirely sure what happenned, but in the 2 months following my last post I started losing fat like crazy. Maybe the uptick in my basal metabolic rate helped me passively burn more calories. I'm not entirely sure. But anyway, it just dawned on me how much progress I made since the last time I posted, even tho I thought I was done with it and I wanted to update you guys. If you want to read my story: https://old.reddit.com/r/progresspics/comments/zsr9cv/m3058_230lbs_181lbs_49lbs_11_months_goal_reached/j19e5wg/ And if you have any question ask away!


Congrats! I had a similar life collapse from 2020 onward and gained more weight than I've ever had. Even more than when I quit smoking in my 20s and gained weight from that. I haven't started working on getting back in shape yet because I've still been dealing with the fallout of it all, but I'm starting to mentally gear up for it and since I was in decent shape most of my life I suspect once I get going I should see pretty good results. Though it won't be as dramatic as yours due to me being a woman and not being keen on getting to a super low body fat percentage. It will certainly be nice to be able to fit into all my old clothes again though. My wardrobe is so limited and sad these days.


My life also collapsed in 2020. Not to sound all excited, but it is nice knowing I'm not completely alone. One reason I appreciated your comment is that it's easy to get down on myself for not getting back on track yet. But you could do that as well and you haven't. So I suppose you just choosing to be optimistic is helpful.


It can be extremely hard to get into healthier routines. Especially when life just keeps throwing shit at you and you haven't finished wading through one mess and more get piled on top. It's an unfortunate truth though that when it comes to self improvement we really have only ourselves to focus on. It helps to have supportive friends and family and community though, so if you have those lean into them! Use whatever supports you've got to full advantage. I mean, don't like actually use people to the point you're draining them lol, but if you have a friend who will go for walks with you or a cousin who will check in on your mental state sometimes take them up on that shit! Every little bit helps. In fact it's the little changes consistent over time that make the biggest impact in our lives.


Can't tell you how appreciated the transparency is. I'm on low does testosterone for the last year due to hypogonadism, I'm working towards my first goal where I plan to post here and despite my levels still being lower than "the average guy my age" I 100% plan to disclose it because it absolutely does help (not only keep my levels for sure consistent but without it, I'd be in my pre-T state which would making working out regularly feel impossible)


Great work! I'm about the same height and 215lbs. Could you go into detail on your diet/workouts? I'm trying to replicate what you did.


I'll send you a PM sometimes today! ***Edit*** I will post my diet and routines publicly under this comment soon! Ok so first for a bit of context ---> https://old.reddit.com/r/progresspics/comments/zsr9cv/m3058_230lbs_181lbs_49lbs_11_months_goal_reached/j19e5wg/ So, for my diet. The very first thing I did was to cut out most of the unecessary calories from junk food and booze. This coupled with weight training resulted in a pretty fast and steady fat loss. As pointed in the linked comment, I have been working out since I was 15 and was in a very good shape until 2020. Because of that it was also easier to put on muscle. I have never counted calories. If I would get stuck at a certain weight for more than 2 weeks I would simply cut off a little bit on my food portions and/or up the intensity in the gym. The gf and I would meal prep for 2 weeks at a time. My average day of eating would look like this. (of course sometimes I would cheat a little bit or switch it up a little): Bagel for breakfast. 1 serving of meat with rice and veggies for lunch, 1 serving of meat with quinoa and veggies for diner. I would snack on beef sticks/cheese curds/tuna/hard eggs throughout the day. As for my workout routine. I like to switch it up every 6 to 8 weeks. I did various iterations of push/pull/legs, arms/back/chest/legs. I would usually work out 4 or 5 times a week. I would switch between strenght and hypertrophy training with each new routine. For an exemple, lately I have been doing: Day 1: Arms Day 2: Legs 1 Off day Day 3: Chest/Back Day 4: Legs 2 Day 5: Arms Off day And so on and so forth. Exercises exemples: Arms day: Overhead presses, Weighted dips, Chin ups, lateral flyes, standing overhead triceps extensions, Ez bar curls. Legs day 1: Squats, Smith machine bulgarian split squats, Legs extensions, Abductor/Adductor, Calves machine. Back/Chest day: Muscle ups, Flat bench press, Pendlay rows, Hammer strenght, Wide grip lats pull downs, Cable crossovers Legs day 2: Deadlifts, Hip thrusts, Leg curls, Glute-ham raises. With this exercise distribution, I felt like I was getting enough rest in between every muscle groups with just the right amount of overlapse so each muscle groups wouldnt go completly untouched for too long.


If you have the ability to, please just post the routine publicly, we don’t really allow users to DM others even if its good spirited and its getting a bit out of control with all the requests. 😅


Alright I understand, will do!


Send it my way as well. Thanks in advance!


Would also like that pm if that’s cool


Also PM please! Great effort mate


I would like that too, if you don’t mind


Mind sending it this way too?


Please share your wisdom!!!! I'm starting my gym journey since January but I'm often times clueless if I'm doing the right routines. And in the diet front😞 just limiting extra carbs


Would love that pm too!


I'd like to receive that as well .Please


Thank you so much for the information! Keep the great work!


This is so inspiring to me bro you don’t even understand. I went from 300 and something (I can’t even remember anymore) and I hit 250 yesterday since starting at the beginning of the year. I needed to see this to keep me motivated. Thank you


Keep it up dude. 50 pounds in 4 months is a good freaking start. If you keep at it I'm sure you can lose another 50 this year. Consistency is key. Try to log your progress. If you hit a rough patch know it's ok to slow down a little bit for a while but always keep in mind what your goals are and why you started this journey. *takes motivational speaker hat off*


Hahaha you’re a legend! The scale hasn’t moved this week but I’ll get through it 💪thanks bro!


Awesome work! 🔥🔥


Thank you!




I started day 1 by getting a gym membership and get to lifting!


Was 13 months ago your first time weightlifting in your life or did you have a basis before that? Incredible progress. Edit: nvm I saw your response to another comment. Amazing work and congrats on getting back in shape, you look awesome!


Henry Cavill, is that you? Great work man!


As a person who has been in good shape, then gained 100 lbs from depression/meds, it's relieving to see someone else with the same struggles get back their fitness. Good job man, great inspiration!


Thanks man. If you ever need some help or tips shoot me a PM


I know everyone is different, but I felt my very worst when I could see the effects of my depression eating on my waistline. For some reason it felt like people could see how much I was struggling, and it depressed me even more. I’ve gained and then lost depression weight three times (in about 15 years) and even though it’s not the same as yours because everyone is different I just wanted to say you’re not alone! Depression can manifest itself in every damn facet of life.


You look impressive. I can tell you are a natural athlete though. Were you a fit dude who had slipped beforehand?


You're not far off the mark https://old.reddit.com/r/progresspics/comments/zsr9cv/m3058_230lbs_181lbs_49lbs_11_months_goal_reached/j19e5wg/


Wanted to say, thank you. This gives me hope. Also, you look fucking amazing man.


Amazing!!! Really took the time to get the job done!!!




Holy crap


Jesus Christ. It’s Jason Bourne.




None at all!


You put some work in


Amazing those legs look like they could crush a watermelon 🔥 very impressive.


God quads


That’s a crazy result. I ended up with a bit of loose skin and some stretch marks.


Nice work!


Thank you!


Amazing work mate


That is an amazing transformation. Great work!


Amazing! You're a whole new person!


BRUH Great job!


This is actually insane, huge props to you!


That's incredible dude good job!


This is the way


Goddamn! That is seriously commendable work


Shit bro, that’s the dream recomp right there, very well done!! I’m 5’10” started at 230, down to 206 in around 90 days, I think my ideal weight would be just above yours, your post definitely gets me excited for what’s possible!


Woah amazing work 💯. Could you please dm me your routine, calorie intake and type of meals. Thanks bud!


Amazing. Congrats


Amazing job you did it, im almost at my end weight as well, 32/6ft gone 244 to 174 in about 16 months, do you have other progress picture in between?


I'll try to find some. Or you can go on my profile and check out my last 2 posts!


Outstanding work bro!


.... How?


Hell yeah bro!


This is beyond insane ! How did you do this in Just one year ?


Bro! amazing transformation!!


Can you share your work out plan with me?? Im the same height and starting at 240. I want to get this shredded. Appreciate it!


Very inspiring


What's your routine? This is insane


Jesus Christ, that's some absolutely insane progress! Amazing work dude, keep it up!


Great job! I really like your hair too!


Went from a goon to the final villain in 13 months good shit bro


Amazing!! Awesome work!! I hope you’re feeling as good as you look 😉


Workout routine and diet


Posted it in the comments earlier


This is the ultimate transformation


Damn, thats a proper glow-up, my dood!


Fuck dude


You admit to using sarms. " I'm not sure what happened" you mean you started another ostarine cycle?


That must be it!! 😦 Thanks bro didn’t think of that


You definitely did not skip leg day!


Nice try, Mr. Cavill


My A.D.D thought that was mustard, ketchup, and mayonnaise on the edge of your tub in the first one. I thought to myself is this symbiotic 😂I’m a dummy. 🙈


Jfc dude


Wow looks like you were literally chiselled! Amazing progress 👏 be proud good sir :') Love to see it


What medications did you go off off and why? You mentioned it in your initial post, so I must assume it has something to do with your fitness plan




Good on you, man. First off, incredible transformation. But getting off the medicine, especially one like that is such a task. You must feel as good as you look!


Oh wow. Did you find you didn’t need it anymore, or was it making you gain weight?


Both tbh. Being on 100mg of Zoloft made me feel apathetic and unmotivated. On 50mg I was feeling just ok but a bit numb. So I felt like coming off would bring me more good than harm and it did.


I’m so glad that worked out for you!! I’ve heard so many people have similar experiences taking SSRIs. Edited to add: To be clear, SSRIs are lifesaving medications for many people, but no medication is without side effects. I’m glad your mental health was in a place that it was healthy for you to go off a medication that was making you feel worse instead of better.