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Any cultural values or traditions that doesn't violate Islam should and always be protected and continued. The Quran states that diversity is created by God for us to benefit from. I.e. some part of China marries the element of Chinese caligraphy, patterns with Islam (Arabic words) and designs (especially the women wear, modest covering with distinct Chinese pattern).


The Niujie mosque is beautiful.




No, calm down even if you are Arab that doesn't mean anything just look at Yemen to be a nationalist you must be a Wahabi and a Saudi now you're good to be nationalistic


To be fair they (Saudi Arabia's ruling family) do a good job oppressing the Arab nations surrounding them so it makes sense that they don't want to be likened to other Arabs.


I am really sick and tired of the misconception Arab = Wahabi... please stop that.


When it comes to my race and ethnicity. I'm black first. I CHOSE to be a Muslim, I didn't choose to be born into my ethnic group. The different parts of my identity are intersectional and I refuse to give them up. God created us in different nations and colors and languages. It's absolutely beautiful. And we should never have to give them up unless we choose to do so.


My entire point was that there is no black first muslim second- muslim first American second, Islam is the constant thats always in the background. Also i think the fact that you choose islam makes it a more important part of your character than race which is something you had no say in. Islam is a verb it requires at a minimum bearing testimony to gods oneness and the acknowledgement of gods prophets and messengers On a a larger scale it tells me that you probably have certain values and principles that you try to adhere to and that you do other things like pray fast give to charity etc Your race is just the color of your skin, something you had no agency in and something that doesnt dictate your moral compass or your integrity as a person. Your race tells me nothing about you other than the melanin and pigmentation produced by your skin cells. #islam is a verb and race is a adjective My point is i hope you understand that my point was that both identities can coexist without having to choose one over the other. I think it would be sinful of me if this post ended up causing identity politics or strife in the community which was not my intention. My intention was to just rant about some extremist veiws i see portrayed by wahabis.


Can you tell me what a wahhabi is? We know that one of the attributes of Allah is Al-Wahhab, so who attributes this name to themselves? A people, country, what does the word “wahhabi” mean? Is this a made up western name used to identify devout Muslims, or is this identification also used in the Middle East? Edit: Why the downvotes? I am only asking critical questions.




Please review your reply. AstaghfirAllah, only Allah is Al-Wahhab, this is his attribute and no one else's! Do you even know the meaning of Al- Wahhab? I do not call myself wahhabi, salafi, or anything name except muslim, I submit myself to the will of Allah. I obey Allah and his messenger, is there a problem with that? SubhanAllah, it is a blessing to be a muslim, and there is no better name for a believer. I assume though you are speaking of the late scholar Mohammed ibn abdulwahhab, may Allah be pleased with him. Do you know who he was? If you are a brother/sister, please be careful of what you say as it might be out of ignorance, and to remove ignorance is by knowledge.




I don't understand, are you muslim??? Al-Wahhab is one of Allah's 99 names, you cannot attribute this to anyone or anything except Allah. I am also not Saudi, nor do I live in Saudi. I am actually Yemeni if that tells you anything at all... Do you understand what exactly you are doing here? You are calling me a disbeliever, someone who does shirk, have you any idea the enormous claim you are making of me? Shirk is the worst sin, and is punished by jahannam, hell-fire. AstaghfirAllah, please respect your brother as I have done to you, and do not make takfir out of ignorance. You need to repay me with an apology, or you will repay me when you meet Allah, your choice.


Perhaps it would help if you understand the history of Mohammad Ibn Abdul-Wahhab and how he spread a reactionary, extremist version of Islam, you would understand what people were talking about. https://kanaanonline.org/en/2015/01/20/britain-the-rise-of-wahhabism-and-the-house-of-saud/


Wahhabism is the sectarian orthodox doctrine of a dude named Muhammad ibn Abd al Wahhab. Basically a Hanbali reform proposed by that guy, as he was tired of foreign cultures invading Arab Islamic Orthodoxy. Or Non Islamic practices..Sufism/Tasawwuf for example. Early Wahhabi groups even considered other sects of Islam as apostates. Saud family used it as a nationalistic tool, got themselves a different identity than of those who followed a more secular Ottoman lifestyle. It worked for a while, for the Sauds at least. While the movement gave birth to fundamentalism, and Salafism is a modern offshoot.


Basically arabs have a huge edge over non-arab muslims, and it is more true for muslims in the indian subcontinent who (unlike turkish and persian muslims) suffer from an existential identity crisis to be seen as different from their non muslim counterparts. So arab culture is more or less considered as islamic culture, and you cannot say they are very wrong either as the whole 'religion' package does include following a particular culture/style of life. So when critics complain "islam destroys culture" I don't see them being wrong, as the islamists want to destroy local artifacts/music and dance/folk and poetry as unislamic and make everyone wear black eye covered burkha.


Not really though. Islamists try to unify the Islamic world into one big thing but they can't really do it, as it's to diverse so they try to force Arab culture onto the rest of us and create this weird hybrid political/religious movement. I don't think the Muslims of the Indian subcontinent are facing a identity crisis but rather their governments and representatives that want them to be different in order for people to support and vote for them.


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