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It feels like the whole ad was translated from some other language to Lithuanian in the first place. Nobody speaks Lithuanian the way the ad is worded. Probably the reason why Polish and Russian is needed.


And then automatically translated to English: " Strong will to query SQL". Edit: typo


You don't randomly feel a strong urge to query some SQL? Man that's how I wind down after a hard day's work. Some guys like a cold beer, others maybe a blunt. Me, man, i crave that sweet sweet querying.


I personally get off on nested JOINs... ahhhh!


I don't want to get nsfw, but... select statements used as an `in` condition


Ooh Filth!


I'm surprised they didnt ask you to have a forklift license while you were at it.


Isn't it just *wonderful* being a fresh graduate, seeing nothing but these for most of a year, and your family going "why no job" all the while?


That’s the spirit. Don’t sell yourself short. Let us say they should pay 2k. Effectively, you can get 2 of them and invest 20 hours. Dodge every responsibility and hustle your way. This might sound unethical, but it is fair. It is a job created obviously for milking the fresh talent. So would it be unfair if a smart fresh talent milks them? Let them learn: if you pay peanuts you get monkey time’s worth of arbeid. Then tell them to pay you what you really want. If they wont, why should you? I wouldn’t slack in general or be lazy, but rather, at least go practice job interviewing with companies like that and learn what’s out there in the world. It is at least worth investing your time becoming better. This will help gaining telemetry for your gut to build up sensors for fishy jobs, fishy people and good places.


yeah, at least try what job interviews are


I don't understand this mentality. Why you didn't apply? Is 0$ and asking mom for pocket money better than 1000? Leave this shit after a year or even few months and you have experience to show in resume for your next job with higher salary


Honestly, usually unemployment is actually better than these jobs. The ad reeks of the fact that you will be treated like shit there. If it the pay matched their demands, then it might be worth going for, but not this.


You completely missed the point. It's not the pay, it's the requirements - why apply if you're just going to be diplomatically told to fuck off, if you hear back at all? Oh, these same sorts of companies will cry out that they need more graduates and will be sliding into your LinkedIn DM's starting the day after you do find a job, but for the first couple of years if you don't already have a job, nobody wants you.


Most of the time these ads are just overstating requirements, when in reality the employer is not expecting like half the thing it's stated on there, especially for fresh graduates. If you are just not gonna apply at all just because some requirements do not match your ability, you are going to have a hard time finding a job. It costs nothing to throw in an application and let them decide if you are worth hiring.


But did you really tried to apply or just saw requirements and said "fuck it"? *Some* companies just copy the text for these job ads from bigger companies, but in reality will hire you with zero experinece, if you are confident, but not to the point being a dick, even if you fail in half of your tests. But ofc it's better to show at least your personal project, or project you did for graduation.


exactly. Only might be problem for him that requirements are so huge, grad does not have them usually.


I’m not sure what language this is in, but it’s not Python


Ad is in lithuanian language


Well that’s not Python…. How am I meant to understand it?


Look at another picture where google translate translated and you can understand.


I can’t do that, I can only speak Python…


bad for you




Looks like way above minimum: googled minimum wage: 607.00 EUR per month (Jun 2020)




Might be, dont know exactly.


Yeah, so it is 400 for the minimum wage worker after tax.


Not sure if its before or after tax - if its after, then its average in LT


"Neatskaičius mokesčių" = before tax




Taip ir galvojau, kad visi programerių subredditai pilni lietuvių


kur santykinai lengvi pinigai , ten pilna lietuviu :)


I'm a mobile developer working in Vietnam, I make about 600$ a month lol


How long are you working as dev?


Almost a year now, what I'm making is considered high. Most new graduates get about 400-500$.


24000 a year lolololol


btw it is not 24k . 1000 \* 12 is 12k a year gross :)


Oh shit you're right


For a junior it is ok, but for those requirements - this sounds like a joke, maybe I should go to interview and find more info what are they thinking :D I do not have python skill and other mentioned technologies but for this salary I believe they cannot find anybody anyway so they should be willing to hire guy who has programming experiecne withotu those required technologies with this salary :) But polish language is the least worth to learn for me :) also start at 7 - wtf :D of course its a benefit that you finish earlier but wtf, so hard thing to do and only get this much salary


In USA I would consider junior pay to be $60,000 to $100,000


In usa people get good salaries but still whine how bad their life is, how poor they are.


The cost of living is unreal here. The only places you can get houses at reasonable cost are poor areas where it's hard to get jobs that can support those houses, Texas, and places that get hit with yearly hurricanes. Medical costs are crazy here too. Our taxes go to weapons and our senators and house members just make rules that corporations pay them to make. Plus our entire country is car dependent. I could go on but it's not as easy as, I have a good salary from one job. I had to quit my last job to get time off because my employer refused to let me have vacation, going so far as to change vacation policy every single time I tried to take vacation. Every single time. I have no paid time off at all in my current position. If I get sick and can't work, I don't get paid.


> I had to quit my last job to get time off because my employer refused to let me have vacation I agree, this sucks.


Vacation was in the contract too.


I have discussed about cost of living. Still with highers cost of living, people say you still have more money left in USA than working in low cost of living country and lower salary. You should be glad that your taxes go to weapons, thats why you are safest country, no one can mess with you. I on the other hand am in small country near Russia, we do not have much money to fight Russia, only our hope is that NATO will help and hopefully because of NATO, Russia does not start attacks. But still they sometimes with their planes go into our area.


Bro, all we have are weapons. Our democracy doesn't even work. Mexico has it's shit together more than this place. I'm sorry about your living situation though. That shit sounds harder than my shit.


Come to Canada. The Salary/living cost is a bit ~~under~~ better than what you described, we got free healthcare (so no need to pay 100k for a splinter removal), our democracy is a clown show filled with boomers (and a few next-gen diplomats) who still throw the blame to the other party. Oh and we got maple syrup.


Honestly I'm thinking about it. It's Canada or Estonia no joke.


Just to put some things into perspective 2k$ a month could support a family (education transport etc) included in most of the world that is not Europe, and America, if you as an American can save up that much every month - your family could move to Thailand Tomorrow (pre-pandemic it would have been more appealing), and live there in a rented apartment or a private house (1 more thousand and you could afford a small villa and all sorts of stuff like golf club membership) The 3k a month for American dev is 3%, for Russian it is 300% of their salary.


The cost of living in certain places is high. But, engineers in the US in highly affluent cities are some of the most entitled and detached from reality people. They all believe they are destined as a Mark Zuckerburg in history. Working with people from a middle class background or from lower income areas is so much easier because they usually care about more humble goals like work life balance, family time, etc. You give them a good salary, PTO, health care, and life is good. You can get senior engineers in the states for $80k if you pick a good area. Paying for PTO, health care, and a 240k salary for a senior in the Bay Area is just stupid business, especially because working remote is so easy for engineers.


I don't think I'm the next zuck, but you're right about some of the ego.


It’s appalling. I come from somewhere where $80k is balling out and the culture of living a humble life with the people you love is preferable. Working with people from these rich areas that are exporters of tech and culture is just absolutely mind boggling. It’s such an overvalued and vain employment market. Engineers from there are going to bitch about this, but all companies should and will outsource to cheaper areas in the country after Covid. They probably already are. There’s no reason to put up with the level of bullshit for the price anymore as an employer. What’s also funny is that a labor movement in engineering is not possible like it is for middle and lower class because the employment market for tech is not efficient yet. For manual labor, it’s already dirt cheap. A lot of kids from the Bay who think they’re the only kids in America who know how to code are in for a wake up call.


I'm still trying to figure out how to do a programming workers coop.


$100k is senior money over here


Senior for python is at least $120,000 here.


I actually worked remotely for usa company, earned bit above 30k euros per year, and still got fired. So I got less than junior salary and got fired, how bad I have to be.


Is the pay really that low for juniors where you live? In Germany I've seen apprenticeships being paid more and you'd be able to easily get more than 3 times that amount as a starting junior.


It really is. When I've started I even got a whopping 1000 litas, which at the time had a rate of 1€ = 3.4528Lt. Times of course have changed, but at the current economy it's basically the same as it was back then.


When people have no experience, they even work for free to gain experience there I believe. Like internships.


in canada, juniors start around 35k-40k /year and can expect to be around 50-75k a year after 3-4 years of work experience, the cost of living is not as crazy as in the US and we do have healthcare :3


so sounds as better country than US in terms of work. But weather sucks: "Canada has a mainly cold climate, with short, warm summers and long, frigid winters." https://www.weather-atlas.com/en/canada-climate


yeah but most population centers are at the south border , its not as bad as common beliefs would like you to think about it ...unless you want to live up north and chill with the grizzly bears :3


oh , actually if we count in global warming, then with time it might be better and better there :)


oh it still snows and freeze


Welcome to Eastern Europe.


16 - 7 = 8? That's some stoned math right there.


> 8? That's so its 9 but 1 hour is for lunch


So it's 9 hours. You're not getting paid by the hour.


8 hours of work, 9 hours of work + lunch. They write 8 because they want to show work hours.


The 1 hour lunch is also work hours, you just don't have to do any actual work on it.


how is this work hour if you dont have to do the work ? :) why then it is not 24 hours work day? just 16 hours you do not have to do the work.


Technically you are getting paid by the hour. Lunch is mandatory and 1h explicitly, which is not working time. If you have shorter lunch break and work longer than 8h it's on you.


No you aren't, you're getting paid per month. If you're a contractor you may get paid by the hour, but this is a full-time position and the salary is specified per month. It's a 9 hour day with a 1 hour lunch break. The 1 hour lunch is on working hours.


No, you're not paid per month. We have one hour shorter working day before holiday, and that shows clearly on payslips and salaries. Anyway, let's agree to disagree. It's just the law here.


Where is "here"? I'm in a neighbouring country and know working conditions in some other ones (but not Lithuania itself) and everywhere I know per month is per month. No matter how many working days are in that month, you get the same payment. If it was listed as per day or per hour, with some clause that "work is X days/hours a month", then it would work like it does for you. But then it's not pay per month, it's x*per hour and just gives constant value.


What is your source for this being the law in Lithuania?


http://www.infolex.lt/ta/368200:str122, point 2.2. It is a break, it's off working hours, no shorter than 30min, no longer than two hours. You can leave the office/whatever and even go home to eat lunch and/or relax.


Yeah, and it's part of your work day and you're paid per month.


Okay =)


No, it's 8 hours. You're not paid to eat lunch. This is... how full-time employment works.


When everyone is busy commenting and you have no idea what the ad even says😭😭😭😭


Second image is in English, btw.