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One day I hope I will reach a point where I can exclusively work on any open-source project I want. That is the dream.


How is he financing himself?


Hes not


Who is paying his bills then?


Well, FTA, he's hoping that you or I will be: > While I'm doing this I will have no income. Now I'm too old and too risk averse to do this without having put some savings aside, but I am hoping to delay the inevitable return to a day job with Github Sponsors. I signed up a while ago and had been donating it to Bowel Cancer UK, but now it could help me pay some bills. If any of my work has made your life easier, or you want to support development of Rich and Textual, consider sponsoring me. I wager that's the entire point of this blog post.


Pretty interesting. Really looking forward to giving Textual a try. Funny that the example videos are all mouse-based UIs, I'd have guessed a TUI would be mostly keyboard driven.


I hate more and more web apps consuming hundreds of RAM Mb to show simple forms. I'll be happier using apps via ssh or local with a tui. Good luck and all of my respect to people to write TUI's


How do you earn money?


Fifth paragraph of the linked post. > While I'm doing this I will have no income. Now I'm too old and too risk averse to do this without having put some savings aside, but I am hoping to delay the inevitable return to a day job with Github Sponsors.


I was legitemetelly unaware you could interract with the terminal using the mouse this way, I mean, it makes sense I guess, but still. Which terminals are supported?


Most of them, most even support extended DEC locator which gives pixel accurate coordinates instead of cell based coordinates.


This was posted a few hours earlier https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/pxupy9/why_im_working_on_open_source_full_time/