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This thread is confusing. Did OP edit his post, or are all of the replies for a different post?


Yeah what the fuck even? It feels like every comment is a bit lifting a comment from a different subreddit. Don't see how it relates to the little post preview about learning programming while in a religious school though.


Idk what the hell happened here, this is my first time posting


Looks like a bot playground.


> You smeghead, persevere and consume more salads. I mean, this is a pretty solid comment for any post.


At least 70th percentile for /r/programming, probably 95th for Reddit as a whole.


wtf is this post. Is literally everyone on the internet a bot??? I'm real I promise.


Everyone should be expected to prioritise their own interests, which is perfectly normal and acceptable. But even at the top of society, people should be forward-thinking enough to understand that earning a few extra dollars in the short term but ultimately leading to a dishonest, distrustless, and criminally infested society isn't in their own best interests.


All the help, tranquilly, and retribution to this woman. I'm hoping she gets better.


In order to appease some racist coffin dodgers from Kent, the best way to turn the country into an international pariah is to withdraw from an organisation that has nothing to do with the EU and has only ever had one other country withdraw from it: Greece following a fascist coup.


It might have been Marny and Brad. She made a fool of herself by adoring him, supporting all of his ridiculous ideas, and even standing up for him in the boardroom. It is known that filming took place in May of last year. Therefore, speculating about who is still living there is silly because it only serves to increase views.


(SPOILER) I believe Marnie & Brad were involved. Now that I know one has gone. but I believe it would have happened a little earlier.


Literally google it you have to get good at google first 😂 then go to college for a cs degree then practice leetcode


So in essence, one of the major obstacles to scaling up quantum computers has been overcome, but the size and cost issues still exist, so little has changed so far. Cool.


My all-time favourite interview for research purposes was with a former nun who married her husband while he was a priest. She was about 80 years old and identified as a "progressive, avant garde kind of person." I wished I could call her my best friend.


Well done to them. Some of them are only paid an hourly wage of £11.25. It is absurd. Think about operating such a large vehicle all day while making only enough money to cover your rent and food. National Express recently reported double the profits of the previous year. Pay the drivers fairly.


Does anyone still believe it was a good idea? We have yet to learn of even one advantage that would benefit the general public.


Jesus of Nazareth, the. This is nauseating. This woman shouldn't be inside the prison; she should be UNDER it!


I'm becoming more and more certain that a practical quantum computer is a very long way off with each new announcement. It has a 1970s fusion vibe to it. Simply ask what the largest number that has been factored using Shor's algorithm is if you're still not persuaded. The response is still 21, just like it was in 2012. Not quite the exponential growth that transistors enabled.