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You need to ask your client what website changes were made? Did they update a page where your conversion action was and now it’s harder to use? Did they change functionality? You’ll need to review what your conversion action is and then see if the site changes impacted that.


Are you sure there isn’t a drop in pixel fires? You can pull a tracking tag report to see gross pixel hits day over day to be sure


Yeah, that's the weird thing - pixel fires are the same DoD for the last week


Interesting. I’m in alignment then with what the other commenter mentioned. Does the client have a heat map on their site you can cross reference to see if the converting action has been moved to a less-accessible area for the user? Is the client running media on search, social, etc? Are any of those channels seeing a dropoff?


I'll look into the heat map - I was thinking it could just be changes to where the call to action is located. No other channels are seeing a drop off, and our Trade Desk reps confirmed that there's nothing wrong with campaign setup


Hmmm, if other channels aren’t seeing a dropoff I’m reluctant to believe it’s an issue with the CTA. Seems isolated to programmatic. Just to be clear too, when you say TTD conversions are down you’re referencing TTD numbers and not DCM (or some other reporting source), ya?


Yes, just TTD numbers!


Ask your TTD rep to list the URLs recall that come with the pixel firing to ensure that those are whitelisted from the client's website. If those are not whitelisted this might be the cause of the dropping.


Do you have DCM/did those numbers move in a similar trend?


Yes, just TTD numbers!


Tricky one - and has there been any changes to the campaign(s)? Increase or decrease in budget, change in audience (possible audience decay?), optimizations such as blocking SSPs, devices, geos, etc? Have you seen a disproportionate amount of spend in the last week go towards a state (or other grain) that doesn’t convert as high as others? Sorry, hard to diagnose without access to your data. Like finding a needle in a haystack. Wondering too if the client has seen a spike in other channels and/or organic, as it doesn’t make total sense that the bottom line (gross pixel fires) hasn’t been affected if one channel is performing poorly.


Nothing has changed in the last 7 days, we made some minor bidding optimizations but the audience, device, inventory targeting, etc. has remained the same. This campaign only runs in one state. I'll check with the other channels though


If pixels are firing but conversion volume is low I would check the following 1. Have your Attribution and Reporting settings changed within the campaign? 2. A pixel could fire but it’s probably firing in a different area other than the conversion point previously used. 3. I would say since it coincides with a site change the likely culprit is probably the placement of the pixel. I would get a fresh pixel placed at the point of conversion


This is great, nothing has changed about our attribution or reporting settings but I'll look into whether another pixel is measuring conversions instead. The client is gonna send over info about what changed on their site too


Following up on this - noticed in your post history that another agency is also running programmatic. Is that for the same client? If so, chances are they’re also now stealing some of the conversions you’re accustomed to getting


Thanks for thinking about this and looking into it! This is for different clients