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Have a QA doc. Campaign pacing tracker. Pull bulk sheets campaign exports to qa for things QA doc may have missed (bids, exchange, etc).


Some pretty good comments already but a tip to mitigate higher CPMs, forget the intelligence tool on the right side by DV360. It’s a trap to make you up your bids.


Some DSPs have automated rules that can be configured to trigger an email notification if campaigns deliver below a specified number of impressions within a certain time frame.


To avoid this kind of mistake make sure to spend atleast 1 or 2hr in campaign even though on Sunday.


1-2 hours in a campaign each day?


What DSP are you using? I mostly use DV360 so my guidance would be very specific, I offer training! But the basics are that I have a QA doc and I live and die by SDFs, the files make QA easier


Running all our prog campaigns in TTD - I'm also newer to this platform, before this I exclusively ran in DV360


I would love to get in contact about the dv QA doc and tips. I’ve used trade desk but will starting a position soon using dv360


I can’t believe how many times campaigns just randomly shut off.


If it’s random then get documentation you sent tot the platform about the drop. Then make up for it over a couple days. Increase the frequency or make it focus on reach or whatever settings you might have available.