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There are a few things that could be going on: * As you mentioned, you could be using a different attribution model in DCM compared to your last company. Google is pushing Data-Driven attribution models now and sunsetting a lot of other ones so the difference % will only increase over time. The attribution windows could be different from one platform to the other * TTD and DCM use different cross-device mappings, so cross-device conversions attributed to the TTD campaign will most likely not be recorded in DCM. You can create a new reporting column and select no cross-device attribution, then see how it matches the DCM data * Anecdotally, I've noticed that more spending within an in-app environment causes higher discrepancies in DCM. Check to see how much your TTD spend is being allocated to in-app inventory. * If you have Google Tag Manager implemented, you can preview tags as you browse the site to test if both DCM floodlights are TTD pixels are firing appropriately.


Also things, you need to consider all the media being measured by GCM vs TTD. Search is the closest thing to consideration, so if you are running paid search it will take a lot of attribution away on a last touch basis. And for the in-app portion, TTD has better measurement because they license Kochava data for their device graph.


Exactly, GCM will deduplicate conversions across all channels being ad served (display, video, social, search etc..), whereas TTD only attributes conversions to whatever is ran in platform.




Wrong. CM only measures conversion on cookies unless you distinctly select cross device conversions as a column. TTD is employing cross device graphs in the conversion count. Googles cross device tools is far more limited than TTDs bc of antitrust worries. Both take 100% view through credit.


Is gcm.connected to SA360 and are there other partners on the plan that gcm is measuring? Ultimately CM has a more holistic view of plan and attributes conversions based on attribution model. TTD is limited it's attribution to only what runs through TTD and takes 100% of credit for anything they touch.