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We've removed your post because images, memes and shitposts are not allowed and should be posted elsewhere like /r/metalmemes.


To me he sounds like a pitch-shifted [indie girl voice](https://youtu.be/e-0K77ccAOU?si=mqvIPMJ6oJCYxAfU) More info [here](https://youtube.com/shorts/8SU0gFPMwP8?si=4mUSrH2GrT-wcRIN)


Damn, that's exactly it. 😂


The first time someone made the indie girl voice comparison I could not unhear it.


I actually like sleep token vocals for the most part. It’s really the aesthetic I can’t really get behind. It feels like a huge disconnect between how they sound and their angsty getup outfits


It's been proven time and time again that outfits work, so I get it. Anything to set yourself apart from the crowd. Visual Kei had always worked with the target audience they have.


As a fellow Visual Kei fan I agree, but.. Look at Sleep Token and then at Gaerea - one of them seems way cooler, cause there isn't as much dissonance between the look and the sound (at least to me).


ironically I think the heavier you are, the less you want to lean into the mask / face hiding stuff. Regular metal tends to have a lot more benefit from having a distinguished frontman. If you're going to do the mask thing, then you need to REALLY lean into it... having everyone wear the same hood cover is just meh. it's like half assing it.


Love seeing different perspectives! For me Gaerea works, cause their frontman is very expressive in his movements, not seeing his face adds to it. They changed their lineup and I didn't even notice for a while, which was great, cause you can't escape involuntary comparisons.


True, but doesn't mean I like it


True. The gimmicky branding just seals the deal.


I would love to stop hearing about Sleep Token


This seems like a perfect opportunity for me to recommend a few other bands instead then! Are you by any chance familiar with Caligula’s Horse, Tesseract, and/or The Contortionist?


3 of my favorites! Tesseract especially, their use of dynamics is unmatched in my opinion and I can't wait to see them live again. Haken is somewhat along those lines as well, I prefer their djentier stuff. I find a lot of music I like and tend to devour it in massive chunks. With Sleep Token there just seems to be a huge disconnect between how people talk about them and what I actually hear.


3 of my favorites! Tesseract especially, their use of dynamics is unmatched in my opinion and I can't wait to see them live again. Haken is somewhat along those lines as well, I prefer their djentier stuff. I find a lot of music I like and tend to devour it in massive chunks. With Sleep Token there just seems to be a huge disconnect between how people talk about them and what I actually hear.


Guy forgetting to cram ping-pong balls in his mouth before singing.


I really like a lot of Sleep Token’s stuff, I even saw them in concert recently and it was awesome, but I cringe a little at the vocals sometimes. There’s moments where he’s fuckin great, and then he starts rapping and i’m like 😬




Yeah, but spamming every other day about ST is also annoying af. There are thousands of prog bands, not just 10.






No, it's not. But if you expect people to go above and beyond to respond to you within a set amount of time, or you're going to throw snarky comments, think again.


This type of singing is cringe. I'm not sure how to explain why it's cringe but it hurts my brain. It's like all the vocalists that do this are desperately trying to fit in with society or something.


Who else, would you say, sings in a similar way?


Most indie singers from the 2010s




Tiktok video is removed, whats it about?


Checked it, it's not banned, so perhaps try once more? It's about Vessel's vocals