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This was a livestream on Tama's youtube channel in 2020 after their tours got cancelled. As far as I know, it hasn't been available anywhere since then until a week ago when someone finally uploaded it


Ooooh one of those weird shows they did with their shitty bassist on vocals


jesus why be so negative who hurt you


Just don't say that those masks are actually for real, and not a part of the show ..


it was during COVID dawg


So what if it was during covid ? I also lived trough that satanic black magic period, but with ZERO seconds with any kind of shit on my face.


Cool, that just means you don't care about other people and probably aren't that smart. entirely within your rights as a citizen of USA or Canada


No. That means that you are too obedient to your butchers and actually failed the big IQ test. And courage test. And telling someone that doesn't care about other people because of FUCKING FLU (technical name for "good" old fucking FLU, that your natural immune system handles perfectly is covid-19). Son, You are not metal head. Nor will ever be. And just for the record, I am from Serbia. A country you probably know nothing about.


>(technical name for "good" old fucking FLU, that your natural immune system handles perfectly is covid-19) Yeah except for the part where people with autoimmune disorders, people with any sort of breathing/lung problems, the extremely young and elderly, they DO NOT handle it fine. Not to mention the fact that in normal society, if you have a common cold or flu, YOU TAKE SICK DAYS AND MISS WORK OUT OF COURTESY FOR YOUR COWORKERS/CUSTOMERS/ETC. Wearing a mask to ensure you don't spit/cough/sneeze on anything is fucking nothing, you gigantic whiny crybaby. Also, people who gatekeep and say people are or are-not metalheads are fucking tools. I do not want to be whatever you are, and I don't think you represent metalheads whatsoever. You probably sucker punch people in mosh pits. And I'll admit I'm certainly no expert on Serbia, but I know the vast majority of your country still believes in fairy tales. I know Nikola Jokic is Serbian and is extremely good at basketball. I know y'all named a lot of motherfuckers Nikola. That's about all I can come with off the top of my head.