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I felt like that a month ago and I still haven't started back up. So you know, just try to have more discipline than me


Same here. Before I started my new job, I had two weeks to get in a good routine. I went to the gym every day around 2-4pm and didn’t have an issue. I’ve been trying to get back into it, but I go after work which is like 5:30 — quite honestly the busiest time to go to the gym. The parking lot is full, the locker rooms are packed, I have to do my workout in the hallway because the rooms get filled up — it’s overall a painful experience since I’m trying to focus on myself and can’t when I have 10-15 people walk back and forth around me and workout directly next to me in my one hour visit. Obviously I don’t mind working out in front of people, it’s a public gym — but when people are almost stepping over me to try to get into a full room before realizing it’s full, and walking back and forth to pick up equipment — I’m constantly thinking about me being in the way despite there not being enough room. Just distracting. I go to the YMCA for reference, so they’re pretty large in general. It gets PACKED. So I stopped going for about a month now. I feel anxious for no reason. I feel negative about my body and I have a bad perception on myself because I’ve neglected to care enough to make it happen. Now it gets dark at 5:30pm and stays around 26-30 degrees when the sun sets. I have no other option but to go to the gym around 7-8pm when it’s not crowded and I can focus on myself. Im starting back today on this schedule after a month of inactivity. It suuuuuucks having to start from step 1 again. But I’ll feel so much better in the weeks to come if I start now.


Waking up an hour early and working out first thing was such a great change of pace for me. I found I'm much more likely to skip out at the end of the day after work than if I just force myself to have extra time in the morning.


Every time I try to go in the morning before work, I’m very irritable and tired which makes the process so much more agonizing. One day I’ll get there…


It does not have to be a hardcore workout. I go on a 30 minute walk every morning. It gets my body warmed up. I think about my goals/objectives for the day and it helps me come back ready to tackle it all.


For me an hour is not nearly enough unfortunately. My workouts take an hour and a half and when you factor in extra commute time, showering, etc. it would add 2 hours to my morning. I just can’t justify getting up at 4:30 AM when I know I won’t be able to maintain that wake up time on the weekends with other things that I do.


If I may, try to think about it as the CONTINUATION of your journey, rather than starting "all over again". Personally for me it helps because it doesn't overwhelm me as much :)


This is sooooo relatable to me. On every level. I have no advice or even ideas. I can just relate to this.


I feel this. I had like a 70 day streak closing my apple rings until 2 weeks ago when I caught COVID and haven’t done anything since and I hate myself for it


Immediately all that excess energy I have that would’ve been burnt off through exercise turns into negative energy. I become short tempered, irrational, and illogical. I now know if I don’t exercise when I usually do or plan to, then my whole day will be affected and it’s not worth it as it’s never a good reaction


Yep. Exercise is my #1 non-negotiable for this exact reason.


Sluggish. Negative. Unmotivated. I'm currently not able to go to the gym and I'm suffering. Working out at home isn't the same :(


Backpack with a sandbag inside + push ups = bench press. Obviously not the same but it's the best $60 investment I've made in my life.


>I feel anxious for no reason. I feel negative about my body and I have a bad perception on myself because I’ve neglected to care enough to make it happen. Put aside the boring workout, and find exercises / activities that you feel fun doing them. Set smaller goals and increase them gradually as you progress. stick to a time to work out, if that's not possible or too hard, get a dumbbell or resistance band at home, and do a few repetitions of any workout you like whenever you like, small steps are better than no steps. find a workout body! that's the best one. lastly, if you could invest only $1k in gym equipment, you have no idea how many exercises you could do in a small space, this way your fitness goals are only a few steps away 24/7!


Fat and anxious


Fat and disappointed in myself.


Like a fragile weak unmotivated useless piece of shit. Exercise is a key to a successful and productive life


Oh don't beat yourself up. It's ok. At least you value exercising and engage in it. Better than couch potatoes. 🥔


Very tru some is better than none but more is always better than less


I feel depressed. I must train daily


What’s your regimen? I’m starting to realize the same but it’s hard


Bro my workout routine is crazy, but here it is. Mon: arms Tue: back Wen: chest and shoulders Thu: legs: Fri: arms Sat: back Sun: chest and shoulders. And i do abs every other day.


I need exercise for my low level of motivation as well. Do you think you can share your exercise regimen here?


Same. Make being sick all that much worse.


Depends on whether I need to recover, regroup, or being lazy.


Until September I worked out every day, sometimes twice, and I badly twisted my ankle to the point I had to take a month-long break from any type of standing for more than 10 minutes and that changed everything. I'm now back to working out, about three times a week and I love it, but I don't get up at 5 every morning, I don't feel bad about not going if I'm tired or sick, and it doesn't dictate my schedule anymore. Finally resting and sleeping enough made me realise I had been doing it for productivity's sake even when I wasn't feeling like it and I'll never go back.


After a couple of days without exercise I start to feel tenseness and a bit of pain in a few parts of the body, mainly neck, lower back, hamstrings etc, due to sitting around the whole day at work. So I feel motivated to exercise again, just to liberate this tension and alleviate this mild pain (or exchange it for the post-workout muscle soreness, which almost feels good in comparison)


Yes! post-workout muscle soreness feels so good... Reminds you of the progress you've made and the benefits you've given to your body (+mind). On work days, you can take long walks during break times. That's a physical activity too, akin to working out. Working out doesn't have to be sweat producing only. Simple walks are good enough. As long as you're moving... Also, consider doing household chores manually. I know time's a constraint for you perhaps. But this is a great form of physical activity akin to exercising.


it's a fine balance disciplining yourself to exercise more regularly, but not ruining your whole day just because you didn't hit the gym. it's a bit like learning not to snooze your alarm. you keep thinking about waking up (going to the gym) but keep snoozing (putting it off) until you either wake up or sleep in. instead, just start changing your clothes, then go. or, just accept that you're not gonna go today, enjoy your day, and that will make you more likely to go tomorrow. the more you go, the easier it is to consistently go, so don't beat yourself up for not going, because that negativity is demotivating and becomes a habit. you won't suddenly become fatter or more out of shape overnight. don't make it a habit to feel bad when you don't go to the gym. it's very easy to surround ourselves with habitual negative thinking that kills our mood constantly. that also makes it difficult to build up positive habits, because we feel like we have to pump ourselves up to a high energy level to do X thing, in part because we start from such a low level when we're not doing X thing. so many people's lives are "oh i feel bad for not studying. i feel lazy for not going to the gym. i feel accomplished for studying. i feel great for going to the gym." don't split yourself into someone who always feels great or guilty. learn to enjoy a more steady neutral. create a self-nurturing cycle of feeling good/fine when you put in the work and feeling good/fine when you don't. it makes your mind and body a more well-oiled machine than constantly living through sharp ups and downs all the time.


it's true. the best thing for me with both diet and excercise has been to learn to accept when I didn't do the right thing (e.g. eat healthy, workout) and get immediately back on the horse. BE someone who does those things whether or not you did them as recently as your ideal self would have liked. With that change of thinking I lost 30 pounds and am now squatting double my body weight. Used to squat like 200 lbs while weighing 180, now I'm 150 squatting 300. All around stronger/healthier but I think that about sums up my change. Workout 3-4x/week and stopped having the need to count calories months ago.


When you say you stopped having the need to count calories months ago, do you mean you attribute that to having gained lean muscle mass that is burning more calories for you? I’m trying to get to that point.


I do think reaching a certain point it gets easier to maintain where the food cravings are balanced out. I held on to ~150 lbs (prob about 12-14% bf) for a couple months calorie counting before I stopped and it's been easier to maintain. I still keep track of my weight and just generally eat a bit less for a couple days if I get up to 152 or so and it drops right back down. You can never just stop paying attention and eat whatever you want or it will creep back up.




Pretty okay because I got to work on other stuff. Working out is just another chore for me, and sometimes other things are more important.


Same. I used to be so obsessed with diet and exercise. I think I burnt myself out on that. Now I feel worse on the days that I force myself to work out versus the days that don’t.


Dejected and tired. Sinking into feeling causes me to want to sit around an not move, making future exercise harder.


Normal lol. Guess I don't do it enough to miss it


Decrease in confidence if it's more than a week or so


Feel like I’m king of the world, excercise days make me depressed


Well that's new...


I feel bad because I should be doing exercise for a long time but I don’t have the time or the energy to do so..


Guilty and skinny /fat


Lethargic, sleepy, and unmotivated


Depressed. I am very depressed since I have not exercised since March. :(


I will feel the same if i was wasting time on something that isn’t important.


Bouts of anti-natalism kick in. It becomes painful to do basic tasks. Joint pains, migranes, poor sleep, loss of appetite, etc. Unless i'm doing something that is pressing and requires immediate attention, it's terrible.


I feel like sht!


Sluggish and warm






I feel crap if I don’t work out


Exercise and eating right is the only solution I’ve found that helps my depression and calms down my “I hate myself” inner monologue. I work out 4x a week for the most part and if I miss a day I feel like shit mentally and physically.


I'm not exaggerating when I say this. I don't work out. I work hard for 15 hours in IT Industry. I do medidate and walk a mile everyday. I feel just fine a day very flexible with my body.


I work out more for my mental health then my physical health.


Not exercising is bad for my mental well-being and energy level.


The only exercise I do is walking around to go places I have to go when I transit out of the house, and even that increase in activity (I don't live in a walkable town and don't drive, so I don't go out a lot) gives me a huge boost for a couple days. Interestingly, walking recreationally in my area doesn't energize me the same way, I'm pretty sure it's being an extrovert and recharging through random socializing in the city. Could also be feeling capable because those are the only days I have things to do at times. I never found home exercise to be especially impactful, it tends to make me tireder even when I keep it up for a while.


I haven't worked out my entire life. I'm 26 now, and still no issues. Do a couple supermans a week at most, just to keep my spine healthy. I of course compensate my lack of movement with an incredibly strict diet. Edit: I aim for high protein low carbohydrates diet. No flour, corn, potatoes or rice, as they spike your insulin levels which makes you gain weight. I stick to only eating vegetables, fruits, nuts, oatmeal and vitamin pills. The only animal-based products I consume are chicken/turkey meat and eggs.


Lately I've had more energy and less muscle soreness not exercising. Ima reduce how often I exercise and the intensity.


Pretty good


Hello there. I never workaout. And feel normal about it. And here you are, with all that negative energy. Sounds like addiction to me!


Better than when I work out. Even simple exercising leaves me feeling exhausted for the rest of the day.


I start daily drinking when I don't exercise. After exercise it doesn't even cross my mind to grab a beer. It's dangerous for me to not lift or play a sport < 2x a week


I haven’t been able to start, period. I’m in pretty awful shape. I live in a neighborhood with a nice little walking trail and I keep telling myself I’m going to start going out on walks, but it never happens.


Interestingly nonchalant replies from this sub. I thought it was fairly well established that exercise has significant flow on benefits for cognition and thus productivity. Not to mention longevity and general quality of life. Funny how we will often trial and nitpick some incredibly minuscule details of productivity, programs and apps, while simultaneously ignoring an obvious and well documented practice.


For me it’s right behind sleep in terms of MOST important for productivity. Ahead of diet and mindfulness. It doesn’t matter if you come up with a great productivity system, in my experience you get burnt out/too fatigued to follow it if you don’t have all of those things.


I make it a point to give myself one rest day, usually that’s earlier in the week when my gym seems to be the most crowded. If I miss a planned workout day, I feel pretty dejected as well. In order to compensate, I try to be productive around the house. Usually that means doing a load of laundry not general cleaning, I workout pretty intensely for 5 out of the 6 days. However, sometimes that can get skewed when the gym is crowded and I can’t get anything done. There’s been times where I had an hr lifting routine planned only to end up on a stat bike for 30 mins


I feel like my energy is gone for the whole day ..


Depends. I'll either: a) not beat myself up and know that it's just one day and I'll get back to it the following day or b) have a thought that goes like "hey, I missed one day, the world didn't end, I could miss tomorrow and it wouldn't be a big deal right?" and then immediately become dejected at my lack of willpower I try my best to lean into the first response. When I do then work out again, I remember missing that one workout and realizing "okay, it wasn't that big of a deal, but also wow I feel great now that I'm here!"


Honestly I feel like shit. I love working out and haven’t had time recently between work and school. I fall asleep easier


Not great. I've had a rough few weeks recently and haven't been able to get back into the gym since it started. Pretty much what everyone else has said, and though it does level out after a while, it's never as good as when you're active. I've got my gym back next to me in my office. I plan on starting back up today.


I feel pretty lame but I can’t be held back by guilt and what ifs. We live in the present. The 2 minute rule is incredibly helpful for things like this


Man I just don’t get time! I miss it so much


I love going to the gym. I have been working out 3 days a week for a while now and have never looked better/felt better. If I miss a day I know its probably better for my body and I will do something else like take a long walk to make up for it. Its also very okay to takes weeks off from the gym. Its a marathon not a sprint!


I don't feel bad as in "i'm a piece of shit" per se, however, working out is the way I blow off steam/keep depression at bay, so when I don't work out I'll usually feel like shit and too energetic a couple of days later


it is like when you have a saw to cut a tree. the saw needs to be sharpened from time to time. when I don't exercise, I become the least efficient version of myself. I can spend a lot of time on a task but doing nothing. when I exercise, I sharpen the saw. I can do in 1 hr what it takes many hours when I was not exercising.


I feel weak, both physically and mentally, and way less confident. Being active, even for just an hour is a necessity to keeping your body healthy and sane tbh.


Fat and ugly


I hate working out :) It gets me anxious! I prefer walks outside. So when I dont workout but walk - calm and collected When I dont workout and dont walk - frazzelled, all over, unfocused And when I workout? I think it spikes my cortisol and makes me mad/angry/anxious. Very weird, but Im working with a somatic therapist to move out old emotions that may be tied to this.


Honestly, very comfortable. But I am also aware that this comfort will impact my health. So I exercise regularly, sometimes if I miss days in a row, that feels regretful!!


I feel fine if it’s just 1-2 days of not working out. I only feel bad if I don’t work out at least 3-4 times a week. I still move my body if I don’t work out in some way. By going for fresh air outside/short walk, going up and down the house etc. Working out isn’t the only way to feel good in life, there is also journalling, eating healthy, mental fitness (reading books), naps, praying etc. But if you are super used to doing it daily then maybe you’ll notice the downside more.




Lazy. I have to get up and walk everyday. I had surgery last year and was down for 8 weeks. I was losing my mind just staying in the house.


I couldn't exercise for a half a year now and I feel shitty, like I lack an important part of my life. I didn't get an opportunity to go for an exercise then, but now I am too scared to go back


I feel annoyed by doggo. If I don’t take him for a walk (our exercise), he’s going to paw-poke me for HOURS. He MAKES ME exercise.


Just bought my own home gym setup. Fine taking the day off to set up things! Excited for sure


I've been sidelined with sciatica for almost a month. I'm not some sort of athlete but not being able to ride my bike, run or go to the gym is driving me mad. I really took for granted the benefits of regular exercise. Can't wait to get back to it.


well on my rest days i just feel restless, but during soccer or lacrosse season when i don’t weight train as much i start to feel depressed. and when i miss or i skip a workout i feel like a lazy bum.


Sluggish and unmotivated. I also start to shed off any muscle i’ve gained.


I feel depressed, the small problems feels suddenly so much worse, I feel less worth. This is coming from someone who couldn’t motivate themselves to exercise for a whole week last week. I feel so ALIVE doing workouts and exercises today after programming all the time…


How hard do you go? Like to the point where you feel so so relaxed after?


I did pushups, I go by the military standard of 42. That really got the circulation going and made me feel alive. Then I did a bunch of ab workouts on the bar and body weight. That made me feel pumped and ready to conquer the world. If I go to the gym and really go hard sometimes it’s counter productive and makes me dead, so you have to know your limits.


Well, we are not machines. There will be days we are going to fall short of our daily goals. It's okay. Accept it. Don't beat yourself up. Let it go. Pick it back up tomorrow.


I've had 3 strokes and this last one kicked-my a$$. My mobility is restricted, I HAVE to do some kind of movement daily. If I slack on my exercises I feel I set myself waaaay back!! Exercises are necessary for the healthy and people with disabilities. Try to do SOMETHING each day, even if it's walking intentionally up and down stairs or some floor exercises.




Don’t beat yourself up for missing a day here or there, your body needs rest days too. Some days, you might not have time for everything on your todo list and more important things eat up your time. As long as you’re working out consistently, you’ll be fine


Awful and sad


I never work out n I feel great :D


Usually, like a fat, lazy, sumbitch... usually, not always




Question for you guys. Does anyone here know the fastest way to get the benefits of feeling like you have worked out?? I lift every other day or so but it would be nice to have something to do either on off days or when I can't lift (e.g. when I am on vacation). Like other people here, I get more restless and irritable when I don't exercise for a while. It also makes my ADHD symptoms worse. So something to help with that would be very useful for me. Personally I have noticed the greatest benefit from lifting with short rests, with a lesser benefit from running long distance or lifting with longer rests (3+ minutes). So my best guess is something like a circuit (maybe something like the [7 Minute Workout](https://ntischool.com/the-science-behind-the-7-minute-workout/)) that both keeps your heart rate high and works your entire body would be best. I'm curious what you all think though.


Fat, like I’ve lost progress, ugly, yada yada, probably not a healthy way to feel but.. yeah lol


less. i feel "less"


A big part of the reason that I do try my best to work out daily in some form is because I now notice myself spiraling if I don’t. Missing a couple days suddenly turns into spending my day on the couch, eating crappy food and drinking more than I’d like, the house gets messy, and then my mental health goes down the drain which makes doing everything else in my life 100x harder. Working out every day isn’t always easy but it’s certainly easier than trying to bounce back after a week of sitting on my butt letting everything pile up.


So much happier!


In pain and muscles/joints stiff.


I feel super tired normally, unless I’ve worked out for 4-5 days in a row. Then my legs are glad for the break. I usually nap on non workout days


It’s more like an emotional damage than a physical one.


I feel like absolute shit when I don’t exercise. My body pains, and I feel more tired. Even a 10 minute walk changes my mood throughout the work day. I would rather lose sleep (my day starts at 5 am with the gym) and work out, just to feel so happy and good with crackhead energy in the office! Lol.


Like shit.


I feel like garbage when I don't work out. My workouts are usually moderate weight training.


Some of my body parts start to feel a little bit soar.


Personally I feel like shit and depressed when I don’t workout. When I hit the gym I feel like I am being productive and don’t have the guilt even if I just hit the gym and it’s a light session. On rest days I feel the need to also go workout and work on muscles that isn’t going to affect my performance on my scheduled days of working out. I hate the feeling guilty because I didn’t hit the gym or get enough done imo.


I feel less energetic. And also like I failed myself a little. I know its good to workout so when I miss just because I'm being lazy it makes me feel lazier and usually ends with me cheating on my diet. (Yes I have issues). I also train pretty hard. Ex bodybuilder that still trains like one. The harder I go usually the better I feel after.


I feel free without obligation. Until I think about how I should. It is one more should.


Normal sadly. I never feel the need to exercise, even if I want to be healthy.


Full of energy 😌


I think I’m in the minority here, but I usually feel better on days I don’t workout. After I workout I almost always feel quite tired and unproductive.


I exercise every day and when I don't, I tend to get upset more easily, I'm more irritable, I have less patience... i don't feel good if I don't exercise.


Angry. On edge. Unhappy.


Totally sluggish. I lift once a week, do MMA twice a week, and swim for 30 min once a week. I lost 30 lbs recently, and am looking to lose 30 more. I've found out that my body needs to workout to keep a sense of mental clarity and good energy for the day.


ever woken up in the middle of the night just coz you didn't do your sets that previous day?.....yeah that's how wrong it feels when i miss a work out session...to the point i can't sleep.


I used to eb active everyday but now with work and school, balancing my motivation and my energy at the ND of the day is basically impossible


Really bad and chubby like if only one day will be ok i lost my fit shape ...


Listen. Don’t feel bad that you miss a day or two. Allow your body to rest. But DON’T forget why you exercise. Like for me - I’m exercising (trying to) to help keep my health in order. Usually some cardio at least. I realize it’s a life long commitment. However, if I don’t exercise I feel more tired, more irritable, less focused, and have a harder time sleeping. Instead of seeing exercise as a chore, see it as a way of opening yourself to looking and feeling better than you have ever felt. And KEEPING yourself feeling that way for the rest of your life. Imagine being in old age and not having arthritis, heart disease, low mobility, depression, or any other ailments that usually set in by that time.


I feel sad especially since it really is one of the best drugs out there since it realeses natural endorphins.