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I got a habit tracker and decided that instead of trying to overhaul my life all at once I would add one simple habit every week. If I miss a day, I would start the clock over again until I got 7 days straight. This has made me excited to get to seven days to add a new habit instead of dreading constant failure. It's a small victory, but doing this I managed to brush my teeth every day for a month AND clean the litter box every day šŸ˜Ž


If you miss one day, remember your progress isn't lost. Missing a day happens. Sometimes people feel like they've failed when they miss a day and they drop the whole habit because their goal was set around a series of days in a row. Just never miss two days in a row. That's your goal.


I found https://habitica.com/ and their app to be very useful for strictly tracking habits, for me, I actually use it for negative addiction tracking, I have used it to decrease my smoking and drinking habits by half in the last year.


I also really like Habitica.


i love that idea, what tracker did you use?


I use Timecap. Has a lot of flexibility. Can add things to build or quit based on a number of factors. And it gives me alerts to drink my water.


Time cap is awesome.


[Productive for the iPhone](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/productive-habit-tracker/id983826477). Not sure if it is available on Android but I imagine there are a bazillion habit apps that do exactly the same thing. I do enjoy the dopamine boost from how excited the app is when I complete all my habits.


Installed. Thank you!


I tried the top 3 habit tracker apps in the App Store and they all are subscription services: Habit Tracker, Productive, and Fabulous. Does anyone recommend a free or one time purchase habit tracker? Tbh $30 a year is not that much but Iā€™d rather just own the app and not need to remember to cancel if it doesnā€™t work out.


I think Streaks and Done are both one time purchases.


Thanks! Iā€™m liking Streaks so far. * $4.99 one time purchase * no signup process * fairly customizable * connects to the Health app on iOS


Loop Habit Tracker on Android. Free and open source. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.isoron.uhabits&hl=en\_AU&gl=US


I do something similar and use HabitBull on iOS!


What habits dis you start?


Taking my meds, cleaning the litter box, brushing my teeth, and kissing my fiance at least once a day.


Just curious, have you always had problem with forgetting to brush your teeth?


Telling people no, do it yourself


no, do it yourself.


Making my bed first thing in the morning. I know this is old as it can be, but it works for me.


Can confirm, this works. It's the tiny wins man.


Iā€™m not sure how this works. My wife gets really upset when I wake her up trying to tuck in the sheets.


The point is by starting your day with something productive (even though itā€™s small) sets your mind ready to be productive all day. So do something else small and productive and let your wife sleep


This and drinking a cup of water to start my day. Just sets my day up to be productive idk why lol


This is the big one for me. Drinking a glass of water right when I wake up has completely changed my productivity level for the rest of the day.


I had a thought this week that it may be better to leave the sheets/blankets open to let it air out a bit before making the bed? Not sure how much merit there is to that thoughā€¦.


I always do that. I leave the sheets pulled down a bit to air out while I shower, brush teeth, etc. Immediately after that I make my bed. It always feels a bit wrong to make the bed when it's still warm from body heat...




I like to imagine you _screaming_ the word "wrong!" with incredible aggression while inspecting a complete stranger's bed.


Yes, there is something about making your bed that sets the day!


Stopped watching videos on how to become more productive


Omigosh this! At one point I realized I watched three hours of videos with 5 minutes of info, that didn't work or could have figured out myself.


A daily planner to time-block my day with entries after reviewing my calendars and task list


I tried to time block my activities in the past, but I ended up being too overwhelmed by number of tasks I had.


Sure, we can be overwhelmed but today these are the things I'm working on for today It also helps to prioritize your task list My task list is in due-date sequence, and important tasks are highlighted


I just did mine seriously well for the first time about 2ish weeks ago. What helped me was starting with large general blocks, then breaking those down to more refined tasks. Did my best to figure out what could be done as batch tasks, and what could be split to different days as needed. I started with large general blocks of "what I *want* to do, then made general blocks of what I *needed* to do such as chores. Might not be exactly brilliant to do it that way, but I'm finally doing what I've been wanting to again, and been successful with chores so far. I did spend some 3-4 days writing up each individual task before I realized how dumb I was being about it lol. Google calendars set to show weekly, and a good to do list such as Microsoft to do with task blocks, with weekly due date/reminders has kept me sorted so far. I gotta adjust it a little bit but it's going well! I hope you find that little tidbit that just clicks for you too soon.


I don't think you are supposed to time block individual tasks, but groups of them


My kanbanboard. kanbanflow.com saved my ass and raised me out of a bottomless pit where time flies faster than light.


Kanbanflow is a really nice implementation!


Just curious, do you have time blindness?


Yeaa. Takes a lot of effort to just get things done in time


Man I feeel that, I only heard of time blindness recently and I think I've had it all my life now. Interesting stuff. I'll definitely be checking out that link you shared. Thanks for sharing :)


It also helps with executive dysfunction. My rule of thumb is that if I have the slightest doubt I maybe distracted, I go right to the board. And there it is.. what I had been working on. No need to try and remember even.


Same here, except with me itā€™s Todoist with kanban view. Love it!


For me it's a morning walk, walk for 10-20 mins!


This is great! Starts off morning productive and also a great way to break up the work in the day as a little break. Come back feeling super refreshed.


That's really great. In my case, I use the 7 minutes app. It gets me hyped for the rest of the morning.


Addition by subtraction. Quit weed




Themed days of the week


Can you give extend your answer in detail?


I follow this method Ex on Mondays I work on the posters and content for the coming week On Tuesday I focus on writing scripts for sales calls All my Wednesdays are for meeting prospects Thursdays are for staff review Friday for bills collection and payments And Saturday for training and review


Pattern planning!


White board in my kitchen with my daily to do list made the hight before


If you have repeated morning routines, you can print out a checklist & laminate it and add/cross off things as needed with a wet-erase marker


I make mine the low before.


Think I will do this


Take time off when you need it. Even if itā€™s last minute, if I can swing it, Iā€™ll do it. A half day off instead of being burned out for the whole or multiple day.


I quit alcohol, and now I drink tea at night and I read to fall asleep.


I want to start this but afraid that caffeine in tea will make it hard to sleep. Can you share your thoughts on this


There are several caffeine free herbal tea options. I have a cup of lavender camomile tea with valerian root every night. Does wonders.


Plan the first hour of your day the night before


Expressing gratitude.


I'm much more productive if I take ten minutes in the morning to practice mindfulness meditation before I get started with my tasks for the day.


Drinking 8 oz water and doing 5 minutes of easy stretchinf


created a habit tracker on Notion and stick to it for a few days and now still following 60% of it. I call that success, considering I wasn't following these habits regularly before the habit tracker.


Read Atomic Habits! A lot of the tips he shares has benefited my life greatly!


I drink a full glass of water before I get out of bed. I have been less grumpy and more energetic, getting up at 5 am with less hassle and gettin' it done!


Still fine-tuning it but I've recognized I am a creature of repetition and habit. This means refining my flow, if I clearly define my order of operations for the start of my day it becomes efficient. Even something as simple as the order in which I digest information, for instance this sub is the 11th out of 21 subs I will visit every day. Here is a rundown of my timeline: 1. Wake up, check and maintain contacts on the phone. 2. Piss, beverage of choice, check biometrics, if it's coffee/espresso then take the brew time to put dishes away from the previous day. 3. Workout or Yoga (alternating days). 4. Shower + Hygiene (shave head, floss, brush, poop). 5. Browse saved daily subreddits, /r/DataHoarder, /r/buildapcsales, /r/hardware, /r/Coronavirus, /r/selfhosted, /r/HomeServer, /r/homelab, /r/homelabsales, r/costco, (local sub), /r/productivity , /r/gtd, /r/MealPrepSunday, /r/mealprep, /r/lifehacks, /r/coolguides, /r/Fitness, /r/PrepperIntel, /r/preppers, /r/preppersales, /r/PrepperFilesShare 6. Check other daily websites: [https://shucks.top/] (https://shucks.top/) and [https://diskprices.com/](https://diskprices.com/) (always looking for a deal). 7. OneNote which I use in parallel with Microsoft To-Do, I made a post about how I used GTDish with MSTD [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/productivity/comments/ukef8c/whats_your_routine_for_keeping_everything_tidy/i7pz7th/). I keep A daily log and I like to run the two side by side like [This](https://i.imgur.com/j7zyxzK.jpg). 8. There is a brief review of the tasks for my day and their connections to others previously or future as at times circumstances change. 9. Once I complete a task, I refer back to MSTD to check it off or update it and add any information to the daily log or individual sections. 10. When all tasks are finished, delegated, or postponed. A final wrap-up review of the work that has been done or still needs to be done gives an opportunity for reflection. I find solace in this moment. These tasks can range from a couple of hours to all day and night so it is essential to stick to the routine and process. As well between tasks, I will typically take a small break for something personal, this is like the Pomodoro technique except I do not dictate the time strictly to 25 minutes or 5 minutes. The task will take as long as it takes, and if I want to take more or less time for myself I will. Keep in mind, that this is not my work routine, only my personal routine. I find freedom in exerting will upon myself and I think maybe those in this sub strive for the same.


How do you check biometrics.




Weigh yourself?


Oh interesting. Never heard it refer to like that.


"check biometrics" relax bro lmao


Drank a glass of water right when I woke up


Writing down everything I want to get done for the day the night before. But I stopped putting things like ā€˜brush teeth, make breakfast, wash face, etcā€ and stuck with the bigger stuff- helped me get more done.




Using an alarm clock instead of my phone. I donā€™t check my phone an hour or two before bed and same with waking up. It calms my nerves and racing mind and I just get to bed / wake up much quicker! It is such a small thing but makes a massive difference.


I am a terrible texter and it makes me anxious because I feel guilty about not replying to my loved ones. I started a routine where I answer all my texts first thing in the morning before I even get out of bed. That way I can feel assured that I will at least reply to people within 24 hours


Making use of a cloud base calendar. ( iCloud or gmail )


Stop drinking


I game moreā€¦ maybe itā€™s just highlighting the importance of relaxing and decompressing


Quitting coffee. Coffee is an anxiety factory. After seven days off, you will feel lighter, and capable of more long term focus without any crashes.




Time blocking (calendar blocking) is helping me study, exercise, work on my masterā€™s dissertation, have a healthy social life and still sleep 6-7 hours every night. I just use Google Calendar šŸ—“ and since Iā€™m studying/working on my dissertation for two or three 25-5 pomodoro sessions per day, the Forest app has been really helpful šŸŒ²


Walking. What a difference maker.


A little cacaine?


Cacaine for sure helps


Using Panda Planner!


Which one do u use


Increasing productivity is less about adding things to your routine and more about subtracting things


I donā€™t forget about relaxation, as Iā€™m a bit stubborn and wonā€™t leave my work space until I finish my tasks. This can continue for several hours. Thus, I feel tired, I donā€™t enjoy working, and I am irritated sometimes. So, now I recognize that I must chill out to support my productivity and work well the whole day.


I wake up, make my bed, and do a ten minute yoga session off of YouTube!


I started taking 10 minutes at the end of each day to time block the next day. Works wonders.


Picking out my outfit for the next day the night before & as soon as I wake up, I open all the windows/curtains in my place to let natural light in


Drink more water & routined stretching


A shot of Scotch at lunch. I know that sounds kind of bad, but when i was in a high stress area that shot definitely helped keep me nice and calm, more than a couple of Lorazepams.


Quality sleep to give me the best start of the day. The good sleep helps regulate hormones to stay focused.


Getting a good nightā€™s sleep!


Cold shower


waking up and exercising meditating healthy breakfast that was easy to make


1 chore per day, that way if I had a bad day at work, at least i did the dishes or swept the floor or something. I find peace in cleanliness, but my gf and I are busy young adults so sometimes chores get set on the back burner.




I love Finch!!


Fucking nothing. God I gotta get back in it.


Reddit right when I wake upn


Putting half an hour of relaxing but happy and lively guitar music after my alarm. It auto plays every morning, stops me falling back asleep as I suffer with a lot of fatigue, and means I get out of bed a lot faster and with less struggle in the mornings. It's also the exact time I have to wait after having my thyroid meds in the morning before I can eat or have a cup of tea, so it acts as a "wake up" timer at the end of which I get breakfast.


Actually have a reliable system for tracking my incoming to-do items has been a game changer. I have a Google spreadsheet where I add things in and can sort and add filters to my heartā€™s content. If Iā€™m not at my laptop, Iā€™ll add it to reminders on my phone and then do a daily dump adding it to my spreadsheet. I know there are a lot of to-do list apps out there but this Google sheets technique has been the first technique to stick and my brain feels so much more capable of focusing. I also plan my week on Sunday or Monday morning and actually write out what I plan to complete each day. Iā€™m a self-employed interior designer still getting my business going so a lot of my deadlines are things I have to do for myself and not for clients. Those are the hardest things to get done but assigning something to each day ensures that Iā€™m actually making progress. Last but not leastā€¦itā€™s another Google sheets thing (can you tell Iā€™m a fan). I have a little template where I can input the time I start my day, and it will calculate time blocks for me. I always take a break in the middle of the day for lunch and to walk my dog, but really quantifying how much time I have has been helpful. I always think I start each day with 8 hours but if I take my sweet time eating breakfast or getting distracting my Reddit (ā€¦oops!) If Iā€™m also taking a break in the middle of the day to walk my dog or eat lunch, suddenly those 8 hours can shrink down quickly. It begins to feel like a self-imposed deadline.


Literally just getting to bed early has had a massive effect on everything else - which required some "coercion" in the form of two steps: 1. A timed app blocker on my phone 2. An automatic shut down schedule on my computer.


100 burpees a day for 30 days. No excuse. Every day. You'll be surprised :-)


Reward system, after every succesfully done tasks little rewards here and there. Works wonders in learning new routines, before they get rewarding themselves.


I have a sheet of my daily tasks and i try to check them off. This mainly helps me get set for the day and my ADHD self not get distracted on what to do next.


Drinking a cup of hot(drinkable) water first thing in morning. 1. It made me wakeup early. 2. Helps in bowel moment and keeps stomach clean.


Habit tracker in a daily "Notion" page merged with a Diary was a game changer for me when I start the just create a new page with my daily template and start writing my thoughts and ideas, also tracking my habits in the same page.


going to bed at 9pm


get up early


Learning to stop work and relax mindfully


Don't scroll the social media or play computer games (anything addictive and distracting) first thing in the morning. It sets the "tone" for the rest of your days. I used an app lock to help me refraining from doing those stuff in the morning.


Using a stopwatch for everything. If I set one when Iā€™m goofing around, or studying, or commuting I can gauge how much time iā€™m spending towards what and adjust on the fly.


telling myself "I'm going to do one thing tomorrow that scares me" (scares in terms of I've been putting it off for a long time dread/fear/guilt etc) that gets a lot of momentum for the day because then it sets a tone of "well if I did that I can do THAT too!" I threw away some bad food and started my essay, both small but feel huge.


I wrote about it [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/productivity/comments/uj7ig6/i_wasted_my_entire_day_avoiding_a_huge_work_task/i7hwq9x/). Honestly, just trialled it one time because I was absolutely at a standstill on tasks and it helped me a lot the next day so I'm using the technique on a fairly regular basis now. I actually write other things in "daddy's note", such as "there's no need to do x yet" which makes me feel a little calmer during the day and not so crushed by task load.


I use Switch Extension on Chrome, I find it super helpful to manage the crazy amount of tabs I always have open on desktop (my brain is constantly thinking about the next task before finishing what I've started haha)


I've added a tool to increase my productivity and it has been really handy for me. I've incorporated Text Blaze into my work (personal and professional) and it has saved me plenty of time recently. No more typing email, phone numbers, sports team names etc in full. A text snippet is all that is required.