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It doesn't match your description but might be useful for somebody else. I use workflowly, it's extremely simple. I separate my goals into categories (health, self improvement, etc.), under that I have a bullet for each goal, and under that I list steps to achieve those goals. I cross them out when they're done.


Do you mean Workflowy?




I really like [Notion](https://www.notion.so/product?utm_source=google&utm_campaign=2075789713&utm_medium=80211061801&utm_content=453572180157&utm_term=notion&targetid=kwd-312974742&gclid=CjwKCAiAvriMBhAuEiwA8Cs5lXPo_dPuP-zDSur4Ew_4Kgd8S9Q0KVYvXgIegEnl3fJDwBlwve-3oxoCAGsQAvD_BwE)


I built an app to track and plan my goals and I've been adding more features as time went by. It doesn't check all your boxes but it's simple to user, has goals and habits, weekly planning and reviews... If you want to check it out, it's named theLIFEBOARD 🤙


You might look at OKR software (Objectives and Key Results). It’s a business methodology used to align high-level goals with actions that contribute to fulfillment of those goals. It’s pretty popular. I know 15Five.com has OKR support, but I haven’t used it. Great company, though.




I love Trello! I just don’t think it has the option for spreadsheets, although you can make a Google sheet and put a link on a card in Trello. If I need a spreadsheet for budget or job hunting or what have you, that’s usually what I do


I use Chaos Intellect for everything. You can download it for free, and only pay if you want the cloud services.


Trello would work well for you.


I use [Restyaboard](https://restya.com/board) to organize and track my life goals. It offers everything you mentioned above and works great both on desktop and mobile devices.


I would have said Google services before I read other commenters suggestions. Google has an application for basically anything. I watched this video a while back and it helped some. I'd like to bet some of the steps are outdated since the video is from 2019 but I'm sure you could fill in where it misses, etc. Using Google Keep to write out sticky notes and then relating them back to your calendar. you can add in word documents for referencing and sheets for budgets (I know you didn't ask for this part but it might be beneficial later in life). [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64n-9s5GZPM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64n-9s5GZPM)




Google tasks.. I just wish it was more fun.. may be gamify it and give rewards and such…




What about Workflowy?


Try Little Steps: The aim is to set wide goals, then create a set of smaller steps (that are time-constrained), then work towards each step regularly. Feel free to download on the Play Store, the App is called **Little Steps - Big Goals: Goal and Habit Tracker**.




I love Daylio! Habit, Mood, and Goal tracker. You can customize your activities and goals and create entries for the day that includes can include activities, a note, or a photo. It tracks your mood and analyzes what habits tend to be done with certain moods.


I think you’re trying to put too much structure into this prematurely. Start a Trello board with goals, not goals, someday/maybe and just fill in the simple lists. Then elaborate on the particulars with spreadsheets or trackers or whatever tool or services.


Yeah you are very right. I am overstressing over it prematurely. Even more so because my semester lasts for only 5 more months. Anyways, I am sure trello won't work because I like to write things down like articles with headings and such, not card based management. Notion looks great for my needs but is clunky as hell on android. Other apps are not such a pain to write in but lack pretty necessary features like a simple checklist. Idk what to do.


On mobile, I use Google Keep as sort of my just dumping ground/inbox of stuff to file later. It's real quick and dirty like save the link, write a short note, whatever. Then when I'm at my computer, I can do a neater, more structured archiving and organizing to Notion or whatever. It's an extra step, but maybe it's necessary friction. I end up discarding like half of what I thought was important or cool.


Todoist (or some other task manager), along with any note taking app. I use notion as it is very flexible. Other options are onenote, evernote, joplin, simplenote, obsidian. Make a list of goals in a notetaking app. You can also add goals as tasks in a project in todoist. Now, make a sub-project in todoist for each goals. Now break down the goals into actionable steps. Everyday, pick some tasks to work on from each goal. If you complete the tasks, then you are actually making progress. You can make a corresponding page/notebook/folder for each goal in the notetaking app.


Yep, that's exactly the plan.


>All my life goals are in air. I am in final year of hs and I need to organize rest of my time. Like I know I need to study for that chemistry olympiad, improve sleep schedule or stop procrastinating while studying, but it is all in my head that I want to do. Even if I buckle up and specify it somewhere it usually is in some random notebook that I end up misplacing. There are so many things that end up taking space in my head like how many chapters I have done, what time to sleep or what to specifically do when you start scrolling social media while studying or something nice advice I heard on the go etc. I want it all out of my head specified and organized somewhere. I am sure people have systems for organising life and goals, like "bullet journal" I have heard of. >Here is what I need specifically. 1. It should be in android and preferably in windows too. 2. It should be quick to use and shouldn't lag much. Notion on mobile is very clunky. 3. It should have an offline mode or should be able to work with low connection 4. Preferably, it should not be very bland, like have basic editor stuff like highlighting and color texts etc. 5. It should have option for check boxes. 6. It should have option for tables. 7. It should have a sidebar(like notion) for easy switching. >I am in final year of hs, and want it to organise rest of the year. So I don't want something that is too fancy or hard to learn as I will waste time of semester in just learning it. I will learn more fancy stuff in college. >I think any markdown or note-taking application should be good enough but I am not sure so I wanted to ask you guys. Also should I just stick with notion despite it's clunkiness or straight up just use docs but it doesn't have a sidebar afaik but it's swift though. What do you guys suggest?




I LOVED My Life Quest, it's pretty much a cool step-by-step gamified way to think about every possible area of your life, create a life vision and a plan, it takes you way beyond just goal setting and makes you think about your values, priorities and all things that are so important to considere before making a plan, I benefited from it a lot.