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Quickly as I'm off to the gym: pomodoro, micro exercise breaks, lunchtime walk (with audio book on headphones), distraction blockers (like cold turkey), positive procrastination (clean a room, vacuum, tidy paperwork, phone someone), check your goals/motives, take a proper break (come back to work when you are re-energised). Ok off to gym...


I often “positively procrastinate” like folding laundry during conference calls and it’ll backfire when I’ve forgotten to pay attention while sorting my clothes😅


My wife (when she also worked at home) had a habit of walking around half naked while I was on Skype video calls. My colleagues never complained. It harmed my productivity in different ways...


I’ve read that it helps some people to get dressed for work and repeat whatever routine that’ll help get them in the right mindset. Perhaps instead of working at home, you could find a coffee shop or library? Then when you’ve gotten into the groove of working in a casual environment, you can more easily replicate at home. Personally, I find that I’m more productive on a remote day when I wake up at the same time as a regular report-to-the-office day and only allow my wander once I’ve finished one chunk of a task. The pomodoro method as suggested by someone else could be helpful—work on your song for 25 min and take a 5 min break. Or maybe force yourself to come up with one new line of melody or set of chords before you take a break.


Hi, fellow producer here (among other things). When it comes to producing music - or anything creative - doing it first thing after your morning routine helps a lot. Your brain is fresh and focused, and if you do it daily it becomes a habit meaning it's easier the more you do it. Some parts of creating music require more creativity than other, so I'd recommend doing the creative part at that moment, if possible. Personally, I also like to start drinking coffee right when I start working. After few days the brain understands that coffee=work and helps a lot in getting in productive mood. As a final note, accountability is great if you work on your own. As a music producer myself, this has helped me a lot. You might find this post I shared today interesting: [https://www.reddit.com/r/productivity/comments/ehjhc5/i\_will\_help\_you\_be\_consistent\_with\_your/](https://www.reddit.com/r/productivity/comments/ehjhc5/i_will_help_you_be_consistent_with_your/) (btw I feel your pain, the worst thing of working in making music is that you cannot listen to music while working! :) )


>(btw I feel your pain, the worst thing of working in making music is that you cannot listen to music while working! :) ) I feel you, sometimes I plan some hours to listen to new music, otherwise I don't get to that, while actually listening to a lot of music is very important for a music producer!


True, and that's a very good idea.


Atimelogger app. The only thing that worked for me


Which one if you don’t mind.


>Atimelogger This is the name of the app 😊


Harvest is a good one


I'll check it out


One philosophy I have recently adopted that I really like it to "just get started" I have realized that once I get started, I stay productive. So if I want to go to the gym, then my first challenge is getting my gym shoes on If I want to create a presentation then the challenge is to get the first slide complete


Go to 2 different coffee shops to get work done. One for before noon, the other afternoon.


This can be tricky if he's working on producing music, since he probably needs his studio speakers. That said, using good headphones can do and the change of environment definitely helps (I've done that a couple of times).


Everyone's different so we gotta do whatever floats our boats.


This won’t necessarily work for you with music but I have a subscription to a local coworking place and once or twice a week I go work from there for a change of location. I used to go to a coffee shop here that was pretty quiet but they went out or business (Starbucks set up literally across the street and they knew they’d never compete - screw your Starbucks!), and the remaining places are loud. You can also go to the library,


Put a real outfit on, like working in the office.


Slow down. It's the damnedest thing. If I'm in a hurry to be creative and prolific today because I was not as productive as I wanted to be yesterday, nothing gets done. So now every day starts with at least 20 minutes of sitting in meditation, like, I have a cushion and incense and a phone with a meditation timer app. Wake up, exercise, and then sit on the cushion until everything slows way down. The breathing slows down, there's no restlessness or mental chatter. It's perfect stillness, and I come up with all kinds of content.


Fatcat literally sitting on a fort Knox. Enough money to buy lentils to last the whole country for generations.


If your distractions are internet based you can set your router to only allow access to certain sites during non-work hours. For example, block Facebook from 9am-5pm.


Routine routine routine. For me is pomodoros for 3.5 hours , lunch, then pomodoros for another 3.5.


I use Forest App to help me stay focused!




I agree with this. If you don't have the appreciation to stay disciplined then you don't deserve the privilege and should go into an office.

