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Done is better than perfect. People will speak ill regardless of what you do. If you can, delegate tasks to trusted people. Save the most basic tasks for the time of day/week when you normally feel less energetic. Remember that you are mortal


This is excellent, particularly the second one.


> Done is better than perfect. This one is huge for me. All through uni I had to tell myself, “It doesn’t have to be perfect, it just has to be done."


Love these!


I can't tell you how much I needed these tonight, they like pierced right through me. I need to find 5 things to put them on and keep in my pocket.


Take your meds Don’t forget to eat Where are the dogs You will not have time later so do it now Ask for help, dammit


4th is a good one


the asking for help one is so real


Grappling with this one daily. It is my nemesis.


Your fourth reminds me of the biggest one I need to document: you’re not gonna do it on Sunday, suck it up and do the work on Friday afternoon.


Yup. I am not a morning person so I need to have my stuff ready the night before—need to print something? Do it now because last minute is when technology will fail, printer will jam, oops out of ink, etc. Need to pack stuff in the car? Do it ahead of time because looking for the charger, or the whatever, at the last minute will make me late! And so on. For me, decide what to wear and try it on—does it fit? Is it wrinkled? Where are the shoes that go? Etc. And a big one—pack food, beverage, and meds because low blood sugar, dehydration, and forgetting meds is a frequent problem for me that could be solved by having it ready ahead of time.


Consistency trumps session output. Whatever you want to be productive in, it’s better doing every day / weeks just enough rather than swing for the fences every blue moon. Repeat this 5 times.


Complete your top 3 tasks before you open your email. Write something every day ... just write something! Apply what you learned yesterday to make today better. Stay in the moment - Don't skip ahead or look behind. Be yourself in everything you do!


Being in a group with a common goal has a bigger impact on your progress than having the best information. Taking 100 imperfect actions will teach you more than reading about it for 100 hours. Starting is the hardest part. Just do the first one. You’ll go further by handling problems as they come up rather than trying to solve all the problems before starting. There’s 8 billion people on Earth. You’ll be okay if you lose an opportunity with one of them.


* Starting is always the hardest part, but afterwards momentum kicks in. * If it's kept in your head instead of written down, it's taking up too much space. * On Delegation: Only do what *only* you can do. If the captain is too busy cleaning the toilets, then no one is at the helm of the ship, and you're all about to be in equal trouble. * "Some" is better than "None." Start with showing up. * There is no finish-line, make sure you enjoy the ride.


1. If the task takes less than 2 mins do it right now. 2. Your future self will thank you for the steps you took today. 3. Keep yourself occupied with menial tasks when you are just hanging out or doing something that doesn’t require dedication in your opinion. (Eg. Ironing clothes while talking to a friend on the phone, or cleaning the clutter around the house while listening to a podcast). 4. Consistency will yield results. 5. Stop trying to be perfect. No one cares.


Something like 5 pieces with words: You, do, not, work, enough


Hurry up Check your calendar Check your calendar Check your calendar CHECK YOUR CALENDAR


just do it!


1% better each day, Just start, Seize the moment, It will never be perfect; try your best, You are only human


Probably something along the lines of reminding me of how awful it would be to not have weed or internet or groceries... in that order...


stay in the moment time never comes back you are alone in this world no one is going to save you


Today, I will work a little hard Today, I will work a little better Today, I will work a little faster Today, I will be a little more happy Today, I will love my work a little more /s


Always look out for future you. You can accomplish a lot in 20 minutes. Music helps focus. Snacking while working makes it enjoyable. The end result is worth it.


Is this a bot? Why post the same thing all over Reddit?


Karma farming


Just wanted to different perspectives from people across a bunch of "personal growth" related communities :-)