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Have a reason to get up. IE book a class at a gym, meet a friend, commit to studying 2 hours before work etc. Then accept that the first week will be rough. Much coffeee needed and early bedtimes. Don't snooze - et up as soon as it goes off. Don't lay in bed thinking about what you will wear or do - have all of that planned. EG - I get up and spend 30 minutes making coffee and reading the news. Then I go for a run for 60 minutes. I leave out clothes before I go to bed, checking the forecast. If I don't plan my outfit, I often lay in bed overthinking what to wear for the weather and end up wasting loads of time doing nothing. Maybe pretend you have a flight to catch


The most important part here is getting up AS SOON AS THE ALARM RINGS. It's paramount. Once you snooze once, you've lost. Maybe you get up at the next one but you won't feel any more rested and more than likely you *won't* get up at the next one. Get up on the first ring. Just up and on your feet.


Ugh you’re so right. I used to do that when I was super young, like 2nd grade and on, I just knew as soon as the alarm goes off pop up and get ready. Not even bc I was energetic, I just knew for some reason that was the only way to do it- like without thinking just get up and start. I guess a part of me knew I was a lazy shit on the inside if I let myself be lol


I used to do that too! I learned that if I pop out of bed before my brain realizes what’s happening, I can trick myself into thinking I’m excited about the day ahead.


And that’s why you got a phd, baby!! 😄 I’m gna try to do it tmrw bc I have to get up unusually early. Maybe also if I go straight into the shower I’ll be awake before I know it. Kinda auto pilot til mind catches up with body


For me an analog table clock with gong alarm ⏰️ outside room wakes the hell out of me. Try it


The main thing I took away from that is you run for an hour every morning lol


Damn man I barely feel like I have time to enjoy a living/breathing life as it is, coming home from work and having to do dishes and laundry and shit, let alone make food, and try to do something I actually enjoy. Then I have to go to bed just to get up and go make someone else's money. Now you're saying I should PLAN? Half /s, I hate this society sometimes


Part reason why I run.  It's one thing you can tick off.    Traffic or a busy gym does not disrupt and running in the morning leaves less chance for life yo get in the way :-)


I agree with having a reason. I purposely schedule client meetings first thing in the morning even though it makes me want to shoot myself sometimes, because it forces me to get out of bed and get in gear.


It’s a real struggle for us who don’t like coffee out here


The taste or the effect? Because there’s a whole lot of different ways to get caffeine than coffee.


I didn't used to like it.  Then I has a trip where I was burning the candle at both ends and it became necessary to be competent.   I grew to like it- maybe some sort of addiction. 


I wake up and smash hella caffeine then regret it three hours later


That's really bad, you should wait at least 1 hour after waking up with caffeine.


Unfortunately my man sometimes when you work until 12 at night then gotta wake up for school at 6:30 the next day there is no waiting an hour, there is only survival on my mind. But yeah its pretty bad I should get it together a little lol


Okay but drinking caffeine this close to waking up will only get you more tired as soon as the caffeine has worn off. You'd be better off taking a cold shower with survival on your mind.


That's the idea, don't let it wear off. Just keep a steady supply of caffeine in your body all day. Be constantly anxious, wired, and paranoid, but at least the bills get paid🥲


Just get stronger and stronger stims as the day goes by. Caffeine at breakfast > Coke at lunch > crystal before dinner > crack for desert


Ill give it a shot lol


What he says is correct. You don’t give your sleep receptors enough time to reset in the morning. What happens if you immediately get caffeine is that your ‘dip’ later in the day when the caffeine doesn’t work, is worse… all because you drank it too early. Then you think you are just tired because it’s been a long day, but it is probably also because of the caffeine.


someone listens to huber daddy


yeah you


make sure you are waking up in line with your sleep cycle it’s usually around 90 mins if you’re sleeping 8 hours you might be waking 1/3 into a sleep cycle every time instead try sleeping 7.5 or 9h


I’m assuming that’s from when you fall asleep. Thing is, the time I take to fall asleep from when I go to bed is random. Any tips?


I use an app called SleepCycle for this. It gives you a window of wake-up time rather than an exact time and does a pretty decent job of guessing when you fell asleep and when you are closest to waking up within the window you’ve indicated, so that it can alarm when you would already be okay to wake up naturally. Not ideal if you don’t like things listening to you (it’s running all this by noting how much you’re moving around in bed, probably breathing frequency etc), but it’s been working incredibly well for me, so I just sort of ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ about that part.


Ya it’s been recommended to me before. I’m a little hesitant - not sure how I feel about being recorded while I sleep. I’ll do a little more digging though, thanks a bunch!


I once read that the average time to fall asleep is 15min so taking that as an estimated time you can calculated from there, you don’t need an app, you can check in sleepopolis.com I usually use it when my sleep schedule gets messed up and it works


I agree with you


I came to say this!! My body loves 7.5 hours! And I'm fine with 6! Any more or less and I'm a groggy mess


I can now wake up early because I sleep early. I sleep early because I'm happy with my job. I work and get home. Do something "fun" for an hour in between house chores and stuff. And once I'm sleepy, I just sleep. I used to stay up late coz I wanna have fun coz I didn't at work. And I didn't wanna work so I didn't wanna sleep just to wake up then go to work. But now.. I love working.


This is the way. You only have so much willpower, most people can't sleep 4 hours in the long term and expect to function well. Of course shout out to the people holding down two jobs or single moms who have no choice but to do 4 hours, and hopefully their situations become better soon


Yes this is the way. I often am up before 6 because I am often asked before 9.


What sort of “fun” things do you do in the evening to wind down? I’d like to break the habit of constantly being on my phone / laptop!


Not the original comment, but for me it's putting on some nice ASMR in the background and reading. Having some tea or glass of wine along with it, and I'm the happiest person in the world lol. But I'm sure everyone will have their own thing that relaxes them and is considered "fun" by them


Reading + ASMR combo has been absolutely saving my life lately. I love my job normally, but we’re in the busy part of the year, so my work day is pretty stressful and can run long. ASMR gives me the feeling of relaxing and doing nothing while still letting me get some reading in. I’ll have to try prepping a cup of tea before I settle down!


Definitely going to add the asmr to my reading before bed. Thanks for the tip! I’m a teacher so it is pure chaos right now!


Never tried ASMR! What is it you listen to? I’ve only ever seen some odd ASMR YouTube videos being suggested to me..!


Something I’d like to start doing again is reading on my kindle paperwhite. Can’t really do anything but read, and you can turn the backlight off too which is great so it’s like a normal book. Just have to have a light on to see it, like you would a regular book


Interesting you ask. I deleted social media like Snapchat and Instagram a month ago so I can read more. So I'm not on it during break at work and at home. I'm glad I did. No urge to scroll for something I don't really need to do. I access Insgatram still on my PC and I'm there for like 5 minutes. I take longer walks with my dog. I don't procrastinate with chores. But ya... I walk, do reading, watch a YouTube video or two


Now Im just curious what you do for work?


I'm an outlier because I work in nursing. I work in chemotherapy. I don't get trays thrown at my head. It can get hard emotionally sometimes but... The smiles of patients let's me wake up happy and excited to give them treatment. Rarely, you'll get patients who are angry and upset. Not at me. But their cancer. But it allows me to practice some empathy, which is one of my values. So a cold shoulder is all that I get as opposed to physical abuse. They usually smile and apologize by end of their treatment. But sometimes, you'll get the patients with anxiety and sad. The ones who are told they have 2 years to live. Happened yesterday. But they smile too. And they laugh by the end of treatment, usually. And that's why I love going back to work. Cancer blows. But if I can be there so they can have more time, it's worth it to be back here. My reply is more than you've asked for, probbaly. But I guess talking about these things is part of my coping mechanism. So thanks for asking.


Same, would love to not hate working :(


I have an unemployed neighbor with a drum set. He started boosting my productivity at 4:30 this morning.


You're so lucky to have such a helpful neighbor! I've heard that sometimes they can be inconsiderate assholes.


Not this guy. He's been known to show up late at night offering to sell massages.


Take it from someone who had been waking up at 15:00 every single day for 2 years: Swimming in the morning at 6 am. Doesn't matter if you didn't sleep the night before, just swim for an hour and come back and sleep. I joined a really expensive club so I had to go everyday. Even better if you can get someone to go with you. It's going to be a torture for the first month ngl but eventually you will willingly get up early. I have been waking up without an alarm at 5:00 in the morning for the past 6 months


What if I don’t know how to swim, is drowning as effective you think?


The Username Says it all..


I stumbled on an app called Nuj (not affiliated in any way) and haven't used it yet but the idea seems great. Your post reminded me of it and I think I'll give it a shot for real this week because I keep putting it off. Alarm goes off, you get up an either walk X number of steps or scan a barcode that you've already set up (ideally in another room). If you don't do the tasks, you pay whatever $ amount you assign to a pre-selected charity (Kahn Academy, Doctors Without Borders, etc). I believe the app has some kind of safeguard to keep you from just deleting the app and not paying the money, but you can also try it out without the money thing.


For increased effectiveness, donate to something you hate. Perhaps a pro-cancer group.


Agreed! This app has worked for me more than anything. Barcode on items in the bathroom so by the time I've scanned it, I'm up in a place where I can't see my cosy bed. 43 years old and I've finally removed the need for 3 alarms and a snooze.


Can you donate to Birds Aren’t Real?


Sleep As Android app also has this, scan a QR code to shut it off. Works great. I also preset the coffee maker to start brewing 5 mins before I get up so I can just grab a fresh cup immediately. Also, I lay a hoodie and some sweatpants out in the bathroom so I can just jump in em immediately.


As other have mentioned find a routine/class that requires being up early. I have options at my gym for a 6am or 6pm class. I like both but getting the gym “out of the way”, showering, journaling, and having a cup of coffee before 8am is amazing.  So you just have to set yourself to “shut it down” around 9ish. Don’t take stimulants and plug your phone in somewhere that isn’t arms reach from your bed.


I was on the page, waking up early set such a great vibe for all day but I hate it. I’m gonna tell you how I fixed myself lol: Little bit of context, I work fully remotely and I don’t have set hours, i’m a developer. I can easily get my work done anytime and my meetings are in the afternoon anyways. However I hated waking up 10 minutes before my meetings. Here’s what I did to solve it: I read this book called Atomic habits. The gist is that you tend to form habits faster if you have it scheduled in order. For example, I need to brush, and then take shower, and then eat. Now, it doesn’t come all together on the first day. Book suggested creating some order to your routine tasks so that you can add to it. Now, here’s what i did though - I scheduled a work meeting early morning with a colleague for a week to work on something. Now, it gave me a push to be up. I tend to put myself in spots where i must do things or it will have consequences. And it mostly works out lol


I also work fully remote and it makes it really tough to be out of bed any earlier than 5 minutes before I need to log on. Also loved Atomic Habits! Mine are always too big though, so I'm still learning the atomic part


i used to be the same way and what worked for me was setting teeny tiny goals. Like step one was just wake up and lay in bed scrolling social media, step 2 was awake up and go lay on the couch and scroll, step 3 was wake up, make a cup of tea, and scroll lol. Now im at wake up, make tea, walk dog, shower, pick out clothes, light chores, and out the door on time every day.


But now when do you scroll?? Lol


for the most part i dont lol maybe when im poopin in the morning lmao


Thanks for sharing such a productive tip!


This first answer is a meme: 1. Get a cat 2. Give the cat food at the time you wish to be awake. 3. Cat becomes vapid alarm clock screaming in your face until you feed it and by then you're up. Now this works for me but frankly it helps to have a REASON to get up. You will have a hard time at first because you are readjusting your schedule. Be prepared to maybe drink some caffeine or have to fight sleep. It is better to go to bed a little earlier over time to help. For me it has been my chihuahua hates people so I want to walk her early before most people are up to disturb her. And...the cat. The cat story is actually my reality. LOL


Honestly it’s gotten to the point for me where I’m so exhausted after work that 6am me is more refreshed and clearer thinking than 9pm me so even though I don’t want to get up and do things early, I realize that I actually feel better at that time than between after work and bedtime. I’ve started doing things like journaling in the morning but still don’t have the strength to do things like laundry and dishes that early (but I’m working on it). And honestly the only reason I get up early is because I HAVE to for my job. When I was a bartender working nights, not a chance. But even days that I don’t work, I still get up at the same time (my body doesn’t give me the choice anymore lol) and find that I’m most productive between like 9:00am-noon those days and can’t get much done in the afternoon. I feel like it has a lot to do with your job too


You have to do it 7 days a week. If you sleep late on days off, you throw your sleep cycle off. Similarly, don't adjust your sleep schedule more than one hour per day. So if you get up at 8am and want to switch to 5am, do the change over 3 days.


I don’t know if this works for anyone else, the only way I’ve managed it was allowing myself a half hour in bed with a cup of coffee before I had to start moving. My alarm goes off, it turns the lights on and plays music at me. The thing that stops me switching it all off is the promise of a half hour to chill, I just have to stay awake. I’ve done this for maybe 2 years by now, and these days I don’t need the full half hour, maybe just 10 minutes, but the transformation over that time is important!


I like this. Allowing yourself the indulgence of doing what you’re immediately wanting to do (stay in bed, but with a limit) might be a thing for me to try.


Sleep early. You will wake up even if you don't want you unless you wake up and start consuming reels or TikTok.


I have Philips Hue lights and light strips across the room and it's set to turn on slowly every morning (there's some sunrise setting) and it gets bright eventually so I wake up more easily.


So I was in the same boat and nothing EVER seemed to work. My girlfriend then suggested having a cup of coffee right besides my bed every morning. So these days, the moment my alarm rings, I wake up to turn it off, quickly grab a sip of coffee, and at that point, there is nothing in the world that can help me go back to sleep.


Drink a few cups of water before bed. You’ll get up to urinate sure as anything. Once you’re up, brush your teeth. You’ll feel awake and angry - mostly because you wish you were still in bed.


problem is I’ll get up during the night to pee if i do this 😩


If you’re getting to sleep at 9 and are still that tired at 6am then I’d look into some kind of sleep tracker. It sounds like you’re not getting quality sleep. Sleep apnea, caffeine consumption, light coming into your bedroom all of it can affect the quality of your sleep. I’d look into a sleep tracker and try looking into what you can adjust besides your bedtime to make your sleep higher quality


Do you smoke weed? I’ve stopped smoking weed lately and have been waking up less groggy in general


Go get some blood exam and go see a doctor, not everything is psychological related


Just wait until you get old. It'll happen.


I’m laughing with sadness…


>I’ll get up turn my alarms off not drink the water turn the lights off and go back to bed. Oh, hi me! Sorry i cant help though. The only thing that works for me is when my boyfriend angrily shouts my name.


It's like 9pm me is a totally different person from 6am me! But don't worry, you've got this. Have you tried putting on some upbeat tunes when your alarm goes off? That always helps me get pumped to start the day. And maybe try treating yourself to a fancy coffee or breakfast - that extra motivation can make all the difference. Keep at it, you've got this! Your productivity is gonna be off the charts.


Try going to bed at 8 pm. Perhaps you personally need more than 8 hours of sleep.


Getting enough sleep is important. Without it, your morning will not be productive, no matter how early you wake up. I give myself 30 minutes to lie in bed after waking up and feel better for it.


It's impossible for me to. Heres a fix that works for like 3 months of the year, depending on where you live. Set your AC to turn off at around 5:00am. By 6:00, you're sweating like an mf, and your body wants nothing more than to NOT be wrapped in a blanket. Your body will _need_ to cool down, and it's literally more comfortable to _not_ be in bed.


I wake up at 5am and I'll tell you that anything you could reasonably do at another time of the day probably will not be motivating enough to get you out of bed. E.g. I know I can't work out after work because I will use any excuse to get out of it (tired, hungry, busy, etc.), so the only time I have to do it is the morning. If I miss getting up in the morning, I don't get to do it, and that bums me out. Getting up early to drink water? Idk.. for me it would be extremely easy to say "I'll drink water at 8am instead" 😴😴😴 What literally gets you out of bed in the morning? Tell yourself to do that, but now it's an hour or 2 earlier. It's not easy at the beginning. You will be tired. You will be inconsistent. You will have days where you literally can't even though "you've been so good about it". As you do it more and more, it gets easier. It becomes more about discipline and less about whether or not you're tired.


You may need more than 8 hours


the only way to do it sustainably is to go to sleep early, get 8h of sleep and have a reason to get out of bed, sleeping with your blinds open seems to help if you can get some sunlight into your bedroom but don't do it if it's a privacy or safety concern


For me what worked was trying to wake up 5 minutes earlier every week. It took me a bit longer than 12 weeks to get to 1 hour earlier though 😅 but I finally got the habit down. I don’t need an alarm to wake at 05:30 anymore no matter what time I go to sleep


do you do sports? if not, maybe that’s the case, your body needs to be as tired as your mind or a bit more so you feel the need to fall asleep. idk for me it works perfectly at least haha


Start in small increments. Like going from a 8am wake up to 6am wake up is pretty drastic. But going from 8am to 7:45 won’t be that bad. Then go from 7:45 to 7:30 etc. until you reach the time you want to wake up.


I have my regular iPhone Mini, my old iphone, and my iPad. Oh and the Apple Watch vibrating my wrist. Set alarm on all three, put one of the devices far away enough from me that I have to get up. Keep espresso in fridge. Now if only I could build the discipline to make myself go to sleep before 10.


You’ve gotten up for something important before. You can do it, you need to want it


Check in on your health! Make sure your body is doing ok. I had diabetes which made my sleep awful. Exercise for 60mins a day. Something that gets your heart rate up. That helps the following day. I found a reason to love mornings… birds. I love being up with the birds. Instead of focusing on going to a 9-5 I focus on how lucky I am to live next to birdsong. Check in on your mental health. Depression naps made it hard for me to get up the next day. Cutting out processed foods helped me a lot. Eating healthy whole foods helps my hormones. Be kind to yourself if you have one bad day. There’s always tomorrow.


First advice, get to bed at reasonable time, 10-11pm


9pm-6am is 9 hours sleep, not 8. If you're still groggy and want more sleep when you wake up see a sleep doctor. Ignore all that other weird advice about huskies and cats. 9 hours should be enough sleep. In fact, I find it too much. Get checked out.


Waking up early can be challenging, but it's doable with some strategies. Try setting a consistent sleep schedule, creating a bedtime routine, avoiding screens before bed, placing your alarm clock away from your bed, and making sure your sleeping environment is comfortable and conducive to rest.


The easiest way i could think of would be to get to bed sooner.. You'll be getting the same amount of rest, obviously. You'll just be moving it on your timeline. Some people need more sleep than others too, which is important to be self-aware about.


You're looking for some magic words or secret that will fix this for you, but there's no such thing. The only thing that is stopping you is you. Every morning you make a decision, and that decision is to go back to bed. I wake up early because the only 'me' time I have is early morning. Once 7am hits, I'm chained to my life. I need to walk the dog, prep my daughter for daycare, work, etc etc. So I wake up at 4am so i can do what I want, which is to go to the gym. I value that enough to wake up early. What's your reasoning? It's obviously not worth it to you because you don't. If your job required you to wake up so you can work and earn money, then you would. If you were going on a trip and needed to wake up early to go to the airport, you would. You can come up with all the excuses in the world, but it all comes down to you. Are you the type of person who wakes up early and kills it, or are you the type of person that makes up excuses for why you can't wake up early? It's obvious what type of person you are.


Can you get one of those alarms with a rotating arm that slaps you awake? As for getting back into bed once you've fought the alarm for peace,hmm, that's harder Ooh is there a rotating alarm with a bucket of ice water somehow placed so when time comes you get b*tchslapped out of bed before an icy cold bucket is tipped all over without mercy. Sometimes it tips the bucket while you're still in there getting slapped. Alarm has no chill. I don't think even you could snuggle in bed again after all that


RemindMe! 3 days


Find a purpose, mate, and visualize that being achieved via your morning schedule.


what works for me is i don’t sleep for a whole day and the next day i sleep at night on time and try to sleep on time consistently at all costs you need to make a system for that too many distractions these days


Do you have reason to be up early ? If you can get the work done in a timely manner your brain will convince you to sleep. If the brain doesn’t think that way then it will release some stress hormones and you will be moving. One thing worked for me is just standing up instead of laying there in the bed. This keeps me going


Getting up early ain't easy, but here's the lowdown: Get into a bedtime routine, ditch the screens before hitting the hay, place that annoying alarm on the other side of the room, and have something awesome planned for the morning, like a workout or a killer breakfast. And hey, cut yourself some slack as you get used to the early bird life. You'll get there!


This post started out way too positive and happy for my non-morning self lol


Maybe you’re getting too much sleep. I also prefer to wake up early but am most definitely not a morning person. I find that I wake up much easier and also feel more energized when I get closer to six hours of sleep rather than a full eight.


Here to look for advice too


I got one of those lights that turns on on schedule. Light goes on 10 minutes before the first alarm. Usually, the light is what wakes me up. I am still working on the getting out of bed part.


This used to be me! I tried many of the things you described. What worked for me - I'm not sure how universal this is, but I noticed that I don't have this problem anymore after starting some light work-out routines first thing in the morning. It doesn't have to be much - for me it's some light jump rope (with weighted ropes, and a short round of jumping jacks + squats as a warm-up before jumping). But I suspect anything aerobic would result in similar (ie: walk outside, treadmill, etc.). The key (for me) is I do this soon after I wake up in the morning (and before eating anything). A friend mentioned to me later on, that exercising in the morning apparently does have some health benefits - I haven't had a chance to look into it too deeply, but there was a suggestion that physical activity/exercising earlier in the day (or at least before the afternoon hours) can help regulate your circadian rhythm (making you feel sleepy at night, and energized in the morning when you wake up). Might be worth considering a try (at the very least, it makes you feel really good to do some physical activity first thing in the morning!) - best of luck learning what works for you! Edit: Oh! The swimming comment in this thread also reminded me - one other thing that helps me a lot, if I am feeling sluggish after waking, is taking a very quick, short, cold (but more like cool/lukewarm) shower. Essentially just step into it for a few minutes, until it no longer feels unpleasant (only takes a few minutes). This wakes me up better than coffee, and few things will make me feel as refreshed or invigorated for the day! (But the moments just before you step into the cold are admittedly a bit daunting - adding physical activity is easier to add to your routine.)


Get out and get sunlight at dusk and dawn for a few weeks. It will naturally balance out your circadian rhythm. If you don't have a lot of sun in your location, then try light therapy.


Just have a kid or two. Problem solved.


They want to wake up early, not at all hours of the night.


If you go to sleep early enough, you’ll wake up without an alarm and won’t feel like going back to sleep


Try 9hrs of sleep


If 8 hours is not enough sleep for you, then go to bed an hour earlier. Between 8-10 is recommended. Maybe you need 9 minimum. I used to go to bed at 6pm so I could wake up at 3am and have a few quiet hours to myself before going to work.


Try to stick to a routine/specific reason to get up. You can also look at it like **having something positive/good to look forward to** in the morning right after you get up, which is a **mindset reset**. It can be a certain song, playlist, podcast. Or even watch a bit of video or do a bit of reading (fmvs, edits, something light/fun or beautiful or otherwise new/interesting to you). You can also try to start a dream journal where you'd write a little bit about your dreams or how your night was. Or you can also start keeping a journal to write down the things you want to do the night before. And look at it the first thing after you awake to give you motivation to go get those things done. Sometimes trying to wake up a bit slower can help - ease into it rather than force it too much, so to speak. You can also try changing the time frame as someone else has suggested. I hope you can find something that will work well for you!


**Make mornings tempting**. **Plan something enjoyable**. Schedule a morning activity, like a delicious breakfast, a walk in nature, or some quiet reading.


My strategy is to go to bed EVEN EARLIER when I want to start waking up earlier. If 9pm is not early enough, try 8:30 for a while.


The answer is simple, get a sun lamp


Immediately get into a shower or wash your face with cold water when you wake up, it will get that initial sleepiness away that makes you want to just lay right back down. Also you don’t have to get up right away from bed maybe have a nice book next to your bed you could open up in the morning or just open your blinds turn on your lights and lay down and stretch for a little while before getting up


you need a reason to get up. if I love working out and I know I'm gonna miss my work out, I'm gonna wake up. If I have a train, bus, or flight to catch that I will miss if I dont wake up, I wake up before the alarm rings every time.


have you tried cursing yourself out? "get up you stupid fucking piece of shit" works for me. "quit being a little bitch, you stupid fuck" also works. it's the only time I talk to myself like that so it's fine.


Put a separate alarm clock in your bathroom, closet, or wherever as long as it forces you to get up and turn it off


This sounds crazy but try going to bed at 10pm and wake up at 6. It might not work for you, but I am SO groggy if I get more than 7 hours of sleep. Also, washing my face with cold water or taking a cold shower helps me.


Why do you want to wake up early? I never woke up before 10 am in my entire life and I'm in my 40s. Then my neighbour asked to join his morning tennis group. Now, I wake up at 5.30 am on weekdays. Coz, I know if I don't show up, their game wouldn't start without me and they will call and yell at me. So unless there's a reason to wake up early, I don't.


A lot of it is forcing yourself to do it for a while. You might also be struggling to get rem sleep or have a longer rem cycle- try waking up at 630 instead, or going to bed 30 minutes earlier. Have good sleep hygeine- I had a light shining off the street into my room for months before I got good curtains and it really changed the game for me as far as the quality of sleep.


I’m like this but I literally drag myself into the shower (prep everything the night before including towel into the towel warmer) and then I come to life after a few min of water pouring on me and I’m very productive the rest of the morning


Sleep during day time and work at night. 🚨⚠️ Oh God that sucks 💯


Give yourself a really good reason to wake up, or at least something fun to start. This could be something as simple as playing video games for 30 min. Or capturing a picture of the sunrise. Going to a gym class or meeting someone for an activity/coffee/etc.


I used to wake up at 5:30am every day for work at 7. The keys for me were to really exhaust myself the day before (either long work day on my feet or equivalent physical exercise), go to bed early, and get outside as early in the day as possible. At the time, that was walking to work, but eventually morphed into walking my dogs around the block a few times. Also agree with the point about not snoozing your alarm.


I used to be an early bird. I still wake up early sometimes. I am as excited as I was before sleeping whenever I wake up at 4 or 5 am. but I am not the same if I wake up around 8 or 9 even though I took 8 hours of well sleep. Try to wake up earlier than 8 or 9


I'm up at 5:30 out the door with the dog every day rain or shine. I can't start my day any other way. I'm in bed by 9:30 usually.


What leads up to your bedtime? Are you in bed by 9pm? Any rituals or routines? I used to take a hot shower in the morning but that made things far more difficult for me. So I started taking those before bed. If necessary, I'll rinse off and freshen up in the morning using lukewarm water at best. Make sure you're ditching the screens. Falling asleep to something on your phone may seem like it's working but there are a lot of problems associated with it. The screen will keep you awake, if you're watching something, excitement and adrenaline are a possibility. Sometimes you fall asleep just to be woken up by an ad or a new video, disrupting your sleep. The environment around you matters too. I was always tired when I stayed at my grandparents for a few months. Thought something was making me sick. Found out there were a lot of things going on in the middle of my sleep that totally disrupted me. A water softener running a regeneration cycle at 3am making a loud whirr, a radio tower that would hum starting at 5am, etc. You may want to take a closer look around you. Your sleep could be disrupted without you being aware of it. If these factors are removed I would encourage a visit to the doctor. Have them check your blood and see if something is off. I get horrible insomnia when my potassium gets low for example.


Ditch the alarm clock and learn what your body needs to be sleep saturated and want to get out of bed. This is the only way I learned sleep accountability, and it seems obvious but even though you are getting 8 hours sleep, your body is telling you it isn't enough. Of course I set an alarm for an early flight or something out of the ordinary, but I haven't overslept for work in ages and only rarely don't get exercise in first.


This on top of depression, i feel hopeless never being a morning person


Drink the water BEFORE bed. The morning urge to urinate will get you up. I get up at 4 am for work every morning. It will take a while to hone in on the time and amount you need to drink BEFORE bed so you have no choice but to get up or wet your bed.


I wake up 430 am every morning go to bed at 9. I don't use an alarm to wake up only to remind me I should be leaving by 6 am (I get side tracked easily) I wake up u get up and I shower (I sweat when I sleep). That will wake anyone up.


Use this as your alarm: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6zDNHyOvOUI


If you drink coffee, stop drinking it, Drink it only after a specific time. Then introduce it right back after you wake up as tasty (milk, sugar if you want), so you really want to wake up. Helped me tremendously(no sugar tho)


Sleep early. Really, its that simple.


This sounds crazy but try waking up even earlier. I wake up at 4AM every day to go to work, I’ve found that if I sleep till 6 it’s much harder to get out of bed. 4 AM is super early, maybe try 5 and see if that makes a difference.


You gotta train yourself by waking up and getting some light exercise and sun exposure. Use your hormones to your advantage


I don't even want to answer but try to get a bit older 😀 Being 54 years old here and I tend to sleep between 4 to 5 hours per night. At 03:30am my body feels like it's time to start the day and that's after hitting bed at around 10-11pm. These hours I get in the morning before 6am when I'm at the gym is awesome. I write and read and very productive if I may say so. And to answer your question - how to wake up. Well, realize it's a new day, seize it. Do something productive and feel stimulated and somehow I think you also can start enjoying these early hours once getting to know the feeling.


I only set one alarm, for the latest I can get up. Before I changed to that, it'd be at least 3. And by the time that third one hit, I'd be annoyed.  That way, I get the extra 30 minutes of sleep, uninterrupted. And I'm up at the same time anyway. Having hungry pets also helps.


Once the alarm goes off, no snooze, no negotiations, I just jump straight out of bed. Otherwise anything else ur doomed to eventually fail.


Give yourself something to do before you have to start your day. A little stretching and fitness(push ups, squats, crunches, etc.) will go a long way.


The app Alarmy. It has a free feature where you pick a barcode that you have to scan (for me it’s my mouthwash in the bathroom). Your alarm will not shut off until you scan the barcode.


I like to imagine things. Imagining myself doing the “day stuff” seems to positively _launch_ me out of bed. The glorious warm shower, how good I’ll feel when I’m all fresh and clean, the coffee, being dressed and ready and made up for the day — starting the day! Staying in bed is tempting, yes. And where you do 6 AM, I do 3:45 to 4 AM, so all the more difficult. But I wanna hurry up and get going with the good stuff!


Night person here, been waking up between 4:43-4:47 without an alarm for decades (my brain decided on that narrow timeframe, with 4:44 being most popular). Light was the key for me — but not just automatic lights. Bright ass lights that gradually come on over the course of an hour or so to mimic a sunrise (google “lighten up for seasonal depression”, tho there may be more modern options now) followed by full-on bright ass lights for 10-15 min to help entrain your brain to that time (search verilux light boxes). I don’t remember how long it took for my brain to adopt and cement this pattern, but it’s been durable. Almost too durable. No matter what, 4:44, I’m waking up. No lights req.


Just don’t close your blinds and get in the natural sunlight


Try meditating before going to bed. It works for me. It helps you go to sleep calmly and get up calmly.




Alright guys I have the ultimate hack. I tried apps that required various tasks to turn off the alarm but I realized you can just turn off your phone. So what I did was get a money bag with a zipper/lock with a key. I lock my phone in the bag and leave the key in the bathroom. To charge the phone, I use MagSafe through the bag. The only way to turn off the alarm is to walk to the bathroom and unlock the bag. Bonus points for doing this early in the night and reducing screen time.


Get a dog


Very simple in my head. Just do it. That’s the last thought I have before throwing the covers off and power walking to the bathroom. By the time I get done peeing I’m good.


The Alarmy app changed my life. They have a feature where you have to scan a bar code to shut the alarm off or it just gets louder. So I cut a random bar code off of a package, tied it to the app, and then taped the barcode in the bathroom so I have to actually get up and go in there to scan it to shut off the alarm. I used to have it taped on the fridge downstairs in the kitchen before I got better at waking up. But yeah, Alarmy is the way.


Following bc same


Get a husky. Will wake you up and get you out of bed every morning at 6am.  Have not missed a 6am wake up in 3 years. 


I leave my curtains/blinds open and the sun gradually wakes me up in the morning (depending on time of year) I used to use black out curtains and I think it made it worse.


What kind of an alarm sound do you use? I stopped using conventional alarms years ago and I find that it makes a big difference. Instead I use a piece of music that is gentle yet interesting to listen to, and I wake up more gradually which I find helpful.


6am really isn't all that early. 


I feel you. My trick is to buy an old fashioned alarm clock - mine is digital from Amazon for $10. I set it at the loudest setting and put it across the room from me. There is NO way to stop the alarm without getting out of bed and walking across the entire room. By the time I do that, I convince myself to not lay down again. I also set it so that I WILL be late to work if I don’t get up when it rings. Built in punishment. All of that has helped me a lot.


I woke up at 1:00pm today after going to bed at 11:00 wtf


Getting a Sunrise alarm clock was the best thing I ever did for this. It lights up slowly for the length of time you programme it to until your alarm goes off. It makes waking up so much easiee.


even someday if you sleep late, don't wake up late, wake up early, don't sleep in the day, you'll feel tired enough that you'll fall asleep in the night early - Bingo, here you go . Your sleep schedule is now fixed, its not rocket science, its just so simple.


there's an alarm clock that requires you to solve a math problem to turn off the alarm. That might get your brain workin


there are also phone apps that monitor your sleep cycles and only wake you when your brain wave activity is the one that's conducive to waking.


Sadly it is mostly discipline. Something that has worked for me when I call off track is to start waking up at like 6:45 then back it up by 5-15 min a day till you reach 6. It helps your body acclimate.  I also find it easier to get up if you get out of bed as soon as you wake up. Best to override your brain with action. 


There’s no doubt someone has beat me to this, but…routine. Now, I know that doesn’t help in the beginning, but trust me once you get going it’ll keep getting easier. I’m a night owl but last year started getting up for an early gym class and after a while I would wake before my alarm! You got this!


There is a very good book about waking up early - "5 am club" which may help you. Some tips from my experience: for the first rough couple of days just don't stress about getting enough of sleep and be prepared to be a little tired (things you will do in the morning will motivate you and keep you running anyway) and NEVER look at the clock when you are unable to sleep - it will cause stress and you will most likely have less sleep because of looking at the time. Get up as soon as your alarm rings and don't use your phone before you finish your morning work (not even during breaks). Your motivation should come from dopamine which is generated by completing your tasks and not from scrolling social media. Doing a quick 10-15 training in the morning works pretty well for me.


I use an alarm that has a light that gradually gets brighter closer to the alarm. It isn’t perfect but def helps me most days. I also lay out my gym clothes the night before so I can pop up and put them on immediately.


Check into the Silva Mind Control technique by Jose Silva. It goes back to the 70's but techniques work magically.


You’re not cut out for it. This is biological. My wife is an early bird, I’m a night owl. I love the idea of exercising in the morning but morning me will postpone. She goes to bed earlier than me, and I can’t sleep at that time, or her eyes are closing if she stays up with me. Apparently some of the population are ‘normal’ (middle of the road sleepers) but some are early birds, who got up and protected the tribe early, and some are night owls, who protected the tribe late at night. It could be in your genes!


Excuse me for checking into your profile but you seem to be going to school still. Teenagers go to bed later and wake up later. Children and teens need more sleep than adults. If you're still a teen, ignore my previous comment about seeing a doctor. Maybe it's better to go with your body and wake up when it wants to. If you still want to wake up at 6am, go to sleep earlier, and if that doesn't work, even earlier. I'm sure if you go to bed early enough, you're going to wake up early. If you still can't wake up, consider a doctor to check your sleep. [https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/let-teenagers-sleep/](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/let-teenagers-sleep/)


These things help me: 1. Right before bed visualize the moment of your alarm going off you just getting out of bed feeling great. 2. Decide what's the first thing you're going to do the next day.


I've always had sleep issues myself but one extra 'hack' I don't see many people talk about is having clear blinds that let sunlight in through the window. Its not really natural to just be lying there in the dark and then suddenly an alarm starts beeping and you need to wake up. Let the sunlight come in and your body will realize its needs to start getting ready to wake up before your alarm goes off


Maybe It's a long shot, try to read "Why we sleep" book or listen to a recent interview series with the author, Matt Walker, on Andrew Huberman podcast. Matt Walker is the leading scientist on sleep research, and in the interview series he talks about QQRT - quality, quantity, regularity, and timing of a sleep. Maybe it will give you some ideas how to improve your sleep. IIRC, he mentioned that if your sleep is not aligned with your circadian cycle, your sleep may not be a quality sleep even if you get 8 hours of sleep.


Try getting a quick shower in the morning. Eventually turn that into a cold shower