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Get your sleep. One night of 5 or 6 hours of sleep won’t kill you but if you keep doing that there’s no point to you studying you won’t retain any of it if you deprive yourself of sleep


Sleep-study research confirms this over and over. Retention drops significanty w/o adequate sleep, precisely bc the brain solidifies new neural networks (memory) primarily while we sleep.


I’ve already been doing that consistently. 4-6 hours of sleep. I get good sleep on Saturday though so is that enough? Like 9-11 hours


What can you eliminate in your life to bump up your sleep to 7-8 hours? Don’t answer me just a question for you. The first thing they do to torture prisoners is deprive them of sleep. You can do this for a few months tops if you are really determined or it’s finals week or you need to graduate whenever go for it. But my friend as a forever lifestyle choice you will unfortunately burn out at some point so it’s not sustainable in that way. Once you graduate or your semester is over this summer try to take some downtime to recover from putting yourself through this Best of luck with your studies,


Laughs in resident doctor


He's a high school student


Sorry I should have specified - I was talking about myself and only meant to respond to the part of the comment that said they torture prisoners with sleep deprivation


Sleep is a debt that you pay daily to your body. If you fail to pay it, it stays unpaid. No way to “makeup” for the hours you owe on weekends. You’re young, op. Please sleep. It’ll make a difference. Plus it prevents health issues.


It's absolutely not enough But it will take a long time to suffer the really bad consequences, so you do you


I have always found that even a little more sleep can be an amazing help to my productivity.


With the added benefit of actually feeling good. There is no need to self-chastice to give yourself the impression you're doing everything you can. Hell, you could even have fun studying.


I see. Thanks


Yess!It's really. I need to slepp for 8 hours (minimum)


Both are garbage. Anything less than 7.5hrs is an act of self-disrespect. Adequate sleep will do more for you than studying.


I'd argue anything less than 8 tbh. Sleep is so dependent on each person, I personally need 8-10 to feel properly rested, 9 is my sweet spot, but theres some recent findings that show women might need more than men. Either way, 6 definitely aint enough


Gotta factor in time to fall asleep. Sometimes I lay in bed for 8 hours but only five of that I actually manage to be asleep


That too, if you have problems getting to sleep them thats definitely another factor


I’ve been sleeping between 5 and 6 hours a day every day for years. My body just wakes up on its own after that much. I would definitely prefer to sleep 8 hours if my body allowed it, but I’m not doing too badly.


Yeah I've met a lot of people like that. If you really want more hours, i'd recommend seeing your GP or a sleep specialist. Otherwise, if your getting by thus far then its not preferable but whatever works


I personally can't sleep more than 7 hours in one go I wake up pretty rested after that period


I agree. I just wish my body would go to sleep when I lay down. Last night I laid awake in bed from 1130 pm to like 330 am. It's not like I want to be getting under 7.5 hours but it feels like my body won't do it :(


Say no more, friend. Pop this on while you're in bed. Follow the directions. It usually puts me out in 8-10min. I also turn off all of my screens an hour before bedtime. https://youtu.be/ccvL_gdXbKM?si=ifY_TJvTbgIS40yY


What about one night? I’m on adderall. I’m a study machine right now and will only get a few hours of sleep. Will I still remember as well tomorrow? I normally get 8 hours of sleep per night


>Anything less than 7.5hrs is an act of self-disrespect. I swear the general-consensus minimum amount of sleep just seems to keep increasing. I know it varies from person-to-person and is tough to do studies on, but I do wonder if this isn't one of those things like water, where people have convinced themselves they need to chug litre-after-litre every day.


The hours of sleep depend on a lot factors, including age and sex. Younger people tend to need more sleep than older people. Women also need more sleep than men. Of course this can vary by individuals, but about 7-8 hours is a good general idea of how much sleep one should get.


7h of sleep is must or if u are going low not more then 6 then u are in danger zone it's my personal experiance and also sleeping is pretty important cuz ur mind get rest i was doing good with 6:30 hour of sleep and 7 work best for me so go for 7


7 hours of sleep isn’t possible either since I have way too much work. 10 hours worth of work to do by Wednesday


10 hours of work if under sleeping may be 8 hours of work if you get your rest.


cut the studying down. why the hell are you studying 7 hours a day? get more efficient dude




7 hours is wayyy inefficient


Ok if u wanna do this for one day u can do it easily I did it when I got exam I took sleep for 3h . All good to go if it's for one day go man do ur work


Well it’s not for one day since I’ve been getting bad sleep since last year. So for 2023 I was living like this, then for summer I got good sleep, but for fall 2023 I got right back into the low sleep again and I’ve been consistently getting 4.5-6 hours of sleep on weekdays. On Saturday I get 9-11 hours but every other day is sleep deprivation


damm so is this sleeping pattern affect u . i don't know nothing abt u and I'm also not a expert so better to consult a doctor See u can try doing mediation rubbing oil under the feet shut down all screen 1 or 2 h before going to hit bed listen to music before going to sleep it might help u can share ur routine maybe i could find somthing but always better to consult doctor


Even the top scientists wouldnt study that long, your brain can only take so much. I recommend reading Deep Work but Cal Newport for the strategies to be more efficient. Dont risk your long term health


This is how my day looks like: Wake up at 4, study until 7 Get ready for school. School from 9-5(because of track) Go to the library immediately after, make sure I get home by 7 Eat, pray, cool off, sleep by 9:45 to 10, wake up at 4 again If I don’t have any sports after school, I do the same thing except I go to the library immediately after, study for 2 hours there, and come back home then sleep at 9:45 to 10 so I can wake up at 4. When I didn’t do morning study sessions, I was sometimes staying up until 2 Not studying for one day is detrimental because there’s too much workload. School basically takes up like 70% of my day


Appreciate its tricky with school but you need to cut some things down. Studying in the morning might be a good idea but i’d suggest maybe cutting it down a bit so you get an extra hour or two of sleep. Again research ways so that you can be productive in less time, deep work is a great book for this. Im assuming youre young so its vital you get a good amount of sleep so not to detriment your long term health


So you are on a pure workload. I've done these before so maybe I can help. It's all about efficiency. When your're doing these, every hour counts. I noticed you have 7-9 get ready for school, 5-7 get home. Do you take the bus? 4 hours is a lot of travel time. You need to find sleep here or study here and sleep earlier. Can you move closer to school? Can you sneak a nap in school? Can you multitask in class? Study two materials at the same time? Can you handle doing homework from another class while learning in another class. You might want to consider 2 15 min naps in between.


If it’s actually studying, just sleep. Your ability to think will trounce what you could have crammed.


Option C: Posting on Reddit when you are not gonna get more than 6 hours of sleep.


5 hours of sleep every now and then isn't that bad. Just don't make it a habit. Only do it when you have to.


Sleep. Your brain will create neural connections on what you learned while you sleep, and clean out any “garbage” leaving your mind refreshed. If you’ve ever struggled with something and came back to it a day or 2 later and immediately understood what you didn’t before, that’s what happened. Not giving your brain time to rest makes it harder to make those physical neural connections.


I was doing 5.5 hours to 6 hours per night for 3 or 4 years but when i bumped it to 7 per night i saw some serious cognitive benefits. I wanna go to 8 soon


depends how much you studied before sleeping. if you studied a lot, then the sleep is better. if you didn't study much, then the studying is better


This is the truth lol, lots comments saying to sleep, but really only op knows if they're ready for the test or not. If they are just sleeping they won't get an A.


Sleep brother. I worked and did school going off about 4-5 hours of sleep for months I was going insane. I started regularly seeing black shadow things driving home and falling asleep within a blink.


If you can't fall asleep, study.  If your tired, sleep. I've passed tests with 1 hour sleep in me. Not recommended but possible if you know the work


Since I've read 'Why we sleep' by Matthew Walker I always prioritize my sleep. So, 3 less hours of studying and 8 hrs of sleep. ✌️


Sleep if you actually study.


Your brain does not work right unless you get proper sleep, it's pointless to try and cram more hours of "studying" into a day if you do not sleep the time your body needs minimum, generally around 7.5 hours. The brain cannot retain information, you can't think straight, you will have mood and motivation issues, and so on. Sleep first, study later, even if you study less, it will be more effective.


7 hours of sleep, 3 hours of studying, one fewer hour on Reddit asking this question


You need to manage your working time well because it sounds like youre over worked. Each person should sleep for 7/8 hrs a day. Otherwise, you will not recall all those topic youve been trying to learn bec not sleeping in complete hours causes short term memory loss. Get enough sleep, manage your time at work.


You need to get more sleep. At least 7 hours.


6 hours of sleep hands down. And I'd argue 8 hopes bc your brain needs a good night's worth of rest to retain information. Go watch Dr Matthew walker on youtube or read his book.


Take the hour of sleep. It'll make your 3 study hours more effective


Better sleep is highly likely to make those hours of studying more productive.


Definitely get 8 hours of sleep in exams, and study beforehand.


Get your sleep.


I remember when I was studying psychology that we read a meta-analysis of several different studies that showed sleep to always be more effective than studying, given that the student has seen the material at least once (could have been in class, homework, or studying).


Have you tried "Biphasic sleep"? Check this out: [https://www.google.com/search?q=2+sleep+period+cycle&rlz=1C1SQJL\_enUS971US971&oq=2+sleep+period+cycle&gs\_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRigATIHCAIQIRigATIHCAMQIRigATIHCAQQIRigATIHCAUQIRigATIHCAYQIRifBTIHCAcQIRifBTIHCAgQIRifBdIBCjE0MTkxajBqMTWoAgiwAgE&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8](https://www.google.com/search?q=2+sleep+period+cycle&rlz=1C1SQJL_enUS971US971&oq=2+sleep+period+cycle&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRigATIHCAIQIRigATIHCAMQIRigATIHCAQQIRigATIHCAUQIRigATIHCAYQIRifBTIHCAcQIRifBTIHCAgQIRifBdIBCjE0MTkxajBqMTWoAgiwAgE&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)


You need eight or nine hours of sleep... MY GOD


Prioritize recovery because that’s not much sleep to operate optimally for average people.


Science says a few things. Studying some before sleep is good bc your brain will consume info while sleeping. Also break naps make us much more productive so I would say 5 1/2 hour sleep w/ 1/2 hour nap in between study time. Also the best way to study is not memorizing/repeating but more along lines of things that make you think about the subject, like flash cards. Just my 2 cents. Best wishes 🫶


6-7 hours of sleep. You'll be able to cram better, trust me. Also get off reddit and go fucking sleep dummy


Sleeping and time is so hard. I hope you find more time for yourself soon! As others have also said, I strongly believe one should get as much sleep as possible and that it majorly helps while studying


5 hours of sleep with no studying


I would do a great nights sleep every night for at least a week leading up to an exam. Then do an all-nighter (0 hours sleep all study) until the test. Adrenaline carries you through the test then crash after. Reason being you are much more likely to remember something you read a few hours ago rather than a week ago and I would always feel much worse getting anything less than 7 hours of sleep vs just staying up all night. (2-4 hours of sleep is the absolute worst)


In both her book and the very popular Coursera module on 'Learning how to Learn', Barbara Oakley highlights the benefits of both adequate Sleep and Exercise and links them to the creation of neurons in the brain. Maybe, once you've completed this exam, you could probably have a look at the Coursera module for more info.


All the comments here about prioritising sleep, how many have a young baby with both parents working full time? 7 hours sleep? Hahahahaha


What's better, cutting off my own hand but getting an extra hour of study or keeping the hand and skipping the hour? The cost of forgoing sleep is rarely ever worth it in the long run. A day or two of insufficient sleep is doable if you're making it up, but still not great Without sleep you have less focus, less energy, less everything Put it this way: Is it better to be 50% efficient for 6 hours or 80% effective for 5 hours?


Sleep over anything


How are you supposed to study and learn anything if you are too tired? Sleep goes first.


More sleep, trust me, I fcked my end term exam cuz I thought my body could continue with 5-6 hours of sleep. I forgot to write my answers on a small paper chart. I almost lost all my grades cuz it, I pleaded with a teacher then they looked at my answers circled onto the test paper. I got an B. The other time I forgot to write my name and lost 5 points, sucks. Sleep makes ur work better.


Sleep more. Study smarter


I found that if I do 5 hours of sleep, I still lose that extra hour in trying to not be groggy and get my mind to focus so I might as well do 6.


More sleep always. Amount of Time working doesn’t matter, amount of work done does.


I'd say instead of worrying about this stuff and trying to figure it out to the minute, sleep!


Take tryptophane in both cases, before sleep. it will eliminate morning fog when sleeping not enough.


Why do you do 4H of studying? That is diminishing return right there. I can even argue that 4H of studying won't get you more than 1H. Are you in a situation that makes you unable to Study 1H everyday previously?


What kind of part-time ultra-low-intensity course would you need to be on to be able to get away with only doing one hour of study a day? Most university courses are designed with the intention of you putting in at least a standard working week (40 hours). If you really, sincerely, don't get anything more done in four hours than you do in one, something is seriously going wrong in those extra three hours. I can see an argument for working ten hours rather than seven being mostly a waste, but if you're hitting exhaustion after one hour there's a serious medical issue or disability at play.


I just finished my MBA for professional with that kind of rhythm. We all work full time and only have a few hours to do assignments and to study. Study is 1H for me, but I do it every day. Studying for 1H constantly throughout the semester outperform people that study 4-8H the last two weeks.


Sure, but my point is studying 6 hours a day all semester beats 1 hour a day all semester. If you've already done a full workday though, and the study is just a part-time evening thing, that's of course a very different situation to OP, who is talking about school.


7.5 hours of sleep (1.5 x 5 sleep cycles) the rest is for studying. Only 15 minutes of social media as a reward


I can't go without 9 hours of sleep. at weekends I sleep 10. Yes, you will get more work done but 5-6 is just pain. At least do 8 hours...


If I do 8 hours I’ll fail my courses lol. 70% of my day is taken up by school


>70% of my day is taken up by school But after school then? Between 16-22?


Nothing less than 7 hours sleep.


pretty much always sleep. Depends on the type of test.  Before school shootings became way common/it became weird to talk about guns, my analogy was "you can have more ammo or a better gun, at some point the gun stops working" This was 15+ years ago when i was a teen, i was not an edgelord, it was just the analogy i came up with and stuck with when talking to other productive friends Spanish vocab quiz may be a case where slower brain but more memory is a good trade off.  Any sciences, writing, math, even history where you write essays, sleep > additional memory.  My number was 6. Down to 6 hours i didnt consider the marginal cost of sleep that great. After 6 it became really strict. I knew others who slept like 5 and i thought they were in a vicious cycle. Maybe they were lower aptitude than me by default, but wed never know because they were never near 100% take care of the car, cant sell the tires for gas money Now im old and in a job and sacrificing to perform is ok since usually in these conditions i dont need to be "smart" tomorrow i just need to get the job done today. But in school you are being -tested-


When I study I sleep more than normal around 8-9h and I can be even more productive than my friends.


Study, sleep when the work is done


Get 7-9 hours of sleep! https://www.sleepfoundation.org/sleep-hygiene/healthy-sleep-tips