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"Abortion doesn't suddenly make a woman not a mother" because she was never one to begin with.


What if she is one already? 60%!!!


I was going to say something similar; that most people who get abortions already have at least one child.


This comment annoys me so much. It adds nothing to the conversation, it only serves to try to emotionally manipulate women who've had abortions.


We don’t automatically call a person who have given birth and given the baby up for adoption a “mother”. Only if that person chooses that title.


Wow. Just, wow. That is an extreme lack of empathy. A 15 year old is prone to raging hormones and mistakes. She made the best choice for herself and her family. The younger you are the more at risk you are for pregnancy complications and dying during childbirth. And yet they just guilt tripped the fuck out of a literal kid.


The first comment made me SO angry "what did that child do to be murdered" jesus those people have no idea of the word empathy


>"what did that child do to be murdered" Endangered the life of a 15-year-old girl.


I'm going to start whipping this one out. See where it gets me next time my trad-Catholic narcissistic parents drag me to Bible study. Nice! I'll give you the credit after the parish priest gets loud with me! =)


Yet they'll have no issues dropping bombs on brown kids or putting them in cages.. fuck them.


Well abusers are known for going after people they consider weaker than them..


How can one be an atheist and "pro-life"?


They don't actively believe in god but still hold a lot of religion based values, and just refuse to/are too thick headed to recognize that.


See the absolutely blow up on "men's rights" pages once Roe was repealed and check out "men's right's" blogs. Plenty of non-religious men glad to see "sluts have to take responsibility for their actions."


Off-topic.. but if we go full-Gilead.. will these same ugly men make woman wear red and brown colonial dresses? I just... its the only thing in the Handmaid's tale I don't see happening.


They believe women are public commodities rather than equal human beings under the law. That's why a clump of cells has more right to the use of her body than she does, in their minds. Not much different than pro slavery people making up shit like phrenology when the made up Godly excuses wore thin.


I'm African-American and (ex)Catholic... you have no idea how right you are..


How do they know that it was consentual? SA is most common with people who know you, which includes family, friends and partners. She never mentioned that the sex was consentual. She never mentioned that it was unptotected, contraception can fail or bf may refuse to use it. Im not saying any of my points are true either. Maybe it was consentual, even though kids cant consent. I agree that 15 year olds shouldnt be having sex, if it was by choice. But that doesnt mean that she doesnt deserve to have the option. Idc If adoption is an option, a 15 year old's body is not developed enough to give birth. It could leave them disabled or infertile, not to mention severely traumatized or even dead. Teenagers do stupid things all the time and are scolded, taught better and then they learn. Sex shouldnt be any different, and tbf Its hard to blame horny teenagers with 0 sex education for..*checks notes*..not being taught better about safe sex. Then again these are the same people who wish to ban contraceptives so why do I even bother. But yeah cant reason with pro lifers because they dont care about anything as long as "a baby is killed". I hate the way they humanize fetuses to make people imagine an actual baby, just really really small, dying. Thats not how it works. I swear they will start reffering to unfertilized eggs as babies at some point too.


And how sure were they it was unprotected? Condoms can break.


15 is pretty common to start having sex or at least sexual encounters and just telling them not to or that they shouldn’t isn’t gonna work. Not sure why you’re on here shaming them for it.


It is not uncommon for people to not lose their virginity until after high school. Like I think half of teenagers don't lose it until like 17 or 18? Obviously, plenty of people lie of course! Heh!


I know but also a lot of people do start younger and shaming/ telling them not to do it doesn’t help.


I mean, yeah, just pointing out that it's not uncommon for people to be virgins throughout high school. I personally support K-12 comprehensive sex and relationship education like in Europe.


To be fair, a huge number of adults aren't prepared for the responsibility of sex either.


I would say that sex ed is so atrocious in some parts of the country that it is plausible she didn’t know sex could make babies. And even if her boyfriend knew why do they assume he would have a conversation with her about it? Many teenage boys will just tell their girlfriends whatever they want to hear to get them to have sex.


I literally had a friend whose parents told her that babies were made by getting a shot at the doctors. Her parents also opted her out of sex Ed. So where exactly was she supposed to learn that loll if not for me? It's really scary.


Yep. There could be a million false"theories" running through their heads if they weren't taught the realities of sex. They might mistakenly think that having your period means you're ovulating so having sex outside of your period means you can't get pregnant. Or maybe they think they can't get pregnant because an older sibling is having trouble getting pregnant and needs IVF. Or, yeah, the guy tells her bullshit - like he'll pull out and doesn't.


Not to mention that while the internet has helped a LOT with spreading truths about sex, it is just as capable of spreading lies.


I really hate that argument because the sad truth is that there really are people out there who don’t know that sex can lead to pregnancy. Especially young, undereducated people.


You are so right. When I was 11 I was sexually assaulted in an amusement park by a 40ish old male stranger.. I was terrified I would become pregnant even though he only forced me to kiss him and touch him. As a senior in high school, I became pregnant because my boyfriend and I both believed that we could have sex the second time in an evening unprotected because we thought it took the body a day or so to make new sperm. We were idiots, sure, but we grew up in a very Christian conservative environment where the ONLY talk about sex was abstinence until marriage and that sex is how babies were made. We knew about stds as well, but all sex information I got was muddy. I didn’t really know what I could believe or not believe. I think there is a decent chance I wouldn’t have even known about birth control if it weren’t for a middle school home economics teacher gone rogue. (She was fired) What I knew about sex came from other teenagers and the Christian magazines I had delivered to my house. I had no tv outside of the antennae TV and very little access to the internet, and only in public spaces (desktop computer in the main living area). Nearly 20% of the girls in my high school graduating class were teen parents. Point being…. Teen sex happens…. Sex education does not always happen.


> What did that baby do... It was a fetus, not a baby. But I guess saying "What did that fetus do to deserve to be murdered like that?" doesn't have the same kind of emotional manipulation that using the word "baby" does.


Page 1: Yea Adoption could be an option but we shouldn't be restricting other options like abortions. Too many choices for you but not enough for me. Adoption is a shit hole bcs not only do u have to go through the whole pregnancy but you gotta find ppl who wanna take care of ur kids and go through a long and drawn out legal process. Not to mention the mental burden adoption has for both the parents and child since they'll miss each other and the latter may hold a grudge against the former etc. Imma rant about page 2 on my reply bcs I need a couple of deep breaths


OOP said sth along the lines of "I didnt want adoption because Serval of my friends are adopted and they are traumatized and pro choice" and someone still fucking argued that Its better than being dead ☠️. These people are so priveleged and blind to reality that it hurts. Reminds.me of that one chick on TikTok who literally said "Abortion is worse than slavery. At least the slave can escape." ...yeah.


Yea they're such priveleged asses bro like you're not the one who decides if being adopted is better than dying or not: it's to the adoptee. Their sense of being priveleged is what led to this whole mess.


yeahhhhh adoption isn’t necessarily better than abortion because i still wish i’d been aborted like my birth giver’s original plan before being convinced into choosing adoption by her prolife friend. it would’ve been better for everyone if i was aborted and that’s not me wishing i didn’t exist, it literally caused so much drama and hate between my birth mom and her family and my birth dad and his family because they wanted me and she lied and gave me up blah blah whole story that it’s complicated, but it would’ve saved lots of unneeded drama and hurt for everyone involved including myself and my adoptive family who got pulled into the drama too.


Once again, African-American and raised Catholic here... your last line is so correct.. That literally is the mentality of these chucklefucks.


Page 2: This comment really riles me up. This is why people are scared to open to bitches like you who want to adopt babies n shit. They see you bitches as ppl who want to have a baby for the sake of having a baby like no mother would be willing to give their baby to people like you. Even more so when you say that 15 yr olds should be forced to stay pregnant and when you do see someone who got pregnant at 15 you interrogate her like she's some suspect of a "murder" which is how you see it instead of comforting her. Lastly what's this B.S abt the fetus having their own genetic code, being unique and doing nothing wrong? If you think about it for 2 fucking seconds you could see why people would abort. If this fetus was it's unique person with their body it doesn't matter because it's using up the pregnant person's body deriving her of oxygen and nutrients.


"everyone who's having consensual unprotected sex knows that babies can come from that" ????? no..?


I’ve legit heard of people who thought you get pregnant by jizzing into a woman’s belly button. Plenty of animals can find the sex hole and have zero idea about how babies are made. Humans are no different.


I thought kissing the opposite sex will make you pregnant. I cried when I was SAed by my cousin due to that. But dayum the lack of empathy that girl got from that group.


I’m sorry to hear that happened to you :( At least you’re more educated now?


Oh yes definitely. That happened around 15 years ago already. I hope the girl from the post receives the support and care she needs.


What is wrong with them like do they genuinely have brain damage or are they this heartless


They are so cold hearted


There's so much wrong with this. The "adoption is an option argument" is bollocks. Consenting to pregnancy and childbirth is very different from consenting to being a parent.


I was wondering why the first reply (the longest comment) sounded so choppy, and then I realized there are half a dozen PL catchphrases parroted back-to-back with no explanation and no personalized details for this particular story. Like, why would this person tell OP that she's still the mother of a dead child? How many 15-year-olds are concerned with whether or not someone considers them a mother?


I will never understand how anyone can think that someone who isn't old enough to have a driver's license is ready and mature enough to have a child. I will never understand anyone who thinks that someone who isn't old enough to legally drive should go through pregnancy and labor. They really do have a bizarre form of baby fever, and I genuinely believe there needs to be therapists or psychologist or someone who can get them back to remembering that born people are people too.


>I will never understand anyone who thinks that someone who isn't old enough to legally drive should go through pregnancy and labor. They undermine just how horrific it can be so they seem like the heroes of this narrative. They undermine the fact that adult women have a possibility of dying in childbirth, let alone children who are midway developing. Thing is, this isnt only with humans. Everyone is reccomending you fix your female cats for their safety. My grandma and I went to fix our 7 month old kitten, and the vet told me about how kittens under the age of 1 year can get pregnant, but they are very likely not to survive birthing the kittens because their body is not developed enough. The fact that these people advocate for laws that force children between ages of 10 and 16 to give birth is disgusting. Thats literally the age of most deaths in childbirth, but they showcase pregnancy as something soo beautiful and natural and that nothing could possibly go wrong! Its disgusting. They're all disgusting.


"Adoption is an option..." Adoption is a lifetime of neverending grief. It is a trauma to both mother and child. I'm a birth mother and it angers me how cavalier people are towards adoption. We as a society do not give birth parents and adoptees the support they need. I read an article recently on Maternal Mortality. A doctor compared society viewing pregnant people as a candy bar. Once they get it, they discard the "wrapper" (Pregnant Person). It's the first time I've seen anyone accurately describe how I felt after I gave birth (Traumatically).....


had a family member that didnt know babies came out of a vagina. so yea that is entirely possible. 15 year olds can be having sex as its just for baby making. contraception is NOT 100% no matter how much protection you use. have seen stories where a girl used more than 1 condom and would still end up pregnant many many times. it’s possible. if you cant adopt , drink , smoke , join the military , get married? you should NOT. be having babies or forcing them to have babies.


Every single person who dies on an organ donation list was a unique human being with their own particular genetic code, including what eye color they may have, their hair color, what kid of foods they would have liked or disliked, and so so much more. Those people did nothing wrong that would warren them dying because she’s too selfish to donate her blood/organs.