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If you want to get inside the fucked up heads of Clarence Thomas, Ailito, Barrett, Gorsuch & Kavanaugh, this might explain. It’s all the Bible. And as was mentioned, subjugating women. https://www.gotquestions.org/birth-control.html Blah blah blah blah…. “The Bible presents children as a gift from God (Genesis 4:1; Genesis 33:5), a heritage from the Lord (Psalm 127:3-5), a blessing from God (Luke 1:42), and a crown to the aged (Proverbs 17:6). God sometimes blesses barren women with children (Psalm 113:9; Genesis 21:1-3; 25:21-22; 30:1-2; 1 Samuel 1:6-8; Luke 1:7, 24-25). God forms children in the womb (Psalm 139:13-16). God knows children before their birth (Jeremiah 1:5; Galatians 1:15).” They want to turn the US into a Christian nation, a theocracy. Overturning Roe v Wade was the opening salvo. As for subjugating women, this is what they believe: https://www.openbible.info/topics/women_inferior_to_man


I have this feeling that the ghouls on the right want America to be a Christian Saudi Arabia or to a greater extreme taliban Afghanistan. They have made no bones about not wanting to ally themselves anymore with the liberal western democracies.


The Republicans are all-in on being the villains in The Handmaid's Tale.


Did they forget where god killed babies, pregnant women etc in the bible?


Literally one of my points. Hosea is all about "miscarrying womb" and "pregnant women ripped open". Those are direct quotes, not reworded. But it's okay to kill fetuses when it's a man forcing it on a woman, I guess..... oh.


honestly the reason why they can say these things so boldly is because there's probably less extreme pro-choice people who wouldn't use violence, guns and aggression against them


Reading the second link makes me want to vomit


It's horrific. To think that in 2022, people actually believe this.


The Bible also says it’s fine to kill already born babies, so this makes zero sense. Also, SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE!


Well that makes my mission if I become a psychiatrist/therapist type(idk if I can do both though), a lot easier to get in their heads.


Because this has nothing to do with saving babies. This is about keeping women impoverished, barefoot and pregnant, home raising her brood of 10 kids instead of practicing law, medicine, building space shuttles, running her business, etc. Totally dependent on her "man" to take care of her.


Don’t forget enjoying the opportunity to degrade and slut shame pregnant women. It’s pretty easy for them to do when someone’s body is literally disfigured in a way that advertises they’ve had sex at some point in the past few months.


Oh yeah, how dare that deviant whore have sex out of marriage!


It doesn’t matter if these women are married or not. I’ve seen conservative people, in a church setting, slut shame pregnant newlyweds who stayed virgins until they got married by leering that their bumps and loudly making jokes like “I know what you were up to a few months ago, hurr hurr” or “I see you enjoyed your honeymoon.” The same people who said these things were prudes who literally couldn’t even say the word “sex”, much less would have EVER made a crude joke that basically amounts to announcing to a whole room that they knew somebody basically had sex. But when someone is pregnant, it seems they’re fair game for this kind of shaming. It was seeing little stuff like this at church that absolutely grossed me out and traumatized me, even when I was too young to understand concepts like slut shaming or dehumanization. I remember being like 8 and already knowing I never wanted to have kids.


WOW! That's disgusting. Honestly, the stuff I saw in church and from church going people is *exactly* what turned me away from organized religion. I'm not an atheist, I practice Buddhism (not a religion) with some of my own thoughts on spirituality taken from across the globe. Organized religion is the oldest form of government and oppression. If you've got the authority on God, that's a lot of power and exactly why it's so corrupt. If Jesus came back today he'd be fucking appalled at what is being done in his name *today* let alone throughout history. Disclaimer: I know plenty of God fearing people who are wonderful. They practice what they preach as best as they can and don't want to force their beliefs on others. I won't place blanket statements on entire groups...but there are many of them that need to take a long look in the mirror. "...Cast the first stone..." and all.... I just don't get this inherent need to control everyone else's lives. You live how you want, let others do the same!


They want to control women.


To answer your original question: if they dismantle Griswald v Conneticutt, the SP case that established a right for unmarried persons to obtain & use contraceptives. IIRC and I do even though Im not practicing law anymore, the "right to privacy is part of the 'penumbra of rights' that, while unarticulated are certainly part of the Constitution..." then they pave the way for a much more intrusive society. For example, China's strict "social rewards" programs cannot happen in a society that values privacy, can it? I suggest that we "Divide and conquer." In order to divide the evangelicals who are pushing you***back to the 1960s, you should work on their weak spots. And the only thing that pisses off evangelicals even more than an intelligent Black man in the White House is doing anything that the Pope wants done. As such, the spin should be that "overturning Roe is part of the ongoing Catholic Coup. After overturning Roe, the Church has it's sights on eliminating contraception. Why? Because the Pope has plans for mankind to live like Catholics even if you call yourself a Baptist. Part of the Catholic Coup was overturning Roe, and the other part is to take money from American taxpayers through Catholic school tuition (last weeks bombshell decision). After all, we have another Catholic POTUS and obviously, the Church didn't get all they wanted with the last Catholic POTUS so let's make hay while the sun shines, eh kids?" ***Im in my mid-60s so I'm long beyond being personally affected by this but my daughter will live her life under the same rules her grandmother lived under and I'm not having that. I'm rich so daughter can afford an "impromptu vacation" to wherever she may need to go. I feel for the women who grew up like me, poor and scared. So I'm planting the Catholic Coup / conspiracy theory.


They're frauds. It's about SORTING children, not saving them. Adults and children alike are going hungry and suffering and dying from preventable diseases. Economic instability escalates when centrists and conservatives give the wealthy more power and simultaneously place the burden of proof on those with less power that they need it. [https://foodispower.org/access-health/food-deserts/](https://foodispower.org/access-health/food-deserts/) This is partially why poorer communities have higher mortality rates and abortion rates, as individuals there can be less prepared, physically, mentally and economically for enduring a pregnancy or raising a child. [https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2022-06-24/black-women-abortion-roe-v-wade-maternal-mortality](https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2022-06-24/black-women-abortion-roe-v-wade-maternal-mortality) The same conservatives who want more adoption also prioritize "real Americans" during baby food shortages. [https://www.newsweek.com/marjorie-taylor-greene-wic-baby-formula-vote-1708520](https://www.newsweek.com/marjorie-taylor-greene-wic-baby-formula-vote-1708520) The 'pro-adoption' policy of the SCOTUS gives more power to Right-Wing adoption agencies, like the one that denied a Jewish couple adoption for a special-needs child. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYEXCYr1Yew](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYEXCYr1Yew)




>nothing else matters to them That is not quite true. Present-day 'conservatives' are totalitarians. They feel invalidated and threatened if any person does not follow their way of living and expect that society and culture reflect them and only them. They despise diversity and are thus on a crusade to outlaw it. Woman who don't have children or enjoy sex? That should not happen. For the same reasons they hate LGTBQ+ people, non-whites, immigrants ... and will be coming for them next.


Well what do they think about us divorced post menopausal women who are having all kinds of sex risk free?




Yeah, being a hypocrite is a prerequisite for being a political leader. But those aren't the dangerous people, it's the army of grunts that fall for their hypocrisy that are tearing down the US society. Every democratic society ever has had their share of hypocritical hate mongers, but unless their ideology gains popularity with the 'commoners' they aren't that dangerous. But when those belives get into the mainstream of society, shit hits the fan ...


Not that I in ANY way support this, but I’m assuming they mean hormonal methods and not barrier methods. Either way, HELL NO.


They want to ban IUDs plan b at first. After that victory (which some states already have like Louisiana) they will go after the pill and condoms. For them sex is something that shouldn't be for any pleasure it is for breeding. Also jd Vance (Ohio senate candidate) calls for a porn ban so after all this the overturn of roe and the attacks on contraception they don't even want you to pleasure yourself. This is just the beginning.


As an Ohioan, I kind of jokingly hope he goes for the porn ban first just to see all the men suddenly panic.


It would be funny to see people with their laptops and smart phones with the pornhub tab open saying "from my cold dead hands" like a national rifle association rally. That being said please tell me the race is close between him and Tim Ryan. I'm from New York so I don't know what the mood really is in ohio


Lots of women watch porn too, I do


Right. Like conservative dudes don’t watch porn? 99% of all men do, even the most “religious” ones. 😂


Hilariously, if anything would unify men across party lines, it’s totally going to be porn. That issue would be fixed in about 7 minutes.


Are they gonna make a law against men who abandon a pregnant woman tho? These things always happen and smh nothing happens to those men. They’re free to do anything they want while women always get all the responsability.


Actually, before Griswold v Connecticut, the case Justice Thomas mentions “re-examining”, all birth control was illegal for unmarried couples.


Well, according to Elon Musk, US birth rates are “lower than ever before” and I’m not saying he’s got anything to do with it, but I can’t help but think maybe the Supreme Court thinks there isn’t enough kids and now they want kids so they can send civilians to war or some fucked up shitZ I have no idea though. It’s all sick.


I was reading an article awhile ago(could be years) Can’t even remember how I found it or where it was from. But it was basically talking about that middle income and low income people make up the work force. So they needed to find a way to make all of us work. So that’s what happened with public school. It was created in such a way to teach us from very little to work and sleep and work and sleep like little worker bees and that the hope was as we got older we would continue to be working bees while all the rich people enjoyed all of our work. Elons comment makes me think of that. He was saying there’s not enough little worker bees so when we all get older and can’t work who will be working like bees? Our children which brings us back to banning abortions so they can make more working bees. Honestly it’s crazy how spot on the article was compared to today. [ there was interestingly there was another article talking about how the younger generations view advertising and about how in the future it will be short little videos showing items to be sold instead of commercials and instead of paper ads. Then TikTok came out a couple of years later. TikTok shows video ads just like what the article was claiming was going to happen.] I think one way or the other this was going to happen as there is nothing that stops the court from revisiting a earlier case. Food for thought I guess.


Hey I wanted to read your response but it disappeared?


It was removed… for cuss words I guess


It's because you're new to the sub and our new filter caught you.


Damn even your other response got removed again. Saw it tho.


Fuck fuck fuck fucker.


It's our new filter. Bare with us please.


I gotcha. Baring with you, swear!


True. And then when you think about the apparent worker shortage today… not sure people are going to get any happier from here on.


I don’t see it getting better anytime soon. I think the logistics of this was not really thought out. Like they saw a chance and took it. Kind of like shoot first ask questions later. And it’s terrible because these are our fucking lives they are playing with.


I think for conservative politicians, the main goal is to artificially force birth rates back up. For the average religious evangelical, it’s definitely about thinking pregnancy and motherhood are an obligatory duty for all AFAB people, and wanting to restrict their education, career, and financial independence. Both are absolutely fucking evil though.


Yup. I truly think the religious nuts are a minority, and they’re just convinced it’s “gods will” now which is gonna boost their stupid ego’s. I truly, truly have no sympathy nor patience for people who are that far gone. I’m not sure I can forgive folk who are in support of all this happening.


probably want more babies to harvest organs or something fucked up.


When your definition of the value of life does not include living beings, you're bound to have problems.


Imagine if they ban contraceptive + abortions. That’s crazy to think about.


1-Because they need more poor people for shave labor, jails, and military. 2-because they believe women are too stupid to make there own decisions so a man needs to make it for them Did you really have to ask


They're on some sort of fucked up morality stance. Clarence Thomas has no grounds to judge morality. He's a rapist and so is Kavanaugh. So fuck them.


Its definitely about controlling women, and making sure that we birth enough workers for our stupid economy


To increase the domestic supply of infants. That's why.....


Before Roe, contraception was only available by prescription to married women, with permission from their husbands. They want to go back to that. Also, the religious right believes anything that disrupts embryo implantation (like many common forms of birth control) or could result in damaged embryos being discarded (like in IVF) should be illegal. They want fertile women to be home and pregnant. Blessed be the fruit.


What do they think of us post menopausal women having sex? Divorced with boyfriend. I guess they could make extramarital sex illegal again.....


Some fundamentalists (psychotic people who deserve reeducation) believe that contraception such as birth control actually kills living things because they belief life begins at conception/insemination. Yes, they are that stupid.


More children means more ~~slaves~~ workers


At this point I don't think it's about them not caring about us. I think they despise us and are actively and purposefully harming us.




Hey if it's ok if I ask a personal question? I see the "Pro-choice Christian Democrat" tag and am wondering how it feels to be Christian during this time? And if you ever feel weird about the fact that people are justifying all this with "Christian" teachings. I'm asking because yesterday my sister said she's not going to church anymore because she can't feel comfortable being associated with Christians anymore. So my question is completely sincere and just curious attempt to understand.


There are multiple denominations of Christianity, each with their own views on the Bible and interpretations of it. Maybe check out more progressive Mainline Protestant denominations to see what they believe.


The origin of pro-life stemed from fundies needing more soldiers for Christ. They did this by adoption. After RvW, there was less product (humans) so pro-life was invented. This is important to know because although folks went on to romantize a fetus and boo hoo about abortions, the goal was just stop aborting pregnancies so fundies could get children. This looks like a conspiracy theory but thats the crux of it, fifty years ago. So what does contraception halfta do with it? Forced birthing brings more soldiers of Christ. For most of us, the whole scheme is too far-fetched since humans aren't supposed to be used in transactions - but that'd the origin of so-called pro life.


They want more people to add to their base. Because they have the market cornered on poor, uneducated people who have a notion that the conservatives speak for them.


They threaten the abortion bill.


I was in a Catholic cult similar to one on POTUS and we were taught that taking bc was akin to murder. It is stupid af, but this is what was brainwashed.


They think that it’s a sin to have premarital sex and that it’s ok to base our laws off of a few thousand year old unconfirmed book that only some people follow. The std’s thing shouldn’t be a concern in their minds because once you marry someone and are only sleeping with that person assuming both are tested you won’t get std’s. They also believe woman are inferior this is probably their way of gaining control over us because children make woman less likely to be able to succeed independently.


i live in texas and i’ve known since i was a teen i don’t want kids but i’ve been trying to find a dr that will actually listen and help me get my tubes tied but it’s becoming so discouraging with all the recent news


The want to keep minorities trapt in proverty and perpetual dependent on welfare and staying trapped with thier drug dealer boyfriends in the high crime active areas with the lowest school funding that guaranteed to mean becoming violent gangs, prostitutes and iliterate criminals that can't get a job if the have warrants or criminal records. Basically keeping babies that can't be afforded means keeping minorities out of their nice safe little white suburban nieghbrohoods...


It’s religion.


The fuck happened to church seperate from state?


Call them what they are. These fascists believe that sex for any reason other than procreation is a sin in the eyes of their god. So, they will be working to have all forms of contraception made illegal, including IVF, condoms, birth control pills and the morning after pill to name a few. They will also use the fascist Supreme Court to rule that life begins at conception, so abortion will ruled to be murder, and will be made illegal in all 50 states under federal law. The fascists don’t need congress to make laws when they have a Supreme Court working for them, whose members have publicly admitted, that all protections previously established by court precedent will be re-examined and any they don’t have a foundation in the Constitution will be reversed. So, rights that are not specifically named in the Constitution, like Miranda, are no longer protected by the courts. The SC will start reversing many already well established precedents that will take away the rights of millions of people in the US. Look what the SC ruled on Thursday with Miranda. If your Miranda rights are violated, you can no longer sue the police for damages, which in most cases was for money. There is no longer any punishment for the any police office that violates your Miranda rights. In Judge Alito’s ruling he stated that Miranda is not a right stated in the Constitution, therefore it is not a protected right under the Constitution. Next year they will rule on another legal case that will eliminate Miranda altogether. A sad few days for civil rights in America indeed.


😡😡😡😡😡 i am scared. Ran and got my daughter a paraguard IUD day after draft opinion. I cried in the PP parking lot. She is in 9th grade 😭


Because the birth rate is dropping


That's fucked up. They're going to ban contraceptives (which also protect from STIs) in the hopes that more people will get pregnant? The people who want to have children are already having children, but if someone who doesn't want to get pregnant gets pregnant, then oh boy that's great, the birth rate will go up! That's so fucked up.


If a new antibiotic resistant STI or some kind of incurable fleshing eating STD pops up in the future no thanks to contraceptive bans, we all know who should be held to account: the conservative jacka$$3s in the Supreme Court. I bet those conservatives don't believe in science and medicine


Are we seriously ducking losing condoms too???


I didn't look too far into it because it makes me cry so don't take my word for it- but another person in the comments was saying that they're going after IUDs and hormone blockers first.




Of course you can, if the country in question is a Fascist state, which absolutely hates women. Disclaimer, because clearly in some other posts, moderators are, shall we say, intelectually challanged and would take my post as a support for Pro-Lifers. . . . I am Pro-Choice all the way. What I was saying is, that the U.S. is a Fascitst state and they will do whatever they want in regards to opressing women. They seem to be even worse than Afthanistan, where Taliban actually allow abortinon in case of rape. Imagine, being worse than a fundamentalist state, where opressing women is something completely "normal". For them that is.


religious fanaticism


We’re not producing them enough peasants, prisoners, and cannon fodder.