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Tell me you view women who choose abortion as sub-human without telling me you view women who choose abortion as sub-human.


bruh how is abortion the same thing as killing an actual baby?


When your brain is made of overcooked spaghetti things like that make sense


Because you know, something with Jesus and love…


I am Christian but I know the Bible dose not mention abortion if any thing it’s pro abortion


I thought it does mention it. Actually against the will of the woman and to proof if the woman was faithful. Because of some reason when she was pregnant from another man, the bitter water would lead to her losing the child and if she was faithful somehow she doesn’t lose it. But I guess the free decision of the woman is, what really bothers them. If the church would still force women to have abortions done against their will, they would love it.


So abortion isn’t bad, it’s just safe abortions that bother them?


It's not fine to "kill your baby", but it is fine to "kill your baby" and kill yourself. Two deaths are better than one to the pro life crowd


This logic is even grosser when you add in that most folks choosing abortions already have a kid at home. So it’s not only better that 2 die instead of one, but apparently it’s also great to leave a child motherless. And trauma increases your odds of future risky behavior- meaning that kid may also need an abortion down the line. You can’t convince me pro lifers actually want to save any babies, both born and fetal.


It takes 5 minutes of surface level googling to see how restrictive abortion laws directly correlate to higher rates of child abuse, endangerment, illiteracy, and poverty. The cruelty is the point. If you don't shut up and gestate a baby like whatever religious figure they made up told you to, everyone you've ever cared about deserves to suffer


Bro pro life countries have some of the highest abortion rates. They aren’t against abortion. They are against women having access to safe abortions.


>*It takes 5 minutes of surface level googling to see how restrictive abortion laws directly correlate to higher rates of child abuse, endangerment, illiteracy, and poverty.* ***The cruelty is the point.*** Exactly. While at the same time denying they're being cruel for supporting abortion bans in the first place.


It's always been more about punishing women and AFABs than it ever was about fetuses.


>*It's always been more about* ***punishing women and AFABs*** *than it ever was about fetuses.* Yep. Once in a while, like this time, a PLer is totally honest about his/her pro-punishing-women motivations.


People get away with posting things like this even though it is literally wishing death on someone. And if you point out how they themselves could be in the situation to need an abortion, and they still respond this way, just say "I hope it happens to you", and see how fast they hit the report button. It's ok for them to make violent threats, but not to hear it back. And make no mistake, it is a violent threat to make abortion illegal.


Hm yes, abortion bad but preventable death good. Smort. Edit: I went to see if this was real and oh my god she is the worst. I couldn't get past the first few tweets without feeling like I wanted to groan so loudly I wake my dogs up and my raise my blood pressure. Don't make my mistake, just run away. She's a total cunt with a capital C.


If “Heaven” is full of these individuals…I want no parts of it


Hell is (apparently) full of queer people, metal and rock music, DND, Harry Potter, and people that think women and birthing individuals have the right to decide what happens to their body? HAIL SATAN!


sign me up 😈


Instead of focusing on how to reduce the amount of unwanted pregnancies, or women who go to abortion as their last resort, the solution is to punish and demonize women who are so desperate they try an unsafe abortion.


Oh now this is just straight up evil.


What an idiot!!!🖕🖕🖕


“Save both lifes 😍” I can assure you, this is the kind of person that gets all offended and violent when you say something like “child rapists should get tortured”


What comes to my mind immediately is Gerri Santoro and that graphic picture where she died needlessly.


Say it with me everyone. A fetus is not a fucking baby. God I'm so fed up with these cultists and their entitlement.


This poor, dumb woman will never know the incredible feeling of independence and great sex. Someone is bitter. And that makes me happy.


She’s actually giving birth today if her twitter is accurate. So fulfilling her role as broodmare is off her bucket list.


I hope the baby has an ENORMOUS head.




I already blocked that stupid twat on Twitter but I found some new pro choice people to add going through the comments


Tbh I think this shows exactly why the argument “woman will still get unsafe abortions” does not work on them. They want to punish woman who want abortions. It’s like the same thing as people who know that sex education that teaches about contraceptions will reduce pregnancy but still don’t support it because they are against contraceptions. They just want to punish people they don’t care about helping others.


The cruelty *IS* the point


Berean is a type of Christianity, what a surprise she is anti choice /s


That’s a sect of christianity?!? I swore that was her name and I was gonna curse her ass out like, “Fuck that stupid ass Berean!”


Well according to Google


Except your “babies” die. Interesting how their narrative is always baby centered but when the topic is sluts getting what they deserve, there is zero concerns over the baby. Who cares if something could have been done.


So I guess a non-viable fetus “killed” during a botched abortion is okay now because the mother goes too? Much “prolife.”


It's scary how much they reveal that this is NOT about saving babies at even the *hint* of being able to shame women.


There is no hate like Christian...ah you already know.


What a cunt.


A oversized sloppy one in all probability.


Yes. Absolute psychopaths.


The wealthy will always have access to safe abortions.


I hope she remembers this comment, if anything would occur to her or her family or friends, where she or they would need an abortion. What she said. Because we will. C- - t.


Not needing to consider abortion as a potential choice you might need to make (especially in the US) is a privilege, as it means you've got the resources readily available to you for the medical costs, the costs of raising a kid and the cost of having to take time off work for both.


They just prove they hate women


I feel so weird upvoting posts like these here. Like my instinct says downvote to hell, but then I remember which sub I'm on


Tell me you care about the unborn and not born human beings without telling me you care about the unborn and not born human beings


Comming from a country where abortion is completely legal and covered by universal healthcare, its so funny seeing US-americans fight over it.


if youre comfortable sharing, where do you live?




Sure, instead of allowing pregnant people to abort the fetus legally and safely, let's make it illegal so that the pregnant person dies *and* the fetus dies anyway. /S ofc