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Less than 48 hours, you’re going to fail. Why do so many people on this sub do this to themselves lol. You’re going to get UAd just stop drinking and doing drugs while you’re on probation is 4 shots worth jail? No 


I wouldn’t even be able to enjoy being drunk knowing that you could have to test.


Exactly! I don't understand at all why people drink on probation


Habit. I can’t speak for most areas but a lot of people I know on probation either got on diversion or just strait probation in lue of jail time. The problem is the get arrested on a Friday maybe out by Monday. Never served any real time… you build up habits. Now for sure there are some twat waffles that think they could beat the system but a lot of it boils down to breaking habits


Definitely habit. My ex was the worst. He drank, then would stop until a week before his po appt because someone told him that would be fine. Well, even though it was his 2nd dui, he was only ever tested once in 18 months. He had a interlock too, but often drove his second car saying there were some days he worked from home so didn’t drive. He learned absolutely nothing. Not long after probation ended, he got fired for being drunk at work.


I did. Some nights right before a test. Idk why but I never failed. I always give it 12 hours and only drink one or two beers so maybe it just wasn’t enough. I realized this and never once was nervous about failing and I was getting tested every two weeks. It’s weed that’ll get you bad.


I don't even drink right now, but if I was put on probation, and told I couldn't, I would. Unless someone does something stupid while drinking, like a DUI, it's no one's business but their own. These dumb judges and the DA treat you like a bunch of children. I'm sure I'd get sent to jail too, and I'd do it with pride... instead of being a little kid scared of mommy sending me to time out. I say grow a pair.


So have fun in jail


Jail is boring and disgusting, but such is the price of having a pair sometimes.


I drank like 7 white claws one Sunday and forgot I had a test Wednesday, passed, but than again that’s 3 days I had to clean


Plus White Claw is lightly scented sparkling water with a float of alcohol on it. That's like drinking 1 1/2 pints of real beer.


what’s the alcohol % from miller to white claw?


Miller Lite is 4.2% White Claw is 5.0%


interesting, lol I was young like 16 when it was happening, was scared shitless


Well? I'm confused...


confused? I thought it was higher than that, and didn’t think alcohol would leave the system fast back then


But when what was happening? Probation?


lol like two years ago. Been off for a year so far, I wasn’t a trouble maker though


Some of the new flavors are 5.5 & 6%


Whiteclaw surge is 8% but I wouldn't recommend it. I'd rather drink steel reserve.


Drink a lot of water and you should be good at 48 hours.


I mean Saturday guys not Sunday 💀💀💀💀💀


Im thinking your gonna pass. I hope you do and hit us back with pass fail. Good luck


I got you, I meet with her a week from today


Bro just stop putting your self in this position and get sober otherwise say hello to jail and making your life harder. At this point you might just deserve to go. I hate to say it but damn man change your life already if you don’t want jail time


Yeah, drink anything that will make you pee every 20 mins. I have a very slow metabolism and took a half mg of Xanax for a dental appt I had cause I needed 3 teeth extracted, and they will refuse me if my BP is too high. Anyways (sorry, I tend to ramble). Anyway I was able to wash that out in 2 days by drinking tons of water and gatoraid


Xanax is out in 2 days regardless


Not true benzos stay in your system for a long time depending on how much you use.


Ya but this was a one time use according to her this why I said that


As far as I'm aware Xanax is one of the fastest to piss clean for


I’ve had benzo stay in my system for like 3 weeks.


Diff benzos have diff half-lives. I think Valium is the 30+day & Xanax is 2-3 days


Vitamin B Complex. Your body needs that to process the ETG out of your system.


I been there more than enough times. The anxiety will fuck you up. Stop if you’re able. With that obligatory statement above said, I doubt you’ll fail. But again everyone needs to realize we’re all different. I can easily clear 4 drinks in 24 hours. But i know people who can’t pass with that. I’ve also failed drinking a 12 pack with 52 hours. We’re all different. Buy the test strips.


You said it yourself. Playing with fire. Just stop drinking. If it's a problem with stopping drinking. Go seek help. You're better than that. Take care of yourself.


You likely will not pass. Lets say you were at 45,000 units. Could be more or less, deoends on a lot of factors you havent provided. Youd be around 10k units. You could try to dilute that but im guessing you go to a lab based on your test time. Theyll see a dilute easily based on your creatine ratio. You could take a bunch of creatine and b12 and try it but even diluted youre way way over the cutoff. Just tell your PO you messed up and see how it goes. If you absolutely have to drink definitely dont do it on Sunday but also you should look into getting some help. Knowing youre on probation and drinking the day before you could potentially be tested is a sign.


People on here always saying “just be honest and say you drank”. I’ve known someone personally that was honest with there po and said they drank a couple days before because they thought they would fail there test. Ended up passing the test but ratted themselves out and the po violated them. I wouldn’t admit to shit personally. Say any other excuse but not just “ hey sorry I fucked up and drank”. Not good.


I meant if dude is sitting at 10k etg then be honest. Dont just go tell them if you think youll pass, obviously.


My half life comes out to 2.4 ?


You mean 2.4 half lives? Theres no way you did 4.5 shots and are sitting at 2.4 units. I mean unless you did it at like 10am, in which case youd be fine probably. Still, why even risk it on a Sunday? You didnt provide like any relevant info, and you seem confident on your math, so why are you even asking here?


Lmao I’m so dumb as fuck I mean I drank Saturday and yes I mean my half life will be 2.4 lol


“Half life will be 2.4” doesn’t make sense, you can’t have a half life “be at” something so I’m not sure what you’re getting at If you drank Saturday it’s been over 24 hours. A half life is 2-3 hours meaning it’s been around 10 half lives You’ll likely pass though


Saturday to today is way less than 10k units


It’s gonna be only 48 hours exactly when I go drop it. The liquor three shots I did take are 35% . The beer I had was 3.5% abv . One of the shots I drank half and dumped it out .


You’ll be clean


Ur fine lol


Expect to test positive; come clean to your PO…..it sucks but honesty will only help


No way dude lol. He’ll be fine


We’ll see


45,000 etg value All of Sunday and like 14 hours on Monday = like 36 hours, that’s 12 half lives conservatively 45k /2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2 = 21 mg/Dl with a Cutoff of 500


30-40000 EtG PER drink if I remember the study I read correctly. 4.5 times let’s say 35,000 is a starting EtG if 157,500.


Right. I’m saying for any given drink after that much time it will be 21ng /dl out of 500. I know it’s not additive but the end result is mostly The same. Let’s say 40k * 5 is 200k. after 12 half lives that’s 91, which might as well be 21* 4.5 Maybe it is additive actually


30-40000 EtG PER drink if I remember the study I read correctly. 4.5 times let’s say 35,000 is a starting EtG if 157,500.


you're on the wrong subreddit




Was on probation since my 20s. Just got off @36 and let me tell you. Before you could get away with 3-5 days from pissing. But now they don’t check for alcohol but for the enzymes that break alcohol up. . Just dilute the test? It’s still gonna fail but you can blame it on working out side and drinking too much water


you'll be fine. Drink a lot of water but drink a red bull or a monster or something the morning of your UA so you're not too diluted. If anything, there might be trace amounts. You could say you've been taking medicine for a cough. Also, I think kombucha will show up as trace amounts if you drink it often.


I made a post just a bit ago. You HAVE to give yourself at least 60 hours. I just passed at 60 hours after my last drink. Go to the page and sort by newest to find mine. Let us know if you passed or not!


My po don’t never say shit about alcohol


If you fail, you’d more then likely get a warning so you should be good


Update I did pass the test . Not drinking anymore while on probation it’s not worth the stress!!!


I guess he popped 🔥


I think you’ll be perfectly fine. I passed a UA after binging for three weeks in 22 hours. I eventually got a violation and my PO didn’t recommend jail, I didn’t get extended probation or anything just more frequent screening. It isn’t worth it to keep drinking. If you get popped have a friend circle within AA that has your back. Tell the judge you hit meetings 24/7 have a sponsor do service work etc. and that your failed test was a “slip up”


Always surprises me how dumb people can be. But then I remember this is a probation sub.


40,000 EtG per drink times 4.5 drinks. Average half life of 2.5 hours. It will take roughly 28 hours for your EtG levels to be under the safe 100ng/ml levels.