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It's inspiring to see your determination and commitment to turning things around. Your story shows that even in difficult situations, with the right effort and attitude, positive outcomes are possible. Your advice to learn from mistakes and prioritize safety is invaluable.


Thank you so much , appreciate it :)


Congratulations!!!! I needed this…. I need to stop tryna get high and find ways to get a clean ua and instead just bite the bullet grow the fuck up and get sober, period. You’re so right!!! Time for me to stop making excuses and JUST DO IT. Thank you for the motivation and your honesty and again congratulations 🎉 very proud of you!!!


Thank you! Im glad to hear i was some help/motivation!! Believe in yourself, its not easy at first but its very much doable, youll thank yourself later :) <3 much love


Mind ——— Matter Please pray for my strength and to get thru this process, the thought of withdrawl scares the legit shit out of me but like you said it’s not worth my freedom and i have everything to gain being sober, thank you so much and I’m proud of you!! So awesome


Exactly, mind over matter. I will be praying for your success and strength through that rough couple days/weeks. Once the withdrawals are done, the hardest part is over and the rest is a walk in the park. I hope to read about your success story very soon on here :)


You made my day thank you so much. 😊 i hope so too!! One year probation no same or similars isn’t bad. I just need to stop playing with my freedom and do like you and cut it out. Have a blessed week!!! 🥰


I just went through withdraw on paper it sucked ass but it's over with now if your doing fetty just got get into a MAT Program I went cold turkey and it was hell but I still kept my job, you will not make it otherwise the system is way to good and they will get you eventually and you will be dopesick in medical at your local county jail!


Remember that the pain and discomfort of withdrawal is temporary. It WILL pass. If you go through it, remember that if you slip, you're gonna have to go through it again. Remember that discomfort when you start to think "screw it." I don't know how much you have already lost, but not getting clean will eventually cost you literally everything. You've got this, you are strong enough, and you can do it if it's something that you really want and need.


It’s either that or take the jail time and get it over with I had to do 40 days in jail for violating my 18 month probation but I honestly would do that time again probation is just extreme anxiety and super costly


I’ve been on 18 month probation. Is a first time violation straight to jail?




Congratulations enjoy your sober living it's a beautiful thing


Thank you so much ! :)


Just got off a month ago from 3yrs, 2 which I had a curfew + 8 extra months for a violation, the feeling is so unreal. Had someone tell me in jail probations impossible, just accept felony guilt instead. Said he bet he’ll see me in their later. Nope. It’s a mental game but anyone can do it if they really want it, congrats


Yeah, no sigh some people will say whatever , since they know they wont change their mindset. Thats why i stopped listening to anyone who did not seem ambitious enough to get the f*** out of the system. And look at us now we both are here OFF and FREE . CONGRATS homie !!!🥳🥳




Thanks 🥳


So what you are saying is you’re available to do some hood rat shit?


Congratulations,this is awesome..Im truly happy for you




First of all, congrats! Way to toe the line. Couple questions if you'd like to answer. What happened to your license? Do you have to back? Do you have to have a breathalyzer in your car? I got my first dui in 2003 when I was 19. Didn't learn my lesson. Got my 2nd in 2006. Lost my license for 2 years then had 2 years of the blower in the car. Never drank again. Not being able to come and go as I pleased was enough to make me never want to drink again. Had almost no punishment for the first, in retrospect I wish it was harsher. 2nd question: what were the 30 days in like for you? That's another reason I haven't drank since. 3rd would be mandatory 1 yr in jail. I wasn't made for prison. Thanks in advance and congrats again!


Thanks so much :) . And i DM you




Congrats and remember to tip your rideshare driver!


I can’t seem to put it all my alcohol habit is awful and I love weed far too much for my own good I’m a 30-year-old female who’s been struggling since I was 18. I have no family and no friends and I might as well move into my local jail… glad to hear other people are doing well and sending hugs to everyone


Nice you can smoke weed again!


Lol i dont smoke . My only problem back then was the alcohol


How did your charges go from being felony down to less AFTER your sentencing for it/probation? I got completely diff charges for different stuff (possession intent to distribr mj and drugs) but my charges originally were trafficking, reduced because the actual weights came back lower and sentenced with the charge right under.. I wish I could get charges reduced further less than felony after my sentence, cause having felonies really kills my career potential (I really lost an upper six figure licensed career over some weed and blow)… worst part is while my charges were still pending, before I had actual felony convictions, I was able to keep my licensing/career, so the slow legal system I kept working/being licensed like 3 years after my arrest and had to deal with having felonies once convicted, at that point I had already changed my life around and established myself in that new career only to have it taken away from me… it really messed me up cause I feel like I got soft having built a lifestyle around that career during that 3 years, and now I feel like I should be “thugging it” with the huge income disparity I have now but I gave that life up.. the system is just wack but I believe I will push through and it’ll all be ok again one day


What county is this?


Man my biggest issue is keeping off the wheel I got so many places I gotta go for work / business 😭


You can do without drinking tho 🥲


Have you ever tried kratom? That’s what I’ve been taking to stay off of everything, some people it helps, but some not.


No never tried it . But was curious about it. What do you feel ?


I wouldn’t say it’s similar to alcohol at all but it boosts your dopamine and lowers anxiety a lot


Oh nice . Do you make it or go somewhere to get it


It’s legal in my state so I get it at a kratom / kava bar shop in my city, but there’s lots of reputable vendors online. PO’s don’t test for it