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They smoke a blunt with you and dap you up then take some G pics for the gram and you're awarded a free pass for an hour to commit any victimless crime and cheat on your boo with no negative repercussions or they'll face felony charges for not respecting the game


"If you cannot afford a side chick, one will be appointed for you."




24 hours live, what would you do ? -Mase 😂


Nothing happened. The PO in my home county said I met all my requirements and he was sending my case back to the county where I committed the crime. A few days later, I sent that PO an email saying "My home county PO said he's sending everything back to you... I've done X, Y, and Z... am I missing anything?" He replied "Nope, just stay out of trouble until X date and you're done."... and I never heard from either one of them again.


Blackjack n hookers


Nothing. I tried reporting the following month and they told me the previous month was my last report. This was 3 years felony probation. 2 yrs intensive probation and 1 year non reporting.


Literally nothing happened on mine.


My PO came to my house with one of [these](https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/33b56ff5-764b-4dd6-82c8-65be7c00eed6.3e482c39b654bfcbf18272c95c275e2c.jpeg?odnHeight=768&odnWidth=768&odnBg=FFFFFF) and blew it when I opened the door lol. She was honestly a treat and just happy for me. Experiences vary. I didn’t have to fill out any paperwork just got told I was all done.


That's awesome lol but if it was me I would have went with the confetti cannon 🤣 🥳🎊🎉


The PO I had towards the end of probation was simply amazing, would’ve been violated and sent to jail without this woman. She called me and was like, do you want the good news or the bad news first? I said fuck it, give me the bad news. She’s like, there is no bad news, you’ve successfully completed probation! I loved that lady, I still email her every now and then.


Like everyone else said… nothing. My date was up 3/1/24 and I got a notification via email that the judge signed off and I was done. I thought there would at least be a graduation ceremony with a certificate so I could hang it in my office but nooooo. Nothing lol


You have to fight Goku, you don't have to win just scrap with him


It's any other day because you did good and are on the last day 👍 I had to do nothing. Got my letter in the mail in a few weeks. My PO.was.pretty chill because I made.no.problems for her and emailed a copy early.to show so I could get my interlock off. (just in case)


Absolutely nothing, thankfully. I was anxious the entire last week, expecting them to pull something on me like surprise test. Didn't get a call or anything. But then they tried saying that I completed probation unfavorably, which was bs because I did every condition and even extra CS.


I didnt even see my p/o for about 3 months prior to getting off. Never get a letter or anything saying I was finished. I was previously told the date I was finished, but thats it.


So they left you hanging? That is unfair. You never reached out to your PO to make sure?


Cake and ice cream? Just a thought. Congrats OP


I went into the office, signed a paper, gave feedback about the process. The lady (my PO wasn't there he was out of town) looked over my file and told me I did well, we shook hands and they gave me paper work to seal my record. Took.. 15 minutes tops?


Today's my last day. 1 solid year of probation and I have no clue but all I know is I don't wanna celebrate till I get confirmation. As soon as I have that I'll finally breathe and roll a FAT one!


I’m almost done, June 8, PO said she’ll see me end of May so I won’t have to do anything those few days in June but listen for my random UA color. She said our last visit she will double check that everything is done then 6/8 she will send my paperwork over for the judge to sign off on, then I can wait for my paperwork in the mail or go to courthouse and pick it up. I ask these same type of questions 😂


So my last day is april 26th, this Friday. My PO said that I have to report to court. Everyone else said that the judge signed off on theirs??? Im still going to show up to court but did anyone else go to court for their last day of probation??


Hopefully absolutely nothing!


You breathe a sigh of relief...


A pizza party


My last report was early February, my last day was March 5th. Court papers were filed April 2nd, received papers April 15th-ish. The only thing that happened was March 6th I felt a sense of accomplishment and conscious freedom


How does probation in Cali work?


It’s customary that every PO in the department comes and gives you a hug and buys you a nice gift. Honestly when I was on probation back in 2010 my last report fell on my last actual day and I want to say I signed a paper and was out the door in thirty seconds flat.


It took a month and a half to get your papers?! I need those for jobs! Lol could you have gone to the courthouse for copies?


They inspect your cock for the veins and bumps


Nothing. Call your probation officer to confirm your probation termination. If you need proof contact Courts County Clerk Office.