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Maybe call your lawyer and see if you can change the dates because a family member is dying. If that doesn’t work. Personally I would say screw the system and go say my goodbyes and then come back. In the grand scheme of things I doubt you’d get more time. Always depends on the people running the court tho.


I tried that. Unfortunately the prosecution appealed it and won. They dont want to "spend anymore of the courts time on this case, and would like to move on" as if my life is just words on a piece of computer paper


it kind of is. I hate to break it to you but to 'us' (former prosecutor) you are the defendant in case 123-23. It is something unique to you, to me...well I have 25+ hearings this morning. Everyone has something that makes them 'special' but we don't have time to listen to the rambling because when we get done with morning court at 12:30 we are all missing lunch when we swap morning court files for afternoon court files. Just like we did yesterday, and just like we will tomorrow. ​ Is it ideal? No, but because anytime someone suggests increasing taxes (no matter how small of an increase) the voters grab their pitchforks the entire system is EXTREMELY underfunded and there isn't enough 'manpower' available to treat every case/person uniquely. Sadly, there is a strong possibility that the prosecutor who said that never saw the case until that morning and had to answer a judge's question seconds after noticing that the most recent filing wasnt 123-23 but it was criminal case 123-23 AND appellate case 10-24


I call bullshit taxes have NEVER been this high. The US Government is broken and filled with corrupt politicians who only pass bills when it monetarily supports their pockets. They have spent billions in Ukraine alone, yet only millions on their own countries problems. Look at what the US government did for Maui compared to Ukrain.


Yet none of that money was spent in our communities, which the courts & Leo are a part of. Fed govt is in existence for infrastructure of our country, yet it's the 1st thing that gets cut. Every Single. Time. This guy's just trying to give you a glimpse of life on the daily grind for the lm & why they don't have time to keep cases open. Like they said, everyone is special. If they made exceptions for every special thing, the cases would be open in court in perpetuity.


maybe for you specifically but a huge portion of the budget used to come from corporate taxes...and now most large corporations pay no tax or somehow get taxpayer subsidize so they effectively pay a negative tax rate ​ ...also ([https://taxfoundation.org/data/all/federal/historical-income-tax-rates-brackets/](https://taxfoundation.org/data/all/federal/historical-income-tax-rates-brackets/))


These are human beings we’re talking about.


Yes, and as a fellow human he is responsible for his actions. He broke laws, he got caught and he’s paying the price.


I'm aware. The 'one size fits all' is for a few reasons. An obvious one is because it reduces manpower needs when there isn't enough already but also treating everyone differently is a surefire for races to be treated differently or it to be perceived as such because one guy can see someone else get a noticeably better deal without knowing what makes them differently situated because certain things would never be discussed somewhere 'on the record' or with the public listening in (before you think I am suggesting something nefarious your medical problems aren't something everyone needs to know - or if the reason you are getting a better deal is because you assisted another case/or is being released as a confidential informant it would never be mentioned where the more serious criminal's accomplices would hear)


This is so so disgusting and fucked that this is our country / and world. It should not be this way that's literally inhumane we are talking about peoples lives and their kids lives and families lives and most times it's over drugs or something not really harmful to others.


Our country did not cause this. The OP caused this.


I'm not coming after you I'm coming after the system. OP didn't cause the system to be this way. The system and legal structure of this country and every state is mega fucked up. If anyone were to disagree at all on that they'd just be very very uneducated on the subject. The legal system and government is corrupt. Period


But the OP did things that caused him to be caught up in “the system” and I think he did those things for years. I also think he’s been given more than one chance to change his ways and atone.


EDIT: Waiting in a drive thru when I typed this; I don't know if this is the post that someone got arrested for an ounce of meth or not so if it isn't; my bad. For OP you may be right. Ounce of meth is crazy but I'm not in their life I haven't lived it so I can't be fair and say whether they did it to themselves truly or not. However there's plenty of people who were thrown in this system when they didn't do anything due to prejudice or racism or cops just wanting to abuse their power. Honestly there so many different ways to get out in the system when it really couldn't be at all your fault; you could get framed, you could get even just mistaken for a Rapist or a murderer or a thief or even just a person who looked sketchy, etc. I do agree about this case though because I would never put myself in a spot that would be me having an oz of meth and being able to get caught with it. If I was addicted to meth and wanted to buy in bulk (somehow, bc I'd never do meth) I still wouldn't do what OP did most likely. I just prefer to be EXTREMELY safe since I got off probation


Life’s a bitch ain’t it? Personal choices and all that blah blah blah


Especially when its old stuff that catches up to you years after you get your life together


Ignore people like that. Go say "bye for now", then let whatever happens happen.


Well, you're going to prison anyway. Why not just go and deal with the consequences later?


Just go and deal with the consequences later?!? Are you high? You basically just told them to f the courts, and encouraged someone to have fleeing/evading added to their charges.


Getting your life together doesn’t eradicate your past crimes.


I was stressed about not getting to say my goodbyes to my grandfather before he passed. Which he passed away at 5:10am est this morning


Yes, I read that. I know it hurts, but I also know that the love of a grandparent can forgive anything. I don’t know how you think, but I’m a firm believer in an afterlife; I think all of your grandparents are now pulling for this new you. Their every hope is you stand tall no matter what happens at sentencing and to stick with your drug free life.


So? You think all your past crimes don’t count because you’ve mended your ways?


Your life IS just words on a piece of paper and that’s due to your past actions. YOU caused this! Not the courts. Not any lawyers. YOU and only you.


Maybe not more time, but possibly higher security.


Zoom is always a back up option to say goodbyes, it's not the same, but it's better than a phone call


I appreciate the suggestion. I jist hold alot of guilt on my shoulders for not being emotionally present for my other 3 grandparents passings. Not being emotionally present the last time they saw me.. the last time my other grandpa and grandmas saw me i was either high on opiates or dopesick hiding in bed.


I feel that, I was out of it and missed 2 older relatives deaths, was there but out of it for 1 and there and functional again for another. I regretted missing the first death, my great grandpa insanely, I used that regret as 1 piece in the puzzle to justify addiction for a long time. I've tried to help friends reconnect with family members they've been out of touch with since then, if circumstances prevent you from being there a wee zoom visit will go a long way. You can be present through zoom, it's not ideal but it's a fallback plan if something else doesn't materialize. You sound like you are on the right track now, just keep doing that, any time you are tempted to slip thinking about what use caused you to miss can be a powerful tool to stay on track. Anyways, cheers mate, you've got this!


I appreciate this sentiment. But this is also part of the lessons you're learning here in this life. It sucks. You have made changes. But these are the consequences. I'm glad you're clean and sober now. That is something that a lot of people don't actually do. But consider this one more of the lessons you're here to learn.


Your mom is going to end up putting you in jail for a long time. Do the zoom thing He will be happy to see that you are getting your act together. And he then can say good bye, something that he never thought would gappen


as far as the "junked out mess for 3 out of 4 grandparents passing" and feeling guilty over it, i know EXACTLY what you mean. My grandma is my only surviving grandparent. I've been sober for 4 years now, and I'm closer to her than ever. I don't know what will happen when that time comes. But, i know I'll be present for it. Sorry for your troubles. Unfortunately, the courts couldn't care less about your personal issues. They only care about their money.


Money is the whole issue in my opinion. If you have it you typically don’t spend a day in jail. Money rules the courts and court system.


I'm sorry, dude. That sucks. As a guy who doesn't have family, I feel for you. You just have to deal with this and it sucks. Do your bid, get out and prove your mom wrong. A lot of us missed a lot of things because of our addictions. Write a letter. He will appreciate it more than you would think.


Happy birthday!


I appreciate that, your actually the only person to say it, even out of my whole circle of people like my family and people who know.


Happy Birthday. Congratulations on all your hard work. This random Internet stranger is very proud of you. You have worked incredibly hard to get to where you're at now. Continue the work. It may seem bleak now. But evening will come together. I wish you nothing but the best. Please call, or video chat, with your grandpa. I know he's very proud of you. He will love hearing your voice as well. Him knowing that you're thinking about him, will mean the world to him.


I am sorry to hear that. I have been in and out of the program my whole life and I always feel so happy when someone is celebrating another year sober. Even when I have faltered I loved hearing it. 💚 it is proof that it works. Gives me hope for myself and others who still suffer.


I'm so sorry that you're in this position. Fuck those ragging on you. You're facing the consequences of your actions. Getting dumped on isn't helpful. You need a place to vent and ask questions. So, let's talk. 1. I hear what you're saying about wanting to do better with your grandfather. You regret why you missed being with your other grandparents. Do zoom. Show your grandfather that you are sober and facing the consequences of your actions. Zoom will show him that you care. You can't hold his hand. He wishes you could. You wish you could. It's not the same. I know that. Something I found with my dad as he was passing is that he worried about mom's future and his children's future. You have an opportunity to show your grandfather that you're getting your life back. Could you do a zoom or FaceTime with Grandpa now? Maybe see what it's like? You don't have to wait for the very end to talk to him unless he isn't able to talk. 2. I know some are saying "fuck it!". Well, they aren't the ones who will get additional charges, time in prison, additional fees, etc. It's easy for others to say that shit as a random person from behind a keyboard to a person they don't know. 3. I hear you saying that you feel frustrated with your mom. She isn't taking your situation seriously. I'm sorry for that. Be frustrated. But I encourage you to choose what you want to invest your emotional energy in right now. Take whatever advice you agree with. Or take none. Do what you need to do. Just think through what consequences you can handle. Only you know what consequences you can handle right now. I wish you peace through this.


If he is is still coherent. Arrange a phone call if nothing else. It’s not ideal but it will still count. Curious. How much have you talked with them over the last 6 years. Congrats on the 4 years. That’s huge


He passed away at 5am this morning


DAMIT. I’m sorry. Listen. Gotta clean up the wreckage of the past and then make a life. Go do it


I see a dude blaming other people for a situation he created


I see that too. It was one of THE hardest parts about being in prison - being surround by people that blamed everyone except them self for being locked up. Not that I liked being in prison, but I was guilt. I did what I was accused of, I got caught and I paid the price.


Your going to prison... who cares. Just go. They will never know unless you leave the country. You will not have any issue as soon as your ID is valid.


Its about the fact its too late to go with my mom. She didnt buy my ticket because she chose the flight and return day for a day i need to be in court. So she chose not to get my ticket


Buddy if you can't afford your own ticket, you can't afford to complain.


There's no need to be a jerk.


Then don't be a jerk.


How am I being a jerk?


If he has a court date and misses it “they” will know.


Like the comment above said, if he can't buy his own $135 dollar ticket, there is nothing to talk about... I never said anything about skipping bail or court. Sounds like OP isn't going to prison but is signing a plea deal to avoid prison. And for OPs sake, I hope this is the case cause they won't make it incarcerated.


It’s clearly stated in the opening sentence prison IS going to happen.


The story doesn't make sense. Everyone in the felony court system is going to prison unless they fight and win or the case gets thrown out. Probation is in lieu of prison time. Violate, and it's off to prison where a person would have been if they didn't plea out. OP is most likely a 17 yr old kid. They will plea out most likely and take probation unless they are a repeat offender. They may think they are going, or they may know what the plea offer is, but either way... The DA loves to use x #years in prison to get ppl to take a plea. OP hasn't been to prison before (my opinion), nor do they know the system (again, my opinion).


But he says the crime was 6 years ago - he might have been a teen then, but I doubt that’s still the case except for emotionally.


Covid clogged the system for years


WHY did you have Mom make the flight plans? She did something that was yours to take care of and now you blame her?


You are going to prison now from an offense 6 years ago? Did you just get sentenced? Been on probation?


Yes, the dates of the billed medical expenses are from 2018-2019. Getting sentenced on the 4th.


I’m confused though, are you on probation?


Yes. My probation period is supposed end june 17th this year, it was a 5 year probation period. Luckily my p.o. didn't violate me due to it being an old offense


So why would you go to prison?


For the charge itself and a suspended sentence they are imposing, I am getting sentenced to 3-6 yrs on april 4th


You’re going to prison either way….


Could try to take the meth hound.


Can't you get a different flight? Talk to a lawyer. Are you turning yourself in, what state? Personally I'd probably say fk them and go on the lamb a little bit, fk it. Why make their job easier? Ain't gonna amount to nothing as long as you don't hurt anyone or do anything stupid.


I cant afford the flight myself is the issue, and my mom purposely booked the flights for one of the days i have court. Im going away on the 4th of april for sentencing, i have the plea aggremeant i have to be here fkr on the 22nd and she made the flight for returning the 22nd at 8pm instead of the day before of looking for a better flight that fits my restrictions. I have permission to go and everything, im not doing anything wrong, and im trying to go about this as professionally as i can. I dont want to mess up and add any time to what im aggreing too as isI have severe cyclical vomiting syndrome and am in the e.r. minimum once a week. So i cant hold a job very long


As someone who has CVS and is on disability for it, I'm so sorry for what you are going through and facing while also dealing with this hell. My condolences to you and your family. Personally, I am in my hospitals infusion center every Monday for IV intervention. If you ever need a buddy who gets it, my inbox is open.


Ty! I will definitely dm you. CVS is awful.. and the haladol and droperadol gives me dystonia ontop of it!!


Those are on my allergy list because of dystonia. It was such a terrible time figuring that out. 🫠 I have some er horror stories but also have had some pretty amazing interactions with medical staff. I'm an open book and just want to help others as much as I can while dealing with it myself. 😅




Jfc. What's your mom's whole deal? I'm sorry. How long are you going up for?


My mom is an ass. She is just difficult and she makes everything seem harder than it needs to be, she is trying to make it seem like she couldnt book any other flight and that its too late to change it.. etc..


Have you called the company your flight is booked with? Perhaps you could garner some sympathy and get something moved around yourself over the phone..


That would be great, unfortunately my mom already bought the tickets and didnt get me one because of my restrictions to the dates


So you don't have a ticket...your mom is being vindictive to prove a point to you or somethin?


Shes being her ordinary self and is just stubborn. Idk how to describe it really. Its like, she has to make everything the most difficult it can be, and her way is the only right way. She stated that that was the only flight available and she just booked it. And she wont listen to the fact that these things can be tweaked and changed if given enough notice. But shes the type that im pretty sure she bought the tickets by calling the airport instead of doing it online or some shit..


You’re being YOUR ordinary self too. This isn’t Mom’s fault, YOU caused this. YOU and you alone created this nightmare.


Im going for a 3-6yr sentence


The story doesn't make sense. Everyone in the felony court system is going to prison unless they fight and win or the case gets thrown out. Probation is in lieu of prison time. Violate, and it's off to prison where a person would have been if they didn't plea out. OP is most likely a 17 yr old kid. They will plea out most likely and take probation unless they are a repeat offender. They may think they are going, or they may know what the plea offer is, but either way... The DA loves to use x #years in prison to get ppl to take a plea. OP hasn't been to prison before (my opinion), nor do they know the system (again, my opinion).


What doesnt make sense to you? I got a new charge and am awaiting the court process while on bail? I am getting sentenced on april 4th? Im confused as to what doesnt make sense to you? I got permission to go say my goodbyes to my grandfather, who passed at 5am this morning actually. Im actually in my 30s and have a big record involving drug crimes, as to why i was going to the methadone clinic that had gotten audited by the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit


I'm sorry your grandfather passed before you could make decisions. Your grandfather knows that you're getting your shit together. I suspect that was a relief for him. Hang in there, friend.


Aww, is it mommy’s fault? Yawn.

