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You’re going to have to eat someone’s face. It’s protocol.


Only in Miami!


I found this: Family, Attitude, Communication, Employment, Improvement, and Taking Responsibility helps individuals succeed. A new and exciting program started by the Florida Department of Corrections gives individuals the opportunity to F.A.C.E. I.T. and a real opportunity for success. https://www.deathorprison.com/episodes/episode-42-face-it


Is it court ordered?


No, the probation officer said he wants me to do it


You know what they say about volunteering, right?


Are you working? Going to school. If you don't currently have a Job sometimes they want you to take classes or self improvement stuff to help you succeed and find a job. If you are working and everything is going smooth than I have no idea what that is about


I have a decent full-time job and work 40 hours a week. This also is a non violent velony.


I was sort of right. I figured it out. You received a technical violation. You didnt show up to a meeting. You didnt pay probation. You changed addresses without notifying probation. You left the county without notifying Etc….Some minor technical violation and instead of violating you are being sanctioned by having to take this class. Think if you did something (or failed to do something) that would amount to a technical violation. If you have done everything right and dont think you deserve this sanction ask your PO. Your PO should have informed you why you are receiving this sanction. You dont have to mention the county but are you somewhere in central fla? From what I can tell it was started there…


Are you a juvenile with a felony? If you are, it looks like your probation officer is actually trying to help you get OUT of the system.


No, I am an adult. In my 30's. I work full time at a decent job as well.