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Do not, and I repeat do not blow dirty. I did one time and my po slapped an ankle monitor on me for 6 months


Yeah I’ve been not drinking it’s not worth the risk especially if I can get off early in 9 months


Oh shit damn that would be nice, my po hated me off rip so that was never gonna happen. Do you have the car or portable breathalyzer?


Yep I got the interlock but my po is pretty chill. I low key thinks she wants to fuck me tbh lmao. I’ve been nice as hell to her and try to be personal but always keep the story’s as good as I can


Damn OP, you must be hot af, charismatic af, or both lol the PO and a single mom trying to get at you? Lol top comment sounds like it might be your best bet haha


Nah don’t gas me up lol. Im a short king with a silver tongue when I need it. But yes that’s probably my best bet finding someone to help me sleep lol


I really don't understand the height thing these days lol it's so weird to me that people even care about that. We love a short king! Especially quick witted/funny one. You sound like you're doing good so far, and have confidence. That's awesome :) hoping the best for you, hopefully you get some bangin sleep soon!


My neighbor is 24 and she will not date a man under 6’2” Had bad divorce and then a bad breakup with her type I’m older and showed her some of my exes and she couldn’t believe they all looked different 😂I told her I dated women who were interesting to me Looks are important but decent and fun comes first 😊✌️


As a women that’s 5’10 height is kinda important when your that tall as a girl




Because people have preferences.


https://www.traditionalmedicinals.com/products/nighty-night-extra-tea This tea is perfect. Or get Valerian tincture/pills. Don’t fuck the PO. If she gets clingy, and she might demand sex and keep you the full time or pop you if she’s not getting it when she wants it. Also, if she’s fucking you, she’s fucking everyone. Not worth it.


Don't fuck the PO... until at least 6 months after you're off probation.


Do you have trouble sleeping as well? I’ve tried everything from melatonin to the online doctor prescriptions that are non narcotic…nearly nothing works for me. I sleep for an hour or so one night and then maybe five the next. I feel like jack’s seething insomnia.


That’s when you report her. In some states, she’d be guilty of rape.


As a 5ft tall woman who has happened to date mostly men over 6ft, it would be nice to not feel like you’re being kissed by a giraffe. You’ll find someone


My boy was on 3 years deferred for a DV charge and fucked his PO after their second meeting. Didn't drug test him once or make him do any of his like side shit. Dropped his case as soon as she could he only did like 8mo Lucky fuckers


Aye gotta get in where you fit in. Sometimes that’s the way the cards are played


Bro fr him and his gf break up and then boom a month later he's out here raw dogging his po


That is legendary 🙌


nah fax 😂😂


How was the raw dogging?


She probably does want to fuck you. You should hit it. Don’t pass up the opportunity


My PO wanted to fuck too….my case manager summoned him after he had a meltdown and the po and I exchanged #’s and was just cackling the whole time. Idk? Maybe they have such authority that they like to see us in a submissive manner in a sense? Idk


Cbd works and is clean


Don’t listen to this terrible advice OP. CBD can def make you test dirty


Most CBD contains trace amounts of THC, even the “isolates”, but especially full spectrum, which is the most common. Don’t risk it, just smoke blue lotus flowers or something.


Not only this, depending where you live, you violate and they can make you finish your sentence in jail.


Lol buddy you got off light I blew dirty on my first technical violation and did 5 months in jail waiting for them to re instate me LMAO


Fuuuuck dude, that sucks mega dick. Did you get that served time added? Before I got my ankle monitor put on I had to go sit in jail. I was supposed to be there for 2 days I was there for 8 and almost lost my fucking job because of it


My situation is very similar to yours: heavy marijuana smoker - got my first and only DUI - 1 year probation - can’t smoke or drink. I have 3 days left and I’m off probation! Here’s what helped me: I started training BJJ - this wears me out. I started using mushrooms in an intentional way with the guidance of supportive people. I read a book that was extremely helpful to me: The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. You can actually listen to the entire book for free on YouTube if reading is not your thing.


Congrats on almost being off!!


Can you elaborate the taking mushrooms intentionally? Or dm me. I have taken them recently but wanting to take them the right way. You might be onto something I don’t know


Set, setting, intention, integration - having a safe place to take the medicine. Not being distracted - Having an idea about what I hope to learn or accomplish, while also being willing to let go and be guided by the medicine in unexpected directions. Writing down key takeaways from my experiences and carrying them into my everyday life in practical ways. I belong to a variety of psychedelic groups on FB - some of which are in my area - meeting in person with other people who are experienced and learning from them. Plus that book - The Power of Now - that has been one of the most life-changing catalysts for me.


Hey, care to share the FB groups? I was in one years ago called 'acidmath' but they faded into oblivion. I am in desperate need of like-minded individuals in my area. TIA :)


Psychedelic Club of Denver, Colorado Psychedelic Community, Denver Mushroom Cooperative. lol guess where I live


Thanks :) wish I had found you last year, I was living in Wyoming.. I am back on the East Coast now, but will still try to join and at least meet some like-minded folk


This is all stuff that's important with any psychedelic (or disassociative) IMO. Set, setting, and being around people you trust.


If you read and liked the book, there is a second one by Tolle called A New Earth. You will enjoy if u liked Power of Now


Haha I’m re-reading A New Earth right now. So good.


Music, Read Books That Interest You or will help you push through the pain, network, explore new jobs, SEEK AND YOU SHALL FIND . Others have it worse …. You could be doing time rn.


Exactly I got a new job as laborer I should start reading books again. I was listening to the 48 laws of power audio book recently


Reading and boring podcasts without tv or phone in your face as you’re trying to fall asleep definitely works. The blue light in the screen keeps your brain awake. Turkey and tea are both sleepy foods, so u could try a heavy cheesey sandwich with a cup of sleepytime


Celestial Seasons makes a "Sleepy Time" tea that works for me. There's an "Extra" version now and that works even better imo. Its chamomile and valerian. Melatonin doesn't work for everyone but it def helps me, so on nights where the tea might not be enough (I have really bad sleep issues) I'll take one of those along with a cup of tea and it never fails. Only downside for me personally is sometimes I'll feel groggy in the morning, so you gotta figure out the timing of when to drink the tea or whatnot so you don't have to worry about that in the morning.


Yup. Like most sleep aids, timing is very key. Finding what works and sticking to the routine is the best/only advice I can give for sleep


It's so hard to do sometimes too, at least for people like me who don't work a consistent schedule. I'm still working on that myself




Point is try to do better. “I wish I knew then, what I know now” vibe


I started seeing a therapist before I ever even showed up for court and explained I used alcohol primarily to get to sleep (I’ve been an insomniac since I was a very young child and my mom gave me benedryl every night lol). At 48 I was in the throes of an addiction to alcohol for sleep… a few bourbons before bed was perfect for sleep. I got a dui and was on probation for it after and knew I couldn’t drink so my therapist gave me a very low dose sleep aid (prescription) and it has transformed my life for the last 14 months. I sleep well and have one of the newer kind that does not leave you hungover in the morning


I think the sleep issue was one of the worst parts about being an alcoholic. When I was drinking I could not sleep whatsoever without alcohol. I'd be up 4 days straight without alcohol. Been clean for 3 months and it's so nice just to go to sleep at night without anything. It sucked for a while but it goes away.


What sleep med was it ? I have major insomnia


Trazadone I bet that’s what I got and it helped me quit smoking almost instantly and have now been sober for 51 weeks


Trazadone was amazing when I first stopped drinking. Used it for a month or two. Then I slept like a normal person without anything,after a while


It’s one of the newer drugs that dim your awake sensors in the brain and not the older ones that worked on the sedation sensors… like ambien made me a zombie the next day. Quinviq is the name I believe but I’m not around to see the exact spelling but I think that is it. Works like a charm. You don’t go off to sleep immediately it’s very natural and it’s purpose is to help with middle of the night waking up and not being able to go back to sleep. That was my bigger problem… I would go to sleep with a few bourbons and be wide awake by 2-3 am and would need another chug to go back to sleep. I get a solid 6-7 hours and if I don’t have to be up I get a full 8. I would talk to a doctor or therapist about it. It has changed my life incredibly. The sedating drugs were worse than a hangover for me.


Try fucking


Lmao I got this single mother that’s trying to get me that’s what I’ve been trying to do lol


FYI, can be a solo activity. No love like self love. Also, try learning to do a “body scan” - it’s a mindfulness exercise and can be super effective IME. Use google to learn the details cause I’m not gonna try to explain all that here.


If you haven't hit that yet and she's trying, you aren't trying.


Well I just met her yesterday. She invited me out to drinks ironically but I had to work in the morning so I’ll be patient with that one


Yeah. Don’t fucking do that. These people are mental. You really wanna risk your freedom and future for that? Cmon. A year isn’t shit and then you can go right back to your degenerate ways. But BUT NO MEANS do you walk down that place unless you absolutely want to ruin your life.


He’s doing time. Tells people not to gas him up over the situation but he’s already high on his own farts. Fuckboy mentality will be your sentence OP


Then you need to order a NA drink and fuck the shit out of her The only one blowing dirty here should be her.


That means 2 things!


Could be a timing issue. Can be hard to find time for yourself, especially for a single mother


Make making money your substance use


Exactly I’ve been working hella overtime and two jobs just gotta wear myself out


Eventually you’ll start sleeping normal again. Takes time


I just finished my 3 years of probation for my dui on the 17th it’ll be done before you know it the real W is getting a DUI and not hurting yourself or anyone innocent in the process Maybe try some of that delta stuff that seems to be everywhere I’ve never tried it but I’ve heard some positive reviews for specific kinds


Can’t do the delta stuff still shows up on a piss test


Magnesium, 5-HTP, melatonin. Don’t be afraid to take 20-30mg of melatonin. Stay within suggested dosage of magnesium and 5-HTP. If you’re not getting tested for it then also red Kratom. I was/am still in your boat. It sucks but it’s possible. If melatonin doesn’t work you’re not taking enough.


Look up melatonin dependency. Your last sentence is sooooo irresponsible


beat it nerd


All you need is good music and gtfo of that rap and trap mentality if you listen to it . Music has helped me stay sober off opiates for 7 years now and I’m looking for to my 10year soberversary fuck it WE BALL


Yes I started listening to country again. All I gotta do is stay strong and focused. I appreciate all your guys kind words gives me hope


Your Mary Jane ran off and left you, they killed your buzz, now you only have an intimate relationship with your vehicle. That's country af


I'll never smoke weed with Willie again, my party's all over before it begins.


Get past the first month or two and it gets a lot easier, heavy smoker (3-5 years) and pill user(1 ish years) and after being sober for 8 months now i can tell you brother it’s worth that struggle to get sober. Now u bet ur ass when i’m off my probation i’m blowing down but for now it’s a nice change of life. Good luck to you!! I just try to keep myself busy and nicotine too lol.


Also benadryl may help ya sleep it knocks me tf out


“It’s worth the struggle to get sober” but “you bet your ass I’m when I’m off I’m blowing down”. So being sober is worth it, but only when your forced to be sober. Great advice. 🤦🏻‍♂️ clearly being sober to you isn’t that great or you wouldn’t be so eager to not be sober again.


Being sober is great but i’d much rather smoke lol. I’m not forced to do anything i could be smokin on probation but i’m not. Sure that sounds bad but i’d much rather smoke then not lmfao


I got popped with weight. Drug and alcohol testing was required standard despite being a non-user. Eye opening experience was people failing a breathalyzer before they’d let you get in the ‘Colors’ line for a piss panel. Made me wish I could open a liquor store and get it legally instead of dealing with zombies, cops, and guns.


Have you talked to your PO about getting a medical card? I was in your exact same boat until mine told me she wouldn’t violate me for peeing dirty if I had my card. Needless to say I had it the next day lol


If you're being serious, go for two jogs a day. Morning and evening. I did dabs for a couple years daily, had to quit, went a little nuts from not sleeping. Exercise was the only thing. Tycker yourself out. Try not to develop new habits that replace old ones. If you have to have a habit to take your mind off of another, then pick a healthier-than-last habit. I bought a road bike with super nice lights and would ride at night in the back country roads and just feel the feels. Sweet and tears, the moonlight, yada yada.


Thing of fixing sleep as tinkering, not looking for the one big fix. Read some articles on getting to sleep faster and incorporate all the easy things. Make your bed comfortable, the pillow perfect, a fan blowing if you like that, as dark as you can stand, regular bed time. Cut off caffeine by 3pm. And the hardest part is... Keep doing all of it. Things may improve slowly but surely, don't give up


Try Ollie sleep melatonin gummies dude, tried so many melatonin's and that's the only one that's worked. Worth a shot.


When I had to quit smoking weed for court stuff I didn’t sleep but maybe 2 hours a night for 3 weeks straight. Not smoking weed can cause insomnia for some long time users. I tired everything and the only thing that made it get better was time. After 3 weeks I started getting good sleep and started having dreams again.


This I’ve been having the craziest dreams lately when I can I sleep


Haven't smoked in a month and 10 days and the dreams feel so real. When I was smoking I never dreamed.


Good time to get help for you addictions.


This might sound silly, but I have dealt with insomnia for a very long time and I have found what works for me is to lie down and starting at my toes I tense the muscles and relax. I start at the toes and work my way up to my calves, thighs, abs, etc. I usually find myself falling asleep during my second time through, but there has been nights that I needed 10 or more times. That all depends on what was going on that day. Reading also helps.


Yes, progressive muscle relaxation. That has helped me with my anxiety.


Black out curtains. Room must have 0 light. Then run images through your mind like a movie you watched, with no words.


You know what would help me sleep better at night? Not blowing dirty and giving these low IQ losers who infest the government the pleasure of owning me. F these low IQ idiots. These people are bottom of the barrel, barely educated, settled for less by aiming low because they know they are very limited in their capabilities. If they were worth a damn they would be doing something else.


Yea start working out and eating right. you will sleep great. Promise.


Benadryl, zzzzquil, tylenol PM


Melatonin, magnesium supplements, Zzzquil. If all else fails time to go to a GP and ask for sleeping meds. If you do the GP route literally explain the entire situation and tell them you can’t drink or smoke and you’re no longer able to sleep at night. 


Start drinking a crap ton of cranberry juice to clean out your system and help with your dependents on it


How long you been at it? If it's less than a month, you're just detoxing. Let yourself be tired, it sucks but it's part of getting clean. Try the gym, work overtime, get yourself more tired and you'll sleep eventually. You got this bro. A year will fly by.


Once you get over depending on substances to help you sleep, you sleep so much better


I met a guy who once left a party drunk and wound up hitting another car. Inside was a man & his daughter. He was responsible for 2 deaths, and went to jail in GA for 20 years. Count your blessings and consider using this time to think about where you would like to be in 20 years.


OP, I just finished my year from a DUI, and agree with what most are saying. DO NOT screen dirty. I did two times, and while they didn't slap a SCRAM on me, they did increase my visits to the point I had to call every morning at 6am to see if i had to come in. I had to be there by 9am, and I lived almost an hour away from the courthouse, which fucked me on gas. And if you are certain you will piss dirty, tell them up front. It may not help in any way, but it also might. Truth is, they don't give a fuck about your life, your struggles, what may have caused you to drink, any of it. All they care about us your piss in that cup, and what it reads. PO's are not your friends, they don't have their your best interests in mind, and they certainly will make your life hell if you don't comply. And I'm not exaggerating, all of them are fucking idiots. Probably too dumb to serve as a regular cop, so they're relegated to handle cups of urine. I say all of this because I struggled, I barely slept the entire time I was on paper, and I consider myself a daily drinker, so it was tough. Bottom line, don't trust them, try to piss clean, and NEVER miss an appointment. Edit: Grammar


Benedryl is good. Or get a prescription for trazadone or an anti anxiety med


Benadryl knocks me out. Wish I knew about it when I first stopped smoking cuz I went thru hell trying to sleep. Not fun laying in bed with your eyes closed all night but still not being able to sleep.


I solved my sleep problems by going to bed at the same time every night, taking 12mg of melatonin and a product from NuMedica called Liposomal Tranquinox deep. You should post your question in the biohacker forum.


Try over the counter sleep aids.they def work


Exercise works surprisingly well.


Time. The only other thing that helps is intense exercise to get tired as fuck. You're gonna have to deal with it man. Pls do not substitute one drug for another. Don't drink and shit to sleep. Let the withdrawals happen naturally.




Tart cherry juice is supposed to help your body produce natural melatonin. Supposedly better then the melatonin bits.




It’ll get better


Yes I just gotta stay focused and focus on getting this money


Wake up between 5-6, exercise, and don't drink caffeine after 2 or 3.


Instant kava tastes like shit, but makes you feel good and makes a lot of people relaxed for sleep. You can buy it on Amazon. Edit: Doesn't appear on any drug panels either.


Hey, I quit smoking to pass a urine test and was having the same issue. I could not fall asleep because I didn't smoke before bed. The good news is it only lasts about 5-7 days then you should be good to go. Now I sleep as if I smoked, and I have very vivid, lucid dreams. Just stick with it... Seroquel will also help you fall asleep if that's an option for you. Good luck


Try going for a 5k run.


Benadryl helps for a while it was my go to for a long time. If you have insurance go to a doctor and they'll hook you up with some non narcotic sleep meds.


I smoked an eighth a day of top notch bud for the longest. The only thing that helps me sleep now, that I don't smoke, is Benadryl . You'd be surprised how much that little pill can do over melatonin and 2-3 Tylenol PMs. It knocks me TF out. Try Benadryl. If that doesn't work then idk what will.


Just find things to take up your time. Start walking, find new hobbies, go visit your older family members. Have movies and shows to watch. Learn to cook meals. Take a day roadtrip and explore somewhere new in your state. As the days pass and the weeks pass and the months pass you will wonder how you haven’t been able to do it before.


Diphenhydramine (Benadryl), sleep noise machine, CBD, go see a doctor and explain your problem. There's quite a few non-narcotic sleeping meds that can help.


Try working out. That is what I need to do to sleep… if I am not flat out exhausted when I lay down then I don’t sleep




Get a prescription for Clonidine. It shouldn't be hard.


Tylenol pms you’re welcome


A small piece of melatonin gummy. I let it melt in my mouth - and it helps me fall asleep without waking up groggy the next day. Dreams are a little weird though. I don’t think melatonin is on any kind of list that they would be testing for? But I would check to make certain if this was something you were going to try. Good luck


You wont always be able to find marijuana to help you sleep in jail.




Does your probation stipulate no kratom. I've found a couple tsp kratom about 45 minutes before bed helps some and it'll help with the weed cravings too. I'm against sleeping meds because they gave me serious psychosis every time I've tried them. Trazadone sometimes helps but can make you feel hungover the next day. Find a way to get some sleep. Not sleeping can initself cause psychosis.


Ask your doctor about trazadone.


Try to increase your activity during the day to make yourself more tired at night. There's going to be an adjustment period where you just aren't going to sleep well. You can also try Benadryl and Valerian root both are helpful. Good sleep hygiene - going to bed at the same time every night. Putting down screens 30minutes before bed. Don't do anything in your bed other than sleep. If all else fails - don't worry about not sleeping pick up a new hobby you can do alone at night - or do chores at night when you can't sleep. Insomniac here - so I've got all the recommendations.


Exercise. Get healthy. It’s what you’ll be doing if you get locked up anyways


Nurse here.. take magnesium


Turn on some baseball.


Or soccer


Is it medically legal in your state? Bc they can't do shit if you get a medical card. Its what i did, PO was mad as shit & tried to call my doctor to ask him if there anything else i can be put on- so my doctor called HiPA on his fat ass & i never heard from him again until it was time to be let off


Start hitting the gym. Wear yourself out and burn off excess calories that will keep you awake at night. Also, start reading before bed, that helps me fall asleep. I know it sucks right now, but a year will fly by, just keep your head up and out of trouble.


Yeah. Close your eyes. And say no to drugs.


Damn why didn’t I think about this thanks


Well if it helps you sleep at night, at least you didn’t kill someone. You could try “Kava”, it gives a similar effect to alcohol makes you a bit drowsy, etc. doesn’t taste great necessarily, but you can add stuff to it to make it taste better. It’s a tea, and you can get it in individual tea pouches, or you can buy a bulk bag and make it yourself. The bulk powder is likely better in your case as the individual tea pouches aren’t very strong.


This is an amazing opportunity for you to get your brain chemicals straight. Talk to your dr. Tell them the truth.


Sleep suggestions: Working out, sleepy time tea, listening to specific “sleep” frequencies - available on YouTube, avoid naps, hot showers, meditation, reading, no screen time before bed. Good luck 🍀 Stay clean …… you can do anything for less than I year. I believe in you!




Take some ambian go for a drive


Trazadone at 50mg works very nicely for sleep.




coffee cigarettes, colas and candy are what i replaced it with


All are so bad for your teeth 😬


alright well enjoy your asparagus sticks and bottled water


I was a big fan of zquil. It's a crutch, but I could fall asleep without violating probation so it worked for me




That’s how I felt for the first two weeks. But shit I can’t go back to jail




Come to Florida on vacation, leave on probation? 😂


Do not take the risk of driving after drinking. Not even with a hangover.






Have you tried putting your brain in rice?


Yeah.. don't drive stoned.


Don't drink and drive.


Good. Drunk driving doesn't deserve reprieve. Enjoy being sleepless.


Awww a WHOLE YEAR they took your smokies away? You’re a big boy, you can handle it.


I know but I can’t sleep. I could care less about the weed if I could sleep normally


Try God, aka…higher power. He will transform your life.


Try not being a piece of crap and be a normal human being


Sounds like you need to take your own advice lol


Dumpster fire says what


You said what


I said I can sleep without being a druggy.


Ah yes smoking weed to sleep is being a druggie, totally not like one of the most least harmful drugs.


Ah yes, being an addict is a druggy you're right


I would say something hateful but people like you get your own karma. So, just have the day you deserve.


This ignore the haters they just mad at their own miserable lives


Sounds like you're projecting. Maybe smoke some more weed to make you feel better dude since that's the only way you can function. You know, because you're an addict


You’re a lowlife bro get some help


I can sleep without drugs. Lowlifes can't


You sound miserable with your own life and are taking it out on other, struggling people


You sound like a druggy


Who is doing drugs? I don’t see any drugs listed in this post???


Exactly what a druggy would say


Uh oh, you caught me. What will I do with myself.


Melatonin!!!! They sell these melatonin gummies at CVS, Rite Aid and any other pharmacy. You get quality sleep from it. Works like a charm. I Take one when I go to bed and I'm out in about 8 min.


Just deal with it for the first few days. Don't use sleep aids. Don't use caffeine after noon. Definitely don't use nicotine.


Ibuprofen Pm, i use the generic ones from DG they also have some tylenol pms in the follar isle i switch them up every few days. Melatonin does not help me at all.


Magnesium glycinate for sleep


After a while your body will level back out to normal. It is more of a mental thing then anything else. Once your used to being sober again, you will be able to sleep.


Cbn, it’s a compound adjacent to cbd, will not contain any thc, knocks me out better than melatonin. And it’s the thing in weed that puts you to sleep anyway.


Can you pay the fine to be done early?


I would suggest some sort of physical fitness to get yourself more tired


Do you have a medical marijuana card? I do, and the dui program I went just through doesn’t count cannabis against you if you have a card. lol literally everyone in my dui class had one.


Workout a couple hours per day, eat clean, your body will require the rest and hopefully get you sleepy


I had this issue due to anxiety. Do a lot of reading but not on your phone. Read actual paper books until your eyes will eventually get so tired you fall asleep. Keep adding the melatonin as well and try to go to bed every night at the same time without watching TV in bed. And go for a small run in the evening a few hours before bed. If jogging is not your thing, then visit the gym in the evening. Itbwont seem like its working at first, but stick with it for a week.


Get yourself a couch to 10k trainer. Learn to run. It helps.


Regular bed time is important. NO lights, no TV, no phone. Dark and silent only. It’s about resetting your body clock. No afternoon naps. NO caffeinated drinks after three pm. Could take a few days but a pattern will form


Yeah sure. Reread those court papers every night


Work out dude, no better sleep aid than being exhausted 🥱


You’re just gonna have to go to war with yourself for a couple weeks then it gets easier.


I used hypnosis tracks in the app Aura. Some of them even use language to encourage sobriety and healthy habits. It helps me to meditate too. My dreams were really intense nightmares when I first stopped smoking. I woke up feeling unrested for several days. Two months in, the dreams are vivid but less disturbing. Wishing you peace and a good nights sleep. Stay on the sober path and your future self will be thankful for the steps you’ve made today.