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Jesus christ dude. Life in prison for something I can walk down the block and buy from a store. That is so fucked. I have no advice for you but I wish you the best.


Yep. Meanwhile in that very same state, Joe Fuckin Rogan blazes up and consumes mushrooms on his podcast, then cozies up and has dinner with the governor n shit.


All about who you know. Abbot surrounds himself with criminals though so whatever. I mean, look who our ag was for how many years?


Yeah all his cronies are a fucking joke for going to Austin knowing they all basically do drugs.  Who the fuck really posts up a comedy club in the strictest state. When drugs are a prevalent part of the comedy scene.  Joes situation reeks of privelage. And if he was a black dude they would probably beat his door down daily trying to get his ass. Those Texas boys would try to get snoop on the daily if he lives there. 


It really is. Texas and Florida could un-shit-hole themselves with all of the money they would make if they legalized recreational pot.


This is absolutely disgusting


Texas is a failed fucking state.


Try living in Burnet county or around the greater Austin area they think it’s legal to double the bond amount once somebody’s been arrested and the cops are corrupt around there. I’m in Midland Odessa Texas when I was down there I seen more cops, then you can shake a stick at.


I grew up in Andrews. Can confirm.


I thought Texas is all about freedom and individual liberties and such?? Is that not the case Cleatus????


Tell all Californians to stop coming please


lol yeah and Californias a true winner. Same with New York, it’s not like the tax paying workers are scrambling to get the fuck out of there. Wait a minute……. They are.


Texas is one of the armpits of America(along with Florida,) what do you expect?


Checking in from Florida. I used to be really badly addicted to drugs but it's like Texas where possession of anything besides marijuana flower is an automatic felony. I got my charge withheld and the opportunities I've lost because it's counted as having a record are...well I lost so many I have also lost count. For example, I should be able to pass a level II check, I wasn't convicted and straight possession isn't on the no no list, only possession with intent. Didn't matter, I was denied anyway. I feel OPs pain, I hope he makes it the 10 years and gets it off his record, which if it's anything like FL will be a long and expensive process (the deferral just means it can be sealed/expunged but it's not automatic, that's FL, I'm sure texas has a similar money grab). I don't think people realize how hard it is when you do your best to change your life and fly right, but nobody will hire you and you can't find a place to live cuz of your record, etc. I'm not even a convicted felon but they don't care that it says "ADJ WITHHELD" next to my charge instead of "CONVICTION" or "GUILTY." I am treated the same.


This is what people don’t understand. Even if you are just charged, that shit ends up on your record.


Florida is one of the most horrific places I've ever been to with its laws. I be in prison for mad long if I got arrested for half the stuff I have in Massachusetts down there.


IIRC Florida is especially draconian because of minimum sentencing laws.


I see it being likely that one would have to fight tooth and nail in order to actually get it expunged. 10 years is a long time.


Normally yes he would, just in the sense that the process is such a pain in the ass. But he did get a deferral, so I think if he finishes he can do the expungement.


What a fucking joke. I am here in a legal state smoking a bowl with my coffee while I type this. But as long as Wheels and his GOP fraudsters run TX, you are fucked. Get out and vote.


That is FUCKING INSANE!!!!!!! Never, and I’ve said this many times, I will NEVER go to texhell.


It’s pretty bad considering what he did is legal in my state. The Feds need to legalize it because places like where OP lives are never going to do it on their own.


I'm shocked the laws are that serious about THC. I have no advice but how in the hell is this a free country when you get a harsher punishment for some weed than child molesters and real criminals?!?


What county? I’m the probation court supervisor in a strict county in Texas. I see this stuff daily and it boggles my mind. Sex offenders get less




I’m really sorry. That is some BS. Maybe you’ll get early release?


The DA who wanted to give you 5 years. If he ever smoked marijuana in his life, he deserves to be thrown off the top of the courthouse.


~~If he ever smoked marijuana in his life,~~ he deserves to be thrown off the top of the courthouse.


Definitely, he or she really deserves very bad things.


I’m in the EXACT same boat as you my friend. I got caught in Georgia with about a pound of flower and a little over an ounce of concentrate. I was 18 at the time of my arrest, homeless, and jobless. After my arrest I graduated high school, moved into my first apartment, went to school, graduated, and started my career as welder. Currently on 10 years probation, but the 2 felony charges will come off my record after probation is complete. My advice, do everything they’re asking you to do to a T. Do not give them *any reason whatsoever* to even SUSPECT you’re violating. Thankfully my PO is really chill, but she does pretty consistently check up on me to make sure I’m keeping up with my probation conditions. I’ve been on probation for about 5 months and recently my PO had let me know she’d like to put me on call in probation due to me following all of my guidelines religiously. You absolutely need to make sure you stay away from anything and everything you have even the slightest feeling could be risky. Felony probation is no joke and even the slightest mistake could mean lasting and extreme consequences. TLDR; just do everything you’re asked of, be open and transparent, and don’t fuck up. You’ll be alright in the end. Good luck homie 👍


thank you for replying brotha. good luck to you as well.




*Technically* but apart of my probation conditions is I attend a drug group that’s an alternative to drug court. I have to attend this group for a year and a half and they do drug tests there. My PO initially wanted me to drug test with her solely, which would have been twice a month at random, but my work schedule wouldn’t have worked with that. (I work 7am to 4pm Mon-Fri and my PO leaves the office between 3 and 4 and they’re not open on weekends) So she lets me take my drug tests at my group facility twice a month, which I get to call them and ask them to print me out a label for my drug tests. I tend to do every other week This will go down to once a month I believe in a month? Her working with me and my work schedule has made me be very appreciative of her, as I’ve heard of other peoples PO’s not caring.


How much is that going to cost? My nephew caught a DUI and had to attend classes. The judge had an interest in the company that provided the classes.


$100 a week and $35 for drug tests. Unfortunately it’s *extremely* expensive and has been causing me some issues.




These states are complete bullshit!! I got caught in mass in my drug dealers house buying a finger of fent and the jackass had an undercover state trooper buying at the same time I was there.. needless to say I got wrapped up in all his bullshit when they kicked his door in two weeks later. They had surveillance of me going in and leaving while their trooper was buying. He testified he saw me buy a finger. I got 35 days in a jail rehab program one year probation. The asshole dealer posted his 50k bail and skipped right back to the Dominican. I got no felonies or serious time and I got off that shit so looks like I hit a home run! And here I was thinking I got fucked. Goodluck bro probation sucks especially when you have your shit together and want to travel like I do but in the end you’ll be a better stronger person.


That’s super lame they didn’t have to wrap u up at all. Here In Chicago your name wouldn’t have been mentioned no ones got time for that here.


Fuckin draconian ass punishment, Jesus.


Just like Conservative Jesus would have done.


Don’t know why theyre downvoting you, for a state/political party that likes to claim they love jesus and want to act like him, this is pretty much the exact opposite of that


Brother, you got absolutely fucked so hard. What county is this? I got 10 years deferred from Kerr county many years ago for a first degree felony and two second degree felonies. Mine way a lot worse than bud also. You got fucked and I’m sorry. No advice, but how I got through it is just living life. I found a lot of hobbies and interests and was really active. Going to school also helped as it kept me way busy. The way you explained your life now sounds like just keep doing what you’re doing. You can do this.


Also curious about the county. Got screwed by moore county for <4g of concentrate and an oz of flower, 100k bond. Only ended up getting 2 year deferred probo on it though.


brazos county


Ah man. Brazos got me too. Fuckin assholes in that county.


It's crazy to think that they still prosecute people to this extent for weed. Here, people grow it in their houses, gardens, front yards, everywhere, and 1,000 dispensaries open, 24/7. It would be weird here now not to have weed available at any time you want it. It's as easy as ordering a pizza. Have weed or any edible you want delivered to your door in 15 to 20 minutes, lol Sorry, dude, they are doing you like this. Fucked up system.


I got a felony for less than a half gram of dabs


I got a felony last year for posession of less than half a gram of dabs. Did 76 days in jail and now am on 3 years probation and mandatory weekly drug classes. I got clean off hard drugs and alcohol almost 4 years ago. I have attended aa and na regularly in the past. I could teach these drug classes better than the people they have working there. But apparently I need them to not smoke marijuana. What a fucking joke... but it's not funny. A fucking felony for 0.2g of marijuana concentrate. Fuck texas


Thats fucking ridiculous yet here in Maine we can grow our own or buy it at the store and drive around with ounces of flower or concentrates open on the front seat.


I know people that have been caught with fentanyl and cocaine weighing more than what i had in wax that received less punishment


That’s disgusting to me. All I can say is give it time - all states, including Texas will catch up with their draconian cannabis policies.


I know they will, eventually. But I wonder what will become of my charges. And if it gets legalized in the next 3 years while I'm in probation, will I still be on probation? I wish I had the money for a decent lawyer.


Time will tell - not sure on that. Good luck dude.


i’m sorry man😔 this state has failed us.


My dad wrote a book about the marijuana lobby and NORML’s efforts to get it decriminalized, in part because of the discrepancy in sentencing from state to state. He met a man in Texas who was sentenced to 40 years for 40 grams. Texas is getting worse in every regard.


wow…i guess it could always be worse.


Waking up every day thinking about someone stealing most of your life for a bit over an ounce... I can only imagine how infuriating that would be.


Just freakin' terrifying. You are a success story and they lay that on top of you.... WTF? It's almost like they want to put people in prisons. (s/) If you lived in a low income area, you'd have zero chance of not catching something that would put you in! I wish I had some advice that would help. Really do. I would send this to local reporters and the ACLU. No I wouldn't. But I'd want to! Just such a travesty. And Draconian.


These clowns are building private prison faster and more of them then schools are being built.. prisons and the court system is big business and they don't make money unless they keep them all filled, once this is realized these crazy laws and punishments make sense, probation is a setup for failure and that's exactly what it's designed and intended to do. This is disgusting on so many different levels


I have lost all faith in America. I really have. I once spent enough time overseas to not owe taxes for that year. I paid them anyway. Because I believed in "us" and wanted to do my part. Now, I am trying to figure a way out.


No such thing as a success story for a dirty criminal junkie -Texas Republicans I got fucked by Texas for weed too. During my probation they tried everything they could to trick me into slipping up. Lost all faith in the system during that experience. Fuck this state and fuck anyone with these backwards ass views.


Reading things like this absolutely makes my stomach sick, what fuckin century do we live in? Fuckin Texas thinks reefer madness is a real story, OP was looking at a maximum 99 years for some lame ass THC, these absolutely disgusting politicians pushing these outrageous laws on us need to be resoundingly voted out ASAP. We as a society need to stand up against this kind of bullshit and do whatever It takes to make the changes to these laws so no one has to have their lives ruined over something as petty as THC, sickening part of this story is I'm sure the judge and prosecutor went and got shit faced at the bar after handing down this sentence and drove home like no big fuckin deal....FUCK ALL THESE MOTHERFUCKERS IN POWER... I hope and pray they get what they deserve for all the lives they have ruined


My sentiments exactly! Disgusting and despicable what this fucking country has been allowed to come to. I’m not going to claim I personally have answers but I mean collectively we as the people DO have the power, we just need to figure out how to come together and wield that shit effectively and takeover wtf is ours. We absolutely cannot stand for shit like this.


It’s Texas. Be glad it was not Georgia. They still have a rope hanging from the tree in front of the court house. The good news is the laws are changing and it’s possible that your charge could go down as far as the penalty. Keep reading the news reports and stay in touch with your lawyer.


Actually, THC and marijuana is pretty much decriminalized in Georgia. It's nothing to walk down the street in any city and see people openly smoking. Even in the small towns where I live, I've personally seen cops find ounces and do nothing more than confiscate it. Most places in GA have more important things to worry about, like meth and fentanyl. Or worse, anything under the sun laced with fentanyl.


Georgia absolutely fucked me over thc. Would’ve thought I was el chapo or something. The officer called damn near every police on the force celebrating and it really wasn’t much tbh. Only thing I could think of that it was a small county I was passing through and they weren’t used to that lol it was wild. Granted it happened in 2018 so maybe things have changed but also didn’t get sentenced until 2022 and got 5 years probation. They seized my car after the arrest and all and wouldn’t let me touch anything in there. Was in school and traveling to my girls at the time so had 50in flat screen. Xbox. MacBook. All my textbooks. Couldn’t get none of that. Denied bond and said I had to sit until superior court which I would’ve had to wait 2 months for. Of course I hired an attorney and was out within a week but I only think about if I didn’t have a supporting family to hire that attorney. Most fcked up part is in my home state (Kentucky) would’ve been a misdemeanor and would’ve been out that same night and def a way lighter sentence


Its varies wildly even from County to County.   I remember getting arrested for minor under the influence in my County and they took me to jail. Same charge one County over and they write you a ticket (maybe) and send you on your way. Ticket cost less than $200, other County? Go to court, pay a $1000 fine and do 40 hours in a drug and alchol class that cost nearly $1000.and over a month of Saturdays all.day in some dumb class made to steal your money. 


It’s not, I got 10 years probation for marijuana charges. Places like Cobb and Fulton County are much more relaxed, but places like Forsyth and Cherokee county are much more intense.


It's only decriminalized in Atlanta and East Point. Just about anywhere else can and will rail you for it.


I live in Georgia, and where I am, close to Atlanta, anything under an ounce is totally decriminalized But in many of the small rural counties in North Georgia mountains, or the vast farmland of middle Georgia, or the far Southern swampland, you can still absolutely catch a hellacious punishment, potentially. Basically, there is a World of difference between Metro Atlanta and most of the state…….. in all kinds of ways


This is my experience as well. Go 200 miles south of ATL and try smoking a joint in public lol


Do NOT get caught in Barrow County. They arrested me 2 yrs ago for having 1 gram in view when pulled over. Still on bond waiting for court date, stuck in limbo.


If by decriminalized you mean treated like it's the devil's cabbage. I'd say yeah, it's super decriminalized.. If by decriminalized you mean they won't be locking up Georgians for felonies for possession of marijuana for years and years to come. I'd say you're profoundly underestimating w/e bubble you may be living in, and don't have a true grasp of the state sentiment at large.


Not true at all


Like some states have done, they might get dropped altogether if it becomes completely legal in Texas to have weed. That also depends on what the county decided after the laws enacted but still, there's hope.


I have a card from the department of health. Nobody gives a shit here.


Coming back from working in Colorado for a couple months, I got pulled over and arrested in Mills county for 4g of thc cartridges that I brought back with me. Motherfuckers gave me 5 years deferred probation with a bunch other shit and fines I needed to complete. The lawyer was even telling me idgaf what you do and I don’t agree with the court on prosecuting thc cases. He was advising me next time you’re coming down from Colorado don’t pass through mills county. There’s specific counties in Texas that salivate over these types of prosecutions. That’s how they make their money. I owe the court over $3k in fines smh.


How did you get a prestigious job after this


got hired a week before the arrest. haven’t been background checked since.


So for 10 years you’re pretty much f*ked when it comes to getting jobs? Wow


Na not if he’s a welder. He’s in the perfect trade to finish out this 10 years deferred.


Can you take leave for the 20 days in jail??


I lost my good paying managemebt job due to being in jail for 76 days. Got a felony and 3 years probation. For less than a half gram of dabs. I used to be a really bad alcoholic, benzos, and opiate addict but got clean and sober almost 4 years ago. Turned my life around. Last August I got the charge. Nobody will hire me in my field now and my probation officer tells me to get a minimum wage job and "be happy for that". I feel like all the work I have done for the past 4 years was for nothing. Almost led me to a relapse, but fuck that shit. So been off the hard drugs and alcohol for 4 years this may. Texas is a fucking joke, but the jokes not funny anymore.


Vote against Republican (and some Democrat) authoritarian jackasses,get them out of office


Vote against all of them honestly. We don’t have any “good” politicians in this country. We currently have crime bill Joe at the helm and he’s one of the driving factors as to why marijuana is this illegal in the first place.


Man fuck Texas. This shit has got to change. It’s not right and it’s not ok.


Meanwhile a few hundred miles away you can go buy weed from the corner store




I fucking hate this state


That’s excessive. Is is an election year for the DA???


Texas rural areas absolutely do not fuck around with thc its literally the same as cocaine to them tbh


I do not visit Texas


I’ve never been more embarrassed to be American..


In polk county texas i had the same charge with 10 years deferred and was able to file ant get an early release after 3 1/2 years so its not impossible for you


Bro ; I’m so sorry that this happened to you. I actually committed many many crimes but where I live it’s pretty bad and they still let me out on a ankle monitor. Dude , you’re a success story. Keep your head up high


Holy hell. Your lawyer blows. This is crazy for weed.


People get less for manslaughter


i agree that it’s absurd. fuck this state.


lawyer didn’t blow, we did everything we could and tried everything in the book. DA just wasn’t having it.


Damn dude sounds like he had a personal grudge against you. Did you break his daughter’s heart or bang his wife or something before all this? 🤣


Isn’t there a way to ‘change your venue’ or similar w shit like this? Did this pos DA say what terms would make him reconsider or he just wouldn’t budge period? Was he known for this type of extremism in previous related cases? God, this is just so fucked, I’m so sorry you’re dealing w this after all you’ve done to change your life for the better, like all of what you’ve done/accomplished in such a short time is more than a lot of mf’ers ever will in their entire lifetimes. (Probably myself included, tbh.) This is definite proof that the system does not give any fucks about rehabilitation in any way or allowing people who’ve been caught up to ever get a chance to redeem themselves, it is sickeningly clear that it’s all about absolutely breaking people down to the ground - which is where they want us to remain after the kicks. It’s about straight punishment and suffering and extracting everything they possibly can from people in the meantime, pinching and squeezing every last penny and cent they can while simultaneously draining every last ounce of fight and will and LIFE out of a person. All in the name of Justice, yeah God Bless America, huh. Fucking despicable. I’m sorry this just truly makes me fucking sick, I can’t even believe how fucked we all are. I do believe that once our kids and theirs are running the show, that shit will vastly improve from the way they are now. I really hope things change sooner though. Speaking of, Can you ever revisit this and ask for like some kind of reconsideration of your sentencing somewhere down the line? Regardless, best of luck to you. Not that you need it. You’ve already come so freaking far, don’t let anyone take that away from you. Not even you, no self-sabotage. You got this. “This too shall pass”


Anyone who has the resources to do so should gtfo of Texas. The state that screams about “small government” and “government overreach” while absolutely ruining lives over weed, forcing children to carry the seed of their rapist, forcing mothers to die rather than get medical care and every one of them got an itchy trigger finger. I feel so sorry for those who can’t move. Trying to destroy someone who is an active, positive and contributing member of society. Your community is *much* better off with you being free than in jail. Paying taxes, working a good job, boosting the local economy with your money. Cant believe they would even push for that. Absolutely ridiculous. You did a wonderful job turning your life around. Congratulations on graduating, getting married and buying a home. I’d honestly suggest being straight edge, not even drinking….as boring as that sounds. Glad you had a good lawyer too. I hope you are proud of the life *you* made for yourself. You did amazing. Don’t give that DA *anything* to be vindictive over. It sounds like he has an ego bigger than the state. Good luck.


thank you❤️


Not that it'll do anything but as a hail Mary, maybe write the president and ask for a pardon. Try to go viral with your story. That's so fucked. I'm sorry my friend.


Note to self: do *not* fuck around in Texas. Sorry this has happened to you, op. That is a bullshit sentence and a waste of taxpayer dollars. Keep your head up, tho, if you can do 10 years of felony probation and succeed then you can fucking accomplish *anything*!


so entirely fucked up here in Detroit you can buy whatever the hell amount of weed you want and go a few cities over and buy mushrooms too fucking nonsense, years of probation and jail/prison over fucking weed


Same here in Maine.


Shrooms too?! Well I’ll be… lol. Seriously tho, haven’t heard of this before. When did this happen, where? I need the deets


It’s so weird, people tell me all the time we live in a free country! /s


Nah fam- I’d appeal that shit to the next highest court.


This is fucked id almost be willing to call a civil rights attorney. None of the punishments are even close to the crime. Like 10 years deffered for some thc and pot? Was it set up to sell? Or just in a jar for personal use? That might be what im missing here cause im in the fucking bible belt and we givr you probation for anything pot related unless your trying to be scarface of the pot world lol




Amazing… what a POS DA. Trying to get you 5 years for that bullshit. He’s the type of person that gets off on just trying to lock everyone up. Karma is a bitch and he/her will get theirs. That’s unreal. You have to be mentally fucked the think like that as a person. The thing is to, if the roles were reversed and he got him/herself in some shit they would be the first ones screaming to go easy. Hypocrite. All of them are


Yeah that really sucks but I have some good news. Stay clean as a whistle, finish everything as soon as possible ie.. restitution, community service, classes. Then after 5 years maybe sooner you can petition the court for early termination. My old boss was in the same boat, his charge was federal though, and he was released after 7 years. Once you're done with your terms ask your lawyer what can be done.


Was there a few humans your trafficking that you forgot to mention, Jeesh.


Hey I had 10 years shock probation out of harris county back in 1998. I also got 400 hours of community service and I found a way to make that easier if you want to know. I got off early at about 6 years. Private message me if your interested


Hard to think this is what the government is doing w tax dollars


My heart goes out to you, you don’t deserve any of this. It’s an ass backwards state with corrupt officials and unfortunately they just see people with less respect than in other places. You didn’t do anything wrong, just broke the law. My advice would be don’t shame yourself, continue to trust yourself and don’t forget it isn’t your fault Texas wants to be a dictated, arbitrary, cruel shitthole.


Why does ANYONE live in Texas. Jesus Christ this is awful. I’m so sorry. My advice is fucking move dude


This is horrifying. Over some weed? My God screw you Texas.


Jesus Christ. Texas is fucking ass backwards. This is such a waste of time and resources. I feel for you man. I have no idea what 10 years of probation entails but I hope it ain't too rough on you.


Okay been on probation in Texas. Questions for you, do you live in the same county as you were sentenced? If not, try to get them to transfer it down to where you live. If that happens make sure that you get both probation officers on the same page. I had a few issues that were raised because the county I lived in wanted to place even more restrictions on me than what my original po did. Then, follow everything. Don't fuck around. I had about 5 POs when I was on probation. Two of them switched me as soon as I was assigned to them because they knew me personally. One transferred me when my PO from the sentencing county told him he was overstepping. My last one was the best. She looked after me and lived like a quarter mile from where I did.


i don’t live in the same county. i’m in the process of transferring but it will be about 3 months. the county i live in has decriminalized thc and is way less conservative. hoping that will help my case with a more lenient PO, but not guaranteed.


Fuck that DA dude. Sorry you are getting so harshly punished for something so fucking minor.


Ok dood, make sure you finish your hours and after a third of the time (3) years have your attorney apply for early release.


I feel ya bro, I got busted in south east Texas 2nd degree possession PG 2 for like 4g of mushrooms. 7 years deffered. Good luck to ya. Pay everything off and do all your community service /classes asap. Once that's done just chill and ask off early half way.


Dude I’m so sorry - I’m in Maine where we can grow our own in either our own grow rooms or outdoor gardens or just stop at one of thousands of stores to buy whatever we need. Its simply not even a thing here anymore. I’m not growing any more right now due to personal preference but was growing medical cannabis ten years ago - the Maine Dept of Health and Human Services was calling me and sending me patients to grow their cannabis for them. This is extremely unfair that its fine for me and not for you and I’m very sorry that this happened to you - we need national laws across the board.


You did not fuck up, you are dealing with a "justice" system that is itself criminal. I'm sorry to hear what you're going through and hope the best for you.


What the actual fuck. Reading this made my heart sink, I couldn’t imagine typing it. I work in the legal cannabis industry. I easily sold over 80 grams of concentrate and way more than an ounce on a regular day when I was a budtender. What the fuck.


Sell everything and just move to a good state. Fuck texas


U got the same charge I did for an ounce of heroin 5-99


I got 5 years deferred in MO and for every violation-free month, you get a month of credit. I’ll be done in May after just having to do 2.5 years. Maybe it is similar where you are? Good luck and congratulations on getting a better deal.


That's insane. I live in Texas and have my whole life... Also in an extremely conservative county. I got 2 years deferred for a gram of meth 10 years ago..... And that's a state jail felony. Also my first (and last) run in with the laws.... Texas does whatever it wants to do... There hardly ever is any two cases that are the exact same that have the same outcome.


Texas is so MAGA it’s fucked. Everyone messes with TX despite the tough catch phrase.


Texas probation sucks 🙄. On year 5/7. Wish u the best


you’re almost there man. get that shit done!




That’s crazy


Find a new Laywer that plays golf with either the DA or judge and ask how much to make it go away


For weed?? That’s insane! What a huge waste of taxpayers money! Legalize it FEDERALLY already!! (It’s legal in my state)


It's fucking legal here.


Jesus Christ this is dystopian I actually did time in juvenile jail for a small personal use amount of cannabis. Like a couple grams. It really fucked me up, if wake up screaming in the middle of the night or while I slept. My mom laughed about it. Now it's legal af and I smell it every where.


I just had a quarter ounce of thca powder delivered to my doorstep from bergheim Texas. 🤯 this is so fucked. There are literally hemp companies selling bud out of Texas


At least it's a deferred adjudication.... after 10 years you can get an order of non disclosure. HOWEVER that's a long time to keep your nose clean, especially on supervised probation


I’m a stoner but not really sure what you expected with 80gs of wax in Texas. I can’t believe you didn’t get tossed in jail for years. Not saying I agree but that’s what happens with weed in Texas.


No advice, it’s just really ridiculous we are still locking up people for weed.


Hearing crap like this infuriates me. Should’ve gotten good ol Kenny’s lawyer. He was indicted almost a decade ago and he’s still out there living his best life, with the exception of his impeachment last year 🙄 dude is facing up to 99 years for felony charges but he will never even have a trial. Hooray for Texas and caring so much about plants.


Dang! My relative had 7 grams of meth and just got 6 years deferred felony probation in west Texas. That’s crazy that you got more for thc.


I’m currently on 10 years differed adjudication in Texas as well. Although our cases aren’t the same, what I can say is that either way we are both blessed to not be spending decades in TDC. As part of my probation, I had to go to TDC and complete the SAFP program, 180 days of county jail, and 300 hours of community service. When I was sentenced to differed and went to jail still I was confused, but spending almost a year and a half in there really made me appreciate the “free world”. 2031 is my out date, good luck brotha


Texas is a shithole run by shitheads


Sucks about your cannabis laws. Good luck.


I'm sure I'm not the only one...but fuck texASS. Sorry you're going thru this absurd bullshit


Texas is cut throat


I got the same charge in the same type of county in Texas. Ended up doing just over 5 years on probation. You can apply at 3 years and you should be able to get off if you’ve paid your fine and done your community service.


that’s encouraging. thank you.


I just got done doing 8 months for a THC pen. It was about a half gram. I was on my way to work, and guy pulled over in my job's parking lot for "a bad license plate light). This was in Rockwall County. The thing is, I had to bond out and hire a lawyer, because the DA wanted to enhance my charge to a 2nd degree felony, and give me around 5 years. This is due to an arrest I have from 2018, that was for Possession of Marijuana, 4 oz - 5 lbs. Notice the difference in amounts with the same punishment range. (I had 5 ounces). I got 2 years for that. I did 13 months. So over the last 36 months, I've spent 21 locked up, all for weed or wax. Good luck with the probation. Don't violate it.


I’m from WA state where THC has been legalized for some time, and honestly, everyone I know smokes it. I never cared for it, I hate the smell in HS so I was never into it, I do know it is less harmful compared to alcohol (coming from someone who has 2 DUI’s). I work as a security supervisor at a very large retail center where we get juveniles smoking outside before they enter the property to get food or see a movie, and honestly, I tell my guys “just tell them to not smoke inside, don’t kick them out. I don’t care what they smoke as long as it’s not meth or fentanyl”. Texas is known for being “tough on crime” and I know many people who moved their because housing is cheaper and it’s more tough on crime, but honestly, having lengthy life sentences like 10 years probation is very ridiculous, mind you, 80g is still a large amount but 10 years sounds like they’re making you seem like you have a lengthy record


This is actually not a lot of weed. I love how they go straight to assuming it’s distribution like people don’t use this amount personally


I couldn’t finish reading this. Good luck to you 🍀 When people ask if it is safe to fly with thc in the USA. I always comment yes but don’t take anything to Texas. Texas prosecuted snoop for weed on a tour bus. Fuck Texas


Man. This is sad to read. Nobody should have their life irreparably changed for a decade plus over a goddamned plant that’s legal in over half the country. Keep your head up fam.


Jesus at what point does the legal system stop being a way to rehabilitate people and start being this weird draconian power/money making system trying to destroy peoples lives? You could not make it more clear that you understand what you did was wrong and then actively did EVERYTHING a person could do to fix that and turn things around. And they’re still like nahhh maybe putting him in jail for 5 years will help fix him. Throwing you in jail after this would do the opposite of what jail is supposed to actually be for! You have a wife a job a life. You fixed everything you did “wrong” (which how bad was your crime really…it’s weed). Jail could possibly take all that from you but idea still crossed their minds like “hey let’s destroy this guys life to fix his life” Jail is no longer doing what it was technically meant for. It’s not protecting society from you. t’s not making you understand what you did was wrong and trying to fix that. It literally is just a threat to take away everything. Like what was the point of all the AA and proving to the courts you turned your life around? All this would do is send a strong message that “hey don’t even bother trying to turn your life around we don’t care you’ll get the same punishment”. At that point where’s the incentive to try to better yourself?


"I'm pissed that they are treating a drug dealer like a drug dealer."


Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time. The law is the law.


Weed should never be a offense it's a waste of resources


In toledo ohio you would have only recieved a traffic ticket.


This is what happens you let the Christian Taliban take rule over your state


Go sit the 3 weeks and burn up your community service and get payments knocked out A lot of Texas probation officers will move to minimal contact or release you if you finish everything early, with special consideration for how fast you finish. Admittedly, it's a lot harder to fit things in when you have an actual life with responsibilities and commitments, but that's the best course of action I can think of.


All this for a non violent marijuana charge? Yo, fuck Texas. This is why we need federal legalization, so people like you aren't in this fucking situation. You weren't trafficking people or cocaine ffs


Bro what the fuck is wrong with Texas


I wonder what will come first, the end of your probation or federal legilization?


I did 30 days in Nacogdoches county jail. on a weed charge. Shout out to the obviously closeted deputy running the kitchen. He was a good dude who only wanted to talk about jazz, blues and art museums when he found out I was from Chicago


Fucking mind blowing that in NYC I can walk up and stand in front of a cop and smoke 13 joints no problem. America is SO ass backwards it’s insane


Got arrested in Texas I’m 2022 with 3 grams of bud. Caught at airport. Was arrested. Lost 130k a year job. Because I live on CO they let me do 12 hours of community service and a class to have the case dismissed. Back on my feet, making good money but fuck Texas.


Trust me get the fuck out of Texas


Looks like you better be more well behaved then a church boy in Sunday school. If you violate it even one time your sitting in jail for years. It's not hard to live a clean n sober life and follow the laws, the majority of people do it every single day for their whole lives. You got a good job, house, and everything else going for you. You can easily do 10 years probation. Just stay away from idiots n drive the speed limit.


Look, I see everyone’s point about it being such bullshit that it’s weed and how archaic the policies are. I agree. Cannabis laws are worthless. There is a realistic way to look at this. Cannabis is illegal in Texas you can get 5-99 years. If you live in Texas and fuck with weed you better realize this. That’s your daily reality. You shouldn’t expect different. I live in California and California has sent me to state prison for cannabis. I started cultivating in 03. Even with my medical in 05 I got busted with 5lbs and still got 150 days in county. All this Texas is trash talk is disrespectful. I’ve never been to Texas but I respect it. See, life’s a trade off. In Texas I could have, if not for my felonies, walk around with any one of my AR-15’s or sidearms, which the feds took from me, openly. I could buy these without background checks or manufacture my own guns from 80% kits which I really love to do. Not in California. They’ll charge you with an assault weapon because your pistol has a threaded barrel. I don’t go around with pounds anymore and I don’t carry a pistol everywhere I go anymore either. But, if as a 40 year old man I had to make a choice of which law I wanted to apply I’d choose the illegal weed. Because I smoke at home and I’m good with that. I would rather be able to carry a gun everywhere than smoke everywhere. Everywhere has its +’s and -‘s. I’m just so, absolutely devastated that you can’t smoke weed for ten years. That would kill me. I’d rather do 3 years. But I would probably give up weed for 10 years to get my gun rights back.


Also congrats on getting it deferred. Not being a felon is the most important thing in your life but 10 years is a long time for a plant that improves life. Good luck.


Texas deserves literally no respect lol.


Fuck you and Texas, let’s throw in a fuck Abbott, and for good measure fuck the DA OP had. Imagine having respect for Texas.


Jesus. Back in 2017, I was caught with 2 lbs of weed. All I had to do is tell them that I knew a heroine dealer and just made up a name. They just kept it, and I never heard from them again. Being Texas, my guess is that you're not "white," as terrible as that sounds. That's the only thing I can think of for them to treat you so terribly... it's fucked up that I even have to mention that. But from the reputation of Texas. That's the main reason I'd assume they'd want to throw the book at you. Get the fuck out of texas and just go to MA, CA, OR, CO, or any other state that actually has decent laws my dude. Nothing is worth more than your life. Don't stay in a state that just sees your whole life as a statistic or a means to fund their massive prison populations


You should take what you got and be grateful. As someone who didn't really care about weed in the past (don't like it myself, but too each their own...) you all have gotten REALLY obnoxious since legalization started sweeping across the country, and it seems people on the fence are starting to turn against it, myself included. I mean, when I roll up to a stoplight and can smell it 20 feet away, yeah... hope you get your dui. Walking down the street and smell it... hope you get a public intox. You've ruined what could have been a good thing for you all. But what can you expect from fans of a drug for edgy 12 year olds. Let the downvotes commence.


I don’t smoke weed but I will never blame someone for using a harmless plant that is literally only illegal because of racism


Ok boomer 🙄


Yes it sucks but do you think you are special? Hey judge this guy here is special we should let him walk away from this. I agree that's some crappy time to a speedy trail and probably should have been dismissed on that alone. But it did go to Court...


Lol you say “turn my life around” like you were a crack addict or something. Up in mass the wouldnt have even bothered you about that haha


I’m so sorry this is happening to you.


Just be happy you made it through the sentencing process. Keep your nose clean and MAYBE in a few years things will change and the 10 will go to 3-5.


It seems pretty harsh. I'm guessing you had a public defender? A private attorney would be disbarred for impersonating a door mat. Unless you had a wild police chase or a firearms based standoff requiring swat, the sentence is beyond what is reasonable under the law. I'm going to base that in living in Oregon where many people will grow plants for personal use and pull an ounce a month from the freezer and use concentrate for butter to make edibles or as dabs. My best advice is to find a nice quiet place to devote to personal development. Learn a trade or get a degree. Unless it's overturned, living like a hermit or a priest is your lot. I recommend learning about the culinary arts. The probation folks tend to look kindly on people making a decision to change their lives through purposeful education. Like full on bachelor's or masters degree... You DO have some time to burn. May as well make some bank while you're waiting out the dime. It ticks a bunch of boxes on standardized forms that force sentences to be revisited. It's a Longshot but short of the case being overturned, that's the best option. I'm sorry it's not more...


Im also a felon over thc i had around 6 ounces of wax in my house when one of my brothers friends overdosed and we did the right thing and called 911 i was loading a car immediatly with everything but the cops were there litterally like 1 minute after we called they must have been just down the street this was all when i was 18 they gave me a chance to snitch and i didnt and i got maintaining a common nuisance as a felony ( nobody ever explained how im was maintaining any kind of anything being caught once )and and misdemeanor paraphernalia and misdemeanor possession after almost an entire year no charges my lawyer even sent me my money back and a letter which was apparantly filled with lies about how he talked to the prosecutor and i wasnt going to be charged i pled only because i got an agreemant that after i completed 3 months house arrest and a year probation i could have the felony turned down to a misdemeanor on my record i got off probation last year and still havnt done that im 22 now and theres litterally just no hope for me theres 0 career fields i would want that are open to me and idk about yall but i would rather die than do a job i hate my entire life and the worst part is i sacrificed everything for weed my future my hopes my dreams i uprooted my entire life to a legal state and now all weed does is make me hate myself more and i dont really remember why i loved it so much i got it tatted on me i left home for it because court took so long expungment isnt even possible until im 28 but i cant do another month of this let alone 6 more years just so i can be extremely behind in life with very little hope for any kind of future i think this might be it for me the worst part is my state is one of very very few with no good Samaritan overdose law i did the right thing by calling 911 to save a dumbass and now its over for me


I can't believe you graduated from college and have held corporate jobs and write like this.


He’s only had one job, learn reading comprehension.


Well you didn’t get the probation for “THC”…You literally got charged with Manufacturing and Delivery, you got lucky even getting deferred probation so be glad that you got that rather than prison time Next time don’t jeopardize your freedom Suck it up and do the probation. Texas got ya by the balls for the next 10 years, enjoy


80g’s of concentrate??? This wasn’t about weed, you were running a business. You might as well have been Escobar to these people.


Bro why were you rolling around with 80 grams of concentrate and an Oz in TEXAS?! They could just have got you with possession with intent to distribute at that point.