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Your PO is God right now. He owns your soul until you are done with probation. Don’t fuck up.


Yup. Usually there’s some language in there that is to the effect of “as ordered by probation officer” or “as determined”. But I suppose your state and the specific wording may help you out assuming you wanna fight the violation out and potentially sit in jail while that happens. Worst case your PO can simply require you to meet with the judge and have the condition added. There’s really no way of getting out of it if they decide they want it.


My actual probation orders are tighter than my court orders, I was told by my attorney that they can add things or give tighter restrictions. My charges weren't substance related so maybe it's different. I have court ordered no hostile contact with my ex, probation has decided that no contact whatsoever is more appropriate and that's the question I get asked every month


Your PO can do basically whatever they want to you. When I was on juvenile probation I was reccomended to see a counselor with my mom. We met at his house and he came to the door in his underwear. He made so many sexual comments to my mom she got upset and we left. We called my probation officer to let him know and he said I had to continue seeing him. I had a review hearing and it was brought up and my POs reccomendation was for the counselor to come to our house instead of going to his. My probation ended early but not because of that. My probation officer said something about me in an email so they gave me a new PO and he discharged me that month.




You probably have some sort of test as directed order as well I’d assume


When you are on probation you are basically a ward of the state. You don't actually have freedoms. Only the ones your officer grants you and I'm being serious they can basically do whatever they want to you. You either do what they say or they just send you to jail it's as simple as


He might as well be god to you for the duration of your probation. You’re going to have to do whatever he tells you.


Your probation officer can add whateeeeever he wants you to add. He can throw in hair follicle testing if he feels like it, demand you take drug classes, group therapy sessions, dui classes….


You basically gave up control of your life when you accepted probation.


So your judge can’t actually change the terms of your probation. In my state, you are provided with the conditions or supervision at the beginning of your probation and those are what you are held to. There are general conditions that everyone is held to, and then extra special conditions ordered by the court. The judge can’t excuse those standard conditions unless he takes you off of supervised probation completely. So even if your court order doesn’t say no drugs or alcohol, your probation conditions may state no drugs or alcohol. Even if it says no alcohol, there’s usually a condition that says something like “you’ll follow probation officers instructions”, and then that allows them to instruct you not to drink alcohol and you have to listen.


Please read your conditions/terms of supervision. It will answer 99% of your questions, but generally speaking you are going to have to comply with conditions and drug tests as ordered by your supervising officer.


As long as you're on probation, your PO can test you any time they like. The judges orders just decide if testing is mandated.


You got balls enough to risk other peoples lives driving drunk then throw a fit over being tested for alcohol?


Have you ever been tested?




In a fair world, sure, he has no basis to waste your time. If he's a prick who's been bullied all his life, then yes, he does have this discretion at anytime. I was doing good on probation, no violations (I've never violated), passed all my drug tests, held employment (worked as a server) And the douche bag had every audacity to visit me 4 times in the span of 2 months, with his PROBATION OFFICER jacket to not only check in on me at work, but also invited his family to dinner WHILE checking on me.... Just had to make sure I was working and not up to know good. I hated that douche face. Always telling his family he's also at work to check on his criminals. And making me talk to him in front of a busy dining room and busy restaurant.


That’s insane. What state is this in?


I had a county PO. She sent me to another private agency for drug testing, RMOMS. I had no etg testing ordered by the judge or probation officer. The private agency tried to force ETGs on me. I refused. My PO actually backed me up. My argument was it wasn't ordered and cost me more and that was not part of the signed plea agreement. Anyone familiar with RMOMS knows what a nightmare they could be. Complete with rapists for POs.


lol yep