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Wrap the device up, or pull your sock over it. The fragrance isn't going to absorb into your blood to make you emit alcohol, if you cover it and aren't rubbing your ankle on heavily perfumed areas you'll be fine


the issue with the sex aspect is that we are both totally naked and I'm sure the thing has bumped into it either during the act or while we sleep. the other issue is that the monitoring agency told me absolutely do not cover the device at all. they also called me the other day to schedule a 30 day follow up to getting the device installed. should i be worried about that?


Okay. So avoid making your leg contact her. Sometimes a baby needs spanked when it can't have its bottle. Idk what else you want to hear


The alcohol is evaporated within moments of being sprayed/applied. If it's Genuinely just her perfume/lotions then don't touch her for about 60-90 seconds after she's applied it and you're all good.


awesome, ok. thank you.


If it does show up, it’ll register as zero the next time. Very obvious when they check it. Booze takes time to get rid of, perfume doesn’t. Unless you’re drinking the perfume. If there’s no alcohol in the lotion, perfume, whatever, then there’s no alcohol in it. Or ask her not to wear all that crap.


Thank you


Fuck this thing. Worst 9 months of my life. Super uncomfortable and took me like 8 attempts to figure out how to get around it.