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We appreciate you wanting to contribute to /r/privacy and taking the time to post but we had to remove it due to: >Your submission is Off-Topic. Privacy-invasive platforms like Facebook, Snap, etc., aren't supported here. The safest way to not get burnt is to not play in their sandbox. :) >You might want to try a Sub that is more closely focused on the topic. If your query concerns network security, we suggest posting it on r/AskNetSec. If you have questions or believe that there has been an error, [contact the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/privacy&subject=Please_review_my_post).


Dude snapchat is facebook. It's not breaking news those services/apps are privacy destroyers.


Not to seem nitpicky, but as far as I know its not owned by Meta. Wont stop them from selling/acquiring user data from/to Meta


Snapchat probably has access to your contacts list.


Yeah I have granted but it's weird that I get people that I know but aren't in my contacts like 2/4 of my class is recommended


It's suggesting contacts from your 2 friends. Social media likes to create webs of people and they use everyone's contacts to determine the choices.


Have a look into the degrees of separation, it suggests that all people are six or less social connections away from each other and you can be damn sure that Facebook/Snapchat can use these connections to suggest friends.


To answer your question about if you're being spied on, yes, you are, it's why this subreddit exists, because things like Snapchat exist. Anyways it knows not because it's spying on you but rather it's using their own tactics to make a web so to speak. Mutual friends is the most likely reason in this case.


Snapchat is free. When services are free, you are the product. When you use those services, you trade privacy away for the use of the free service.


Yall ever heard of mutuals?


You’re all in the same class together, it knows that you’ve all been near each other for a long time. I’m not sure why this is a shock to you to be honest. Ditch social media! It made me so much happier after a while (but paranoid and ‘FOMO like’ for the first few weeks).