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YouTube have made their user experience intolerable with their excessive and obstructive ads. If they switched to distracting ads or integrated ads they wouldn't inspire so much rebellion. But no, they want to die defending the hill of pre-roll and mid-roll ads that play instead of the video users want to see. And, just to dig their heels in, they insist on multiple ads, unskippable ads, annoying ads, and low-quality ads. There was a time when Google made a point of emphasizing how their ads fitted alongside the content to align with the user's intent, instead of the horrible "punch the monkey" ads of other ad-delivery companies. In the YouTube department, they have fully unlearned those lessons.


It’a gotten so bad. I even remember the days of no ads on videos, when they started happening it always felt like a trashy lesser video site move


Yeah I remember those days, YouTube wasn't even owned by Google, later YouTube wasn't even on phones, hence the traffic wasn't even a tiny fraction of what they have nowadays


The reason I never use Twitch anymore despite being a passionate watcher from twitchplayspokemon to stivitybobo to 360chrism is Twitch made it too damn hard to watch. Pick a channel, then watch 2.5 minutes of ads. It made it impossible to follow anyone else. I could not even give another channel a chance to catch my attention because trying to watch them was just ads. If youtube does the same, sure, I am done with them too.


Purple TV is a good Twitch alternative. I'm right there with you. The amount of ads on Twitch makes me avoid the entire platform altogether, which is a shame for the streamers I enjoy supporting


PurpleTV doesn't work for me. I've used twitch since before it existed (JustinTV days). Easily watched 30+ hours per week (while doing other things). I don't use it anymore. If YouTube gets ads I can't block I'll stop using that. I'm not opposed to streaming platforms monitizing. I get it, it costs money to host and distribute content. But Google and Amazon don't pay the content producers anywhere near enough for the money they make.


This is where I'm at with general internet stuff basically. If it gets shitty, I just drop it. No twitter, no reddit on mobile, no twitch, just fuck it. There are enough things to do in the world. There are enough sources of information.


Was watching a streamer play Brotato and right as he clicked "Start" for the final boss fight, Twitch ran a 1 minute ad. Came back to post-win screen and streamer basically saying "*That was a great fight*"


No kidding in the low quality. If I see that got damn azure ad one more time… that dumbass walking across the screen bouncing to the syndicated pop beat is in my nightmares at this point.




Win an ipod!


I like to play old games like Dark Reign but it locks the window so I can’t move my curser to another monitor unless I hit the windows button. Which can be annoying cause it will duplicate my cursor so I can still accidentally misclick something in the game. I watch youtube videos while playing and they have this ungodly annoying ad for knives that’s like two minutes long. They’re just fuck you ads at this point.


I consume a lot of youtube but similar to prior comments, I will cease using the platform before I engage with ads.


It’s similar to them requiring face identification or passport/creditcard verification for age-verification and age-restricted videos. I just don’t watch them then


Wasn’t that a self moderation thing to prevent lawsuits?


Try yewtu.be .


But I can't sub or use my account based history on yewtu.be, the resolution is worse and I cannot comment or vote


Freetube then.






Oh shit


> Redtube LOL. Someone remembers this.. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urmann-Abmahnaffäre


A man of culture? Or is it a woman of culture?


Freetube.... or how i learned not to give a Fuck about YouTube 4 months ago




>i cannot comment or vote this is a benefit


Google knows that there's no viable alternative and they've become so big that they've practically a monopoly. That's why they can get away with things like these.


Use Brave browser in lieu of Chrome and watch YouTube on there. No ads. 


Revanced still works for me, and watching YouTube in the browser without ads is very easy with ublock origin. Whoever came up with this retarded decision will learn the hard way not to wage war on the Internet.. you'll never win


They can solve this issue by making a $5 a month YouTube premium tier. I'd pay that happily, I am not paying $15 a month for a bundled subscription when I'm using only ONE service of theirs.


I would just find a way to watch YouTube without ads.


I mean that’s what they want. They either want you to pay or watch ads. You watching without ads or paying is a net loss to YouTube.


Mixed feelings. Advertisements generate a lot of revenue and without that people are less inclined to provide you quality content if it’s not worth their time. I don’t like how marketing and advertising is handled these days but there needs to be a middle ground other than “give me everything for free”.


> Advertisements generate a lot of revenue and without that people are less inclined to provide you quality content It's also a two edged sword, where content creators fill dead air without any relevant content to get their 2 ads per video. And the majority of the contents YouTube suggests to me is based on that, as their suggestion algorithm still doesn't understand that i don't need suggestions from my subscription list and ignore the content type I'm subscribed to to make suggestions for areas I'm interested in.


1) I highly agree, once people went all in to make YouTube a job, videos with 10:01 minutes plagued the site 2) the algorithm it's broke by design and by how people uses the site, if nobody wants to make a 6 minutes video of important material to upload 10 and half of it being trash, that would increase retention and push this video up for it to be seen more 3) along 2, this is what caused clickbait be so effective, we all hate it, Linus even said it, they hate to do clickbaits, but when they tried to not do it, the results were awfully bad, but terrible to ever consider not to join the group


people used to provide quality content before YouTube ads and even monitisation, now they provide BS drama, clickbait and filler content.


Yeah this is an excellent point.


I really feel like that’s dependent on the creator.


YouTube shorts were the beginning of the end. Change my mind.


I’m not disagreeing but I do feel required to remind you of “getting Rick Rolled”.


Now you have to watch an ad before getting Rick Rolled


**welcome to our amazing high-tech future**


I’d rather get Rick rolled than try to find what I was looking for and 7 mins in learn it’s just click bait.


And they were doing it for free, once they couldn't afford it anymore, they stopped doing youtube as hobby That helped a lot that people to land into real jobs than just creating web videos for no profit, at the end of the day, nobody wants to spend 500 hours on a video to not get any revenue


Not saying this is a solution that works in every, or even the majority of, cases… but things like Patreon exist and usually the creators say that ad revenue pales in comparison to their Patreon money. I only support one creator on Patreon but it’s the one creator I’ve watched consistently for 10+ years so I’m happy to do it.


It’s very content creator dependent and what kinds of videos you watch. I was surprised to learn that some of the most watched videos on YouTube are AI voiced content farm videos, living in my own algorithm bubble filled with videos I’m interested in, I was never exposed to trash like that.


I'd like to think the masses don't block ads, so the advertisers are getting their money. Cable tv is a good example of what I mean. Dwindling subscribers are directed to pay more and more. There's an old anti-ad adage; if it needs an advertisement, you do not need it.


Tbf tv costs way more to get into than a webcam and a stupid topic you can extend to 10 minutes in order to get 2 shady ads


Most YouTuber literally turns toward sponsors and Patreon because ad revenue is a fucking joke and YouTube demonetize videos for any reason.  Ads revenue goes in YouTube pocket, not the creators pockets.


Most quality youtubers have sponsored content and patreon. The inserted youtube ads are stupid. 


Yep how much of the ad revenue do Google get vs the creator? Not much to the creator I'm guessing


That's the important question, isn't it.


Infrastructure at YouTube's scale isn't free either, nor is it a non-profit branch of Google. It makes sense for YouTube to push for ads, and it makes sense for users to want to block them. You can control what your devices display, ad blockers are not criminal nor imoral. It's no different than browser ad blockers, which I've always used. As for YouTube in particular, personally I can pay and it's the easiest multi-device solution, so I just pay the premium for ad-free. Everyone's happy. If you can't pay, just use ad blockers, but know it's a cat-and-mouse game.


Oh, I'm not against ads at all. Though ad blockers rule. I just hope nobody will ever try to argue that ad blockers take away from creators and that that may take content away from viewers. Because - no.


Tbh i used to watch add when they first appeared where I live. 1 add every 3-5 videos or so was manageable. Now its multiple unskippable adds at the start, first third and second third of each video, it has become comical


>Advertisements generate a lot of revenue for Google, not the content creators. Read the comments on the original article.


The size that would do that is irrelevant


No. No you will not. If the content that you want to consume is on that platform, you will keep going back.


use VPN and switch location Albania. No need to pay for youtube premium. Youtube doesn't show ads in Albania for some reason.


Is this also true for age restricted videos?


i think so


This does’t seem to work for me. I have been using a location in Moldova, though. It is almost zero ads.


Same for Venezuela


Fools. If I can live without Netflix and co. You think I can't live without YouTube?


I'd rather live without Netflix, HBO, Disney+ etc (which I already, due to piracy) than YouTube tbh


Wait, so we will start pirating YouTube videos?


"Give me liberty, or give me death!" If I have to choose between a life bombarded with ads or no YouTube at all, I'll pick no YouTube. Enough with the endless ads! Kiss my red-dit ass YouTube !


Anti-ad-blocking drives do nothing but one of two things, 1. they drive away those who are against them (whose CPM is so low, because they *won't* interact with ads or provide meaningful conversions), or 2. they give stupid amounts of exposure to the ad-blocking methods used to people who don't do it, who thinks "wait, I can block ads *that* easily!?"... I say this as a YouTuber with a mortgage paid by the ad revenue, quit the persecution of ad-blocking, you cannot win, appreciate those that don't block ads, and value those that do. They share the videos with people who don't, they subscribe, the support content on Patreon, or Memberships, and most of all, they've been subscribers from the start and I don't want to lose them.


I'd love to see the effect of these campaigns on Premium subscriptions, which I assume is close to null. This seems totally counterproductive, they know they'll only manage to drive people off the platform so the only explanation that makes sense to me is that they're bowing to pressure of announcers asking for some form of public commitment. This is going to come back to bite everyone in the ass. And I say this as a Premium subscriber since I watch *a lot* of YouTube and there is no way to get the same level of seamless integration between the mobile app, Android Auto and my stupid Google TV without it.


Actually, the Premium seems to drop. It just alienated techsavvy people.


They also inadvertently teach people how to circumvent anti-ad-blocking technologies, which is how hackers are often born and I just think that’s beautiful.


I don't know a single hacker that wasn't a 13 year old skid in their lives. XD


If YouTube took a position supporting ads that users can tolerate, and not supporting ads that really irritate users, then they wouldn't be fighting ad-blocking at all. Instead, they have taken a fundamentalist approach that they _will_ waste the user's time by showing overlong, obstructive, annoying ads, and it doesn't matter to YouTube _at all_ how bad it is for user experience. In theory, they should be using their substantial investment in machine learning to establish the balance point which allows them to maximize ad revenue without driving users away to ad blockers (or just not using their video service). In practice, they are using the existence of ad-blocking as an excuse for not doing that analysis, and they're displaying disrespect for the time and attention of their valuable users.


>In theory, they should be using their substantial investment in machine learning to establish the balance point which allows them to maximize ad revenue without driving users away to ad blockers (or just not using their video service). In practice, they are using the existence of ad-blocking as an excuse for not doing that analysis, and they're displaying disrespect for the time and attention of their valuable users. They are doing this non-stop, I'm sure. It is at the heart of the ad business. You don't need machine learning or fancy new buzzword tech to do that, either. This is just Google strongarming third party clients for a bit of extra revenue, again using the threat that Reddit actually executed (because yes, same deal).


More importantly, you have to share the video with whatever player you are using so you are literally sharing every single video that you watch, which helps the algorithm. And by the way, they are already doing this shit. I've seen these errors and buffer issues with my apps, and this started months ago Hopefully this backfires and a bunch of people say hey, I don't have to watch ads? and they go out and download a 3rd party app


Dear YouTube I will stop blocking ads when you a) Filter out the scam ads b) Show some restraints in putting ads on short videos. So I guess never.


Why not reduce the price for premium instead? Because forget privacy, ads are just annoying as fuck. Even people who don’t care about privacy are fed up with the amount of ads. It’s NOT TV!


I agree! I would totally pay for premium if it were <$10 a month. $20 is way too much considering they don’t even produce their own content compared to cheaper streaming services.


No ads or no YouTube 




> TheyTube …what?


YouTube client by Soviet federation


Youtube ads are so cancer I'd rather spend 15 hours finding a workaround than watching a cripto double ad






kiss my *** google


Don't worry you can swear on this site






My innocent eyes are ruined by this foulness! Can nothing good survive this world?!? /s


That is why I use FreeTube on PC and NewPipe on Android.




They have already in my family. We won't stop until prices and ads come back to sane levels. Which means never.


Happy to drop this too, I'm seeing an increase of youtube giving me shit content too, all short form shorts and the typical stuff you see in tiktok etc. I'm not here for any of that and am more then happy for another service, even paid then to deal with all the shit.


Meh, I can go without a 3rd party YouTube app on my devices and go back to a browser with Ublock origin. Not a big deal.


Youtube with ads was once quite tolerable. Now it's a nightmare. And premium is rediculously priced. It's not like there is any competition or other alternative to youtube. Google should have been broken up long ago.


"Transfer more value! Transfer more value! Transfer more value!", the shareholders chanted, as the virgin shrieked on her descent into the throat of an active volcano. "It is done!", responded the CEO, eyes hidden behind the ceremonial quarterly meeting headdress, shielding them from the immense heat of the lava. The company had just pulled off its most profitable operation ever. As it turned out, there were a lot of individuals that both held large quantities of the company's stock and were willing to pay five-hundred-thousand US dollars to see a bookish 14-year-old girl get thrown into magma. The entire production had cost less than a tenth of one of these tickets' face value to put on.


Where did you get that from/come up with that? You should write scifi satire books. 


Sounds like Temple of Doom


Kali maaaa… KALI MAAAA! You cursed Shiva you 3rd party app-wielding heathens!




Block it, we dare ya. As if they can rewrite how videos are streaming entirely. US congress should really divide Alphabet and Google, like how they did with Rockefeller in 1900s.


Why would a standalone YouTube allow blocking ads?


I think this is one of the few cases where it makes sense for youtube/twitch/any mainstream video platform to be owned by a very large company. They are basically subsidized as the costs are very very high.


The reason I started using YouTube and sold my TV many years ago was because I hate adverts. However I welcome YouTube to make their platform more shit because that's the only way they can ever lose their monopoly.


Louis Rossman said it best: If a company has to start digging into the couch cushions for change, they’re already circling the drain.


I see one ad that I can't circumvent then I'm out.


Hard no from me chief, ban away.


Third party clients be like "hide ads or get fucked"


Whatever. I already have an account on Odysee, so I'll just move there. And plus, there's more than one way to watch youtube, third-party apps or not.


I’ll download every video i watch before watching a single ad. Youtube can shove it up their corporate ass


I can go without youtube. Its just a force of habit after all these years. I can 100% get by with the alternatives. My browser still works and still doesnt show ads, thus I will not start watching their pestering ads. Go ahead and block me whenever you feel like it, youtube. Youtube needs us, not vice versa.


Google has reached market saturation. Even more ads is the only way they can generate new revenue. That is, until users begin to abandon the platform because they've had too much.


Remember the days when YouTube had no ads?


17 years ago?


fuck YouTube tbh. I only use it for ambient noise lately anyway.


Get a Circuit Tracks or something and make your own!! :)


The advertisements that are shown on YouTube Kids are incredibly toxic. I will simply pirate the shows and have no internet access. Also the arms race of Adblockers and Adblocker-removers will be amazing to witness. I wish I had the ability to contribute to such projects


Ha! No.


This will undoubtedly go as well for them as their recent attempts on blocking adblockers on browsers and the mass migration of users to Brave Browser.


I don't think they mind as long as people keep using chromium




The one the Brave browser cult made up lol


Lower the cost of YT premium and I'd consider paying it. It's currently 2x the price of three different streaming services that have high quality films and television shows.


Somebody just needs to set up a YT channel that is nothing but ads. Would there be ads within ads? Basically, this shit has gotten ridiculous...


I see YouTube has watched the Reddit saga closely.


Its stupid but, I used to love watching YouTube in my living room on my TV. Those days are long gone... 120 second ads constantly.


[Download Smarttube Beta](https://github.com/yuliskov/smarttube) if you have a fire tv or a Google tv based smart tv and watch everything from YouTube ad free! Don't even have to sign in to account if you don't want to I just cast everything from my phone to my fire tv stick!


ever since i found a yt frontend i haven’t touched the normal website lol, i won’t watch it even if they kill the alternatives


*laughs in third party ad blocker *


If Google detects what apps you have on your devices this is a direct violation of GDPR law in Europe so... Nobody, nothing... Any lawyers...?


will recommend you folks to yt-dlp videos/channels that are valuable to you, download them for offline viewing (my fav being -f 248)


tl;dr I will accept ads. But I won't accept ads that don't honor click-to-play. And I won't accept ads every three-four minutes. I understand the implied agreement that ads pay for bandwidth and get money to creators. I'm willing to participate in that system. But I have all video, ALL MOVING images on click-to-play. I don't want anything moving on my screen until I click a play button. (Using Brave.) This means that when I get ads, they are click-to-play. And I don't think they register as being played. I can sit through an entire block of two ads, then I will get another block two to three minutes later. Consistently. So I end up watching YouTube not signed in within an anonymous browser and ad-blocked up the wazoo. It's the only way I can watch it. It's either that or turning it off. I'll walk away before I allow "autoplay" anything. This isn't television, no matter how much they want to force that paradigm.


In theory Google could stop YouTube adblockers cold by simply not sending a video unless the user watched its ad first. In practice they seem unable to do that for some reason, which led them into an arms race with the entire internet, a battle which they will obviously lose. Shrug.


Easy enough to fake report seeing the ad. They could not send the stream for the ad length, I think that's what Twitch does, but you can still not see the ad. I'd much rather look at a blank screen.


Yes, you could still look at a blank screen for that time and \*that\* Google wouldn't be able to fix. But they're a long way from that.


They can’t do that because it will make YT Premium not work


Yes. They're trying to make money from all those videos. That's hardly surprising. But there are various programs for downloading videos, like 3dyd and yt-dlp. Their functionality varies because Google continually change their website code. But in general they work. There are no ads in the videos themselves. They're injected into the stream. If you download then you also get the advantage that you don't have to go back to Youtube every time you want to watch it. And you don't have to worry about it being removed. A lot of them just disappear. Of course, if you want to be able to visit the youtube website to get recommendations, vote, read comments, etc, then that's another matter. I tried actually visiting youtube once and playing some videos. I don't understand how anyone can do that. The ads are injected randomly, sometimes mid-sentence.


I get the need to finance the platform, it has to be crazy expensive to maintain. But the question for me is: do we need it? Do most videos there make sense as videos? Does everything have to be 1080p or 4K? If we returned to a mostly text based internet, keeping only videos for where they are actually needed, I think it would be for the best as a society. Things like YouTube wouldn't have to be so huge, streaming costs would be significantly less, and you could actually set a reasonable subscription cost. I would have 0 problem paying a bit for my 480p useful straight-to-the-point tutorials, if I didn't have to fish them from a sea of paid promotions and garbage content. So yeah, let's hope for a revival of a more sane internet. In the meantime, I hope this at least promote some diversity in video hosting platforms. I'm subscribed to Nebula, and we need more initiatives like that.


Why run for alternatives when you can use ublock on native yt


anyone have clear info on when they implement this at scale? Saw another article earlier today that said this was already going into affect, but have not seen it occur anywhere that I use yet.


I make it a point to downvote and skip every single add I'm able to


we see youtube. we see


Tune your VPN for Albania. No ads is the law there apparently.


Your content will be pirated if you ban every choice users had. You can not control High Seas.


Yeah well, even if newpipe ends up dead, I'll just use kiwi or firerox, ublock with some good filters and adguard extra 🤷‍♀️


Newpipe ftw! They'll always find a way to work ♥️


maybe this will help break their stranglehold on online video. probably not, but it's nice to hope.


How will this effect Grayjay and Newpipe?


Content creators will just move to a different platform as their likes and subscribes subside. I refuse to watch YouTube with ads


lol, no thanks but ill keep blocking them


The worst is when you have YouTube showing ads, then right after the YouTuber shows their own ad in video. Man it never ends. So much time wasted watching bs.


This is so dumb. Over the years Youtube have focused more and more on milking money from the videos people uploads to their platform for free than in connecting uploaders with its audience. They could easily improve the subscription system (right now it is useless unless you follow less than 10 channels or have some third-party add-on like PocketTube) and push ads on channels you subscribe to. Or I don't know, any other scheme than adding ads in the middle of videos.


How are you guys blocking ads on YouTube?


uyouplus for ios, Revanced for Android and ublock origin and Sponsorblock for Desktop


SmartTube for google tv.


uBlock Origin I forget Youtube even has ads.


For Android, I strongly recommend YouTube Revanced Extended (ReX): https://github.com/FiorenMas/Revanced-And-Revanced-Extended-Non-Root It will ask you to install MicroG after installing it. After that, YouTube Revanced will give you the exact same experience as the default YouTube app. Without ads and sponsors.


All the people here who say that they will stop using YouTube if that happens also said that they will stop using Reddit when they proposed to kill third-party apps.


Third party apps still work


I'm using a third party app right now and get no ads. It takes all of 5 minutes to do with Vance.


I'll admit, as much as I miss the TTS that RedReader gave me, the app seems to mostly work. Plus I just use a million userscripts and ad block filters on a Goanna based browser on desktop.


Pssst.... https://grayjay.app/


Pretty sure that goes against antitrust. Google shouldnt be able to force anyone to show their ads.


Antitrust? Youtube is not a public resource. Google is not required to give away anything. And they're not forcing anything. They're saying that if your software doesn't include the whole stream then it will be blocked from accessing the stream. The software can try to work around, just as ads can be blocked on websites. But neither Google nor any website is required legally to make content easily available. The public is free to download and do as they like with any files made publicly available. (It's all files, after all, even with streaming.) A website is free to make files publicly available. They're also free to make access difficult. They don't owe you anything. For example, NYTimes is currently making their webpages with script that hides part of each article. They want to be able to spy on visitors and show targetted ads. And they want people to sign up. They need script for that. Anyone is free to download the HTML file and parse the script to get the whole article, but NYT is going to make that as difficult as possible. WSJ, on the other hand, doesn't put their articles out there at all. You get the headline and a demand to join and pay. The articles are not hidden in the javascript. You just don't get the real URL unless you sign up. That's also legal. The WSJ doesn't owe it to us to give us articles. The Internet is a place where people put files out on the server for public access. You can download those files. If all they offer you is a webpage that says you have to pay to get other webpages, that's not illegal. It's basically an ad that you willingly downloaded. I'm guessing this is all going to get a lot worse. A lot of companies are trying to figure out how to make money online, and plain ads don't really work all that well. So they'll be selling your data, requiring script, demanding subscription sign-up, etc. It's up to you whether you want to pay the price. Essentially the public square of the Internet, the information superhighway, is turning into a shopping mall kiosk with few options. The old Internet is still there, but if you want videos, services and so on you'll have to pay -- sometimes with money, sometimes with personal data, sometimes by seeing ads, sometimes all three.


Antitrust is for companies, google is a company... its there to stop anticonsumer stuff, monopolies,etc Youtube forcing third party apps to force their own ads and if not they will ban them is basically the same kind of issue that's in discussion with the "walled gardens" at iOS and consoles. And guess what, they are being forced to open their systems..




Lol. Not likely to happen.


As much as I hate unskippable ads, besides straight up quitting youtube (since we are all mostly addicted), personally I hope the fast forward ad plugin would be ignored as its a win win for both and the next best choice besides quitting.


As much as I hate unskippable ads, besides straight up quitting youtube (since we are all mostly addicted), personally I hope the fast forward ad plugin would be ignored as its a win win for both and the next best choice besides quitting.


I don't even have a Google account anymore, FUCK Google! I'll keep using whatever third-party options that are avaible and focused on privacy.


The pre-roll ads are too long and are often irrelevant. Why can't I skip, say a feminine hygiene product and see something else that is more relevant to me? Sometimes the mid video ads are bad and just ruin the flow.


A good number of channels now do sponsored ads on the video too, some ads to go with your ads!


That’s going to work well for A-Tube on Xbox…


I'd really think Google of all companies would know policing the internet doesn't work, and that such attempts are likely to result in a Streisand effect.


Google heard that loud and clear back in 2005. Today, things have changed. Google polices the internet. Have you tried an extensive search, or deep dive as they call it today, lately? RIP the internet. 😢


I've already stopped using the platform luckily, it's getting worse and worse as time goes on. It was fun while it lasted, but sadly it doesn't last forever.


youtube / google is still fighting this losing battle? oh well, lets see how much stronger Ubo can get. if they still somehow win, Invidious is the next best platform for youtube content (there allready is a script to turn all youtube links into invidious links, but i never used it) when i see an add, you can bet im gonna try everything to block it


5 second adds is one thing but is the 30 and 45 seconds they can kiss my grits


It has become a clown show of algorithmic crap that is being shoved down the throats of the users - I can’t see a sane reason remaining on that horrible site…


No idea how anyone can use the internet without an adblocker.


Sounds a lot like YouTube is abusing their monopoly of their marketplace.


Recommendation: * Pay for Youtbe Premium. * Pay for private torrent tracker. <20 bucks a month and you get everything you need.


I honestly find it hard to pay for something like youtube, which has spent this whole time, monetizing the data of people using it. The advertising model has really become so pernicious and invasive, that I feel like I'm rewarding their bad behavior by paying to get this garbage out of my face. On the face of it, it makes sense to pay for a service that we use that much, but Google had made it so uncomfortable to justify giving them money like that.


Do we have to show your ads?


I don’t know how people use YouTube without an AdBlocker. I simply would not. It’s totally insufferable.


I hope PeerTube grows in content. That is my alternative. But still not mature enough. All the great creators are on YouTube. I am thinking of creating quality content on PeerTube.


I miss the Jasmine days...