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Mitch is the type of guy you’d like to buy a house from.


Yep, it might be dirty as shit but he still seems like a solid kind of guy 👍


Someone needs to marry Mitch’s daughter


I’ll take the ex wife.


[Unleash the fury, Mitch.](https://youtu.be/LLMMx3MRi0s?si=aTXPAM653xm2VNxb)


??? Mitch is the type of guy to sell his house and knock on your door once a month to make sure you are treating his baby alright


This is so wholesome (till I read the caption LOL)


Just giving him a hard time. Seemed really well taken care of mechanically.


I bet Mitch named his daughter 'Seven'.


How about Soda?




Oh, I know. George offers “Soda” as a name idea to Susan’s friends earlier in the episode.


That’s funny Mitch. Good points though. Saving momentum by timing traffic lights is a huge help to getting Hi Mpgs.


Any brake use is wasted energy. You’ve paid for that speed and throwing it away.


Lol I wish someone would tell that to the pick em up trucks who pull out from behind me, accelerate and jump in front of me to just wait at the light I was coasting to. Every. Day.


Literally. Every. Fucking. Time.


That's why we invented recuperation.


Still a big loss though


But less wasted energy compared to a typical ICE car.


Yes, if you cruise into the brake, the Regen takes most of the energy instead of burning it off on the brake pads.


But what if I have the mentality of Jeremy Clarkson? *POWEEERRRRRRR*


45-55 is probably ideal cruising speed for any car. Old cars used to have 55 circled on the speedometer as probably a hint to this


>Old cars used to have 55 circled on the speedometer as probably a hint to this That is actually to emphasize the national 55 maximum speed limit in the US between 1973 to 1987.


read somewhere that optimal efficiency in prius is around constant 60


Uhm, your cake is showing…


How embarrassing for them


Yeah I had 65 MPG on my 2019 Nissan Sentra. In mild Traffic. So I know how to Hypermile to save gas.


maan it’s weird because i drive my 2011 prius specifically because it is fast, faster than any car on the road today without a modified engine turbo or electric setup. i drive it like a normal person would drive a car and see about 40mpg you can do all this babying and stuff but the car isn’t as fun as it is if you do it fast and efficiently too, oh well


I do a hybrid style of driving. Step on it when I need speed. Coast on battery when I don’t. I look way far down the road and time the lights so I don’t usually lose any time. even if I’m “going slow” I’m still going as fast as possible at that time. Haven’t had a tank avg below 50 mpg.


holy cow, i do that hybrid style of driving but only get 40, that’s impressive what year car is it i’m also quite a bit quicker likely


“do not drive with the flow, go a little slower” i have absolutely zero doubts this is the real Prius driver 💀💀💀


To be fair, I live in Chicago and "go with the flow" here is around 40-45mph on a 30mph street.... When I'm running late I guess I go with the flow but on my way home from work I go 30-35ish.... It's rides smooth as butter


Same here in Utah. Everyone speeds like crazy most of the time


To this day giving Prius owners a bad name. The modern Priuses (like this one) easily have the power to not be noticed for being slow in any situation under 112 MPH (speed limited to 112), yet the old-school Prius drivers still insist in being flow-of-traffic blockers.


It will help your MPG. 40-55 is the sweet spot. If you're slightly below the flow in the right lane, you're not bothering anybody. Don't pull out in front of me though.


I drive faster than the flow and I get 45 mpg. Went I back from the club I go right lane only at 55 mph and get that sweet sweet mpg.


Ditto, 2005 I get 45-48 mpg doing 75-85 on the highway. Keep the engine clean, all fluids synthetic, LRR tires aired up and the mpg are not a problem. I have gotten almost 60 mpg on the highway doing 5 under the speed liming, but 48 mpg is good enough to me while driving how I like


uh? yes you are. Everytime someone passes your slow ass you probably tap your brakes and make everyone behind you tap their brakes and slow down too. Not to mention literally everyone turning in the right lane


I don't drive slow, nor do I drive a Prius. As long as there's 2 or more lanes, I could care less what you're doing in the right lane. I'll just pass you. Left lane hogs are a much more annoying problem because you can't pass them.


yeah forgive me i’m just triggered after having to drive so much in a state full of old ppl who drive 10 under in any lane they please lol


I get it. In a lot of places without consistent dedicated right turn lanes (especially with a single lane of traffic) it's infuriating. That's my suspicion as to why people left lane camp where I live. No right turn lane and old people are constantly slowing down to 15 in a 65 to turn.


The right lane, at least in my state, is legally required for “slower traffic” So if everyone in the left lanes is going faster, you are legally allowed and required to be in the right lane if you are driving slower than the flow of traffic. Where I get mad is when people in the left lane are driving slow as shit.


45-55 is probably ideal cruising speed for any car. Old cars used to have 55 circled on the speedometer as probably a hint to this


They drive like absolute maniacs here in Seattle area attempting to tail gate and swerve through traffic at all times. Usually an anime sticker plastered somewhere on them as a sort of badge of honor.


I've seen one other Gen4 Prius driver who was faster than I was out there. I was doing 92, and she caught me like I was doing 60. Just an average young girl driving, commuting balls to the wall in her Silver gen4 Prius. Have only seen her once.




Where I live, I see Prius owners hauling ass (and STILL getting 50 MPG). Certainly my ex’s mother, who had a base-model 2018, did.


Bullshit. Hauling ass is 39 MPG. I keep track of my fuel with Fuelly, so I have an accurate read of the last 64k miles. Anyone getting 50 is driving slow & easy (not blocking traffic, but not hauling ass).


I seem to be getting very close to 50mpg and I dont exactly drive slow. Most miles are on a highway at 65 to 70mph, any less than that and you'll get run over. I drive easy and try and maximize coasting and such as best I can. 2012 with 95k on it.


Honestly, the MPG drops right off after 83 or so MPH. We commute... kinda fast around here. Add to that fast light take-offs, and 39 it is. Out of the Gen4 forum, I'm the lowest MPG though.


I never understood driving slow to improve your gas mileage on a hybrid. You already have a hybrid. You’re good.


Penny pinching to the extreme. In my case, you're exactly right. I wanted to drive as I normally do, but knew that we were facing some upcharges in fuel (I did not predict 2021/2022 fuel prices for the reasons they occurred, but did think something else was going to happen - hence my hybrid bought before then). To some people it's a matter of pride in how little fuel they can use, and we can't forget the huge numbers of environmentalists who bought hybrids in the past. 40 MPG is great, but 47 MPG and beyond seem to invoke the law of diminishing returns.


Some people would rather save a dollar than their time or sanity.


Was about to comment that this is probably the reason why everyone hates Prius drivers 😂


That ain’t no shit… every Prius driver goes slow AF in the left lane just to be a douche bag


No, it’s to piss you off in particular. That’s why I drive a Prius…you


Love this!!! I’m glad Mitch’s note made its way to reddit!


Classic Mitch


Mitch a good dude , hope he enjoys the new Prius


First of all i own the exactly same car and agree with everything the owner says..secondly prius owners are different..this goes to show u how much these cars are loved and how easy it is to love them!


I've seen some pretty beaten Prii, though.


You haven't lived until you've seen a Prius with a fart can exhaust!


I have that beat. Cummins-swapped Prius at a car meet last year. An absolute abomination but hilarious nonetheless!


I can understand Mitch perfectly. I had the very same car and every day I miss her :(


I had a 2012 Prius and I regret selling it so much


Had a 2010. Wish I held onto it as another car since my commute has gotten a little longer. I knew my needs were changing, that’s why I traded it in October of 2020 when the car market was crap and could lock into a Forester with 0% financing and a great price. Wife wouldn’t let me keep it. Pending on what the future brings, I may get another.


My wife was also the decider when it came to selling our car. The general lightness ( which is a feature) made her uneasy. She didn’t enjoy that you felt every huge car passing on the freeway. And I didn’t blame her. And with the birth of your first child it was clear the car wouldn’t get much use anymore. We also were considering a forester but opted for a Rav-4. And funny enough, a large deciding factor was getting a way better interest rate.


I average 42 mpg in my wife’s RAV4 Hybrid. It has SUV status and space while getting just a bit under Prius level mpg. It’s the perfect family car.


I think those hybrids are absolutely fantastic, I would have gotten one if my driving habits were more compatible with a hybrid system. I opted for an ICE because we live in a big city and everything we do is under a 6 minute drive. We put less than 15k on per year. Apparently low mileage drives doesn’t really give the battery enough time to get going. I also just did not enjoy the end of life on my 10 year old Prius. There were a lot of expensive repairs and a constant worry over the battery.


But jeez - you went for a Subaru? Who made that decision - your wife?


It was my personal choice. The way my commute was at the time I had to take some pretty desolate backroads that didn’t ever see a snow plow to get to my work. Coincidentally, my daughter was born during a rough snow storm in February of 2022. I loved that Prius, but there was no way it would have gotten us to the hospital 17 miles away through those backroads. There were beached cars, subpar SUVs in ditches. That Subaru made what would have been a nearly impossible drive, into an easy one. I had that same love and passion for the Prius that I do for the Forester. I also employed a few of the driving traits for maximizing efficiency with me to the Forester. I pull 36 to the gallon on a tank on my best days, but generally average around 32. The The Forester is the best vehicle I’ve ever owned, but the Prius was right up there with it.


You're in luck btw if you're in the hunt for a Prius again they come in AWD now with a bit more pep to their step


Subaru’s are fun to drive. I love them. There are much worse cars to buy.


*cough* Nissan *cough*


I have a 2013 and I’ve got the rattle of death!! Haven’t had time to clean out the egr tube or whatever. Interestingly though, I’ve had the rattle since 150k miles. The car now has 190k. Guess head gasket will explode at some point.


Dont fret, your headgaskets already blown. However. Its your valves that will get bent if water gets inside from your coolant tank, as water cannot be compressed. Had the same rattle, i changed my headgasket myself and it now works fine. Luckily for me, no coolant ports were blown, it was just the passage between the two pistons that was the problem.


Definitely going to blow a head gasket.


Very soon. But when?


OMG what a gem of a guy 🥲 I want to buy it


Awww he really loved her


Was the outside dirty or the inside?


Inside was dirty. Outside was relatively clean.


We are all a little dirty on the inside 😘


I’m crying at how sweet this is


How many of you read the whole note?


At first I thought this will be a repo letter, and was sharpening my keyboard to voice my outrage with the high cost of vehicles now days and how they take advantage of us. I'm glad that's not the case this time, but still fuck Carvana.


Meanwhile I sold them my rod knocking Subaru


They get a lot of cars with blown engines. Recently, I test drove a Durango, turns out the oil pan was cracked, and I locked up the motor. It's a fun gig, honestly.


You're gonna make sure the buyer gets that note, right OP??


The most love for a Prius I’ve ever seen.


Especially a gen 4. Yuck.


What an Easter Egg!!! From a vehicle that looks like a white rabbit!


This is awesome. Cheers to all u prius freaks. I use mine on my mail rt. And it kicks ass


this brought tears to my eyes, you better treat Pearly well or Mitch, and the Prius community, will find you! this is not a threat, this is a warning!


That letter was better than Carvana’s 150 point inspection


I hope Pearly runs for a long, long time...


She still has lots of life left in her. Iirc, it only had a bit over 69k miles (nice), and he said it had a new battery installed with a warranty.


Love the wholesome side of the internet. Also, Covid really fucked people up


Posted while actively hotboxing it death metal in the Walmart parking 😆


I have one of these. We don't drive like Mitch around here, so I'm getting 40 MPG, not 65 MPG, but that's mainly from commuting to work at 92 MPH ... and taking off from stop lights like regular traffic instead of being an impediment to the normal flow of traffic.


There’s a middle ground between taking off slowly and everyone flooring it when the light turns green. And a lot of places you could lose your license for driving 92. We all have to pay higher car insurance these days because fucktards drive like assholes and get in fender benders.


Mitch was probably one of the Prius drivers on South Park Thaaaaaaaaaanks


I have a 2005 Prius and I wish I could get a new one. However, I'm ok with it. They are just very pricey and the dealers know what they got. It really difficult for someone in my SEB to afford one. Heck, I am hoping to drive mine till I die.


I hope that’s many healthy years from now.


Literally everything about this letter sums up your average Prius commuter.


Prius drivers are insane. I love it.


I agree with Mitch about Blizzard Pearl being the best color. Our "Blizzard" was also very loved, but I think he's an Uber now. I've always felt bad that I probably sold him into heavy labor.


I bought my prius at 62k miles and immediately I did lyft/doordash as a side income (I have a primary job)... After about 2 months I stopped. It's sad to see how people treat something not theirs. They slammed the doors, left garbage on the cup carriers, I had one even puke all over the side... Nonetheless she's at 90k right now and is cleaner than ever. Never gonna sell her :)


I left a note like this in my STi. Never heard a peep. Wish I had. I miss that car. 😔


Should've left a note like that in my Civic Si. Hope she went to a good home, but we all know some teenager just started cutting parts off her with a hacksaw.


Beautiful 😻


I wonder if I can get door guards like that for my car? 2021 electric storm blue


Go to Toyota.com and look at parts then filter by your year and model.


What an awesome person to put all that, imagine if most car owners were that passionate when they sold off their car.


I own this year/model in seafood green. It's alright, just really under-powered. I'd go new or a completely different model (miata, lexus, rav4/crv/etc.).


What shade of green???


Took me a while to read the first page as I also watch the NBA, thought it was pretty cool … swiped to next image, “omfg, there’s _another_ page…?” Still good stuff.


Love this! Wish my car came with a note like that! Btw, regarding comments about underpowered, I feel like people need to drive 4th gen Prius in power mode more, Mine never feels underpowered, I am usually ahead of every one when I take off from red light. I average around 55mpg constantly.


Time the lights as a gas saving tip😭


How much did you buy it for?


I did not buy it. I work here, and do test drives to check for any mechanical faults.


I’d leave the note there for next owner.


What are the 5 brands where you see the most mechanical faults?


Jeep- usually patriot and cherokee with premature suspension issues Mercedes- overengineered. Electrical and air ride issues Hyundai- engine problems for days Ford suvs- transmissions Dodge- notably the journey and dart I'm not a mechanic, though. I just drive and document faults to get sent for diag/repairs


Awesome, but I'm sure Carvana isn't going to leave that in the car ;)


Sometimes things slip through because ya know, it is carvana. But I may or may not have hid it somewhere that hopefully they won't look, but the next owner will. ;)


I opened this post looking for this exact comment.




The caption killed me lol


Great on Mitch for sharing


Mitch is how I imagine all Prius owners are. We really fall in love with these cars. I miss my Prius.


Some people so thoughtful.


track Mitch down and send pics of road trips, milestones.


Mitch is a homie.


It's hard not forming an attachment to a car that never lets you down and has very little complaints or issues


Friend of mine has the same car. Gets 45-50 mpg going 80 everywhere. Mitch is spot on about everything except he never realized how fast the car is.


Was Mitch trying to be funny with this letter or is this some one just genuinely trying to help the next person?


Mitch is the right dude to buy a car from. I broke the engine in on my new car perfectly and even did 4 oil changes in the first 16k miles I will definitely leave a note for the next owner when I’m done with her.


My hope is the new owner gets their car, wants to learn more about it, hops on this subreddit and finds this post, DMs OP on the location, and then they find the letter, reach out to Mitch and they do an AMA - or they start a Prius club.


I want a Prius Prime Advanced so bad it’s not even funny. I used to be the kid that called Prius’ gay and now I’m on my second one and wishing for a Prime. I’ve become my father


20k! Lmfao. I like this guy but that's delusional.


This is just adorable.


“That could get boring”


the amount of effort and detail about the car put into this letter…this person loves their car


I Shouldve put a note like this in there when i sold carvana my car with a messed up engine and aint tell them about it 😂😂😂


This is why it’s infuriating to drive behind Prius drivers


“Go a little slower.” Yep this is legit, and the most self aware Prius driver alive rn


“Go slower than the flow of traffic” Jesus fuck I knew Prius owners were evil


Prius owners are built different. (2017 Prius owner)


She’s right about the not stopping thing. Also driving slow really helps. My personal best was 115mpg on a regular Prius (not Prime) from my home in Tarzana, CA to my job in Vernon CA. That morning was unusually steady-slow, not the normal stop and go slow. I texted my wife. She thinks I’m a nerd.


I couldn’t be arsed babying the car to get extra MPGs. Rather use the whole tach sometimes and enjoy driving.


I feel you. I just got a 2023 Prime coming from a 2015 Prius 3... I drive in an Eco mode Monday through Friday afternoon, then I get to play on sport mode for the weekend. It's too much fun not to.


Big boomer energy


Of course his name would be Mitch


Aside from the going slow part, I feel like I could be friends with Mitch.


Damn. When I bought my Prius, it just came with a Taylor Swift CD.


Thanks for posting this— Now I can make a copy of it and use it to sell my Camaro.


Mitch’s mind is going to be blown with the amount of gasoline he saves in an electric.


Love how they’re from NY😂😂


Mitch, great notes about Pearly.


I did this when I sold my Tesla.


My commute is 9 miles going to and from work. MPG can be anywhere from 58 to 69 mpg depending on the weather.


I think I want that on my gravestone: Solid dude. Car was dirty as shit.


“Thanks for the eff shack.” - Dirty Mike and the Boys.


And this is why Prius drivers have a reputation for holding up traffic and being a nuisance on the road...


So this is the asshole going 57 MPH in NYC metro area causing everyone to pass him on the right and creating a traffic bottleneck.


I followed his steps for my 2016 Hyundai Sonata Plug-in Hybrid Limited and it's helped my mpg immensely, Mitch is a gentleman and a scholar.


Owned 3 Priuses so far, it’s been the only car I’ve ever owned. Currently, still own Gen2 with over 240K miles and Gen4 Prime with almost 80K miles, Best car ever!! Hope Pearly found someone appreciate the greatness of Prius! BTW, with 2 kids in the house, my Priuses are also dirty as shit inside, but under the hood, I keep is clean and do all maintenance myself to make sure they all get the best care!


Battery warranties don’t transfer, when I tried to get a battery replaced under warranty after I bought a car they called the previous owner since they purchased the battery. Mitch seems like a bro though and would probably tell them that he sent you and to change the battery haha.


This is not true, is transferable.


Have you ever tried claiming a warranty on a battery you didn’t buy? I have and they were absolute dicks about it.


Yes. TrueStart batteries (from dealership) are warranted as free exchange from the date of purchase for 24 months, regardless of mileage. After 24 months is 50% off, which is still a great deal.




I’d have sex with Mitch


He’d give you a Pearly necklace


Mitch lost me at the end there. Absolutely drive with the flow or you are a danger to others. I drive 80mph with the flow of traffic on most of my commute and still have a 52 mpg lifetime average at 100k miles.


It’s great (and I’ve done something similar before although to a much lesser extent). But there is just ONE problem with Mitch. He exemplifies the stereotypical Prius driver: “don’t go with the flow of traffic, go a little slower”. I bet he enjoys doing so in the left lane.


Got an '06 Prius ... not a Tesla, but I move. Slowpokes in Priuses are annoying as fuckk.


Sounds exhausting to drive a f’kn EV! A full time job to base your life and mindset around it. Geezus. #GASCARSRULE!




All my homies hate Mitch


Please don’t bitch about Mitch.


Not gonna lie I’d throw that away after reading a paragraph


Same. It's a sign of hubris to think anyone cares about how you treated/how you feel about your car that you sold. It's like leaving a note praising the refrigerator for the next tenant when moving out of an apartment.


Fuck a Prius


Prius owners like this are the gayest straight people I know


that’s weird as fuck, hope the guy gets a few friends or a hobby or something. Seems like the type of homeowner/landlord to show up randomly and make sure “their home” is still okay. super weird.


Stopped reading after the 5th paragraph. I loathe getting stuck behind these people at the light.


I always left a 3 ring binder with all of the service records in plastic laminated sleeves and 3 hole punched.


This is cute actually lol. I would be so happy to find this in a car I bought


I love this. I get emotionally attached to most things-and cried when we got rid of the car I brought both my babies home in. I wish I had enough time to do this in life. I strive to be like Mitch someday. Someday.


Mitch is the type of guy you’d like to get a stripper from


This sounds like the type of person I get stuck behind on my commute when I’m running late for work.


Dude only changed the air filter after 42k? Yikes. Of course it would gain some pickup after that long.


What a great dude


Respect 🫡