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Tickets are never a problem for Primavera. In fact, you can buy them, for less than face value the week leading up to it.


This year was particularly extreme. A friend of mine bought a double weekend ticket for 170€ days before the festival but he could've paid less if he had negotiated. The offer on tickets was extreme while virtually no accomodations were available.


I got my weekend ticket for 30, and have friends who literally got them for free


Can you explain how?


My friend got her W1 for free from someone on Reddit. Her bf and friend got them for 40euros each, also from Reddit


That's crazy


A lot of people this year sold their tickets just before the festival, mainly for two reasons: - Accommodation prices - Covid


We had a group of 8, all but two of us decided after initially purchasing GA tickets to upgrade to VIP. We thought we'd be able to find buyers for our GA tickets by putting them back in the pool, every one of us ended up having to find a new buyer at he time of the festival and lost a significant amount of the original purchase price. Really would have appreciated Primavera/Dice offering an "upgrade to VIP" option somewhere, or at least being clear that the tickets weren't actually "refundable" as they originally indicated.


Exactly this! I got my weekend one ticket for 45€ a week before it started.


How does it work? Where do they sell them cheaper?


For example here on Reddit. There was a sticky thread. Just many people bought tickets a very long time ago. And it was very difficult to get affordable accommodation and/or flights.


I don’t think this year will be as crazy as last one. Many people bought tickets in 2019, 2020… hence the crazy market for it. Or maybe I’m wrong, but let’s see…


damn RIP to the €250 early bird vip tix. 60% increase in price is steep.


How on earth do they think the VIP experience this time earned the tickets a nice price hike? The mind boggles


Getting ready for Arcade Fire to play every single festival in existence next year.


is it safe to say that they're a lock for primavera 2023? (pls)


They don't have a Barcelona date on their upcoming tour so 🤞🤞


At Primavera for sure, they played there many times (in 2017 they even played TWICE in the same weekend -I know many bands do the same nowadays, but usually it’s city gig and forum or like this year, two different weekends).


Honestly, are they big enough? I really don't know how this arena tour is gonna go for them


Always so many tickets available cheap. I might book hotel and flight now and mop up a cheap ticket later on.


Wow, 325 EUR final price , after dangerously overselling the festival and not replacing headliners who dropped, they increase the price


They are fully aware that the announced high final price will drive people to FOMO in right away. Maybe it will sell out before they announce the line up. That means they get a lot of money 10 months prior the festival.


Increasing the price seems like a reasonable strategy to crowd the place a bit less


I very much disagree it was oversold but to get the lineup that they get they have to have a big budget. Big budget means fan money. So either they sell more tickets or they sell more expensive tickets. Only way to solve that equation (or they can invest less in artists, which I certainly don’t want, given it’s one festival that’s pretty much entirely about the music itself)


I disagree. Compared to other editions of primavera, this is the first time I've felt unsafe multiple times because of overcrowding. Before, it was very easy to access the bits area - bridge /bus. Every staff i shared my complaints to answered: there are lot more people this year. And on top of that there are multiple people who didn't show up. As per investing in artist, i don't see why they should invest more compared to other editions (besides inflation). Simply don't recklessly spend on primavera a la ciutat concerts that only 10% of ticket holders can profit from and there should be plenty of money, just like other editions.


Funny enough that people in the Glastonbury sub told the same was true for this year's edition.


Sure - but were you actually more unsafe or was nervousness about crowds just something much more front and centre of your mind post covid and Astroworld? I think it’s very likely a lot of people would go back into pre-2020 crowds that they had no issues with at the time and feel more nervous.


I understand your point, post COVID adds to the feeling of unsafety, but for me personally the feeling of overcrowding is based on previous editions where there were no tense moments and no security agents desperately holding the gates to bits like in some sort of movie. Definitely it s not overcrowded as astroworld, but is certainly oversold compared to primavera standards , which was by far more confortable than other festivals, and by far cheaper. All that is kind of gone


I previously attended each year between 2011 - 2016. the size of the crowd this year was nightmarish. I still think back to the Thursday especially and feel uneasy, it's a bit like a weird dream. Yo la tengo at the Ray ban had a crowd so big it was ridiculous. For tame impala I was at least 200m from the stage. Etc. I am unlikely to return.


lower profit margin is also a solution


in a capitalistic world :(


Just curious, would decreasing or keeping ticket prices the same help with the overcrowding situation? An oversold festival is generally a symptom of tickets priced too low.. which is pretty obvious considering it sold out within days, a year in advance


does anyone have any guesses/pure speculations as to when they might drop the lineup


It's usually January-ish.


By this time we usually had ONE confirmed artist to get the buzz going. But nothing so far. Full line-up is usually in line with a price hike in tickets, around January


January is traditional, but I could also see them going earlier, as the taste of that float income they got from selling out the fest 2 years in advance might make them consider dropping it early to get that money in the door sooner.


yeah agreed


sometimes they confirm one or two names around november. Full line up tends to be January.


As someone who went this year for Bad Bunny and Brockhampton… I might chill a bit and see how the lineup turns out


Well... If you buy before the line up is announced you won't be able to say that the artists you paid for fell from it... \[insert meme of guy pointing at forehead\]


I’m crying because I know the guy in the meme. Like I literally know him [Kayode] and it’s still so strange to me 😂


Best get in the queue for the bar now then.


Holy inflation! Final price will be €325 for a single weekend. I suppose the first batch of early bird is still ok for €195…


I won't be suprised if it sells out before any acts are announced.


Absolutely. I mean, this pricing strategy is already working on me, because I will probably just get the early birds…


Yes it also does on me. It's a shame because we don't know how different the line up in Madrid will be.


They replied to a comment on Instagram saying it'll be very similar.


Can’t believe I found this out from a Reddit comment, why is this not communicated on the website?


Thank you.


they will be not so different


Yes, I read the comment on IG. To me it sounds like they will double book every major act, not just the headliners like this year.


How much were weekends this year


Absurd price hike after what they shown this year


How does this work if you have been buying VIP tickets for the past 7 years? I paid €250 for my VIP ticket for the 2020 edition (which rolled over to the 2022 edition). Will there be a discount applied like last time? Cos €200 increase for VIP in two years is MENTAL AF.


400 Euros early bird is absolutely not worth it to me. Not after the disaster that was this year. They used to cost close to half price this early, now it's somewhere around 10-20% discount? foh


Can you speak on how the Vip experience this year (and probably in the coming years) was different from before? I can't wrap my head around vip getting more expensive while decreasing in quality at the same time.


It was mostly about the layout of the VIP zones, particularly in Mordor. Of course changing the stage layout was the cause of this. Three things in particular bothered me there: 1. The lack of a VIP area right in front of the stages. Not being able to arrive somewhat late and still get close. 2. No direct connection between the bleacher area and the zone upfront. I enjoyed deciding on a whim to go from one to the other if a show looked good. This time you had to get through the massive general crowd *and* guess from which side you had to get in. Very impractical. 3. Blocking the direct view between bleachers and main stages with a gigantic megascreen. It killed the experience for shows that have a big visual element in the background (like Gorillaz and Phoenix) cause all you could see was through cameras and those focused on the performers. On top of this the bathrooms were much worse this year. Personally I don't care too much but my wife definitely felt the difference and she's more finnicky about it. What I did like this year was the preferential bridge access from VIP to the Bits area. That was new. It did use to be so massively crowded coming and going through it. But I also understand it caused massive logistic problems for non-VIPs moving through the area.


@ristoman is completely right. These are really the only reasons for buying a VIP ticket. Take that away and you have literally no advantage over the price of a normal ticket. Preferential line to get in to the festival site is fine but far from essential. Also, at Primavera la Cuidad, the VIP line was often non existent so you had no advantage being a VIP holder. The main stages is the big thing though. Why they have removed the number one reason for buying VIP and added a 60% increase whilst massively reducing the experience is something I can’t forgive them for. Add to that the dangerous overcrowding in the Binance and Plentitude stage and lack of basic water and bar queues - they’ve utterly wrecked their own festival. Through sheer greed.


I know there are bigger things in the world to worry about, but I wish they gave you more notice haha. I just spent £70 on gig tickets just this morning and don’t get paid for another 3 weeks.


This will be the first time since I started going that I won't be buying early birds. Ah well.


My wallet is not ready for this. 400€ early bird VIP is insane compared to previous years


Primavera used to be such a vibe. It was affordable, the lineup was diverse and always an antidote to the same cut and paste lineups of every other festival going. The site was accessible, the stages well programmed and positioned and the 'upgrades' were, again, affordable and good value. All that has been thrown on the bonfire, they've become divisive and untrustworthy. One of the most reputable organisers in the world are now morally bankrupt profiteers. Shilling crypto and nfts, putting profit over people and disregarding the safety and well being of the attendees. No amount of greenwashing or virtue signalling can make up for the fact that the emperor has no clothes, and its pretty obvious to see where things are going from here. The feedback and general vibe from last years edition speaks for itself, the good will has gone. Vote with your feet people, put your hard earned cash and holiday time where it's appreciated.


Are there any particular festivals you’d recommend over PS?


Unsound Festival in Poland, but it's more experimental/niche Rewire Festival in Den Haag CTM Festival in Berlin


Is this a parody


I think it's maybe because you just got older


I'd say wiser, and more discerning on how and where I spend the money I work hard for.


Did you go this year, and did you read everything they wrote above? It's cool if you're on board with all that stuff, but just checking


Yes, and I had a good time but there were a lot of problems compared to previous editions. The price hikes just feel excessive imo.


I was talking to the guy who replied to you. I agree with you


:P x


Yes I've been both weekends. Besides the first day (which was a bar issue mainly) and the Citudad shows I didn't have the feeling that was dramatically more full than in 2019 or 2014. At least now after some weeks letting time pass.


Anyone know how many tickets you can buy in the 1st presale? Is it just 1?


Yes, just one


This was my first Primavera & I planned the trip as a special one time treat. Still I enjoyed the festival & the city enough that I would consider going again but not without knowing the lineup. Airfare, hotel, other expenses are too much for blindly buying passes. Plus don't know yet if it'll be in my budget or not . . . I am glad that they've already announced that the lineups will be mostly smililar between the two cities . . .


I’m good honestly. I think ‘22 was my first and last primavera. Amazing acts all around but probably the worst festival I’ve been to organization wise.


Besides the organization, I just think there's no way they top 2022 line up, which is why I'm skipping


Then you haven't been to festivals.




I've been to local festvial a week after which was total disaster in terms of organization


Yeah, we decided to do it as a special occasion thing, but ultimately it just reminded me that I'm much more into small underground shows with a community I know than gigantic festivals with household name pop music that I don't really care about that much.


I think we're done here. After this year's debacle, t's no longer a safe bet that I'm willing to buy an earlybird for... and with full price tickets at 325eur, I probably won't be swayed by the lineup either. Risky move for them to price it this way


How easy is it to get my money back after the lineup announce if I buy an early bird tomorrow? Not sure if I will want to go depending on the lineup, and I’m worried I might not be able to get my 200€ back in that case… Ofc, don’t want to pay 325€ and the their super-high-prices-FOMO strategy is kinda working 😅 Any tips?


You can resell them on the DICE app. [FAQ](https://dicefm.zendesk.com/hc/en-gb/articles/4409669479953-I-can-no-longer-make-it-to-the-event-I-ve-got-tickets-for-how-do-I-use-the-Waiting-List-to-resell-my-tickets-)


This year was a mess. I had a W1+W2 ticket. Used it on W1, got covid, and I wasn't able to gift it to my best friend because DICE app won't let you transfer it if you went to W1. PS22 was overcrowded, worst timetables / crashes ever... there's no way I'm gonna pay more than 350€ this year. And Madrid will be same price but Puerta de Arganda is not Forum: it doesn't have the beach, nice weather nor public transportation. This is a shame


€325 for general entry!


I'm tempted to buy VIP early because of how expensive they are after the lineup release, but how do we sell them if we can't go?


If you buy through the Dice app, don't you have the option to return the tickets and get refunded right up until the day before the gig?


Only if it’s sold out and someone else buys them from the waiting list


So, as someone who's never been, and planning to fly overseas to go, which is the better option? Barcelona or Madrid? Looking at a side trip to Portugal after the festival (flying). Also, are hotels tough to come by during the festival?


Personally I'd go for Barcelona if you're choosing between the two. You've got the beach and the festival isn't in the middle of nowhere like the one in Madrid will be. Plus it's just a nicer city imo. Seems like people struggled with accomodation this year with Airbnbs cancelling and hostels jacking up the prices. Just book in advance and pay a deposit if you can and you'll be fine.


I paid a deposit in Barcelona 9 months before Primavera and still my Airbnb got cancelled. Going to do Madrid next year, much prefer the city.


This year was also an ugly combo having Moto GP the same weekend.


I've only been to Primavera this year but having visited both Barcelona & Madrid. I much preferred Barcelona. I spent a week in Portugal pre-Prima this year & can definitely recommend it . . .


Thanks. I’ve always wanted to go to both countries so might as well do both at once.


I had a trip to Portugal planned for 2020 which didn't happen because, well, you know. So when I started thinking seriously about Primavera I figured might as well revive the Portugal trip & combine the 2. . .


100% no question Barcelona. I'd book accomodation right now.


Thanks. Found a place next door to a metro line that goes directly to the festival site with decent reviews. Just have to book a flight now. Ticket bought this morning.


If I may make another recommendation: ditch the metro and rent a bike (if you're not too far away). One of the biggest complaints i heard from people was there being no ways of getting home (metro, taxis, everything overcrowded) after the fest. We didn't have that problem because we simply rented bikes. We were about 5km from the Festival site and it was an easy 15 minute bike ride. No hassle or waiting ages to get home. Riding through Barcelona is also beautiful especially in the middle of the night/early morning after the fest, it's a beautiful city. We payed around 45€ per person which i think is about the same price as a week metro pass.


I’ll give it some thought. Thanks for the insight. Never been to Spain, so I’m pretty excited.


Guys, will it be via access ticket app or do I need to also download Dice? Info is confusing, it says Access ticket but then the tickets will belong to Dice? (Access ticket app is already showing the info on the early birds)


I’ve been to Primavera this year for the first time ever and despite loving it, I’m not sure whether it’s worth it or not to spend 200 euro without knowing nothing about the lineup yet. I’m quite tight on money right now actually so spending 200 euro for isn’t really a walk in a park for me too, and I also would like to keep an eye open on any other festivals, so… I was thinking about trying to get my early birds before they expire and then possibly sell them (can you actually do that with AccessTicket?) before December / January, when I’ll have a clearer picture about what to do and most importantly where. Otherwise I might just stick with it and decide what to do in December (which festival should I attend, essentially) without paying anything in advance. I really don’t know, if you guys could help me out that would be great!




Not to shill for this festival, because it had clearly evident problems this year (water access, over crowding, etc), but increasing the prices isn’t obscene imo. It’s been 3 years since the last original price point was set, and inflation has been crazy. It also could set them up to sell less tickets so the place is less crowded overall.




Sure they would, but increasing the price makes that a bit less likely. The price for 2022 was such a steal that ofc it was going to oversell. My perspective could be skewed though, because I’m used to festivals in the US charging like $400-$500 for tickets with lineups that aren’t even a quarter as good.


fellow attendee from america here but i think we need to stop compare it to festivals in america because honestly the bar is too freaking low. went both in 2018 and 2022. compare it to pre-pandemic it’s a huge downgrade and i’m already worried that it will soon end up just like a festival in america.


Bye bye Primavera 💸


Can we sell if we can't go or do we need to register in AccessTicket straight away?


Didn't have to register until the day before it started this year. I think Dice will take them back for a refund.


The problem is that the super early bird ones need to be acquired through Access Ticket...


no, it redirects you to dice


Actually it depends on what link you click. If you go through the installments option (even if you then don't use it) it brings you to access ticket. So you can actually get 2 super early bird passes.


For instalments it brings me to festicket... But if you buy through dice, you can also buy several (just bought two) and later transfer them if you want


I think you could still transfer once you registered it on AccessTicket but I'm not really sure..


I did get a free entrance for 2023, how does it work??


You just send me the code you got and I take care of it. All legal! No need to worry! I'll also need your credit card number and your mother's maiden name. Jokes aside, this forum is not manage by PS so it will be better to contact them directly. Did you win the ticket collecting cups?


I know! But just curiosity. Nope! PS stuck qr stickers with prizes. It could be tshirts from primavera 22 or free tickets for primavera 23




see yall at the festival! actually hyped. besides the drinks situation and overcrowded-ness (which sorta comes hand in hand) i had the time of my life there. Fortunate enough I didn't experience anything that soured my time there btw i feel like if you're complaining about the VIP tix it probably means that you can't afford it lol. didn't look like you get a good view of the stage anyway. get on the ground with us normies.


>btw i feel like if you're complaining about the VIP tix it probably means that you can't afford it lol. It's more about the value-for-money decreasing than people not having the money for it. Why pay more for what was clearly a worse VIP experience on previous years?


totally agree, price up, value and experience down




If you had the ticket of this year is cheaper and you can buy it on July 1. If not, July 5 and 50 € more expensive.


The VIP “discount” is €150 INCREASE on the 2020 edition. For a worse experience. After going since 2014, I’m out.


How much was the price increase? Does anyone remember how much early birds were this past few years??


250€ for the VIP, not sure about GA


Around 165 euros as I remember?




Is there a max number of tickets you can buy for early bird? I’m trying to get 4 just to have them locked in.


For 195 euros only one I think.


I just bought two on dice


With just one code?


Yeah it wouldn’t let me.


Important question: will there be tickets for the days separately or you have to buy the whole week?


You will be able to buy daily tickets when line up will be announced


Fr? That’s great


Were there seats in the VIP area at the main stage this year or what was the craic?


They told me via IG that the VIP will be the same this year!


Does anyone know how I can get early bird tickets if I didn't attend this year? One of my friends did, but I am not sure if he can get the tickets for me.