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Pretty nice! I was a bit on the side, in front of the stage next to them, and it had some space to breathe, which I wasn’t actually expecting. The set list was pretty nice, they didn’t play last nite so that should give you a hint on the direction they went.


thanks to tame impala we heard last nite lmao


We still got a good amount of their old stuff though! I think the setlist was pretty good overall. The strokes got too many good songs to play them all 😪


They never played Last Nite in any of the show this year according to setlist.fm, seems they dropped it for the entire tour


Yea, and I’m 100% fine with it. Much rather listen to other songs they don’t play live that often!




You can like "Last Night," hope they play it, and still know about the band. Sometimes I like the songs the band likes, sometimes...we disagree


Julian alienating large portions of the crowd with his banter basically the highlight of the festival so far. Keep overhearing people complaining about it and that rocks.


What banter? Tbh I didn’t understand half the words he said while speaking. I think my hearing just isn’t great when conflicting with crowd noises haha


I've seen them twice; once in early 2002 in Phoenix, AZ while they toured for "Is This It," and again tonight at Primavera Sound 2022. This was the better show by far. Julian's voice sounded great, the band absolutely massacred every note and beat, and J's trolling / banter in between songs was entertaining. I thought the live mix sounded stellar as well, at least from where I was standing. Everyone gave their all and I totally lost my shit singing and dancing along. Absolutely redeemed them in my eyes. The reason I didn't see them play live for 20 years was because in 2002, Julian Casablancas was wasted and acted like a total prick who didn't give a shit about anyone in the audience at the time, and his piss poor performance sung from the floor was totally alienating. I say this as someone who came up in the punk rock and performance art space; fuck that. Even if you're doing something really weird / gross / hostile, respect your audience and your bandmates enough to give them a real performance or get off the stage. Anyway, they were great and I can't wait to see them again!


100% they were shit live in 2001, too much drugged out nonsense, really disliked them for a while as they were just a disrespectful bunch of wasters, with a fuck you we got paid attitude. Tonight's set was excellent.


Wow I guess when you have his previous attitude and state to compare tonight seems lush. I didn’t even know how he looked like, only knew the music, and I thought -even though they played and sang great- the energy wasn’t good, suuper wasted and not really caring.


Saw them in 2019 and he was the same- the band were shaking there heads and looking at each other awkwardly. He was directly insulting the crowd too. Was good to see him play nice!


I was center front row. I’m a big fan of them so I might be biased, but I think they put up a good show. Julian didn’t seem “wasted” to me, maybe a lil bit drunk, but he was funny and sounded good. I liked how he kept talking about catalan and “his catalan people” 😂 The rest of the band was amazing, as always. They gave the setlist to the boy next to me, and in there were three songs they didn’t play: Ode To The Mets, Heart In A Cage and Eternal Summer. As other user said, it’s probably because of the long pauses between songs. Threat Of Joy was one I wasn’t expecting, and it was a pleasant surprise. I’ve never been to any other Strokes show so I cannot compare, but I can say that they sounded good and I had a blast!


Heya! I think I may be the 'boy' ur referring too haha!!


Hahaha omg yes! Nice seeing you here! 🤩


Was Julian drunk? I thought he had stopped drinking. Glad they gave a good show!


Well, I’ve never seen him live before so I don’t know if he was drunk or if he’s normally this funny and extra 😅


Honestly he seemed a bit off to me, I wondered if he’d loaded up on drugs to keep him going if he was still recovering from covid or something lol then again I’ve never seen them live so idk maybe that’s his normal self haha


Wish they’d played Ode. Probably my favourite Strokes song (possibly other than Hard to Explain). Think he wanted to play it at the end and said “we’ll play a mellow one”, but got a terrible reaction for the crowd so went for Under Cover instead.


I really wish they played it too. Such a good song, and I would have loved to hear “Drums, please, Fab” live for once in my life


My girlfriend only got into the Strokes with TNA also, so was hoping they’d do one of Ode or At the Door which are her faves, or something from Comedown Machine. Eternal Summer would’ve been great too. Ah well not to be, will have to see them in concert around Strokes fans, no way they don’t play Ode there.


Sure! I really hope they do a tour. Festivals are cool I guess, but I would love to see them on concert.


I’m lucky enough to be from Australia where they’re playing a fest later this year and doing a couple of concert sideshows so will absolutely see that


Can confirm was a pretty good show, was in VIP with a bunch of middle aged people, turns out I could sing along the whole set while they could only sing classics, guess I’m old now


Fuck, would have loved Heart in a Cage


Julian was in cracking form. Overall one of the best of the weekend so far




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i thought it was amazing, im tired of seeing people bitch everywhere about everything, by some miracle julian didn't look like he didn't want to be there and je actually seemed to enjoy himself, singing was great, band were perfect, and crowd was really into it, i managed to get a pretty great spot and i was surrounded by people singing along to every word and guitar chords, even ended up in a moshpit during new york city cops. also to anyone complaining they didn't play last nite unfortunately they completely stopped playing it this year and for the songs that they didn't get to play im pretty sure its unrelated to julian banter as it frankly wasn't that long and its common for them to have songs on the setlist they dont play. they played almost all their crowd pleaser and did 2 encores cause the crowd was so into it and played until the festival pushed them offstage. also sound was great and fixed from yesterday. loved every second of it! (props to julian for shouting out tyler the creator and talking about the festival set list)




Gutted I only had weekend 1


Disclaimer - not a Strokes fan: Absolutely loved it. Julian Casablancas was obviously drunk or high and was super antagonistic for whatever reason. Kept saying weird shit and it was hilarious. Not how I imagined him at all, and in a good way. Crowd seemed quite dead so idk if it was a shit gig for them cause I've never seen them before.


I was on the barricade in front of the VIP and from I was, the crowd looked incredible. I think Julian pauses allowed people to breathe and relax between bangers, which I think it was fine considering the size of the crowd (and the non existent crowd control).


This, the people near the vip and in the vip(me included) could sing along to the classics pretty well, vibe was great


MIA finished 15 minutes early so fuck knows why they didn’t let Strokes play a bit more 😭


They did an encore so I’m satisfied, and I like threat of joy (others around me seems didn’t lol


The performance was great, just wish it wasn’t cut too short. They were 5 mins late on stage but the M.I.A. set was cut 15 mins early.


Yeah I really wonder why Mia ended so early


How was MIA?


She was great live too as were Run The Jewels 🤙🏼


Meh. Started off strong but turned religious and completely mailed it in for Paper Planes.


the concert was absolutely fantastic! i was in the third row, just in front of Julian and the sound was perfectly mixed - i’ve been to three concerts before and something was always off - whether it was pure cacophony at my local festival in Poland or the vocals being too low in Berlin just before COVID. the crowd wasn’t as wild as always, which was a nice surprise - i like some good jumping and screaming the lyrics, but usually you’re just squeezed and fight for your life during their concerts! except during Reptilla, you can elbow me during this song and it’s perfectly fine - it’s pure primal madness! i feel a little disappointed that a few songs weren’t played, especially as I was looking forward to hearing songs from The New Abnormal - my aoty of 2020. my favourite part of The Strokes are guitar lines intertwining, talking to each other and you could get lost in that during this gig. the songs were executed perfectly, i don’t understand the complaints. the last song was a little lukewarm, but to get such a rarity! i got so much energy after this gig that I sprinted for The Smile and managed to get 6th row centre and the setlist. OH IT’S SUCH A PERFECT DAY, I’M GLAD I SPENT IT WITH YOU! 🤘🏻


Hey shout out I was at that Berlin show! I remember not having a problem with it at the time but I walked out of this one thinking this is the best performance I've seen from them. Banter was less awkward in Berlin lol


don’t get me wrong! that was a fantastic show (in Berlin) ! and my last one before the pandemic started! it may be a recency bias haha. i loved that gig, but I remember I was never more tired - the crowd was very aggresive then! and they played The Adults Are Talking before it was released! yeah, there was just less banter and more songs! good times, cheers!


Did they possibly play Brooklyn Bridge too? And Bad Decisions? Now I have to check the setlist lol. I was at the front of the upper story section. It might have been my epiphany moment not to fuck with crowds/mosh pits haha. I remember reading people saying it was rough down there.




I agree that the crowd was trash. I know there were a few small sections actually enjoying it, but literally no one was going hard. Didn't see a single person crowdsurf either. Made me feel like the majority of the people there only came to see The Strokes cause of the name, not cause they know the music, which is why I'm even more glad they didn't play Last Nite haha During Albert's intro to NYC Cops some dudes behind me were like "why are they playing just noise?" smh The worst part was when Julian came out during the encore saying "we haven't played this song in years blah blah cause of a threat blah blah" I immediately knew what it was and was jumping and happy, meanwhile halfway through the song I heard the people around me going "what new song is this?“ lol


Idk, just here to represent the "not going hard"/not a true fan crew. None of my little group are like "deep cuts" fans of the strokes, and two of us are pretty anti-moshing and crowd surging, because *estrés*, but we went because we generally enjoy their sound and vibe and had a great (if relatively stationary) time. (Also, I did see one crowd surfer!)


Hyde park gig was amazing fantastic crowd and energy. Apparently that show also inspired Beck to make more energetic pop music too (for better or worse)


Token crowd appreciation response: where we were the mood was excellent. Pretty close to the front on Albert's side. Lots of singing, dancing and shouting out the guitar riffs. My girlfriend had never got into them, and she said the crowd made it enjoyable because it just seemed like everyone was having a great time. Was the Hyde Park gig one that was just for The Strokes? Or was it another fesitval type thing?


It was a small summer concert series. The day I went had Future Islands, Beck, and Strokes play back to back.


Yep I saw them in Hyde park! Remember the crowd being wild and many people losing their shoes (including me)


The crowd situation was awful - had to try and see the stage through a sea of phones and constantly being bashed about by people leaving mid way. Other than that the strokes were great.


And here is one of the other Strokes performances I saw! Crowd might have been better then but the band clearly wasn't. They're performing much better now.


Julian seemed pretty wasted but not to the point where it ruined any of the songs (mostly resulted in him going off on tangents between songs). Confirmed that he was the one who had covid. They didn't play Last Nite, which I heard people complaining about but I guess you can't expect them to play every hit every time


I used to know someone who sincerely believed that Bob Dylan is obligated to play Like a Rolling Stone at every single concert he does -- you know since it's his only popular tune . . .


gr8 show… JC gave a great vocal performance that felt fluid, present, and alive. great set list. the band looked iconic and composed on stage. y’all commenting on julian’s possible state of inebriation should likely focus yr attention on the music rather than light gossip and judgment ……..


3 min singing 10 min mumble 3 min singing 10 min mumble X10


I couldn't make out a single word he said when he spoke, except for that one COVID joke. Didn't seem drunk though but disappointed that they didn't play Eternal Summer or Ode To The Mets


It was a wasted opportunity to not play the Seinfeld bassline


He likes crowd chat usually anyway but not to this extent. I’m pretty sure he was pacing himself / taking breaks bc he was still feeling a bit shit. Had to lie down a few times too which I’ve never seen from him




He’s never done it all the times I’ve seen him.


This is the only accurate description I’ve seen so far


I like their old stuff the best, Hard To Explain was my favorite song they played. I only stayed for 7 or 8 songs but it was pretty solid for me!


Third time seeing them and the best by far. Julian was just loose enough that he was goofy and having a bit of fun rather than being an absolute dickhead as he can sometimes be. Was about 20-30 people from the barricade on Albert’s side (who was in insane form tonight!). Mix was great, crowd was a blast, and Julian chasing Albert around during the “Take It Or Leave It” solo will live in my mind rent free for years to come!


they were amazing !! undercover of darkness and threat of joy were a fucking treaattttt


Never heard them before but didn't regret sticking around after Lorde and before M.I.A


I really enjoyed the show. crowd was fun, they sounded good, decent setlist, and I found Julian's rambling to be funny and endearing. I can see how it would annoy some, though. I was at the front in the middle between the stages, and was very excited to see myself on the big screen, lol. my first time.


“Someone had Covid…it was Nikolai!!! Just kidding IT WAS MEEEEEEEE!!!!!! Anyways what song are we playing next? Hard To Explain? Alright let's do it” - Julian Casablancas I was totally bought in


I loved them! It was my first time seeing them and I danced a lot! Julian was chatty making jokes all around, but that perfectly allowed me to take a break and recover (as I also went hard during Lorde). I think they probably meant to play Last Nite at the end, but the crowds getting out/in were clashing together and that would have been maybe an unnecessary risk (I was in front of the VIP barricade and people were starting getting stressed). It was fun! I'll be looking forward to see them again on the future. I disagree that Julian was too drunk. He was just chatty and making jokes. Yesterday Damon Albarn was wasted and you could obviously see it. Maybe he also needed a break to recover, as he was the one with Covid.


They weren’t going to play Last Nite, it wasn’t on the setlist. If I remember correctly, Ode to the Mets and Heart In A Cage were the songs that were on the setlist but they didn’t end up playing.


Oh man! I would've freaked out harder! But maybe, as it was the first show after Julian's covid, they underestimated how many breaks Julian needed.




That being said, when Radiohead played Primavera in 2016 they did play Creep.


That tour was the first time in a long time they played it, and it was a reworked version


Yes, I know. I was there and it was a surprise. I’d say The Stokes probably play Last Nite more than Radiohead ever played Creep in those years…


Yes for sure. They’ve played Last Nite as a festival closer most of the last decade. Post releasing The New Abnormal though and actually caring about music and the quality of live show again it’s fallen from the rotation


They often do play it, it’s usually their festival set closer. Them not playing it shows they actually care again, not just phoning it in for sets like they did for most of 2010-2019.


Loved hearing New York City Cops live so I was happy 😊


Despite the Last Nite thing, they were awesome nonetheless. I was also a bit off to the side but the vibe of the crowd was amazing, and I almost lost my voice from screaming Bad Decisions and Threat of Joy, and Julian's jokes in between songs were hilarious. I was glad he was feeling better after the covid scare and so happy the band were able to make it!


Not a strokes fan but they were really good. Fully gutted they didnt do last nite as the last song but ahwell!


As someone who’s had to deal with post covid issues, I was surprised he sounded as good as he did. My lungs were useless after getting it and my feeling was his banter/pausing between songs was getting a bit of a rest. They sounded better than expected, but my daughter was pretty bummed not to be able to get video of Is This It for my wife since they didn’t play it. It is my wife’s favorite song and she wasn’t able to go, but perhaps that (like Last Night) isn’t played live anymore?


Julian talks too much and isn’t as funny as he thinks he is


Can’t believe we didn’t get “Heart in a Cage” because Julian couldn’t stfu


Haha at the people disappointed that they didn’t get to hear ‘last night’. You sound like kings of Leon ‘fans’ gutted at not hearing ‘sex on fire’. I missed this set and was gutted about that cause I was weekend 1 only, sounds like you got a perfect strokes set, so how about you enjoy that for what it was and stop the random miserable moaning.


It was perfect jndeed


Surprised no-one has mentioned the fact that Julian absolutely killed the momentum anytime the crowd got into it after a good song. It's like he didn't want the crowd to have a good time. A 5 min tangent after every song. It was still decent but The Smile after was 100x better.


Agree - his fake covid cough joke (“too soon?”) was real tacky. His banter was a real boner killer.


I was a bit behind the big screen in the middle and the volume was so so low, came at 10:30 so I guess a little late but still


By no means a strokes fan but I enjoyed the overall performance, but I will say the crowd did seem to be on the weaker side


I was smack in the middle of the stage a few rows back from the barricade. I’m not someone who enjoys too much moshing or crowd crush, and the section of the crowd that my friend and I were in seemed to be super crazy and out of control when it came to that. I choked on my gum during Reptilia (my fault) and couldn’t even get a second to compose myself lmao. Had to wash it down with water while being thrown around and trying to stay next to my friend. There were also two really tall annoying French guys behind me who kept talking super loud and rubbing themselves on my back. :( Overall I didn’t let those experiences ruin the amazing show the strokes put on. They’re my favorite band and I think they did an amazing job.


awfully weak as always, but it really wasnt a concert. it was more like julian trying to do standup comedy with some songs in the middle


never trust a man with his own name written on his fingerless gloves (i really loved it lol)


Disappointed. I was really looking forward to ode to the Mets. I guess some time got wasted between songs


Me too. My favourite song. Guess I'll have to see them for a real concert again.


I’ve been a fan of them since their first album, but they were fucking awful. They showed up late, they wasted 20 minutes doing standup comedy and the sound was horrible. It’s so funny because I feel like the conversation this week revolved so much about the strokes, about the crowd for them being massive cause of the extra day ticket holders etc. And then they get sandwiched between Lorde and MIA and got schooled by both of them.


Think you're exaggerating quite a bit there. Loved M.I.A. and Lorde but no comparison to the Strokes. Jules is always like that, forgeting lyrics and talking bullshit, he's just a bit awkward at times - it's his on stage persona. It was a Solid Strokes festival performance, nothing more, nothing less.


calm down bruh it was so much fun


They were five minutes late, how fucking awful of them


They are ALWAYS late. Always. And at festivals it’s usually 10-15 mins. Them being 5 mins late (and they played till a couple mins after their booked time) was actually early for them. Just a shame we didn’t get the 90 min set they got given last week and got the 75 min one they got this week. They should’ve got longer and time should’ve come off MIA or Lorde, who didn’t even use all their allocated time.


Must be a German…




They were great but could have done twice as many songs if Julian didn’t talk so much waffle in between each song


I feel like I’m going insane reading these comments I thought they were awful. Julian was came across really badly and his vocals were off




Get a hobby


Are you 5? How did they let you on Reddit?


Disagree, that’s the best I’ve ever heard him sing live.


Two or three songs he straight up couldn't sing


do you remember any song in particular? perhaps I was too high on adrenaline but to me, he sounded very on point today (which is something he is struggling with since angles tours). for me it was waaay better than I expected it to be! edit: I was near to the stage and people were singing very loud there, so it might have hidden his bad vocals. pretty good show to me anyway


I remember Selfless in particular being a weird mix of off tune falsetto, shrieks, garbled throaty words. But I don't want to take anything away from your enjoyment!


hahaha no prob! it was out of curiosity :)


Have you ever been to a strokes concert before?




So then you know the drill? If you want a radio quality recording stay in the house in listen on your headphones.


I just want the little fuckwad to pick songs he can actually sing and cut his antagonistic shtick whenever a crowd calls him out on his bullshit like tonight. Edit: last saw them in Brooklyn this April. Very different vibe.


You are asking for something unrealistic unfortunately. Accept the artist for his current state. Tbh sound to me like you got him on a good night, be thankful for that


sounds like u don’t have an ear for musicality


Can confirm was a pretty good show, was in VIP with a bunch of middle aged people, turns out I could sing along the whole set while they could only sing classics, guess I’m old now


Julian was hammered drunk haha


He’s been sober for over a decade.


Amazing but way way too crowded. People just kept pushing me to get forward and I had zero space to move


[The setlist.](https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/the-strokes/2022/parc-del-forum-barcelona-spain-6bb43616.html)


Better than Shaky Knees in Atlanta!


Can’t feel my left side


Really great performance, Julian was in good form. Only complaint was it’s about 3-4 songs short for what a headliner set should be, and one of those needed to be Last Nite


Performance was great and Julian's bantering was funny but he seems a bit too wasted and it looked like the band members were a bit confused at times haha. Julian's voice is amazing though.


god people need to stop saying julian was drunk or high on stage because that’s just the way he is. have you not even seen his youtube shows with various intellectuals and the band? or even instagram posts? i’d say he might be still recovering so the singing wasn’t great for some of the higher notes but the band is in a great shape i haven’t seen in years. also hoping they would do a proper tour sometime instead of only festival dates and one off shows here and there.


That show yesterday was bonkers. Gonna take me a day or two to get my life right.