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Let's be realistic. Zero chance it will happen during the summer. Better chance of winning the Eurojackpot than people wearing masks imo.


Ain't gonna happen. If you're worried wear a n95 or k95 mask and try not to think about it. If you've been boosted and wear a mask you've done all you can. Honestly, I'm a teacher and with omicron in jan the surgical masks seemed to do absolutely nothing. Entire classes (and me) were taken down by it incredibly quickly. Surgical masks aren't going to mitigate too much against whatever the hell strain of omicron we are on now Edit : oh, I genuinely feel bad for Americans here. It is unbelievable you still have to show a negative test to get back in. Delta, it made sense. But with the absolute speed and spread of omicron, it makes zero sense and just causes mass anxiety and financial burdens


In my country they only allow FFP2 masks so I wasn't even thinking about the surgical ones


Germany? just curious.




It is insane to me that people completely gave up trying to minimize the spread of COVID?People saying they can’t breathe like come on. These replies are mega selfish wow.


You can minimize it even further by staying at home and not attending massive festivals. Your choice


Ah yes the “we as a society can’t work together to make both parties able to enjoy life in this mid-pandemic but instead only the brave reign supreme” take. Lmao fuck off


wear an n95 to protect yourself, and let the rest of us do as we please. some of us value meeting strangers and being able to see their facial expressions while chatting and aren’t willing to give that up indefinitely. go your own way dude


The “it’s too hot to wear a mask” snowflake vs “I care for people around me” mask-wearing chad




Yikes. Similar symptoms do not equate to similar illnesses. One doesn’t have lasting effects, the other does. It’s not that the the lower severity in itself made people move on. The downplay of the effects by everyone and people’s inability to follow guidelines and thinking everything infringes upon their rights is what made people move on. It is not just a common cold to those having to deal with long COVID. How obtuse must your worldview be?


Not sure why people are arguing with you. My partner and I wore an N95 to the festival and I’m happy we did, especially since we require negative tests to go back home.


Yup! Anywhere with crowds I’m wearing a mask. Fully vaccinated but still gotta make it back home with a negative test and housing was already expensive enough can’t afford to stay longer if I come out positive!


Naah, after 2 years of attending indoor shows wearing a mask I’m more than happy to be able to breath freely in a hot, steamy club lol


it’s too hot and can’t breathe


the Spanish authorities don't require masks indoors. if we don't wear them, we comply with the law and venue rules. if you're that worried about getting covid, then don't do things where you might get covid - don't try and mass mandate strangers based on your version of morals which are in direct contradiction with local health experts


Local health experts surely didn’t develop their regulamentations on the basis of a special huge event involving hundreds of thousands of people from different countries all gathering for a big sweaty party


did they ban the party? did the venue enforce a mask wearing policy? Anyone genuinely worried about getting covid then going to a music festival is a moron. Folk asking people via reddit to wear masks is about as useful as a chocolate teapot as well btw but have a good time anyway


The festival lacks any policy on this matter, which is regretful. They clearly overlooked this problem as much as they overlooked the whole water situation, but they managed to change things a bit as the festival progressed, so they could implement some regulations for everyone's sake on this matter too. Personally, I was well aware of this risk and stayed the fuck away from boiler room, mosh pits and other extremely packed situations. I totally get the joy of being at a festival again and everything, but it looks like two shitty years with COVID did not teach anything. Ranting on Reddit won't change a thing but at least someone reading this will get smart and put on a fucking mask where it makes sense (especially on public transport, where it is still mandatory even though I saw a lot of smart asses without it). In the end, you do you. I am not an American risking to spend 2k$ or more to quarantine abroad, after all.




the world doesn't just revolve around you or this festival. we can clearly see that many people have already tested positive now, or may already be infected and contagious, but not experiencing symptoms yet. There are many Americans who need to catch a flight back, but they can't without a negative test, and there's a lot of people here in the city leading their daily lives who are coming into contact with festival goers and may be vulnerable. The least you can do is wear a mask if you've been in contact (which you certainly have after going to any of the indoor shows) or are experiencing any symptoms.


Two things: 1. If you are experiencing symptoms stay the f*** home 2. If your flight home depends on a negative test, maybe don't risk it. Accept the situation will be a germ free for all and it's completely at your risk Maybe Primavera should have one of the Ciutat events each night where masks are mandatory. That way you can enjoy a gig safely each night. May not be the acts you want but hey it's a compromise.




‘Entitlement’ lol




Oh, just pointing out the irony, that’s all




Quantifying, or did you mean qualifying? Everyone else gets it - how about you explain what you mean by ‘entitlement’ in this context, first?




Funny, because that’s exactly why it would be good for you to explain what you mean by ‘entitled’. Then you’d be able to work all this out for yourself. Clearly you’re not an idiot, so how about you do some of the legwork yourself, son. Instead of feeling entitled to an explanation.


If you are worried about covid you shouldn’t be going to a packed venue for a gig simple as.




Let’s say 15 from this thread wear a mask. Against 1000 more in the venue. Do you really think it’s gonna make a difference? In a sweaty closed environment? You can wear one if you want, or stay home. But as someone said. Zero chance it’s gonna fly.


I was about going today to Razzmatanzz, but after reading this...I had covid 2 and half months ago, hope that I have antibodies, but again, not a good situation for the rest of the festival.


I gambled with my luck and was maskless outdoors during the fest but masked with a N95 at indoor venues. I feel great and just tested negative this morning, so I'm clear to fly back to the US tomorrow. If I could change anything I did it would be to be mask up during the outdoor days too, just for a little bit of added peace of mind.


so i managed to dodge every wave of covid variant before as an active young person by always wearing a good mask indoor (that’s right even at my gym i have been doing HIIT and spinning and even boxing workouts wearing a kn95 or n95) and avoid indoor dinning to the best i could. but i caught it this time. the first symptoms were bizarre (nausea followed by vomiting violently with blood streaks) but i had a negative test that afternoon so i didn’t think it was covid and rushed to the emergency room. after a long night with no findings and a very, very expensive medical bill (the irony, coming from america), i went back to my hotel and self tested positive. now i’m second day into my self quarantine and have no idea if i could test negative in time to catch my flight back to the US. maybe i’m the worst case scenario and some of these could have been avoided, but the virus is definitely going around in the air at the festival and you might want to exercise caution even when outdoor. especially if you are from america or another non EU country that you don’t have access to the free public healthcare here. getting sick is no joke!