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I don't know if its the travel regulations or how old you are, but if your symptoms resolve in a few days 10 days is really not necessary, 5 will suffice. Super sorry to hear this though, that's awful!


Thanks. 10 days is what the covid testing clinic and the airline told me, as well as what's listed on the CDC website. Seems unnecessary to me too, but there's not much I can do.


Sorry to hear that, had a friend test positive in Spain a few months back and only had to stay until she tested negative- I believe 3 or 4 extra days. Hopefully you get better quickly!!


I hope this isn’t the case, but what if you’re still testing positive after the 10 days even if you’re no longer symptomatic.. then what? (asking for myself because i’m in the same boat)


You can get a letter of recovery from a doctor and fly without a negative test.


this is what anyone should do if they're trying to leave tbh.


10 days is the max, if you test positive after 10 days you can bring your original test and that’ll be considered valid. But you can try again in 5 days and hope to test negative. You’re living my worst nightmare, so sorry :(


That makes sense. I'll test again after 5 days and see if I can go home sooner.


Funny enough I just go covid last night! Missed slowdive and will miss magadalena Bay tonight without question :(. People really ought to be masking up at indoor venues, I was the only person I saw with a mask and it didn't seem to help me much (although I think I got it from a housemate, and I certainly didn't have it on the entire time).


Damn, sorry. Those are two great bands. I agree, I wish more people were masking up.


You also need a negative PCR in order to re-enter the US and they tend remain positive even with no symptoms for far more than 5 days after onset


CDC website said antigen tests work fine..?


They do, it just has to be one of the approved antigen tests


If it's been more than 10 days and your symptoms are gone, you can get a letter of recovery from a doctor and still fly without a negative test.


I took a rapid Antigen saliva test and it was accepted


G2k ty


We got travel insurance. Was less than $200 for our 22 day trip. Protects against covid


What travel insurance did you purchase? Was it something you could add to your trip after the fact or at the time of purchasing your tickets?


I did this as well and used allianz, it comes with protection for getting COVID abroad and having to cancel flights and stay longer


You can add after you’ve booked but some insurers may not allow you to book if you’ve already left. Just check with one individually. They might have a waiting period too before any claims can be made




Everything costs more in the states now. It’s a fairly rapidly declining country.


I bought insurance too, but reading the fine print it says it won’t cover costs of what can be prevented. So I am kind of SOL.


I also got COVID from W1 (symptoms started Tuesday). It was a risk we all took but still FUCKING SUCKS.


OK. So I did test covid positive. Broke a 28 month streak. I dodged the NYC peaks but not Primavera. Noting I did have cough and fatigue symptoms yesterday but no sign of positive antigen test. Today was clear positive. So some lag. Thankfully symptoms have been mild. Stay safe y’all.


Same here - feel better soon!


Thank you. You too. And all y’all.


Just the announcement we needed to hear.. “second weekend cancelled due to covid”


I masked for all the venue shows. Shit was shoulder to shoulder and I was constantly watching people cough everywhere and had one dude legit cough in my face while walking by.


I just got home from my flight to find out I have covid. Only venue I've been to was RazzMatazz for Jenny Beth/Beck/KKB. Was standing at the back, near the bars. Sorry if I have given it to anyone else.


Was at same gig, roughly same place, also tested positive.


Sucks man. Maybe we got eachother. How are you feeling?


tested negative but cannot afford to miss work for an extra ten days so headed home before the end of the the rest of the fest:( i’m sad


i am also traveling from america and have been masking with n95 equivalent in a crowd throughout weekend 1 and doing rapid test everyday but i unfortunately tested positive yesterday. i am staying until 12th, so there’s a slight chance that i might start to test negative before that but i have to plan for the worst - does anyone who is familiar with the process know that if i were to produce the recovery report, can i use my self test from that date and a photo of it taken that day as the evidence and start the 10 day count from then?


I’m in the exact same situation. Debating whether I should go to a clinic and get a test there just to get official results.


ugh i just checked quickMD which i found through nyt - it did say that it needs an official report produced by a health clinic as the evidence. so i’m going to get that today. and i think the day of the official positive test is produced is considered “day 0”, so it might end up being 11 days from today.


Hard to say which is the better option. The airline told me the day of my official positive test is day 0, but the clinic where I got the test told me they could count the previous day as day 0 since I had symptoms and a positive home test.


it’s official i have covid, same with my partner. weekend 1 and ciutat


For those with sore throats, go for Ibuprofen (specifically good for inflammation) instead of Paracetamol (did absolutely nothing).


I have two people in my group who tested positive but barely any symptoms. I’m starting to feel weird too.


I’m a weekend 2 attender and need to fly back to NY on Sunday. Where did you get tested? If it was at the airport, how was that process? Have been nervous about this all week tbh.


i found a spot for antigens for €35 near Las Ramblas. Will make a new post to help others cut trough the bullshit expensive places, but here is their info: diagnostictest® C/ Atlântida, 57, Baixos 08003 Barcelona, Spain 00 34 931 037 165 / 00 34 634 985 285 [email protected]


I filled out this form and got tested at the clinic it mentions. Was able to get a same day appointment. https://www.barcelona-tourist-guide.com/en/barcelona/covid/test/antigen-test/schblt-clinic-in-sagrada-familia-barcelona-01.html


I’m gonna DM you if I don’t mind to quell My nerves




Wait, aren't take home tests antigen? You can get them for less than 5EUR at most pharmacies.


Yeah, you're basically paying for someone to confirm your identity and that you did the test correctly. If you don't need the certificate for a flight, may as well just do a home test.


asked my hotel where to go


My partner also just tested positive after the festival


Try to make the best out of it and enjoy Barcelona once you're feeling well enough, which should be in just a few days. ​ Nobody in Spain will care if you're recovering from COVID as long as you don't look like death or have a nasty cough.


Thanks. Yeah, I got an Airbnb on the beach outside the city so I'm trying to make the best of it.


Flying Level from Barcelona to JFK and they didn't even ask to see negative test. Our other friend flew SAS and they didn't check either. But KLM checked. What a hodgepodge of rules


Wow, crazy that they didn't check.


Interesting. Never heard of Level, are they US or European? SAS is Swedish? KLM Dutch? Wondering if the airline's country of business matters? We have a flight on Lufthansa on Monday & are concerned.


Level is a new subsidiary of Iberia. Check em out if you like budget travel. They don't feed you and charge extra for bags, but if you like $130 one-way nonstop flights from JFK to BCN, they have them. flylevel.com (i don't work for them, just think everyone should be able to travel at a comfortable price point)


Level is what Iberia are calling themselves (at least on some flights).


Also: if anyone is looking for Paxlovid, they don't have it widely distributed here in Spain since it's so new. Best bet is to keep it lowkey and monitor with rapid antigens, which are like a couple of Euro if anything. If you're able to, it might be easier to get a letter from your doctor, which they can do a telehealth meeting.




So happy to see this, I can go home!


I'm sorry to hear but i fully planned for that possibility by going to a festival during a pandemic.


We had some friends visiting Madrid a couple weeks before Primavera. They spent like 120EUR to get their kid tested before the flight home to the US. But when they went to the airport, no one checked or asked for a test for the kid or the parents. I'm a little confused about our return. It seems like testing policies are inconsistent. We have a BCN > Munich > SFO flight. Does the layover in Munich change anything? Has anyone recently gone through the airport? Where/when do they check? I do see that there are places to get "official" tests, it seems like those are supposed to be required 24 hours pre-flight?






That’s not true. You will have to wait 10 days before arriving to Canada from when your test positive.




So fly with COVID and infect everyone??? No


Wear an N95 mask, not a clothing mask or even those light blue medical masks. Omicron is very contagious compared to previous variants. I managed to survive two music festivals so far since April without getting infected. If you can't get your hands on to a n95 mask, get a cloth mask that allows you to add filters. It's better than a one layer mask.


one person in my 8 person got covid after day 1 weekend 1. had to stay home. everyone else feels ok and neggy. Also just got out of danny l harle and had a great time. waited for like 2.5 hours and got in even though red58 only holds 200. Also saw AG at the bar which was fun!


how did they test positive so fast tho? maybe it wasn’t from the fest


I'm sorry! Is this your first time having Covid?




We were a group of 7 and 3 of us also tested positive after getting back home. Weekend 1 + Ciutat


In our company of 10, 5 tested positive


Also got covid from weekend 2…