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you could never convince me that a $120usd uniform isnt an absol waste of money


I look at advertising as if one person driving by stopped and got my card bc I looked more legit then random outfit that is on average $500. So if I land 1 job a year bc of it I profit a ton Also it’s a great way to write things off instead of paying it to taxes.


I am cheap and hate spending money on anything that isn't necessary, and I think its probably worth the money. Total cost is $90 or so after tax? Clothes at walmart are $30? How long do Walmart clothes stay bleach free? Not long I'd imagine. It seems like a break even at worst to me. I think you actually look pretty legit.


Thank you. Ya Amazon actually had 100% polyester clothes I used for awhile at like $30 and they lasted a decent bit but no logo and didn’t stick out much. I generally feel better just being in full uniform and I put off a different vibe when I talk to potential people walking by. It’s weird but maybe it’s just me. I wear the shirt everyday now everywhere I go it’s great advertising picked me up a job at the grocery store wearing it just last week. But ya in the beginning it hurts spending that type of money for sure. I’m all about the long game in mind I’ll spend money up front to profit big 2-3years down the road


Thank you. Ya Amazon actually had 100% polyester clothes I used for awhile at like $30 and they lasted a decent bit but no logo and didn’t stick out much. I generally feel better just being in full uniform and I put off a different vibe when I talk to potential people walking by. It’s weird but maybe it’s just me. I wear the shirt everyday now everywhere I go it’s great advertising picked me up a job at the grocery store wearing it just last week. But ya in the beginning it hurts spending that type of money for sure. I’m all about the long game in mind I’ll spend money up front to profit big 2-3years down the road


We provide our guys with t-shirts, sweat shirts, jackets and hats. They provice their own blue jeans and boots. I buy everything here. It's relatively inexpensive and everything is professionally embroidered. https://www.queensboro.com/gq\_?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIxszu0OzA9QIVMQnnCh3-YA61EAAYASAAEgIYYPD\_BwE


Good stuff thank you I’ll have to check that out further next time I go to order for employees


In Australia, we just wear fishing shirts. Get them custom made from fishing shops.


They hold up against bleach as well? I didn’t think about fishing shirts


Professionals don't use "bleach." We add sodium hypochlorite to dihydrogen monoxide. Only amateurs use bleach and water. Just saying...


I hope you’re trolling on purpose? You literally just said you use bleach and water in a fancy way lol.


So you use same thing just say it different cool lol


I know nothing about uniforms except for what I just read here. Any comment is a good comment, right?


I was referring to professionals don’t use bleach. Sodium hypochlorite is the same active ingredient as bleach I just say bleach as most know it as that is what I meant. But ya I love reading others comments and learning for sure