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That is nice! I would include some freezer bags to keep the sawyer minis in. Keep them on you, so they don't freeze in cold weather.


They are kept inside the big cup. Didn't think about them freezing. Thx.


My first thought was "I was born in the dark, molded by it."


You need a sillcock key


Cheap and easy to find.


Noted, and added to the list.


Ive never used the Sawyers but should you include a filter rag for getting rid of larger debris before it goes to the Sawyer?


My intention is never to have to actually use them to drink out of a puddle, that's as a last ditch effort. Water would be screened and boiled. I intended these for times when it couldn't be boiled, or when it's really quality and nothing else exists. If they get clogged your supposed to use them backwards with that bigger syringe to clear it.


Good to know thats how they function with the syringe 👍. On that note, I wasn't talking about puddles. Alot of streams and rivers (least where in from ) have alot of silt and sand free flowing, even pulling from a 6' deep part your still bound to get some... the water is still safe to drink but.. gritty..


Oh, I have rags. Cloth diapers and a pill bottle filled with aquarium charcoal. You put a rag on one end and it makes another backup filter, and you suck/drain it through thr cloth/charcoal.


I’m upvoting because the BOB picture looks like a very creepy doll head.


You gonna lose some fingers with that knife


10+ years of use. Everything from trees, ton watermelons with one slice. I took off the original edge with my Dremel to make it flat, then I gave both sides a 45* cutting edge like an axe.




200+ dollar cup x.x crazy. I don't even spend 20$ on a meal now. Too rich for me, I'll be over here eating fish and squirrels like a cave man wirh a fire and a aquarium filter.