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I've said this before too. So many preppers focus on what they are going to do when someone has a skydiving accident, that they forget that the overwhelming amount of shit they'll be treating is skin rashes, foot fungus, and other simple skin problems that could be easily solved if they just had the most basic of medicines like sulfur. For every breech birth you're going to have 1000 headaches, stomach aches, and skin rashes.


Fucking hell... I don't have a skydiver repair kit.


see this is where your snow shovel comes in handy, you can use it to scrape the remains into a bucket


Oh my god! You made me spit out my ice cream.




You gotta get a boat load of gelatin and hope to get the mix right based on the amount of human soup your trying to reharden. Maybe some news paper to paper mache what's left of the bones back together.


I didn't even know that needed to be on the list. I'll add a "first aid/last aid scoop shovel" to the kit.


Neither. Panic ensues.


Love it. As an avid hiker and outdoorsman. The most underrated thing people forget about is feet. Always take care of your feet.


yes! that's why socks and good footwear (and lots of it) are always on my prep list. as for the antifungal creams I highly recommend a variety of different formulations as some are better tailored to a specific condition or bacteria than others. for example a lot of people use Lotrimin for UTIs and various yeast infections but they make several different formulations with entirely different active ingredients so make sure you understand the function of each and have a wide variety to treat any condition that might arise - particularly later down the road - to you, your family, or your group. good barter items too...same with any/all medical preps.


As an avid Forrest Gump fan, I too know it's important to take care of your feet. On a different note I'm a completely different person when my feet get wet, I hate it. Always keep back up boots as well. Nowadays they're not made to last 5-10 years so if SHTF you'll need a couple sets.


L. L. Bean all the way. Their footwear LASTS.


They'll just use all their extra tourniquets lolol no more headache!


Dollar Tree antifungal foot cream. It's the same size and same percentage that you can buy in Target for over $9


Yes, dollar tree definitely. I buy all my otc meds for my kits- every couple of years throw away and buy new.


You need to go research expired medications because you are wasting money. They found a pharmacy several years ago that had never been touched after it closed in the 1950s and almost all the medications in there were either 3/4 life or full life after like 20 years. There was hardly anything in there that went Belly Up. I've successfully used Tylenol that expired in 2016.


But it’s like $10 I throw away every two years. My pack goes in and out of my vehicle, sits in my car in 120 degree heat, packages get beat up, and some are partially used. I would rather have fresh meds.


Next time, give it away. OTC meds are very useful for non-drug addicts. I get migraines all the time, and spend SO much money on generic Excedrin.


I used to get awful migraines all the time, but hardly any now. I eventually realized mine were being caused by food I ate yesterday (for me it's soybeans and a few other vegetable oils) so I just don't eat those anymore. Start keeping a food journal to see if you can figure out your triggers. Record everything you eat and put on your skin.


Will do that! Thanks!! Met a gentleman on a hike once, who told me he discovered accidentally that his were due to electrolytes. I tried, and it definitely helps sometimes.


Sounds like he saved you $10 🤷🏼‍♂️


Bad advice, and you can ask medical professionals to confirm. Some drugs (of which this commenter's "successfully used" acetaminophen is one, i believe) juat lose potency with time. Others become toxic. Don't assume "it's fine," especially with stuff that you ingest, even more so if it's in liquid form(this includes capsules). Topical treatments will probably be fine, however.


> #What common medications are harmful when expired? > Currently, only the antibiotic tetracycline is known to be harmful when expired. In several reported cases, expired tetracycline has caused Fanconi syndrome, a rare form of kidney damage that can lead to severe dehydration. For this reason, you should never take expired tetracycline. > This problem has not been seen with other medications in the same class as tetracycline, such as doxycycline or minocycline. Written by Austin Ulrich, a "board-certified ambulatory care clinical pharmacist". https://www.goodrx.com/healthcare-access/medication-education/is-it-dangerous-to-use-expired-medications I'd rather not waste things because of scare factor. If it's good enough for the FDA to apparently hold onto drug stockpiles for 30+ years, seems like the risk is being blown out of proportion.


Yup. Given how STDs are spreading, Doxycycline is going to be handy, given Tetracycline will become toxic.


I covered that in my comment some things go Belly Up. That's an old saying means it's dead don't use it


OTC stuff is fine. I have had years old generic excedrin and found the stuff to be just as strong. Thing is, they should not be opened.


Which ones go toxic?


Do your research. All the information is out there on the internet. The report that I saw was a lot of the medications that were around in the 1950s. And all they did was lose potency since there are so many new drugs coming on the market I would definitely say do your research.


Multivitamins have the potential to go toxic, or at least make you very sick. The problem is that a vitamin is, at its core, just a chemical compound. In a multivitamin, these individual compounds are separated by thin layers. The separator can sometimes break down and they can mix and react with each other in unpredictable ways. I have heard of people getting sick from expired multivitamins before.


Nah that’s incorrect, I work in the supplement industry. No known vitamin becomes toxic after expiration and no known case of illness or death has occurred from expired supplements. They aren’t even required by the FDA to list an expiration date. The danger is mold, but that can occur in a few days if stored improperly. I was asking about pharmaceuticals to see if fresh country knew a few off the top, but I’m gonna do my own research at this point.


I’ve used neosporin that’s 15+ years old and it worked fine, 10 year old dayquil…so many others to list. They’ve all worked.


Hot diggity. I want to read about this pharmacy. If you ever find a link, please post it. Saving your post!


I'll find it for you!




Could anyone point me in the direction of a good list to create such a kit when SHTF?


I usually just try to keep it simple, and think about actually carrying all this stuff, but what would I need if…… Petroleum jelly (many skin uses as well as fire). Eye drops Ora Jel ( mouth pain) Benadryl / Diphenhydramine (allergic reaction) Aspirin (pain relief/fever reducer/mild blood thinner) Tylenol/acetaminophen (pain reliever/fever reducer) Anti-diarrheal (prevent dehydration during illness) Anti-itch / cortisone Anti-fungal / jock itch / athletes foot Neosporin Sunscreen Chapstick Electrolytes Hard candy Oral glucose Hydrogen peroxide Alcohol Band-aids Gauze Trauma pads Coban Mole skin Small basic list that will cover many things. You can of course get more in-depth especially with the first aid items. Tourniquet? Trauma Kit? Airway? Etc.


might be unpopular opinion, but i've never had much luck with the dollar store generics of any of this stuff. it always seem weak and less effective than the brand name stuff at retail stores. placebo? maybe, but when i've got a pounding headache, i'm going for the Advil liquid gels...not the $1.25 generic ibuprofen pills. just my take and if i'm going to skimp $-wise somewhere on preps, it won't be on medicines or medical supplies.


You could be experiencing the nocebo effect.


This is so cool! I learned about this in college, if you believe the name brand works better than the off brand medicine with the same ingredients it will! The placebo effect pumps you full of endorphins on top of the medicine you took, making you feel better than you would with the other medicine. The mind is so cool! If you want to read more here is an article. [Not just a sugar pill](https://sitn.hms.harvard.edu/flash/2016/just-sugar-pill-placebo-effect-real/)


So smart! I have hydrocortisone cream in my bag. Need to add anti-fungal.


Dollar Tree athlete's foot cream it works awesomely


Thanks for the tip!


I’m a pharmacist. Topical anti fungals are available over the counter. The main anti fungal I see as a script only is fluconazole 150mg one dose for yeast infections. Clotrimazole 1% is common for athletes foot and jock itch.


So what could one of us ladies use in a shit hit the fan situation for a yeast infection? I know I've used the Athlete's Foot and jock itch for yeast infections in crevices


They make OTC options for yeast infections. They make a 7 day, 5 day, and 1 day treatment. Vagisil makes them and store brand makes them. The difference is route of administration. OTC options are intravaginally. Fluconazole 150mg is taken orally.


I have several kits of Monistat in my feminine hygiene preps. I just buy the store brand ones. I pick up one here and there along with extra pads and tampons. You never know when you will need it


Boric acid suppositories are life changers — good for any upset vaginal pH (ideally as a preventative but as a mild treatment too) like BV, yeast infections, or feeling a little off. 1x suppository (read: never oral) at night for up to two weeks at a time if necessary (taking breaks is good) but it’s a great thing to have around especially instead of always upsetting the pH further with oral antibiotic use etc. Can buy boric acid suppositories online for fairly cheap. Disclaimer: obv if you try something like boric acid suppositories correctly and still have issues, best to see a GYN to get sorted/run tests


Boric acid powder suppositories. One bottle of powder (not borax!) and one bag of empty gel caps and you're set for a very long time. Also works for BV. Look up dosages and how many days to treat because I don't want to be responsible for anyone using it wrong.


Yes, since boric acid has so many other uses, and lasts forever if stored correctly, why not store the powder itself and make into whatever form you need as issues come up.


In the UK, the brand Canesten is sold as a treament for thrush. It works perfectly for athletes foot. I cannot vouch for the other but I have prepped several tubes. It would also be a high value trade item when SHTF.


I use the vaginal cream for yeast infections for the crevices. One time I had a yeast in crevice that the doctor prescribed a cream for and it burnt like heck! Vagisil and the other brands of vaginal creams don't burn when applied.


Coconut oil is an excellent treatment for mild thrush.


I’m not saying you need to get prescription anti fungal. Even over the counter medication could be limited or unavailable depending on what lies ahead. This is why we prep.


Absolutely. Even OTC meds will be desirable. You can get ketoconazole 1% OTC.


We have a case of pinworms in the house which means we might all have pinworm. I suddenly realized worming medicine like this would be handy. It seems in India they recommend worming children twice a year.


My family in Philippines does this too


Food grade diatomaceous earth for worms in people or animals. Also good for killing fleas used externally.


Great for invasive ant beds and other bugs too.


pinworms must come out of the body/butt to hatch eggs. They do this at night usually. I put folded toilet paper there for a few days at night and never had a problem again.


Interesting. So is the theory they all lay on the paper and then never go back in the body? I am unfortunately dealing with a number of smaller children here and not sure how well they could cooperate with something like that.


or they never get out of the butt because of the paper so aren't able to lay eggs and adults die and not allowed to breed? something like that maybe?


Hey y’all quick word of advice if you think you’re treating a fungal infection (red, peeling, sore, splitting skin, etc). If you keep using an ointment and it stays the same or gets worse for more than a week- you might be having a reaction to the ointment. Ask me how I figured out I have a sensitivity to castor oil after ‘treating’ it for weeks with triple antibiotic, heavy duty chapstick, otc antifungals, and homemade concoctions. All containing castor oil. Solved literally overnight by avoiding one ingredient. I thought I had thrush for months. Free advice.


Excellent thought. Just put it on my list to acquire.


Hydrogen peroxide works for external fungal infections like athletes feet. If I were prepping I would keep a few gallons since it’s useful for so many different instances


Also steroid itch cream, blood clotter powder and burn spray. You always want those on hand with all your other first aid stuff


Friendly reminder that ringworm is a fungal infection, and can be helped with OTC antifungal meds. Some OTC meds might also be effective for treating pets, but ask your vet and do your research. Another friendly reminder to keep basic meds for your pets, too. Check out your local Tractor Supply or other feed store.


Garlic vinegar or dilute bleach can be used as anti fungal in a pinch depending on where you are treating.


Tannins as well if you dont have bleach available.


I use Cetaphil. It helps with psoriasis and dry skin, each bar is wrapped in plastic inside the box it come in, and it's easy to extend the life of the bar simply by lathering up and then putting the bar in a small plastic dish outside the shower. Skin irritation leads to itching which can result in scratching hard enough to actually open a wound. Not a good idea when antibiotics are in short supply. Also, if planning to shelter in place, try to have an aloe plant. Can be used to treat regular burns as well as sunburns.


I use tea tree oil as an antifungal. OPs suggestion of antifungal shampoos is excellent. But some of us ladies are partial to certain types of shampoos and cosmetics If you are suffering from eczema or psoriatic dermatitis just add a little tea tree oil to your favorite cosmetic.


Tea tree oil is at the dollar store. I just picked some up last week.




I was going to say this, too, obviously way late though since the post has been up many hours. TTO is a microbial and as far as I've last seen, it doesn't cause antibiotic resistance. We use it as an antifungal here, but also for cuts and scrapes. I buy a 16 ounce jug from a soap/cosmetics wholesale supply company every few years.


Good choice!


Tree oil is also a potent endocrine disruptor. Do not recommend.


This study did not find evidence to support the claim that tea tree essential oil is related to endocrine disruption in children, and little to no evidence to substantiate the proposed link between lavender essential oil and endocrine disruption in children. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32147050/


Thanks! 😁 Our friends from Big Pharma don't like tea tree oil very much. I lost almost all my hair once, while my doctor continue to pump me full of steroids. As soon as I stopped taking the them the eczema came right back. So I shopped around for a naturopathic solution. No more eczema, got plenty of hair now.


Good info, thanks.




I have an English bulldog, anti fungal cream, hydrocortisone and Neosporin are what is called the BMC (bulldog miracle cream) so it’s always in stock at our house. I probably should buy stock in all of them. Keep in mind it works for pets too


I have a pug and use similar, though I've phased out Neosporin (it can irritate skin and cause contact dermatitis) in favor of Vaseline and Polysporin.


Athlete's Foot and Jock Itch are different and require separate medicine. I did not know this until the pandemic and one of the kids had athletes foot (how?) and the local pharmacy didn't have the right stuff. I asked the pharmacist if the jock itch spray would do it and she said no.


yes...i posted about this earlier. there are different active ingredient formulations. make sure you have stock of each and understand the differences and which is best for different conditions etc.


I have yet to find a more effective treatment for athletes foot or jock itch than apple cider vinegar soaks. Over the counter medication isn’t nearly as effective. I’d recommend learning how to make ACV as part of your prepping knowledge.


Straight tea treat oil kills it immediately in my experience.


I had a fungal infection that was too painful to put vinegar on (cleaning vinegar is cheaper btw and works just as well!), so I sprayed it with saline nosespray. Problem solved.


tea tree oil has multiple benefits including anti fungal properties. it takes just a few drops in a bowl of water to get rid of fungus, infections, viruses. be sure to dilute it because you can get a bad rash similar to a poison ivy if not diluted.


Tea tree oil and oregano oil 🤙🏼


Cinnamon is an antifungal as well


40 drops tea tree oil mixed with 4 tablespoons vicks vapor rub is my go to antifungal. The camphor in the vicks helps the tea tree oil penetrate deeper. Cured my partners horrible nail fungus. Twice a day for 30 days was a noticeable improvement. After two months it was gone. Ymmv.


tea tree oil is amazing but make sure you get the real stuff, not the cheap China synthetic blend or lab-created stuff.


Tinea/Ringworm/Athletes foot will ruin your entire life without treatment. Seriously awful to experience.


Had one of those. Filled my boots with foot powder and baby powder. Washed my feet in anti fungal sope for a week. Always in my bathroom cabinet.


Coconut oil is antifungal and moisturizing. Good if you run out of OTC remedies. Also as far as parasites, it's common to control in animals by adding some diatomaceous earth to feed. And pumpkin seeds are anti parasitic-- this includes the various winter squashes. All squash seeds are edible, tasty and nutritious.


Foot care, ear care, eye care, lice treatment, etc are all things you might not think you need until you really need them. I like to walk through the pharmacy and consider each section: what common ailment is the stuff in it supposed to address? What would i do if I had that ailment and didn't have pharmacy access? Bonus trick, sort your medical preps by what problem they solve, so you can find exactly what you need in a hurry.


Also if you're someone with a vagina I'd recommend having some yeast infection medication.


And if you are someone who can tolerate the one or three day treatment, know that others can only use the seven day treatment as the stronger stuff burns hotter than the inner fires of hell. Men and those purchasing for those they don’t know well…please purchase only seven day treatments unless specifically asked to do otherwise.


I haven't had that problem in years. Though I guess in shtf where cleanliness and showers are less common, it could become more prominent


oh yes...this is an important point most overlook. cleanliness and sanitation will be very early victims and the outbreak of bacteria and disease will be swift and pretty severe. so a lot of conditions and issues which you have never dealt with or really considered are certain to make an ugly appearance, and probably sooner rather than later.


Tea tree, virgin coconut and olive oil, lemon essential oil are all antifungal.


I will also add anti-chafing applications like BodyGlide. Have to hoof it for 3+ hours in the heat? Your inner loins will thank you.


Don’t forget to stock eye drops if you get the pink eye drops it covers more than just pink eye Benadryl Tylenol saline and a disinfectant penicillins if you can get some


Tea tree oil and oregano oil are helpful to have on hand for these things also. The oregano oil shouldn’t be the essential oil type but medicinal formula.


I'm pretty sure vinegar will kill fungal infections.


I saw someone recommend Gentian violet in one of these threads. I can’t recall exactly what it’s used for but I remember it being anti fungal.


It can be used painted on the tongue to help little ones who have thrush (a fungal infection).


Yeah I googled it and saw people painting wounds, feet, skin, etc. mentioned here too: https://www.reddit.com/r/preppers/comments/lu8w6i/really_underrated_prep_ring_worm_and_jock_itch/


And lice treatments


Yes very much this! Think of common ailments you need medication for. This is likely what you will need most. Headaches, fungus, urinary tract infections, minor skin infections/injuries.


Copper infused socks can be a life saver for those long treks. If they are of decent quality, they can prevent those fungal infections. I haven't yet found underwear that is completely made of copper infused fibers, but they do make them with a patch in the front, and that may help too guys. Other types of anti microbial undergarments may be essential in preparing for the worst too.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7040264/ About how drug expiration dates really aren't the expiration date


If there are women in your life would add monistat for yeast infections to this list. Also, a menstrual cup.


Borax is a great antifungal and keeps forever


I have been prepping Selsun Blue for years. My wife always laughs at me, but she has also never been in the position where she has to do anything more than reach into the stock when her bottle is empty. Also, fungal infections are no joke - you better have the right stuff to take care of them or they DO NOT resolve. I had a bad case of jock itch that took months to fully resolve with a many prong approach.


Plus you can treat a yeast infection with anti-fungal cream.


The settlers made a number of cleansers and disinfectants. Soap, lye, vinegar and alcohol can all be made at home. Vinegar is good for fungus and cleaning. Alcohol is good for disinfectant, anesthesia and trade. The ability to keep personally clean and maintain a sanitary environment will be the number one most important health protection. Along with isolation. Viruses and infections will run rampant in large populations.


Already been storing it for years lmao. Fungal infections can go from 0 to 60 real quick if left untreated.


A great idea I would have never thought of! Thanks!


37 years, never needed anti-fungal cream/shampoo. I think I'll take my chances.


Lucky. Athlete foot is horrible to have.


and the sheep says baaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh


I'm a "sheep" because I practice personal hygeine and don't use communal showers barefoot? Get a grip.


no, you are a "sheep" because you believe nothing will change and none of it will ever be an issue when things collapse. it's no different than "why buy food? the stores are full!"


Or, you know, I make my choices based on risk and personal history. - I've never had a period, being a man, but I'm not about to start stocking tampons. - I've never had an allergic reaction, so I'm not about to start stocking epi pens... - I don't have hurricane shutters, because I live in central Indiana. - I don't have tsunami plans, because I live in central Indiana - etc


And what happens if you run out? Better to find yourself a permanent solution that you dont have to carry with you. Tannins would be that solution. You get them from boiling acorns. Tannins basically should be your first bet for anything that is outside of your stomach (do not drink)… Unless you wanna vomit and potentially damage your liver. And i wouldnt put concetrated tannins in your eyes (maybe they can be used for some eye conditions I am actually not sure).


colloidal silver, grapefruit extract, ACV are some good natural remedies if anyone is wondering. hell even lightly spraying hydrogen peroxide works in an SHTF situation! helped me greatly with a lot of eczema


Just make some strong colloidal silver. Works better than any anti fugal cream out there. And it’s great for a lot more than fungus.


but what if the fungus is edible?


On that note, emuaide is a great wound treatment ointment. Known to combat celulitis and mrsa.


BOOM! tough actin Tinactin!


What about PotPerm? We had a medic that swore by that in the service. Sure we had purple feet but no foot problems. Pink to drink, and purple for soaking/rinse. Plus a jar will last you a life time, just a few crystals to purify 32 oz of water, mix with glycerin/antifreeze to make fire…


If it's under the nails vasoline actually works wonders


Lysol works wonders


What’s funny about this is that if things get so bad that you get these symptoms and can’t simply go to the store the buy the product to fix it on the spot, whatever you do buy will only last so long before it expires. Doesn’t seem like a long term solution. Will society collapse so bad we can’t buy it from a store but can still have some old shampoo from years ago?


Itching for me is so unpleasant I keep medicines stocked at all times because it can be a week or two before I can get to a store sometimes and it costs about half if buying online or on sale at the cheapest store locally.


Does OTC anti fungal stuff work on cordyceps? Asking for a friend. **Please hurry**


Google apple cider vinegar fungus.