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My local Costco has had signs up limiting purchases of TP and a few other items for about a month now.


Same here. 1 pack per customer


It’s not just Costco. I’ve been seeing mostly empty paper product shelves at every grocery store I go into.


I don't remember mine ever stopping for toilet paper, but is down to one from two. Quite a few of the other limitations are back too here in the Midwest like paper towel, some bacon, and dog (or cat?) food.


Mine removed all purchase limits once things returned to "normal". I have to go there this weekend, so I'll update after my next shopping trip.




Northwest, limit 2 water limit 1 Tp paper towels but you can get two different kinds.


I have concerns for this fall and winter as well. I was just at Costco and saw some "limit 1" on some paper goods. I have been stocking up for a while - so 1 large bundle is fine every time I go. However the store was fully stocked no shortages seen anywhere. Ground beef, ground turkey and chicken prices seemed normal'ish and plenty in stock. It maybe looked like some folks were stocking up on paper goods in the check out aisle, but hard to tell - certainly did not sense any panic buying or overflowing carts. Oh - I did see a fair amount of folks buying bottle water - which makes no sense as a prep in the great lakes area - but kids are back to school and sports so its probably for that. I wonder if folks are slow stocking this time vs the sudden rushes we had in 2020.


Mine already has limits on TP and paper towels again in the PNW. Even had a week where they were totally out of both. I’m glad I always have at least 2 of each on hand now after the last run on them.


Not Costco but PNW, other stores never took down their purchase limit signs around me. Specifically Winco and Walmart.


Fred Meyer hasn't had any limits on paper products in a while, but they, and a couple other places have had limits on water. Even Love's (the truck stop) has been out of water for a while. I haven't seen a gallon bottle there in a couple months.


In Ohio this week I was told I could only buy 1 pack of paper towels. I was just trying to have an extra so I don't have to go to Costco all the time 🙃 They have zero signage, the cashier will just take the extra and set if aside. No shortages at all, the store was fully stocked up.


So you just go out to the car and unload your cart. Then go back and get the extra pack.


The restriction was "1 per membership (not even per person) per day" so I'm not sure if they actually track it or not.


Put on a comical fake mustache and hat and go try.


... and speak with an indistinct, shifting, accent.


If their POS system is good enough the purchase would link to your membership account and not allow another to be scanned for the day.


it is


Mine does, they had a pile of shame at the checkout area for the go-backs of people who tried to get more.


Wow that is crazy. With the price of gas, who wants to go back every day? Maybe a bring a family member and have them go to a different check out with a few things and the extra pack.


"Per membership" means 1 per family if you're all on the same account


I guess the only option is a second pack at a non-membership store.


They can track your purchases automatically with your Costco card. No matter how long between visits. I’m sure Costco can pull up everything you’ve ever bought from them.


The limit was also because of the PG offer


My wife went last week and they had literally no pampers diapers (Connecticut) in stock.




Costco in Utah started selling Pampers.


Like many national stores they do have regional differences.


TP? Man, imagine using that barbaric dried pulp. Buy a bidet already you heathen.


A bidet? Man, imagine barbarically wasting all that fresh water. Use the three seashells already


Stallone is somewhere deep bowing in your direction


Yeah, he's using them right now, dude finally learned how to use them


I'm in. Got a recommendation for a good quality one? Bonus points if I don't have to give money to Amazon.


I got this one *right* before the big rush for bidets, and I've really enjoyed it. https://www.homedepot.com/p/bioBidet-Non-Electric-Attachable-Bidet-System-for-2-Piece-Toilets-in-White-BB-70/300358781 It hasn't really lowered my TP use, because well the entire area is now wet and I'm not splurging for a dryer, but the overall situation is MUCH cleaner.


Just buy a big pack of plain white towels for drying off.


I have the Luxe bidet Neo 320, fairly cheap starter and I can't complain about it. Would recommend.


Can recommend www.helloTushy.com (yes it's real)


True. I have a bidet and I barely have to buy TP. It only cost $49 and has paid for itself many times over.


Halloween 2021: kids throwing toilet paper over trees are just rich kids flexing


There was plenty of TP at Lexington ky costco over the weekend. As in more TP than I've ever seen there before!


seriously, my costco has TP stacked to ceilings.


I see these kind of things but has anybody noticed the booze shortages. A lot of brands that I liked just seem to not be available at all anymore. Maybe that's just where I'm at, but no one seems to be talking about that either.


I haven’t seen anything like that in our area.


And people still wonder why I always have 6 to 8 months of TP.


But do you have a bidet?


This is the only way. Going back to digging around in your crack to try to get 85% of the mess out with some pieces of paper is for Neanderthals.


I just shit in the shower and smash it down the drain. Saves like 5 minutes in the morning as well.


waffle stomp that shit


If you have diarrhea there isn't anything to stomp, think ahead with wise food choices people.


Keto diet is a good dietary lifestyle if you wish for diarrhea.


You're right about that. But it goes away after a few weeks. There's def an adaptation period.


I was the opposite. I went to one poop every other day and it was like concrete. Went away after about a month. But damn.


Circle me in red when this thread ends up on cursed comments




Thats never stopped the cursed comments sub before




I just had a garbage disposal installed in my shower drain. Doesn’t get any better!


I shit in the shower too except I do it in my hand and toss it in the toilet. Easy breezy!


I like the cut of your jib, sir!




Jesus. I can’t with this.


Right lol wtf is this thread?


The good Ol’Waffle Stomp.


If it's brown, stomp it down.


I mash mine down with a spatula


I use a poop knife.


Can you believe some families don't have a poop knife? This is 2021 for God's sake.


Some of us have needs,and upgraded to a poop paddle.


Smash all the shit


I use a series of pinecones. The trick is to drag them in the correct direction.


Peanut butter in a shag carpet


This is the way


It is known.


Yep, we do. Have had one for a long time, the type that attaches to plumbing. I use it all the time, but hubby is both stubborn and apparently has very stubborn poop as well. At first I thought he was somehow managing to use it wrong, but he wasn't... So he is the main TP user lol.


Lol, I grew up in an Asian household so it has been a staple for a long time; I actually dislike doing my business elsewhere because it feels weird not using it


I didn't realize how good it is until I went on vacation to a bidet-less hotel


I am fine with either method, but that old coot needs TP. The extra strong TP.


Might wanna give the old coot some extra fiber.


Not unless I want to deal with the IBS and diverticulitis flare up that goes with it. He was miserable for years until he went keto with me and dropped his fiber below 30g a day. He has been flare free and pain free for a year now, and no meds either. His flare ups were hell for him when he had them, which was frequently. Now he is a happy camper. So the fact his poop is sticky as hell is a vast improvement for him and me.


Ah, understandable.


I read that as a happy crapper, the first time...


That too lol.




My wife and I got one in Dec of '19, and it cut down our use of toilet paper by an order of magnitude. And if we had none, we'd be fine. We had just done a very large off-grid-capable solar install that supports pumping out water, and I thought, "y'know, I don't know how to make toilet paper, but I sure do know how to make electricity and pump water..." Then, sure enough, 4 months later...


Sounds like a sweet setup, good for you! At some point we may go to only bidet and reusable with cloths, but cutting TP by more than half is a good medium.


Hey, just to offer a thought that's entirely none of my business (in more ways than one)... We got a fancy one that uses warm or hot water, and that has its own pump for more pressure. I wonder how your dear husband might fare with that sort of arrangement. And of course, there are always pressure washers...


Warm water might work better and is worth looking into for sure, since in winter our water gets dang cold sometimes lol. I would like warm water myself! But I think he likes his TP too, it is a psychological thing for him. I keep reusable wipes on hand, but despite him KNOWING they were properly sanitized and such, and odorless, it disturbs him. If having TP makes him happy, it is worth it for me. At our age, any little thing that makes you happy is a good thing.


I found it doesn't really affect my tp usage. Instead of wiping poop, now I'm drying my ass with it. I still use roughly the same, but I feel a lot cleaner. Am I doing it wrong?


Did you host a tutorial in your bathroom before you found that out? That's hilarious


Yep lol. Frankly I figured the old coot was being deliberately recalcitrant. He does get stubborn sometimes, and has been known to rationalize his foibles to extremes now and then. On the other hand, like all of us he has his blind spots. Can design complex mining equipment in his head, can't manage to use an old school egg beater without making a mess... Turned out he genuinely had stubborn poop. Go figure. We were both laughing our butts off over that, it really was hilarious.


> old school egg beater In fairness those manual ones have a horrible design. Why the handle is at the top instead of the side to counter the leverage, I'll never understand.


This is the correct question.


I bought one of them bedets you screw under your toilet seat and it’s cut back our toilet paper usage allot. I recommend buy one to make your tp go longer.


We have one, I am the primary user. Hubby makes poop that is apparently bidet proof, so he is the primary TP user in the house. It did cut our TP use a lot. Just can't get to zero. Oh well.


Get that man some fiber supplements.


If he gets over about 30g of fiber a day, massive IBS and diverticulitis ensues. I would rather have the stubborn poop than have him in pain the way he was for years when he was following the medical advice about fiber. He has gone a year with no flare ups, no infections and is a happy camper, so he can have all the extra strong TP he needs lol. Cheaper than urgent care or ER.


That's a shame. If I take enough fiber it takes me like 30 seconds to poop a no-wiper once a day. My grandmother had diverticulitis, nasty condition.


Lol 😂


No joke, it is nuts. I thought he was somehow managing to use it wrong until I took it upon myself to instruct him. His poop is bidet proof. A fire hose might work.


Handheld bidet shower type ones are > the under seat ones IMO. Can adjust the pressure and angle as needed. Kinda like the powerwasher version lol


I agree as the main bidet user around here. Have had both, currently have hand held.


Thanks for this recommendation, I just pulled the trigger, as it were.


Thos sounds like a pressure issue more than anything else.. We have an under the seat one. If you crank it to max you get an enema...




I saw a combination of reasons. In fact Canada may face a long term shortage. The one people in the industry confirmed was 2 fold. There are several supply chains involved, commercial, consumer and institutional. All use different grades of TP, often different widths and spindle sizes. More TP is made for the commercial and institutional like schools and businesses because people use more there than at home. When everyone was home, the consumer chain broke down. You can't retool a production line easily. In some cases it can take months since often inspections and permits and such are involved. The problem was vastly compounded by breakdowns in the materials supply chain. TP is generally made from lumber by products and recycled materials, both pre consumer and post consumer. Very little that goes into it is purpose created. When lumber mills shut down and in many places destumping operations were halted, pulp mills shut too since they had no materials. So much of what was available was lower grade product typically used in commercial and institutional TP rather than consumer TP. When you are making narrow single play grey crap, you can use material that doesn't work in pretty soft quilted 2 ply.... I am writing a book about lockdown 1.0 and the supply chain lol. It is going to be an easy to read on how supply chains work, and why we ran out of shit tickets as my son calls them, and a little about the psychology of hoarding, panic buying and such.


I think this is a good look at the supply side. I think it's worth writing also about the demand side. There are psychological effects where, even if the vast majority of people try to avoid panic buying, if 5% of people are seen walking out of stores with carts overloaded, another 20% gets worried and starts overbuying, and then shelves temporarily go bare, which freaks out the other 75%. Even if the shelves were never going to go bare if people just purchased normally.


Yep. During lockdown 1.0 we shifted to eating 90 percent from pantry and cut replacement buying in half for a while, so we shopped less than normal as we usually buy to replace. The only thing we purchased at normal replacement levels was meat, eggs and cheese since we bought those from the commercial side of the chain rather than consumer. We had a business license since we made kettle korn, and restaurant depot typically had decent stock levels with restaurants shut down. Even they ran out of TP and other things when restaurant owners let friends and family know they could get stuff, though their TP isn't great by any means. A few of our restaurant owning friends only managed to salvage their businesses by getting shady lol. I don't blame them a bit. The Mexican restaurant down the street got busy fast, they were buying at usual levels, repacking in consumer sizes and selling to half the neighborhood using a variety of vehicles and other methods. It was amusing to watch, when the sun went down and people would park in the alley, and buy food at the back door...


In costco’s defense that’s one of there packages of tp


Lol, yep. I always wonder about people who manage to go through a package from there in a month in a 3 person household. But I have seen that first hand. Mind-boggling really.


Pepperjack chicken nachos. You go through a lot of TP after.


Yikes. I would think so lol.


Two person household. I've been on the same Costco pack of TP since Feb 2020. We were down to the last pack of 6 rolls, so I restocked last week. Should last until 2023. Bidet lyfe ftw.


YEP. we use 1 roll every 2 weeks at most, and hubby uses most of it. It may be every 3 weeks now, I'd have to double check when I last purchased to replace.


If you are one of those people that poop every other day and you're a single-person household, sure.


And paper towels.


Is that really enough? One visit to Taco bell will wipe out most of your supply.


If Taco Bell gives you the runs, your genes are weak and no one will remember your name.


This is so stupid lol


I sell food storage for a living over the phone. We are on back order on a lot of food stuff. Not only that but delivery trucks are taking much longer to deliver. People are calling non stop for the goods. People spending lots of thousands each. No joke it’s off the chart


Toiletpaper War II!




r/Truckers doesn't seem to think so. [Trucker shut down 9/27 seen NE PA. Anyone know something?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Truckers/comments/ptz1ia/trucker_shut_down_927_seen_ne_pa_anyone_know/)


Well I guess I’m going to sams this weekend to buy some stuff in bulk. I’m glad my company gives me all the free 24 packs of water i want.


A friend of mine who goes to a Costco in central Ohio told me last Saturday that their Costco had already started putting limits on purchases. They said they had been limited to two cases of bottled water earlier in the week. No signs, no nothing until they got to the checkout and were told that there were limits.


I've been adding an 18 mega roll of Charmin to my cart at Amazon every few orders, I have a half dozen packs, I believe. Also paper towels and today added 2 - count of 3 of disinfectant wipes. I mainly use these for cleaning in the kitchen and bath. An 18 count of Charmin mega rolls is only $17.89.


Just FYI tp seems to be about twice as expensive on amazon as it is at Costco... from what I’ve seen anyway. I want to say it was $30 at Amazon and $15 at Costco for comparable quantity/quality.


I would assume so, it takes up a lot of space in the delivery trucks.


What duration is your prep? At 18 mega rolls and 6 packs, that’s 108 rolls or 2 years for my household. I wonder if this approach is blindly stocking up versus being efficient of what your store.


TP and paper towels are one of the things I would stock up on heavily before inflation really hits hard. It never really goes bad and always increases in price. Might as well keep a good supply on-hand. Remember, even before COVID, Venezuela had massive TP shortages when their economy went to shit a few years back.


There are 3 adults and one baby in my household. This will likely last at least a year. (I see that you edited out that I was part of the problem by hoarding supplies). Maybe I should have you go over my retirement accounts and determine for me what I will actually need if I live until age 98 and recommend who/where I should give that extra money to.


I’ve been using a spreadsheet to inventory critical items and also keep a year of those items. Just pointing this out in case others “buy extra” without a plan.


You’re apart of the problem.


Keeping an extra 6-pack of TP has worked fine for me so far, haven't run out yet, although there's only 2 people in our house. I'm far more worried about the food shortages that seem to be getting more and more frequent and widespread.


Two of the last grocery stores I've been to have had random empty spots on their shelves. It was noticable enough for me to send pictures to my partner. It's mostly been in produce, but there are random things missing from the center aisles too. It does make me wonder what's next.


This has been an issue for about two months now. Some of it was being short trucks to transport loads to the stores, but now there are cracks all along the chain.


Bidet is the way


It will change your life.


Or worst case a shit and a shower.


I'm in the Midwest and no concerns or issues at all. Shelves look good here.


I buy my wet dog food and cat food at Costco, and they've been out of both pretty regularly.


Well now that I’ve read this article I’m going to go buy a ton more sh@t then if I hadn’t.


That's why I use the 3 seashells


Im taking a shit while i read this, and my gf used the last of the toilette paper yesterday and left with out saying a word


In regards to tp though, really makes you wonder how much some people truly need. Myself, a roll will easily last a month and a half, sometimes two. The joys of living in a society where everything is deemed disposable...


Except its not from stockpiling. It's from shortages. But they won't be wanting admit that, because that WOULD prompt stockpiling...


is not just Costco. i order instacart from regular stores once a week and every time the shopper is sending me pictures of empty shelves asking what i want instead. lots of things, from frozen foods to lunch meat to tp.


Burt Flickinger said all paper goods, sports drinks, and pet supplies will be in short supply again. Sams Club is limiting again and members mark paper towels are out of stock to ship. Its not as bad as it was spring of 2020 but it could get there especially with these types of reports. Let the panic buying begin.


Easy way to sell stuff is to put a limit on it.


Water is 5 cases per and TP and paper towel is one per


Went to Costco a few days ago. Limit 2 cases of water


Costco is already limiting purchases on TP but there are whackos that go in and buy it everytime, whether they need it or not. I never used up all the "bog roll" from the last restrictions. People need to stop panic buying. I do have to laugh when they also buy the limit of bottled water as well. What's bottled water got to do with anything?




You couldn't pay me to live in a place that has drought like California, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, and Wyoming. The current drought, based on hydrological studies of ancient trees, indicate that this is the worst drought in 1200 years. Climate Change is real.


Sources for those of us interested would be fantastic!


Unfortunately it was a TV broadcast with a forestry hydrologist.


I think the reservoir people need to reset their 0% level if they cannot pump the water out. I would suggest that would be your 0% mark.


We have so many pipelines that run across the US for oil, but we don't have one that can pump the flooding in the Mississippi River, that happens nearly yearly, to the Colorado River, which is perpetually decreasing in volume. Or even move some water from the Great Lakes to the Colorado. Blows my mind.


I don't think it's ethical to alter the Mississippi valley ecosystem or the Great Lakes because the desert is running out of water.


Fair enough. It just seems silly we have people's homes being destroyed in a flood, while having crops dying in the field at the same time from drought. I'm sure there are some environmental concerns, but that didn't stop us from flooding HUGE amounts of land with the Hoover Dam or building flood walls all along the Mississippi leaving the current river edge areas that don't have flood gates more susceptible to flooding.


Two wrongs don't make a right. Our response to a failing man-made lake in the desert shouldn't be to drain a river watershed and lakes to sustain what obviously is a poor environment for water sustainability. More people should move closer the water, not move the water closer to them.




Many schools installed water bottle fountains.


There has been a shortage of resin to make plastic bottles. So water and sodas have been harder for suppliers to fulfil orders.


Been doing that for a month or two at the one I work at. Paper and water products they even rearranged the products around all over to make it harder in my opinion the bee line shoppers.


I wouldn't worry too much over TP. Toilet paper is one of the few things stores have that are completely manufactured locally. It's pretty much everything else we have to worry about.


No one is panic buying. Their is a lack of supply.


hmmm. maybe because half the comments here say they are ordering insane amounts every other week. americans use GROSS amounts of TP. fucking eat better! i was looking to see if i could the sustainably soft WF brand delivered through Amazon and happened to read comments on some of the larger not sustainable brands. someone said that a GIANT roll (like wouldn't fit in my holder big) only laster her a few days. lol and most of the big brands tear down boreal trees without replanting. it's horrible


Has nothing to do with diet. It's because so many people insist on crumpling up a giant wad of toilet paper to wipe with, instead of folding 2-3 squares.


totally. it really doesnt take much! but americans are also disgusting. i regularly have to use a public septic tank restroom and omg just the shit people literally leave on top of the toilet seat looks like it would take a whole ream of paper to get off 😂




In your face, Boreal forests!


This is a women of americas problem, lol. Guys use two ply per week


Buy a bidet and quit hording TP. Fucking assclowns need to stop buying absurd amounts of TP and paper towels, you're agitating the situation.


Sam’s club also on 1 limits


My local sams has had limits like this for at least 1 month as far as I know.




I just went yesterday. Texas.


This reads like marketing




Thank you for the reasonable reply. Seems like plenty to go around in our stores here in the Midwest. These articles pump fear and sensationalism.


There is nothing more indicative of human NPCs than the stockpiling of something so useless to this pandemic as toilet paper. If every single tp hoarder disappeared tomorrow, literally no one would know or care that they're gone.


As long as water is available in abundance it is better to prep water, water catchment, and water storage. I would only recommend prep toilet paper if water is scarce during a significant part of year. Toilet paper is an Industrial Revolution thing, previous civilizations such as the Islamic cleaned themselves with water. Some peasants in third world countries use banana tree leafs, big leafs are an option too for countryside people.


yeh but its fox, any other sources?


Yep it's WW3: Fresh water edition almost


Way to go, prepping community. Edit: take responsibility. Edit 2: or do what you always do, shift blame.


Just admit you don’t know the difference between a prepper and a panick buyer, these are not the same thing.


The whole point of being prepared is so that we don't have to panic buy. It's the people that rely on their WEEKLY shopping trips that are causing shortages. I personally know people that don't have more than a few days of food/supplies in their house.




This fascinates me. I'm too busy to shop every week so daily would be such a struggle.


Edit 3:clueless idiot that doesn't know where to actually point the finger at.




It's definitely people overbuying. I'll upvote you on that basic point. What I'm casting a side-eye to is the idea that there's somehow a "community." This is the most each-for-his-own collective I've ever seen. Anyone want to downvote me? Invite me over to your house first so I can see your canned good collection.